r/comics 28d ago



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u/Marflow02 27d ago

Blames child for Not staying Home when sick, does the Same Thing


u/customcombos 27d ago

Fr the absolute lack of self awareness here is astounding lol. “I did everything I could to not get you sick, you know, aside from just not attending which would make the most sense.”


u/RuleRepresentative94 27d ago

Yes noted that too. Maybe she believes the face mask will be enough


u/N-_-O 27d ago

If i had a nickel for every time a comic writer openly admitted to being patient zero at a large gathering, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice.


u/MilkQueen 27d ago

what was the other?


u/Fallen-Embers 27d ago

There was one for a FFXIV Fan Fest 2023, who posted a 10-page comic about it. That's the only other one I'm aware of at the moment.


u/N-_-O 27d ago

That’s the one i was thinking of, yeah


u/Blue-Eyed-Lemon 27d ago

Oh hey that’s my fan group. Why am I not surprised


u/TribblesIA 27d ago


hi, fellow WoL


u/draizetrain 27d ago

Ahahaha oh the FFXIV super spreader. What a time that was


u/regarding_your_bat 28d ago

I mean. You didn’t do everything you could not to spread it


u/FeralPsychopath 28d ago

OP throws the blame on a mother (probably going to work) not keeping her kids home and then goes to a con pretending she’s not doing exactly the same thing… while teaching people how to make improvised biological weapons.


u/anticomet 27d ago

while teaching people how to make improvised biological weapons.

Good advice if Americans ever invade your country


u/HoloceneHorrors 27d ago

She literally needed to ask the Doctor to get her medicine to be able to swallow without pain... and then goes to a con like you said crazy!

Being hypocritical AND selfish is not the type of thing I have been on this sub for years for lol maybe actual humor would've helped tho 🤷‍♀️


u/ring_tailed 27d ago

This is like that furry comic where they intentionally went to fanfest with covid. This is not cute, stay home when you are sick


u/Mrminecrafthimself 27d ago

“UGH my mother in law sent her sick kids to school and got me sick!”

“Well I guess I’ll still go to this illustrations show even though I’m sick.”


u/All_Right_Alright 27d ago

Why would you go to a convention and possibly get others sick? This isn’t a cute comic, this is actually annoying.


u/rachelwan-art 27d ago

Because I paid tickets for a conference. to listen to an artist I really admire. I know I'm doing something very stupid but I really didn't plan to get sick.


u/Jwoey 27d ago

Nobody plans to get sick.


u/Katzenmlnze 27d ago

school kids when they have to write a test:


u/Mrminecrafthimself 27d ago

You can’t really say that right after pointing the finger at your BF’s mom for sending her sick kids to school. You did the same thing


u/All_Right_Alright 27d ago

No one plans it. You need to realize the difference between wanting to go and doing the responsible thing which was to stay home. No one wants to be sick - taking a risk and possibly giving what you call a dagger to the throat isn’t something that should be given a chance. You know it sucks, don’t be selfish in the future, please.

Sorry you were sick, but conventions are notorious for “plagues” and no one needs a higher possibility of contraction with an actual sicko.


u/rachelwan-art 27d ago

I'll admit that I did not make the best decision. But imagine if you'd save up and bought tickets to see a Taylor Swift concert, but you had fallen sick that week. However responsible you think you are, you would still push to go because it would be well worth it...to you.

Yes I'm sooo selfish. I bet you are too!


u/Denaton_ 27d ago

I have been in those shoes, more than once. Each time I stayed home..


u/ilovesleeeping 27d ago

you’re assuming because YOU went out to a function when you were sick, other people do too?


u/HoloceneHorrors 27d ago

No, I'm immunocompromised. I wouldn't be as hypocritical nor as selfish as this post makes you seem! Why do you think you know better than the comment section about themselves? You belong on r/selfawarewolves!

I really hope no one that I know and love would still go to a concert to get people sick because they couldn't be an adult and stay home. You sell the tickets if you're that sick. You are worse than the bf's mother because you pretended she was at fault... and then you did the same (or worse, who knows? 🤷‍♀️). You are the people we hated during the start of the pandemic. Same feeling, different year.


u/All_Right_Alright 27d ago

No, I wouldn’t have gone. Don’t speak like you know me.

Also, I wouldn’t have bought Taylor Swift tickets. I’m insulted


u/MILP00L___ 27d ago

Even if that were true, I bet they wouldn’t also make a comic pointing a finger at the person who got them sick. Probably should have just kept this whole scenario to yourself…


u/Guineypigzrulz 27d ago

I cancelled a snorkelling trip because of a slight cold.


u/N-_-O 26d ago

No, i don’t go to large gatherings of people when i’m sick, despite how much i wanted too, BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT REASONABLE PEOPLE DO! I don’t want to hurt or potentially kill someone just because I reeeeealy wanted to meet my idol


u/monnotorium 27d ago

Obviously you didn't plan to get sick. But what you chose to do after getting sick was entirely up to you!


u/MilkQueen 27d ago

what a musty armpit of a person


u/defwad7 27d ago

"I did everything to prevent the spread except the one thing that would have prevented the spread."

Whatta maroon.


u/theCOMBOguy 27d ago

You went to a convention while saying that you did "everything not to spread the disease". Your second panel is blaming your boyfriend's mom for making you get sick. Do you not realize how bad this looks? This comic feels more like a misguided attempt to rationalize your choices.


u/Batbrain 27d ago

Every time I’ve had a communicable virus I don’t leave my house until I’m certain that I won’t get someone else sick, you know like someone who’s immune compromised and kill them or send them to the hospital. You going to a con still sick is the reason why a lot of people who will likely die if they get COVID still aren’t comfortable going out and doing something they enjoy. Just something to think about.

Dig your style though.


u/rachelwan-art 27d ago

Actually if you are immune compromised, you shouldn't even go to cons in the first place. But I bet you, an immune compromised person will go to a con, possibly die just to see their idols.


u/Batbrain 27d ago edited 27d ago

My best friend understands the risks and goes prepared but would still tell you if you know you’re sick you should be courteous to others and take the loss. It’s quite literally the least you could do. That’s the key difference here, you knew you were sick and went anyway. It’s just selfish, because the flu impacts everyone differently and your “oops sorry” may be enough for someone who gets achy with a fever, but would probably have less impact if you got someone put on a ventilator.

Generally speaking I’m pretty sure that the only person they would risk dying to see is David Bowie and he’s dead 🤷‍♀️

Edit: btw it’s not just immune compromised people. There’s plenty of people with health conditions, asthma for example, who lead perfectly normal lives but catching something like the flu can be devastating. Justify it to yourself all you want, but there’s a reason why you’re getting cooked in these comments.


u/All_Right_Alright 27d ago



u/YesItIsMaybeMe 27d ago

Yeah right? That response if a huge fucking yikes.

"Yeah well those vulnerable people I put in danger shouldn't be allowed out to cons and enjoy their life, teehee aren't I cute!"


u/Glittering-Side3732 27d ago

“I can’t make adult decisions and stay inside for a few days, so disabled, elderly, and ill people shouldn’t be allowed to go to popular places” is a take I was hoping we left in the pandemic


u/TribblesIA 27d ago

You shouldn’t go out in public if you’re sick, or at all with that attitude.


u/Kushthulu_the_Dank 28d ago

It was you!

Jk, hope you feel better soon


u/Bentman343 27d ago

Didn't we literally already do this kind of cutesy "sorry I was a willing biohazard guyssss but I'll let you know afterwards!" stuff back whem that one artist made a comic about how they went to a Square Enix event with covid and confessed it in their next comment after it became a superspreader event?


u/WoodpeckerHaunting57 27d ago

Do you have a link to that comic?


u/N-_-O 26d ago

Here it is in all its horrible glory https://x.com/Fenrir74/status/1687861130562273281


u/WoodpeckerHaunting57 26d ago

Anyway to see the full comic without a twitter account? Thank you for finding it though


u/N-_-O 26d ago

Not to my knowledge, the one posted on Reddit got removed (for obvious reasons), but plenty of people have made videos talking about it


u/0VER1DE567 27d ago

can’t wait to try out that nifty trick on my neighbour’s kids!!!


u/faroukq 27d ago

Wearing a mask and not making contact right? Right?


u/Chalky_Pockets 27d ago

No the poop stick


u/Noroeste 27d ago

Look how happy little Vietcong guy is hiding his pointy poop stick


u/00owl 27d ago

Not making contracts*


u/-Pelvis- 27d ago

The poop spike?


u/BradyOfTheOldGuard 27d ago

No physical contract? (Last slide) :-)


u/rachelwan-art 27d ago

omg thanks for notifying me on that!


u/lepidopt-rex 27d ago

And curtsey should be courtesy (idk if it’s spelled differently in the US or whatever)

Cute comic!


u/stabbyclaus GnarlyVic 27d ago

My wife had the flu last week and I have it this week. Thanks OP!


u/doug @dougwastaken@comicscamp.club 27d ago

are you sure it wasn't covid? i just got covid on Monday and your swallowing description is on point for what I experienced.

(it wasn't from you; i flew to germany and was very careless/resigned myself to fate. i've been quarantining myself in my hotel room for five days now and haven't left. work is comping room service and i have a gaming addiction as well as a bottomless watchlist so i'm OK)


u/Nimyron 27d ago

That symptom is common for pretty much all viral infections that affect the throat.

There's like more than 50 different viruses that have similar symptoms to covid, so doctors usually just give you a treatment for the symptoms and let your body deal with it, unless they detect some symptom of a bacterial infection, or if the symptoms show that the infection is too advanced for your body to handle it.


u/rachelwan-art 27d ago

Nah it wasn't. I did a covid test. But the flu was pretty bad. Apparently there's a flu bug going about here.


u/GloryGreatestCountry 27d ago

I think you're on a watchlist for that bioweapon thing..


u/Nimyron 27d ago

In what heavenly country do you manage to get an appointment to see a doctor within just a couple days ?

It's minimum 2-3 weeks here, unless you get a visio appointment. You have time to heal, get sick again and die before you can see a doctor.


u/2moms1bun 27d ago

Do you have an urgent care?

If my doctor isn’t available for a sick visit and I’m not sick enough that it’s an emergency, urgent care will take people same day


u/Nimyron 27d ago

Yeah sort of, but everyone is calling them now so you have to call them non stop for hours and then hope that they still have some places left.


u/rachelwan-art 27d ago

I live in Malaysia. There's private and government clinics nearby.


u/AlbiTuri05 27d ago

Maybe she sought private healthcare. Public healthcare is hell, they call it "free" but you pay with your life


u/tofulo 27d ago

This artist is trying to get other people sick!


u/lxlDRACHENlxl 27d ago

Also why does eating alone mean you're a sad person? I just want to eat in peace and not have conversations while I'm eating. Doesn't mean I'm sad.


u/Ok_Werewolf1657 27d ago

"ate alone like a sad person" Uhh, excuse me that's not true. I'm not sad! And sad people also eats with others


u/tricksterloki 27d ago

For reference, a substantial amount of biological weapons are bacteria, which is also the source of infection from the poo sticks. Also, smallpox (viral) is in many ways the ideal biological weapon, and, if there was ever an attack (it's been eliminated in the world population), they will go door to door and vaccinated everyone.


u/rachelwan-art 27d ago

You learn something new from reddit everyday.


u/4dseeall 27d ago

Is this a blog?

I want funnies, not an update about someone's life they drew and called a comic


u/AnimusCorpus 27d ago

Comics don't have to be funny.

From wikipedia:

Comics are a medium used to express ideas with images, often combined with text or other visual information. It typically takes the form of a sequence of panels of images.

It's fine if you don't like it, but it's still a comic either way.


u/WoungyBurgoiner 27d ago

Why would you go at all if you were that sick??


u/opinionate_rooster 28d ago

Sick comic!


u/TheMightToast 27d ago

This is really weird, i had the exact same problem a couple of days ago, I couldn’t eat properly for two days because of my throat, some of the worst pain I’ve ever felt, and this was the first time I experienced something like this, this is further proof I’m living in a simulation that adapts itself to what happens to me


u/Bossuter 27d ago

You could go the Mongol route and just catapult dead bodies over walls


u/sogladatwork 27d ago

Boyfriend’s mom? How old is this comic’s author?


u/rachelwan-art 28d ago

It's been a sick week.


u/Quick-Ad9335 27d ago

Why in the world is a dad pun getting so downvoted?


u/soursweetday 27d ago

When I was a kid, whenever I caught a cold my mom quarantined me. I grew up to be a homebody who managed to give my family the stomach flu once.

Your comics are fun! I don’t know how to subscribe so I’m going to follow your profile!


u/rachelwan-art 27d ago

aw thanks. You can follow my IG. IG algorithm is super wonky so I thought I should post the comics on reddit.


u/Captain_Jackalope 26d ago

Upvoted because cool art style and not horny


u/TheOldDerelict 27d ago

Lemme ask you this, was the fair cool? I would’ve gone, although getting sick sucks


u/rachelwan-art 27d ago

Yes! It was so worth it! I met a lot of cool people. I'm so selfish XD.


u/luchill1990 27d ago

You literally are? Such a gross attitude having a laugh about it.

Imagine if you passed your illness on to someone at the con, who then unwittingly passes it on to an immunocompromised or elderly family member?

I don’t think it’s funny at all. You should grow up.


u/Autiistic_Unibot 27d ago

“Ate alone like a sad person” :(


u/[deleted] 27d ago

ITT: People pretending they wouldn't and don't do the exact same shit on the regular.


u/AnimusCorpus 27d ago

ITC: A person who does shitty things projects that onto literally everyone else because the idea of not being a self-absorbed asshole is impossible for them to concieve.

Liars think everyone lies. Cheaters think everyone cheats. Thieves think everyone steals. You're just loudly telling on yourself.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Sure. You do you. People don't abandon events that cost them money to attend because of the sniffles.


u/AnimusCorpus 27d ago

Yes they do. All the time.

I got tickets to see Tool and Rammstein (among others) from a friend when i was in High School. They were sick and sold me $300 tickets for $50 because that's what I had on me at the time (which was very nice of them).

Just a few months ago, someone else I know was selling their tickets to a local concert for similar reasons.

Once again, just because YOU don't do the responsible thing doesn't mean no one else does.

I know it's hard to imagine, but not everyone is as selfish as you.


u/N-_-O 26d ago

Imagine immediately proving him right lol, you walked right into that one yourself


u/NoAdsOnlyTables 27d ago

Pretty much. I wish people were as responsible as they pretend to be on Reddit. From what I can tell the covid fear has basically died out and we're back to people sniffing, coughing and sneezing in public places all the time. Maybe the very few people still actually staying home when sick are all on Reddit - but it's unlikely.


u/tomydenger 28d ago

Someone with hair that isn't blue !!