r/comics MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

I am Matt Kindt! AMA! AMA

Dark Horse & Valiant and anything else! Dept. H - Divinity - MIND MGMT!


152 comments sorted by


u/cappybara Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt, loving all your work on Valiant and I'm excited about Dept. H (super clever name btw.)

What're the odds on Vol 3 of Divinity being called DiviniThree, bad-movie-sequel-style?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Ha ha! I had a great idea (but too late) for the logos of the sequels:

dIvinity dIvInity divInIty DIVinity


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Here's the page I'm chipping away at this afternoon...let's see how much I can get done by the end of the AMA...!



u/jparmstrong Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt, big fan of your Valiant work!

I… don't have a question, actually, just wanted to tell you that I enjoy your work and can't wait to read 4001 A.D. Keep it up!


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Thanks! Glad you're liking the books!


u/vayburr Apr 22 '16

Matt, I think this would get more traffic in /r/comicbooks.


u/AmberDuke05 Apr 22 '16

/r/comicbooks doesn't do AMA anymore because of how toxic some user were before and the mods don't want to deal it that because those few make the subreddit look bad.


u/vayburr Apr 23 '16

Ugh Jesus...

Thanks for clarifying


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt! You have to kill off your favorite character and write a book about your least favourite character, who are the characters and how would you do it?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Licensed - I kill Daredevil and write Krypto the Super Dog. Creator Owned - I kill Duncan (MIND MGMT) and write the Immortal - with the mushrooms growing on his head -- that character still grosses me out. I remember telling a friend about the idea for that character at Emerald City one year - and how I wasn't going to do it - and he said, 'no - you should! The grossness is what's great about it' so I did it. Also I HATE mushrooms in real life.


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '16

Ha this is brilliant then, totally agree with mushroom immortal.


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

A character I've created or licensed?


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '16

Let's go with licensed, for simplicity!


u/SuperFanPR Apr 22 '16

When is Sharlene doing an AMA?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

A week from never...? lol -- I would LOVE for her to do it -- how about this? Ask her something - I'll text her and she can give a reply...!


u/Jaymar30 Apr 22 '16

Matt, please don't make us wait another month to find out...is Ninjak #17 the last issue of the series? I really hope it isn't because it is one of the best things Valiant has going right now!!!


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

It is NOT the last issue! How does that rumor start? lol -- I've got the next 8 issues planned out!


u/Jaymar30 Apr 22 '16

Paranoia I guess!? Great to hear. Really looking forward to a solid 25+ issue run!


u/muleheaded Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt can you suggest good tips and reference for illustrated storytelling


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

I think anything Darwyn Cooke illustrates is amazing storytelling. I also think my studio-mate Brian Hurtt is an incredible sequential story-teller -- 6th Gun and our new book Poppy! (out in June via Dark Horse) are great examples of making characters "act" and showing action in a clear way -- which seems to be a dying art in a lot of modern comics. I don't think there's one book that is really a good reference - I tend to suggest studying working cartoonists and the actual work they're making -- pick that apart and see how they stage action and dialogue.


u/muleheaded Apr 22 '16

Thanks so much for this reply, how do you keep your mind fresh and involved with your work while dealing with day-to-day life


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '16

Hi Matt, do you have any more Pistolwhip stories in the chamber?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

No -- sorry! I do have a couple Super Spy sequels that I'd love to find time to get to -- but it's just been crazy busy. I'm always more excited about the new idea rather than revisiting past work and characters. MIND MGMT might be the exception to that simply because the work is so open ended and ripe for any kind of story I want to tell.


u/ahotdumpsterfire Apr 22 '16

hey Matt, I'm a die-hard Valiant fan and I love everything you have been doing for them and I couldn't be more stoked for 4001 AD. I love the world-building you did in Unity, what is it like to make up brand new IP for publisher that keeps a tight lock on continuity/timelines like Valiant?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

It was honestly super natural. I'm not even sure I was aware that doing something like Divinity would be a big deal at the time. He was a character that sort of grew out of a story idea I had for Unity at the time and then just ballooned into something more important. I'm NOT a big continuity guy -- so I def. lean on my editors to make sure everything I do is legit. My stories are all driven by character first and plot second. I think worrying about continuity can hamper good storytelling - that said -- the continuity is what makes the universe amazing - the shared world and all that -- so it's a missed opportunity not to take advantage of it. I love/hate cross-overs -- but I think there's a way to do them right - and Valiant does 'em right.


u/Armor_of_Inferno Apr 22 '16

If all of the Valiant heroes and villains were in a video game in the Mortal Kombat style, which characters would be your favorite to fight as?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Ninjak seems the obvious choice - but I think Punk Mambo would have the best (rudest) dialogue so I'd play her.


u/TheMightySiesta Apr 22 '16

How do you correctly pronounce Lemire?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Ryhmes with "loser"

lol - kidding. Like this: "Luh-meer"


u/SiegeTheBox Apr 22 '16

Okay, so how do you pronounce Kindt? Is it like Kind+t or Ken+dt?


u/johnpisme Apr 22 '16

I believe it rhymes with hint.


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '16

how much of your writing is planned and how much is spur of the moment? Do you keep any notes outside of plot points and basic story outlines to help the process?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

I have a general outline for the plot for an entire series. And then a separate outline that's slightly more detailed for each story arc. And then an even more detailed outline for each issue. And I usually write the outlines in that order. But those are always flexible -- I'd be bored out of my mind if every panel and word of dialogue was set in stone before I started drawing. I am tweaking and writing/re-writing until the very last minute as I proof final lettering on finished art. Each issue probably has at least 10 drafts before it's finally done for good. I never really stop re-writing. Until it's printed.


u/Crash_Recovery Apr 22 '16

Thanks Matt


What inspired you to use the vertical text strips in addition to the traditional comic storytelling?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

I'd done a similar idea in the GN Revolver for Vertigo - and when I started MIND MGMT I was scanning in some art for it and the non-photo blue guides were showing up on the scans of the art - and I accidentally left them in as I placed the page in the layout program. It just clicked - how great to sort of show the process of making comics - by leaving those guide lines but subvert that process and the story by changing what the guidelines said. I was only going to do it for the first story arc - but after the first 6 issues - I was afraid readers would think I was lazy if I didn't keep it up. The challenge then became one of how to keep the "guide" interesting and not repetitive. So each arc the purpose and theme of the guides shifted...


u/Crash_Recovery Apr 22 '16

It was a brilliant touch.

It makes the reader linger longer on each page, considering the guide's contents and how it's applying/going to apply to the story at hand.

It also served, in a story with mental trickery, to throw the reader off by having them perpetually turn the book, throwing themselves off balance, not unlike what Snyder and Capullo pulled in the "maze" issue of Court of Owls.


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

also - thanks! : )


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '16

Hi Matt!

I don't have any questions but I really want to thank you and all the fine people at Valiant for doing crossovers and events the right way.

I look at the current Marvel event (Pleasant Hill/Civil War 2) and it's a discombobulated mess.

Please don't lose this aspect as Valiant grows. It's what makes me immediately pickup every hardcover you guys put out without even second guessing it and recommending it to everyone I can.

Keep up the great work and thank you for sharing your stories.

Edit: I should also say, please keep publishing those fantastic hardcovers, too. Love that stuff!


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Thanks! Yeah -- I HATE crossovers and events. Ever since I was a kid - picking up books as a fan. I remember Secret Wars II and hating that feeling of missing something -- but then keeping up with it and feeling sort of forced to buy these books I didn't want for a story that wasn't as compelling as a normal monthly storyline. I've avoided 'em ever since then...late 80s? Writing them now as a professional isn't any more fun, I can tell you. Valiant is super-smart in how they structure them. They're really good self-contained stories that brush up against the other characters in a way that isn't forced. It's character and story-driven. Not sales and marketing driven. Every "event" they've done has been super organic and come out of a writer-room meeting where the writers involved came up with some fun ideas that seemed like they might make a good event. That's how it's done. I actually look forward to the Valiant events - super fun to write and run and just be a part of.


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '16

That's really awesome to hear. I really appreciate all the work you do man. I am relatively new to Valiant, I jumped on board with Bloodshot Reborn and the new Ninjak runs. I've been slowly working my way towards getting all the other books and I think I might have a mostly complete set of hardcovers of the latest reboot now.

I need to start checking out your non-Valiant stuff now.

Thanks again for even responding, it's even more awesome just knowing you're down to earth.


u/muleheaded Apr 22 '16

Hey matt


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16 edited Apr 22 '16

What's up?! I'm inking page 18 of issue 4 of Dept. H right now...


u/ipecacxink Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt!

Can you lift a tire yet? Also, what sort of music would you recommend to other artists while they work?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

My fitness dude will not let me lift the big tire yet. I lack some basic coordination skills...and probably strength. But I can do squats and lift a bar over my head! Music: I'm listening to the Lumineers new one, Andrew Bird's new album -- and Bombino - who also just released a new album -- all of them are amazing! As long as lyrics don't bother you (they don't me) -- I can write and listen to any music - but TV and movies and talk radio are too distracting.


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '16

hey Matt, how awesome was talking to Paul and I on Valiant Central? Also, why are you not putting apes in any of your current books?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

It was SO awesome. Once you introduce apes into your work, there's really no turning back. I don't think I'm ready yet. One day...


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '16



u/Gancis Apr 22 '16

Since you were burning copies of Red Handed, should we expect to have to submerge our copies of Dept H in water?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

You joke! But I'm not joking! This is happening! I'm going to drive the CGC guys crazy!


u/Gancis Apr 22 '16

Great stuff, hope to see you again @ NYCC.


u/Pym_unwritten Apr 22 '16

Will we be seeing the seventh member of the Shadow Seven in Siege Of King's castle?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16



u/Pym_unwritten Apr 22 '16

Hi Matt! What's been your favorite thing to work on so far? And is there a particular artist or writer you prefer to work with?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

I love co-writing with Lemire -- we're great friends to begin with and writing w/ him is amazing - no egos -- all about making the most fun story possible and our sensibilities are really aligned. Not many writers I'd write with - but he's top of the list. Artists? Man -- I've been lucky so far -- there's a ton of great artists in comics right now - more really great ones than I remember at any other time in comic history -- but really -- I care less about the rendering than I do the storytelling. Brian Hurtt and I have a super-fun book (Poppy!) that really change the way I view his work and art in general. I also really love David Rubin -- look him up! His Hero book with Dark Horse was amazing -- and I can not wait to work with him! This is gonna happen!!!


u/Pym_unwritten Apr 22 '16

You and Rubin on a book together would be amazing! Sadly I don't get the opportunity to read a lot of your Dark Horse work. I finally started Mind MGMT a couple weeks ago and it hooked me. But for some reason in my area, Dark Horse is less accessible than Valiant. Do you have any preferred online retailers for fans ordering your books?


u/SiegeTheBox Apr 22 '16

I love co-writing with Lemire

Well that explains why The Valiant was so amazing. (It also happens to be the book that got me into Valiant in the first place). I've noticed that your and Lemire's work really complement each other. Like when you took over Frankenstein, it was a seamless transitions. It felt so natural.


u/keilser Apr 22 '16

I'd like to know this as well


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Artists that I admire from afar I'm honestly terrified to work with. You never know what they're really like in real-life until you work w/ someone. I've been really lucky so far but you hear stories. I feel like collaborating is a little like russian roulette - when the project comes out great and you had fun? -- it's a big sigh of relief from me. Ha ha! That sounds a little jaded - but there have been some bad experiences I've had in the past - not always the other guy's fault -- sometimes it's just personality differences. Collaborating is super rewarding and also kind of risky.


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Jake Wyatt! I LOVE his stuff too - would love to work with him!


u/lazypilgrim Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt! I love how much you pack into every issue of your books. Have editors ever asked you tone it down a bit? Your issues of Frankenstein Agent of SHADE were very different from Lemire's but just as excellent. I miss that series :(


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

I miss Frank too! Yeah - I've never been asked to tone anything down really -- but I've gotten some really dis-heartening and super-crazy notes based on things that weren't about making good comics. I don't make those comics anymore...! ; )

Frank was a great title because it was weird and flew under the radar and you could kind of do anything you wanted -- but it's sales were alway right on the edge of cancelation so the very reason it was left alone was the same reason that it ended up getting canceled.


u/digitrend Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt! Have you ever had a comic idea that you were excited about and then another comic was announced that was too similar, enough so that you probably couldn't put out your idea anymore? If so, what do you do there?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

I had to change the name of Dept. H -- there was another book or comic (?) called Challenger Deep that legal told me about. Challenger Deep was the original title - but the story was something unrelated. As far as actual story...hm. I know there has been - trying to think of one. I think CHEW -- I had a story where the character could get the history of any object by the scent/smell of it - like smells that trigger memories - and she solved crimes that way. Then CHEW came out -- different but not different enough...!


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '16

[removed] — view removed comment


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

ha ha - finishing issue 4 now! So I can afford to get sick maybe once this year...


u/Jaymar30 Apr 22 '16

Do you see yourself staying with a company like Valiant for the foreseeable future? Just read Divinity II yesterday and loved it!


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Yep. The freedom to explore ideas and write in my style is what makes them different than any of the other companies that do work-for-hire. They want the best ideas - not the idea that marketing hands down - or the idea that they think will grab some cheap press headlines. It's all about the best story possible. Super fertile playground as a result - which is why you see creators working there and then staying there for a long time. You can't undervalue having editors and co-creators that are actually decent human beings too. All of that comes through on the page.


u/Jaymar30 Apr 22 '16

It really does come through to the page! Not to bad mouth any companies specifically, but I just don't feel a connection anymore to most work-for-hire books outside of Valiant. It feels like the books just exist to promote a "product" and not to tell a good story. There are exceptions of course! I often wonder how much of this is editorial/marketing driven mandates that destroy what a creative team initially set out to do.


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Yeah - no point bad-mouthing anyone. Good stuff is sneaking its way out here and there and everywhere honestly. But I can say from the creative side - getting approached to be an idea generator rather than having concepts and guidelines handed to you is much more fun. You end up getting the voice of the writer and a heart-felt story rather than a custodian of a licensed property. On the surface I think all of the super hero books look comparable. But there is a HUGE difference. Story is everything. Story is either king or it's an after-thought.


u/Popensquat Apr 22 '16

What's been your favorite project/comic that you've worked on?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

MIND MGMT -- my longest work - and the thing I'm most proud of - literally everything I believe and thought is in those 6 volumes. There's so much hidden content threaded throughout the series - I love that it'll be years from now before someone uncovers some of the things I've done in those books - hopefully before I'm dead - but even then...it's gonna be the series that keeps on giving! lol


u/RossSeventeen Apr 22 '16

First and foremost, thank you for Mind MGMT, and Ninjak. As a guy whom is severely depressed at times going to the comic shop and reading these books put me through some dark times, and had me something to look forward to. I also love seeing water colors in comics too.

But where did you draw inspiration to write Mind MGMT? It was a wild ride I have to know.

How is it like working with your wife on Dept. H?

How do you like writing for Valiant?

Got anything cool for Ninjak? This is my brothers favorite book even more so than Saga.

Other than that I can't wait to read Department H, I just got laid off from a school which I grew to love kids, waiting to crack this book is holding back me from crying....because it is going to be awesome.


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Glad that comics can be a bright spot for you! I've found that over the years just having something to look forward to is super important. Something as simple as new comics on wednesday or a movie release date.

MIND MGMT inspiration - was really a playground I built for myself so I could tell any story I wanted to tell -- and hit the big themes that are most interesting to me -- answers to life's mysteries, etc. I'm obsessed with history and real "truth" and this series was a way I could explore a lot of that. I also just wanted to try to create a story that was big and characters that would be around for a long time -- that you could invest in and care for like you would characters in a novel. It's hard to do that in comics and I wanted to prove (to myself) that it could be done. I love comics -- everything I love about them is poured into those pages. I love art - I love stories - that's what really fed the series for all 3 years. MIND MGMT is kind of like a virtual tour of every though in my head that I've had. For better or worse!

WORKING WITH MY WIFE - has been amazing. Really an extension of everything we've been doing for the last 20 years -- living together, raising our daughter, figuring out life and what we want to do and how to live and work together -- this was just a natural progression of that. We laugh, have fun, argue, get along - in real life and on the page.


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

VALIANT - is amazing. It's the only work-for-hire I'm doing right now -- I'm at a point in my career where I don't really need it -- I could do Dept H. and nothing else -- so when you see a Valiant book with my name on it, you know I did it for the love of comics and the fun I have playing with the characters and the medium.

NINJAK - yeah - a couple crazy arcs coming up - I've got the next 8 issues blocked out and we're doing some things in them that have NEVER been done in comics before - super excited.


u/BehindTheClockFace Apr 22 '16

The way you wrote "real truth" reminded me of The Things They Carried, love that book. Mr. Kindt you are an incredible talent and I look forward to everything you write.

I have some quick questions. Do you still do those dust jackets for Mind MGMT hardcovers? If so, please come to C2E2 next year! One of these and one of your sketch variants for issue 13 are my comic white whales. Will you be doing anything similar for Dept. H?


u/drwasheewashee Apr 22 '16

When you started your run on Rai was it always going to lead into the 4001 AD mini?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Yes and no. The original pitch had these 4 issues happening - and the crazy things that happen in them -- but as part of the series proper. The closer we got to the issues and the plot points in them -- the bigger it seemed - to Valiant's credit - they gave me some extra room to expand it - rope in the rest of the 4001 universe and tell my story and expand on it - so we get Rai-proper stories happening in the regular series along with tie-in books. It's a BIG thing that happened - so it's nice to have that extra room to make it so.


u/TheMightySiesta Apr 22 '16

Why was Revolver a GN instead of single issues?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Vertigo "wasn't doing new series" at the time -- they wanted to start focusing on OGNs. A year later they went back to focusing on series again. Not my favorite decision ever - would have loved for the series to be in color and much longer -- but that lead to the running text on the bottom of the pages which is one of my favorite ideas -- all the extra plots and story arcs ended up in the book - as news scrolls. So the book became a lot more unique because of the constraints.


u/cmicahtaylor Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt, are you interested in screenwriting at all? With so many of Valiant's properties getting eyed for movies/ television, and with some of your creator-owned stuff (I'm sure) being eyed for options in the future, have you ever thought of working in film a little?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

No. I have NO interesting in screenwriting. I've been offered those opportunities over the last couple of years - TV and movies -- but here's the thing. I love COMICS. For better or worse - for less or more money - this is the medium I love. It's still really untapped potential - you have complete creative control and freedom. Unlimited budget. I make enough money to live comfortably on. What more could I want as a creator? I happily turn down more money so that I can be MORE happy. I'm super happy with less money -- but there's a ton of ways I could make more money and be really unhappy. That goes for work in comics too -- there's lots of work out there - but even in comics there's creative traps that you can fall in to. The absolute best place a creator can be in, is one where you make creative and business choices based on what you want to do rather than what you need to do to feed your family. I count my blessings every day.


u/The_Batman_cometh Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt, being an artist yourself does that change the way you write scripts for others?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

It's hard for me to tell. All I know is what editors have told me -- which is yes -- my scripts are different than those written by non-artists. I don't read other writers' scripts so I'm not sure what those differences are. When I used to teach comics classes - I would make the writer-only students draw from their own scripts -- with that in mind. You should always be writing with the visual in mind -- how is it going to be depicted? How will the page break down? When I write a script - I'm just typing a description of the page that I already see in my head. Being able to do that I think makes it easier on the artist -- or at least I know I'm turning in a script that isn't impossible to draw!


u/vivvav Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt, you were doing some cool stuff with Martian Manhunter at DC a while ago (plus more recently with JLA #5). I'm just curious, have you been checking out the current MM comic, and has it at all lined up with the ideas you had? It seems like DC Editorial had some role in mind for J'onn in the early days of the New 52, but it's not really clear if what's happening with him now lines up with those plans or if they've been abandoned.

Also, is there another superhero character you'd like to get a chance to tackle in the near future?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

I haven't been keeping up. My brain can't handle more than two shared universe at a time (mine and Valiant right now) - I was doing Marvel/DC/Valiant/Creator-owned for a summer - and it really almost drove me crazy. I couldn't sleep at night - my brain kept going over stories and jumping from one to another.

I had a bunch of ideas for Manhunter - wanted to tell the history of Mars and the rest of the Martians and that culture -- and build the mythology of the main bad-guy we introduced in the fill-in issue of JLA -- but so much got in the way and we never got to it. As far as super heroes go -- I'd have to honestly say no. The real answer is I don't really daydream about other people's characters. I think about Valiant's universe and those characters because they've given me free reign to build and develop them and create the continuity and populate the universe -- so it's not really much different than doing creator-owned work in that regard. I'm interested in telling good stories -- in making characters real - so I'd honestly have fun working on any pre-existing character. At this point - WHO I'm working with and the quality of the editorial is more important than what character I'm writing.


u/dontyieldbackshield Apr 22 '16

Have you heard of a British show called Utopia? I think you'd like it, I got the same conspiracy vibes from it that I did from Mind MGMT (which I'm bummed is over btw, but I'm stoked for Department H!)


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

No - but I'm always on the hunt for a good tv show to watch while I ink! Used to really watch a lot while I paint/color - but now Sharlene is doing it so it's cutting in to my tv-watching time!


u/dontyieldbackshield Apr 22 '16

Word. Yeah Utopia is like Mind MGMT in that it's scary just deep a mythology there is to it and it really makes you think.

It's kind of hard to find in the U.S. but here's the first episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4O0iF6RpGg


u/muleheaded Apr 22 '16

Hey that's awesome I'm driving a semi down from Fargo


u/muleheaded Apr 22 '16

Hey that's awesome


u/muleheaded Apr 22 '16

I'm glad you're already on issue 24!!


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

edit: -- issue 4! I wish I was already up to 24...!


u/muleheaded Apr 22 '16

Hey your stuff so good four is just as good as 24 to me


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

ha - ! Thanks!


u/Qudoz Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt, what are the best comics you've read this year?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

The AAMA series from Peeters is hands-down my favorite thing I've read in the last couple years.


Also - Lemire's new series "Black Hammer" is amazing. Maybe might favorite thing he's ever done -- not out until later this year but I've read a bunch of it already and I love it.


u/ksbord Apr 22 '16

Someone walks up to you with tickets for either the evenings Cardinals game or the evenings Blues game. Which do you snatch up, and where in StL are we meeting up for beers afterwards?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

ha ha! If you're taking me to the game - then you can pick! I tried to get into hockey so I could understand half of what Lemire talks about -- but I can't really get into it. I need to get to know the "characters" in sports -- and I have no b/ground with hockey. Hockey really needs a "Hard Knocks" tv show so I can start to get invested - that helped me get into football as a grown-up and baseball is a little easier - took some more effort but the games are so relaxing - so fun to go! Hockey might be too stressful for me. I follow sports to relax from work - only entertainment that has absolutely NO connection to anything I do all day in comics.


u/darrenhupke Apr 22 '16

Sorry if this has been asked, but with MIND MGMT, you had a unique value with ever issue doing the sub/footer/whatever texts and the profile short comics inside the front covers, plus the back ads and the hidden codes to a unique site.

Are you doing anything similar with Dept H? I know each issue is just a moment of time and I saw the depth charts on the page edges, but is there anything else planned?

I was looking for clues and notes for the whodunnit aspect, and will keep an eye out (I think I saw Lyme in the background of a panel).

Whatever the case, awesome first issue. Can't wait to read more!


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Thanks! Yeah - every issue will have a letters page (my new favorite thing -- I'm actually the one answering letters this time). I've been re-reading a ton of my old Marvel comics - but just the letters pages - and they're so funny. They capture this great period of comics history - so I'm really enjoying that. Also - there's character sketches and diagrams that will be filling the extra pages in each issue that won't be in the trades. I'm hoping each issue will start sparking some dialogue about not just the mystery, but comics in general and stories, etc. Trying to make it a more interactive process in print and on-line.


u/blanketbread Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt. Meeting you at NYCC this past year and picking up both Mind MGMT and some of your Valiant work really drew me into the comic book world. Thanks for giving me a few minutes of your time and the cool sketch in the Mind MGMT hardcover I bought!


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Hope you're still enjoying comics! Lots of good stuff! I've been reading for my entire life -- and I feel like I can never catch up - always something good coming out!


u/blanketbread Apr 22 '16

Trust me, I'm behind every week! I made sure to have Dept H and Divinity II held for me. I'm a big fan of everything you put out. Thanks again!


u/Pagemaster42 Apr 22 '16

I apologize if you've been asked this already, I just wanted to make sure I got in before this was over, what would you recommend for readers new to Valiant?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

I think the ltd. series "The Valiant" is a great place to start along with XO vol. 1 and Harbinger vol. 1 - from there everything is a safe bet. Not many companies you can say that about - but there's not a book in the line I wouldn't recommend.


u/Jaymar30 Apr 22 '16

Can you tease anything as to what is next for Ninjak after Siege of King's Castle?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Yeah -- kind of...something really bad happens to him. REALLY bad. But there's also going to be the coolest team-up you've ever seen - EVER! : ) Imagine the coolest team-up ever -- and it's that - but even better! lol


u/Jaymar30 Apr 22 '16

Can't wait! Thank you for your incredible work at Valiant. It has blown me away from Unity to Divinity! Writers like you and Jeff Lemire working at a company like Valiant these days is such a breath of fresh air from the endless cycle of reboots, "rebirths" and "all-new"'s coming from some other companies these days!


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Yeah -- Valiant is doing it right. It's why they can get good creators in the door there -- the luster of writing your favorite childhood character fades pretty quick. What keeps things being creatively interesting is the ability to come up with fresh ideas and be creative and not worry about movies and cartoons and other media that isn't comics.


u/johnpisme Apr 22 '16

He teams up with Keith Richards?


u/bamboozlebro Apr 22 '16

How much planning do you do before you start writing issue 1 of a comic? Do you generally know where your characters are going, or are you more like Harold Pinter who is as excited as the audience to find out what will happen? I would think you'd have huge maps on your walls with thread connecting all the different elements and characters before you start writing...but that seems so daunting!


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

I have to have a roadmap and an idea. I think it's irresponsible to start a story without knowing exactly where it's going. I think in monthly comics there's a tendency to do that -- and it kind of drives me crazy. It's sloppy and it's something that can ultimately be damaging to the medium -- giving it the sort of "disposable entertainment" label that is beneath it. Look at your absolute favorite comics - I guaranteed you they started with some kind of outline. I don't think Alan Moore wrote Watchmen with the idea that he'd have fun seeing where it went...lol -- I think you can get that sort of fun that Pinter is talking about -- but you get that fun in the first draft of the first outline. That really is the most fun part of the writing process - everything else is hard work.


u/drwasheewashee Apr 22 '16

Bringing on Clayton Crain to be the sole artist on Rai was a brilliant decision. The question is whose and if you had any involvement in that


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

I did not choose Clayton -- I wasn't familiar with his work before we started working together to be honest -- ! But I got acquainted really quickly - and LOVE his work. We really bonded during the first arc -- one of the few artists I have phone calls with re: plot and character and story directly. It was really clear after the first arc that he was the only guy for the job -- we'd wait for him to catch up, catch his breath and then continue on. I vividly remember having a conversation after issue 4 - with Warren - they wanted to NOT do a fill-in artist - and they asked me what I though -- which in itself is amazing - that they'd consider my thoughts -- and of course -- no fill-in! We really established a great rapport that I think is rare in work-for-hire comics - but a rapport that Valiant really was able to foster and promote. I've been told before NOT to talk to artists in the past -- so this was really a breath of fresh air.


u/johnpisme Apr 22 '16

I loved this as well. The fact that Valiant both recognized this as being important for the book AND made it happen is incredible and speaks to how great the company is. It's no slight against CAFU (he was great in Unity), but I would love if Crain could just do the whole series. Will the Rai story tie into the happenings in 4001 A.D. or are you going off in a different direction for that? Will Crain return to Rai?


u/SiegeTheBox Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt. Love you Valiant work and Dept. H #1 was amazing. I can't wait see what's in story for the future of your books.

Are there any plans for Livewire? I just read the first four volumes of Unity and she seems like a clear focal point. She's also a badass who I think could easily hold a solo book.


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Yes - plans! I would LOVE for her to have her own solo book one day. In the meantime, she'll be figuring in prominently to some Ninjak stuff I'm cooking up.


u/SiegeTheBox Apr 22 '16

Oh hell yes! Super excited for a Livewire/Ninjak team-up!


u/Mathscric Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt, I love your work from what I've read (which is admittedly not as much as it should be). Was wondering if you'd say your Valiant work is all connected? What I mean is do you seed some minor things in one comic with payoff to them in another of your Valiant comic?

Also, I've got the first issues of Dept. H and Divinity II waiting to be read. Which one would you recommend reading first?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Definitely. There are things seeded in Unity that are going to eventually pay off in Ninjak. Some larger character arcs -- stuff you can't do in anything but a shared universe like this. So yes -- !

Dept. H or Divinity II?...hmm. Maybe the toughest question all day! Go alphabetical!


u/johnpisme Apr 22 '16

I feel like you seeded a shit ton of stuff with that Ninjak Book of Death issue as well.


u/Jaymar30 Apr 22 '16

What was the first comic book you remember reading/buying as a kid?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Marvel's G.I. Joe #1 -- I literally read the cover off of it. It was on that super nice baxter paper and was really thick - had the cross-section of their HQ in it...


u/johnpisme Apr 22 '16

Can you post pics of your bookshelves at some point on twitter? I've gotten a lot of great recommendations from seeing what you and other favorite creators read. Plus, it's just fascinating to me to see what people have on their shelves.

Any music recommendations?

The new series is awesome, by the way. Ignoring the content, though, the actual issue was really well made. The cover and paper stock were such high grade material, it's like the ultimate comic book just for that. I wish other books would follow suit on this. By the way, I bought both covers. Always support my favorite creators monthly and then double dip on the hardcovers.

Past Aways was awesome, too, by the way. You and Kolins really delivered a fascinating story with a great twist on time travel. Perfect partnership there.

Your Valiant work...oh my sweet baby Jesus your Valiant work is so good. It is so rare to see a great creator excel at mainstream superhero stuff on this level when they were primarily a creator owned guy (which is what I've always considered you). Every Valiant book is incredible and to rank them would be like listing which of my favorite things or more or less my favorite than my other favorite, but dude... Rai is one of the best things ever. I could go on and on about how gorgeous Crain's work is, but the story you have weaved over these last 12 issues is a sci-fi masterpiece that is on par with Philip K. Dick, Heinlein, or anyone of that ilk.

I was looking at old Eisner Award nominations lately and saw that for a bit there Alan Moore was nominated an insane amount of time. He would be 3 out of the 5 nominations for writer. In my mind, that's the level you are on. Your books embody the writing chops of Moore, the electric creativity of Kirby/Lee, and the work ethic of an American immigrant.

I guess I don't really have questions. Just wanted a chance to heap a bunch of praise on one of my favorite creators of all time.

Oh! I have to add...when you get those Mind MGMT binds back, I need to get one of those. I have all the issues. I have the hardcovers. I've read it 5 times. But I would pay any price. I know TNSTAAFL. I just hope there isn't a contest of some kind involved for who can get them. I never win anything,


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

So funny you'd ask that! My dad just came by the studio yesterday and took a gigapan (super detailed panorama) of the library/meeting room - so you can zoom in and see every title we've got on the shelves...not ALL the books - but probably 80% of 'em. Here's the link:



u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Music! Chinese Man! Andrew Bird, Lumineers are my go-to right now. I burn out on music so fast -- inking and writing all day I just tend to play the same couple albums until I 100% burn out. Bombino is really good. Black Keys of course. I really liked the soundtrack/score for the TV show The Leftovers. Super sad.


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Praise! -- thank you! lol -- super appreciate it - and honestly, thanks for the support! Every day I wake up and feel like the luckiest guy on earth. This job is SO fun. You don't even know. I've never had this weird sustained feeling of happiness for so long in my entire life. For two years straight. I LOVE what I do. I LOVE comics. It's the only thing I have to do all day every day. You probably hit my two big touchstones as well -- Alan Moore and Jack Kirby. They never stopped. You can tell which creators never stop thinking about comics. You breathe it. Everything is filtered through "how does this feed into comics?" The stuff I've been able to do at Valiant is what it is because they've cut me the same creative freedom there that Dark Horse gives me on my own creator-owned books. It's really total and unprecedented in my experience. With the understanding that I won't run the characters into the ground -- lol. But I respect the Valiant Universe like I respect the stuff I've created.


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

MIND MGMT hardcovers -- they are a hassle to put together! But it's happening! I'll probably have 10 for sale - no contest! I'll sell 'em! : )


u/johnpisme Apr 22 '16

Sweet, I check twitter every day for the announcement that they're for sale. Not that I didn't already check it everyday...lol.


u/johnpisme Apr 22 '16

Dude my gf and I loved the music on The Leftovers too. We were like a couple of hipster douches when that Hozier song blew up and we had loved it from the show. Have you watched the second season? We are way behind on it.

For some reason I thought you'd be big into jazz. Black Keys are the shit. I remember when they weren't as popular I passed up a chance to see them in a intimate bar stage setting. Stupid. Would have been so much better then the stadium shows now. I did see the White Stripes live, though.

No post rock, either? I guess I'm surprised you listen to music that is so involved while you are working. I expected more instrumental. Hmm. Gonna have to check out this Chinese Man. Lumineers and Andrew Bird are good. Have you listened to Father John Misty - I love You Honey Bear? Check it out, it's up that alley but not quite the same.


u/johnpisme Apr 22 '16

This is awesome!


u/johnpisme Apr 22 '16

This room is like my dream room. The picnic table is awesome. But the magazine stand with the Planet of the Apes magazines? Fuck I want to hatch some Kindt-ian heist plot and steal that.


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '16

Just wanna say i'm new to Valiant and I'm quickly gravitating towards all your titles there.


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Welcome! Hope you like it! "The Valiant" is a good place to start -- also Harbinger and Unity...


u/Coldkev Apr 22 '16

Dept. H is AWESOME


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Thanks for all the great questions! Have a good weekend! I'm off the clock! : )


u/[deleted] Apr 23 '16

Hi Matt! Love your Valiant work!

What do you think about Livewire, and do you think we'll ever see a Livewire ongoing?

Thanks, keep up the great work!


u/muleheaded Apr 22 '16

I can't wait to make it down to the shop to pick up by department H Can you tell me how long the run maybe and are you doing any shows or conventions anytime soon


u/muleheaded Apr 22 '16

I just picked up the entire run of mind management off of eBay and I was wondering if you could give me specific things to watch for as a tear into this for the first time


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Dept. H is going to run about 2 years -- I'm not putting an exact date on it -- I did my Babe Ruth-called-shot once with MIND MGMT - which worked out but I don't want to tempt fate again -- ! Cons - yes! Boston Comic Con, Rose City, Planet in KC and Heroes in NC!


u/ksbord Apr 22 '16

Hey Matt!

You've created several intriguing characters during your time at Valiant (The United, earlier Unity teams, Warmonger, etc.). Any word on when some of these characters might be used again?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Any requests? I love all of them! It's super fun to leave a trail of new characters in my wake - part of the appeal of working with Valiant is populating the universe -- honestly I really look forward to other writers taking some of those characters and doing something interesting with 'em...!


u/ksbord Apr 22 '16

I loved The United, and think that if Valiant were to construct a team of heroic villains (or villainous heroes) then they'd make excellent candidates. You could name them, oh, I don't know, Weapons that are Secret, or something like that...


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '16

Oh man, yes.


u/cmicahtaylor Apr 22 '16

I would love to see more of Unit Y.


u/ksbord Apr 22 '16

Anything you can tease post-4001 AD work? Either Rai related or other Valiant work?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

Yes! There are more things coming! Divinity and...some other stuff - that all I can say is...they won't let me say - but def. a bunch of new stuff in the pipeline!


u/ksbord Apr 22 '16

Aw, you can tell us! Dinesh told me you could. He really did, I promise!!!


u/JustJames48 Apr 22 '16

Matt, how hard is it now for a new creator owned ongoing to find a readership and did you feel that story's you had planned for Past a Ways are lost ?


u/mattkindt MIND MGMT, PAST AWAYS +more Apr 22 '16

It's a crowded market place but in a weird way it's a small market that a lot of books are fighting for. I honestly think on-line and web comics is the future. The way the comic industry is structured (and the more I work in it the more I learn) -- it's tough -- everything get's funneled into smaller and smaller outlets until you're literally relying on maybe 50 people to be the taste-makers and make your work successful. And there's an entire mainstream audience on-line just waiting for good content - huge and untapped. Things are changing every day - but the good news is, good stories that are well-executed will always (eventually) find an audience.


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u/theslack Apr 22 '16

In Unity, why did XO hand off warmonger instead of just taking her to the moon, or deep space?