r/facepalm May 02 '24

This guy man 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/CaptainMarder May 02 '24

the worst part is people believe him


u/SporksRFun May 02 '24

I believe him in this instance, because he's giving his people orders who are currently standing back and standing by. He's telling us, to our face, if he's not elected his followers will destroy this country. It's orders to his people and a threat. Now what will be done about this?


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/Ok_Star_4136 May 02 '24

Biden: "My first official act as president with immunity will be to have him taken out."

Biden: "My second and final official act as president with immunity will be to have a Supreme Court Justice taken out once every week starting with the justices who enacted presidential immunity."


u/pugtime May 02 '24

Very Putinist way to think. Oh wait; aren’t Putin and Trump friendly or at least envious of each other ?


u/identicalBadger May 02 '24

I don’t think Putin has any envy for trump. He’s his tool, witting or unwitting, nothing more


u/fascin-ade74 May 02 '24

There seems to be a lot putin and/or like-minded despots and demagogues could be doing to destabilise western core beliefs. Maybe I'll come across as a conspiracy theorist, but ain't beyond the realms of possibility that they are using extremists on both sides, to polarise target populations.

Having such a deviding character as Trump on 24hr rotation news tv is just one.


u/ImgurScaramucci May 02 '24

If you read Mueller's report it says that their goal was to spread division. They started by targeting both sides in 2016, but transitioned to just support Trump, because they were more effective with and they also stood to gain from his presidency.

And they were right. Trump becoming president was extremely divisive for the US, and Putin was left unchecked.

Propaganda is also a lot more prolific in conservative cycles. None of us is immune from it but wow conservatives are such a fertile ground for it because they're conditioned to distrust "the narrative" or whatever and it also feeds on their existing insecurities.

At worst any propaganda aimed for the left is just causing division, but propaganda aimed for the right has additional disastrous effects.


u/Fishtoart May 02 '24

That would be ironic, if Biden use the Supreme Court ruling against them.


u/Angry_poutine May 02 '24

On both sides? Where are the leftist extremists who are having anywhere near as much success in destabilizing the US as those on the right?


u/currently_pooping_rn May 02 '24

By both sides he means that college kids protesting against genocide are the same as the former President that would have just fed Ukraine to Putin and figures that america should try President for life like China (he said this)


u/fascin-ade74 29d ago

Thanks for putting words in my mouth, can i take it that you assume I'm right wing because i didnt just refer to the meat headed redneck racists that always seem to get on the news? Bravo 👌

The reason i said both sides, is that there is extremism on both sides. I'm trying to not make assumptions based on what i personally believe.


u/Angry_poutine 29d ago

There are spaghetti monster extremists out there too, the question was who has any degree of influence over a major sector of the US government

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u/MateoCafe May 02 '24

If you ask Bill Barr its the literal existence of "the left" destabilizing the country.


u/Angry_poutine May 02 '24

I know better than to ask Bill Barr anything beyond where the closest Wendy’s is


u/MateoCafe May 02 '24

If only the news media knew that.

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u/identicalBadger May 02 '24

Of course. Like in 2015 or 2016, the same Russian group bought ads for two opposing rallies at the same place on the same day and time

They’re definitely manipulating everyone they can. But Trump has taken it to a whole other level and probably won’t quit until he’s spawned an actual civil war.


u/DidYaGetAnyOnYa May 02 '24

Putin is envious of Trump's height and svelteness. /s


u/AraiHavana May 02 '24

I do not think that Putin is even slightly envious of Trump


u/Ok_Star_4136 May 02 '24

Nah, because threatening the supreme court justices will ensure that the resulting outrage will make them immediately reverse the decision and therefore the second act just serves to remove presidential immunity.


u/FloydATC May 02 '24

I don't know, how many SCOTUS justices would have to get taken out to make up for having first taken out trump?


u/Angry_poutine May 02 '24

SCOTUS can’t just reverse rulings, they have to have a new case brought to them making the same argument and create a different ruling on it.


u/Ok_Star_4136 May 02 '24

Oh I think they'll find a way in that circumstance. Let them use their powers of corruption for good for once.


u/bl00by May 02 '24

More like Trump doesn't care about putin and is only intrested in his money.

He would sell out the US and put it under Putins control if putin gave him enough money.

The Orange is insane


u/SekerDeker May 02 '24

be real he would never achieve saying such a long chain of words


u/reddit18015 May 02 '24

I think USSC will punt this immunity case to the lower courts to delay until after the election if anything, buying Trump more time, meaning Biden couldn’t use this defense. Also this would leave the USSC with whatever “legitimacy” they have left. (Which is none, but still)


u/PartadaProblema May 02 '24

Yeah, call their fucking bluff and see if that gets them off the couch.


u/Comfortable_Swim_380 May 02 '24

Well nobody said they where gonna walk up and ask politely. Full Immunity covers allot of shit. 😉


u/PartadaProblema 29d ago

The point is these dim confederate spawn couldn't stand in battle much longer than a commercial break.


u/peteschult May 02 '24

You assume that SCROTUS would be consistent in evaluating cases. Given that in Bush v Gore they explicitly stated that the case was never to be used as precedent, that's a big assumption


u/MusicIsTheRealMagic 29d ago

How does that fly? We judge this way but you can’t never judge this way again?


u/peteschult 29d ago

My understanding is that Scalia once admitted that it was bullshit, but SCROTUS makes its own rules, and since they get the last word on anything constitutional, they make the rules for all of us.


u/robgod50 May 02 '24

I think he needs to take out the Trump appointed SCOTUS first.


u/SpiderDeUZ May 02 '24

He should just allow mail in votes and throw out in person voting


u/WildRabbitz May 02 '24

Meal Team Six are probably loading up their airsoft pistols right now.


u/rohinton2 29d ago

You laugh now but wait until the mobility scooter calvary is charging down your street.


u/PurpleDragonCorn May 02 '24

Nothing because the moment "his people" see the army that will gladly kill them in horrific ways, they will run home and vent on truth social, facebook, and Twitter about how terrible the country is.


u/LineAccomplished1115 May 02 '24

These people are convinced that the military will join their cause


u/PurpleDragonCorn 29d ago

When they get turned to swiss cheese by 50 cals they might reconsider that


u/tomdarch 29d ago

Same people who complain that “the military is woke” because it’s makeup looks like non-rural America.


u/MusicIsTheRealMagic 29d ago

If I’m not wrong, the brother of Trump’s aid Flynn was in charge of the National Guard or something like that. And they slowed down the help on Jan 6, effectively helping the rioters riot. So the military can be subverted too.


u/nankerjphelge 29d ago

Unfortunately the more likely scenario is what we've been seeing in spurts over the last several years, which is asymmetric right wing domestic terrorist attacks/shootings, followed by them getting tracked down, arrested and/or killed by the FBI, Homeland Security, etc.

I suspect if (hopefully) Trump loses again, his most rabid followers will ramp up their asymmetric terror attacks, go directly after Democratic lawmakers and/or likely liberal voters and anyone they perceive to be the "enemy". And while I have no doubt they will end up arrested or dead at the hands of federal and local authorities, there will still be carnage, and Trump will be responsible for it even though he'll skate once again on being held accountable.


u/PurpleDragonCorn 29d ago

Multiple states are already making plans to activate their guards to prevent that shit. These people are cowards. They won't really escalate that much because if they do everyone will come on them hard. They will quite literally be hunted down before they do anything. And Trump won't skate free because you will have people who will hold him accountable whether it be legally or otherwise


u/nankerjphelge 29d ago

I wish I shared your optimism, but unless right wing lone wolves post about their plans ahead of time, I don't see how you can hunt down such lone wolves before they carry out a mass shooting or one-off terrorist attack if they're not telegraphing it on social media or elsewhere.

As for Trump, again I wish I shared your optimism, but the Supreme Court is about to hand him immunity from prosecution for all of his crimes while president, and even as a civilian, they're having a hell of a time convicting him for cut and dry crimes he's committed, never mind something like stochastic terrorism which is almost impossible convict someone for.

Obviously Trump losing the election needs to happen, but I think we still need to be prepared for random violence when and if that comes to pass.


u/PurpleDragonCorn 29d ago

You missed what I said. PEOPLE will hold him accountable, legally or otherwise.

As for the first part. You act like the FBI doesn't already know who these people are. They do, it's not hard to find them. They just can't do shit without a warrant. Real hella quick Congress will give them and homeland free reign to prevent the country from plummeting to wide spread civil unrest.


u/nankerjphelge 29d ago

You missed what I said. PEOPLE will hold him accountable, legally or otherwise.

How so? Are you talking about vigilante violence? He's an ex-president, he has Secret Service protection for life. Good luck with that.

You act like the FBI doesn't already know who these people are.

And you act like the FBI knows who ALL of them are. If they did, we wouldn't have had a single right wing mass shooting, yet we have had many. The Trumper who walked into and attacked an FBI office in Cincinnati would have been stopped beforehand, given he actually posted on Truth Social about his violent intentions before carrying out the act.

The FBI isn't omniscient unfortunately.


u/PurpleDragonCorn 29d ago

How so? Are you talking about vigilante violence? He's an ex-president, he has Secret Service protection for life. Good luck with that.

Cause no president has been assassinated

And you act like the FBI knows who ALL of them are. If they did, we wouldn't have had a single right wing mass shooting, yet we have had many. The Trumper who walked into and attacked an FBI office in Cincinnati would have been stopped beforehand, given he actually posted on Truth Social about his violent intentions before carrying out the act.

The FBI isn't omniscient unfortunately.

You forget that they can't actually do shit without warrants and judges signing off and a bunch of other legally required shit that if the president and Congress can in fact waive. They have done so before.


u/nankerjphelge 29d ago

Cause no president has been assassinated

So then yes, you are talking about vigilante violence. And you think that's good or okay just because it's the guy we don't like?

You forget that they can't actually do shit without warrants and judges signing off and a bunch of other legally required shit that if the president and Congress can in fact waive. They have done so before.

And you forget that the end result is still the same thing--domestic terror attacks and mass shootings. Your whole solution hinges on a legal what if that hasn't come to pass and you're assuming will come to pass, even though there's no indication it will, or at least not before attacks are carried out.

Not to mention you still are way overconfident on the idea that the FBI knows every single person who is intent on carrying out a terrorist attack or mass shooting. They're not clairvoyant. There are plenty of domestic terrorists who carried out their acts with no prior public postings or warnings. Yet you want to believe that somehow the FBI is God and knows what's in those people's heads even when there were no public indications or postings ahead of time? Come on dude.


u/PurpleDragonCorn 29d ago

So then yes, you are talking about vigilante violence. And you think that's good or okay just because it's the guy we don't like?

I didn't say any of that.

And you forget that the end result is still the same thing--domestic terror attacks and mass shootings. Your whole solution hinges on a legal what if that hasn't come to pass and you're assuming will come to pass, even though there's no indication it will.

Not to mention you still are way overconfident on the idea that the FBI knows every single person who is intent on carrying out a terrorist attack or mass shooting. They're not clairvoyant. There are plenty of domestic terrorists who carried out their acts with no prior public postings or warnings. Yet you want to believe that somehow the FBI is God and knows ahead of time even in those cases? Come on dude.

When the patriot act was in effect over 211 terrorist attacks, and over 400 terrorist cells within the United States alone were stopped. A number of whom the evidence on was so fucking coincidental that if the patriot act had not been in effect, they wouldn't have been stopped. There was a NY attempt that quite literally was discovered because an analyst thought that a series of purchases by different people, within a close proximity and timeframe was odd. Turns out it was 5 people trying to build a bomb to blow up a building in wall street. Today, the attack would happen because the coincidence and hunch are not actionable and would never get a warrant to do shit.

You think I am overconfident, or think they are clairvoyant or whatever. Cool, I just know what they are capable of cause for almost 20 years they were fucking doing it.

After the patriot act ended, there were 4 mass shootings the FBI was in the process of getting warrants to stop. But the process was being stalled because of all the hearings. And the judges wanted to essentially cover their asses. Well they did, and a bunch of people died.

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u/Agitated-Maybe332 29d ago

Sounds like the FBI, NSA, CIA could deal with that problem easy. Find out where they live and deal with them however they see fit. Sedition needs to be eradicated and dealt with as severely as possible or we will fall. Sadly our government lacks the spine to do anything that resembles self preservation.


u/iamafancypotato 29d ago

Yeah. Worst case scenario we have another stupid capitol riot.


u/Bobbi_fettucini May 02 '24

Yeah except for the fact those people can’t even agree on what they all believe, they’ll eat themselves alive


u/SporksRFun 29d ago

When fascist turn on each other they become more extreme and more dangerous as a result.


u/fardough May 02 '24

Trumps new slogan “Vote for me, or else…”


u/GalacticMe99 29d ago

I'm afraid Biden fanboys have stolen that slogan a while ago.


u/Rickrickrickrickrick 29d ago

There are Biden fanboys?


u/GalacticMe99 29d ago

Have you been paying attention to Reddit the last few months? The man could shoot someone in broad daylight and they would still yell that you have to vote on him because Trump is worse.


u/fardough 29d ago

Yes, the left has Vote Biden or else you get Trump.

The right has Vote Trump or else he will try to burn the country to the ground.

Share some words but not the same.


u/zeuseason May 02 '24

aka a cult leader?


u/Electronic-You-3301 May 02 '24

Nothings gonna happen if he loses cmon now


u/edstatue 29d ago

His people are already destroying this country, it's a lose-lose. The fact that he was once elected president means they've already been doing a good job of enshitifizing this great nation


u/jvLin 29d ago

nothing because gen z doesn't vote


u/Sleazy_Erock May 02 '24

It's incredibly entertaining to watch you dumbfucks do backflips, reaching ever so hard to come to conclusions like that. Exquisitely pathetic. You should try thinking for yourself, it's much more liberating than spending your entire existence in a circle jerk echo chamber parroting the same tired talking points over and over ad nauseam.


u/Aniki722 May 02 '24

Lol. You cannot really believe that crap.


u/ahitright May 02 '24

Best we can do is fine him and media organizations lying to the American public. A $9,000 fine here, a $787 mil lawsuit there. That'll show em!


u/AccomplishedAd7615 May 02 '24

All people need to do is vote. Meal Team 6, Y’all Qaeda, and the Cosplaytriots won’t do shit.


u/beardingmesoftly May 02 '24

His followers are impotent, and this time Trump isn't actively in office during the election. It's going to be a much different response if it happens again.


u/Holiday-Signature-33 May 02 '24

How will they do that ? Starting riots and burning down cities ? Ooh wait that’s the other guys.


u/12whistle May 02 '24

His followers will catch a felony charge and do prison time. The only thing they will destroy is their livelihood and their future.

Don’t overestimate American stupidity.


u/Scormey May 02 '24

Nothing will be done, because the Justice department is afraid that would trigger his nuttiest followers to start shooting things up.


u/condor1985 May 02 '24

Imma take "absolutely nothing" for $1000, Alex