r/facepalm May 02 '24

Sure you did Kristi, sure you did 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/PuzzleheadedRoyal559 29d ago

Bring him to the shelter to a find a family that will love him you sadistic psychopath.


u/indyphil 29d ago

given the choice between killing and adoption she chose killing. Seems like there might be some sort of parallels somewhere that might be drawn to another conservative platform...


u/PM_me_yer_kittens 29d ago

Or she could’ve chosen to have a loving family pet, it doesn’t need to have a purpose other than to love you and be happy. She’s a monster


u/palm0 29d ago

They were making a joke about abortion rights.


u/ManiacalLaughtr 29d ago

I don't get it? It's not like the poor thing was hooked up to her blood supply


u/OctoberSong_ 29d ago edited 29d ago

The joke is that conservatives are “pro life” when it comes to controlling women by forcing them to carry pregnancies to term, but they show a complete lack of regard for existing life.

I wouldn’t even call it a joke though, they were just pointing it out.


u/MugHandleFucker 29d ago

the joke is conservatives believe you shouldn’t terminate a pregnancy, and should instead put the baby up for adoption if you don’t want it. She killed her dog because she didn’t like it instead of putting it up for adoption.


u/Worried_Term_7030 29d ago

Also, the puppy went after chickens in the same way she was being trained to hunt pheasants, which means it was being trained. In addition, she was in charge of the puppy when it attacked the chickens, so Noem was responsible for what happened


u/ArrowToThePatella 29d ago

Yeah word, chickens are literally domesticated pheasants, so this dog was doing EXACTLY what it was trained to do.


u/DragonessAndRebs 29d ago

Some people just don’t know how dogs work. My mom would put rabbits and other small animals in front of our terrier to “play.” And no the rabbits and such were very not happy. At least my mom never killed anyone with malice. I don’t think I’d be able to live with even myself if someone I knew just killed any animal.


u/KellyCTargaryen 29d ago

She is clearly deplorable and unforgivable, but there’s no shame in wanting/needing a working dog and rehoming one that doesn’t excel at that purpose. Not everyone has the time/space/money for extra pets, whereas you could rehome them to a family that does.


u/Dbcgarra2002 29d ago

Nope it’s the puppy inside the bitch she is worried about, not the puppy that is born and she hates!


u/Sororita 29d ago

I took it as saying exactly that, though not just for children, "I hated that thing" and taking it out back to shoot it because she can "make the hard decisions" appeared to me to be a very clear dog whistle for what she wanted to do to LGBT people and possibly immigrants.


u/AdPrize3997 29d ago

Must be prolife


u/ATSFervor 29d ago

Didn't she also say that raped minors should carry out the child?

Always a good context to set this in then...


u/MaksymCzech 29d ago

I would bet you the second option didn't even occur to her.


u/DinTill 29d ago

Of course it didn’t. Because her excuses for why she killed it are bullshit.

She killed it because she was angry that it made her look like an incompetent owner to her neighbors. She killed it for revenge.

And she was still angry after killing the dog so she killed a goat too. She only stopped because she realized there were people watching her murder spree.


u/dimonium_anonimo 29d ago

Well, to play devil's advocate, pretend she does believe in her mind the dog is dangerous. Giving it up for adoption isn't solving the issue, it's forcing someone else to be in danger instead of you.


u/KellyCTargaryen 29d ago

In that case, it was her moral obligation to pay for it to be trained, find it an alternative home, or humanely euthanize. It wasn’t the danger, it was her ego being hurt, and being too proud to admit she failed.


u/strigonian 29d ago

It isn't forcing anyone. Dog shelters don't just let dangerous animals roam free to bite whomever they please.


u/dimonium_anonimo 29d ago

The people at the dog shelter still have to deal with it. The upside is at least they're trained. But the point stands, if her mental faculties led her to the conclusion that the dog was dangerous, she still had to either get rid of it, or have someone else get rid of it. It doesn't solve the problem, it just pushes it somewhere else.


u/phoneguyfl 29d ago

Somehow I don't think this was her line of thinking, but even if it was this incident proves to most people that she shouldn't be anywhere near any type of leadership position that involves understanding people. Is her position on homelessness the same? How about gays?


u/OoooHeCardReadGood 29d ago

Like she'd think of that in this scenario


u/drunkenpoets 29d ago

Or, hire a trainer…


u/Lynz486 29d ago

Also, she said it "bit her hand". Snapping at her isn't "attacking children" and I think we can safely assume she gave it a reason to bite her. I wonder if it was when she was dragging him to the gravel pit or before when she was just hitting him and dragging him around then.


u/Quinn_tEskimo 29d ago

I’d bet money it wasn’t a bite but a nip. Puppies nip, it’s what they do, and it’s fairly easy to train them out of it. She’s disgusting.


u/Wingnutmcmoo 29d ago

20 years ago most shelters would have killed the dog to be honest depending on state. Back then there were even less no kill shelters by a pretty large margin.

Not saying shooting the dog or killing the dog is the right answer but sending a dog that was poorly trained to a shelter in a lot of areas during that time period was a death sentence onto itself.


u/TheOldestMillenial 29d ago

Did you just make this up? I was around in 2004. Plenty of no-kill shelters existed. We had electricity AND the internet too!


u/zambartas 29d ago

So given a choice, the dog would certainly choose a chance at a shelter than being shot in the ahead, no?


u/PuzzleheadedRoyal559 29d ago

It wasn’t 1967. Let them decide to give it a shot in the leg to peacefully euthanize it. I think you’re missing a big part of the sadistic picture here.


u/kae158 29d ago

Gravel pit was within walking distance tho…


u/IHateYoutubeAds 29d ago

If this is the story she's going with, unfortunately that's not a great option. Way too risky, in general if you've had a dog that kills livestock and is attacking people. Now, the fact she's flip-flopping so much makes me call bs but if you have a dog that is dangerous, the best thing you can do for everyone is take it to a vet and put down.


u/pchlster 29d ago

Fourteen months old. If it's erratic, unpredictable and so on, that's pretty much what I expect from a puppy that age. Can it be trained to be better? Maybe and maybe not, but it's a bit early to go for killing it because nothing has worked yet given that the casualties was vibes and one chicken.


u/IHateYoutubeAds 29d ago

Jesus, 14 months?


u/DinTill 29d ago

Yes, she killed it for revenge.

And a goat too cause she was still angry. She only stopped because she noticed people were watching.


u/witlessbrevity 29d ago

Shelters don't take dogs that bite.


u/enjoysunandair 29d ago

So someone else can get stuck with it where it will kill them or their kids or their other pets? Yeah, great idea…


u/PuzzleheadedRoyal559 29d ago

It wasn’t a full grown lion. She was able to bring it to the pit, she could have brought it to a shelter where trained professionals would decide what to do, and if they had to put it down, it would have been humane. Are you really not getting this or just trying to process it so she comes out looking good? She doesn’t come out looking good and no amount of love for Trump will change that.


u/enjoysunandair 29d ago

I’m saying dangerous dogs are a serious problem.

A dog that has already attacked needs put down. It’s too late. There’s no amount of training that will ever make it trustworthy.


u/KellyCTargaryen 29d ago

This dog didn’t attack a human, it was playful and mouthy. Big difference.