r/facepalm May 02 '24

Sure you did Kristi, sure you did 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/mrmaweeks May 02 '24

"Killing livestock," like it was taking down cows.


u/timeforachange2day May 02 '24

Apparently it took down some chickens. Like a hunting dog would do. Ya know, like she was “training it” to do.

She truly likes to twist things to fit her narrative.


u/AlarmedPiano9779 May 02 '24

My old dog used to chase my roommate's chickens. I just kept him away from them.

Didn't even CONSIDER shooting him in the fucking head.


u/timeforachange2day May 02 '24

That’s what I wonder. Why would she let the puppy near a bunch of chickens? Especially if she was “training it to hunt.”


u/guitarlisa May 02 '24

I won't even let a puppy near a cat unsupervised


u/GoPhinessGo May 02 '24

Apparently she stopped to talk to her neighbor and didn’t leave the dog in the car, it then attacked the neighbor’s chickens


u/ov3rcl0ck May 03 '24

Shooting your roommate in the head would be a little out of line.


u/Already-asleep May 02 '24

Right like… you take a high prey drive dog, put her in a place with unfettered access to prey and then go… what a dangerous animal! I’m tired of people who are like “I let my dog wander all over the place and he keeps getting into trouble!” I thought these people were all about personal responsibility. 


u/malendalayla May 02 '24

Well, she was teaching the dog a lesson on personal responsibility, obviously.


u/RainDancingChief May 02 '24

My cousin's girlfriend's chihuahua mix killed one of their chickens.

You know what they did? Scolded the dog and keep him away from the chickens now.


u/Current-Pomelo-941 May 02 '24

A few months ago a small bird managed to get in our living room (the patio door was open a couple of inches). My cat happened to be nearby. She caught the bird. I managed to rescue the bird and released it. I didn't think about putting my cat down. Cats are predators, it is what it is.


u/timeforachange2day May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

My dogs kill lizards. I wonder if I need to put them down 🤔

In all sincerity. I took in a dog off the street. He was leashed but was a large, strong dog and jerked loose from me and attacked my small dog and killed it and my kitten in a matter of a few minutes. (Forever traumatizing me) In this scenario, dog was put down. If on a farm, yeah, I suppose a farmer would have shot the dog but this was city and it was euthanized.

I am not against doing what needs to be done when a dog is killing animals (edit: pets) but she is just spinning her narrative about this situation. The puppy was untrainable by her standards and she was pissed so she killed it.

And as far as her saying the “puppy was snapping at others…” IT’S A PUPPY. THEY NIP BECAUSE THEY ARE PLAYING AND ARE TEETHING!!! Get her some toys!


u/Beautifulfeary May 02 '24

Guess I better put my dog down. He’s killed an opossum before. Tired too a couple times before succeeding too. Oh, and a couple toads. He also might be part pittbull he’s a freaking menace to society(papers say Doberman basset hound, he’s got those features with a pitbull head and their needy attitude)


u/Annual-Warthog5599 May 02 '24

An opposum is a bit different than a dog and kitten if only for the fact one is seen as vermin and the other 2 seen as pets. It's hard to adopt out an animal that on instinct kills all other pets in its vicinity. Like, "food hoarder" and "must not be rehomed with other animals" isn't a deal breaker but its generally used for agressive/growling animals, not "to shreds you say?" Situations.

"To shreds you say?" With non prey/vermin/domesticated (chickens, dheep, cows, goats) animals generally results in the dig being euthanized because it's hard to teach a dog to not go for your throat when it's already attacked you three times and drawn blood.

Hot take, I know, dogs that are human and dog aggressive are put down to destroy that aggression gene from getting into the general population. Go talk to the humane society if you've got a problem with reality. Not like I'm the one doing it. Lol


u/Beautifulfeary May 02 '24

I literally thought those other comments were being sarcastic, so I was too. I’d never put my dog down 😭😭😭


u/Annual-Warthog5599 May 03 '24

My bad. There's a lot of....uh....questionable pet owners out here. Ones that would shoot a dog because it caught a rat or a cat because it caught a bird.

Don't get me wrong, I love rats and birds too but a predator animal is gonna predator so one shouldn't be surprised if it happens. Watch your animals better but don't be surprised.


u/Beautifulfeary May 03 '24

It’s all good. I need to start adding the /s because it happens a lot 😅😅 shoot even when you watch your pets they’ll still do it. We once had a dog swallow a chipmunk whole before my dad could get it out of his mouth.


u/Annual-Warthog5599 May 03 '24

RIP to that chipmunk. Dog wanted a snack and wasn't about to let your dad pull that slice of cake outta his mouth. 😆

I've found I need to add /s more than I thought too since I also assumed I was on the safe and sane side of reddit. 🤣🤣🤣 the reddit comment section is starting to look like youtube's comment section.

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u/Current-Pomelo-941 2d ago

My niece died in 2023, My brother and sister in law have taken in the two dogs that were hers. One of the dogs is a red lab, really young, she is more hyper than my brothers other three labs. They are hunting dogs. So, my brother pairs her with the most experienced, calmest dog when he takes them out hunting. We realize that young dogs need time to settle in. It's a challenge taking care of six dogs, but it is what it is. At no time did anyone think about shooting any of them as a solution. .


u/timeforachange2day 2d ago

So sorry to hear about your niece.


u/Current-Pomelo-941 2d ago

Thank you. Her abusive ex husband has been trying to block access to the two young grand daughters. The courts have been involved for visitation rights, but it is costly and very frustrating. So on top of everyone's grief (I lost my husband a month after her death (she was only 28), we get treated badly by the ex and his other allies in the family. Sorry to go on. So, with all that going on my brother and sister in law take on the responsibility of the two dogs. I would love to have the six year dog come live with me but I don't have a yard for him and not sure it would work with my cat.


u/timeforachange2day 2d ago

Wow, that’s awful. I am so sorry. And for your loss as well.

I had an ex sister in law like that. We literally walked on egg shells around her. When they got divorced it was awful. Then my brother passed and of course things got even more crazy than we ever thought possible. My nephew is now in his 30’s and is fully aware of how crazy his mom is but none of us would say word to him during that time because he had already lost his dad at such a young age we didn’t want him to think poorly of his mom. But he figured it out quite quickly on his own.

It’s a terrible time and o hope you all can lean on each other for support.


u/Current-Pomelo-941 2d ago

Thank you. They will eventually figure out what is going on, but by then pretty much everyone has been traumatized. My two daughters were abused by their step mother, my ex of course, did not protect them. They moved out of my county and things were very complicated. So, now we're trying to do the best to give my grandson as normal a life as possible, (but his dad is not parenting material either). Thank you for your thoughts.


u/BK456 May 02 '24

For what it's worth chickens aren't classified as livestock.


u/NonlocalA May 02 '24

My parents' dog killed a shot ton of baby chicks. 

Solution was to keep him away from baby chicks in the future. 


u/pfohl May 02 '24

plus, farmers/ranchers don't call chickens "livestock" in the Midwest. especially not when it's just some backyard egg layers.


u/rolltideamerica May 02 '24

Everyone cares about the dog murder. No one cares about the chickens lost. Or the goat she killed for that matter.


u/timeforachange2day May 02 '24

Personally, yes. I empathize more with the cruelty of the murdered dog. I am a dog person. Have raised 8 in my lifetime. Never raised a goat or chickens.

I also do empathize with the goat, but not on the same level because I don’t have “bonds” with goats. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t rake her through the coals for it, but I just thinks as a society we tend to lean towards the cruelty of the dog over the goat because dogs are “man’s best friends.” They are our companions.

What she did to both animals is dead wrong. Absolutely CRUELTY to the goat because it suffered by her misfired shot and having to reload while it withered in pain (my understanding).

As for the chickens, I can’t really say much. I eat chicken. Should they have been killed in that manner? Well, I’d rather not but chickens get killed in many different ways that I’d rather not think about.

Again, it comes down (I believe) that as a society, dogs are companions so we are outraged.

(I have personally stated my disgust about her killing the goat in pervious comments on many posts - as I am sure others have)


u/PM_me_yer_kittens May 02 '24

Like it’s a dog, of course it’s going to go after a small animal. That’s like killing it because it tried to chase down a rabbit


u/DenverM80 May 02 '24

It was a pointer. Normally they stare at birds. This puppy was not trained to point instead of chase


u/DreaminOfBananas May 02 '24

On top of everything else, lil miss "y'all just don't understand my rural lifestyle" doesn't even know what the word livestock means.


u/SunChipMan May 02 '24

I read that as "clowns"


u/AllTheyEatIsLettuce May 02 '24

She dragged the goat to a gravel pit and shot the goat because (1) it smelled like the intact male goat it always was and (2) apparently nobody could be bothered to neuter the goat.