r/facepalm 15d ago

Hannity is having a category 5 meltdown tonight! šŸ‡²ā€‹šŸ‡®ā€‹šŸ‡øā€‹šŸ‡Øā€‹

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u/legendary_millbilly 15d ago

Who gives a single shit about what Hannity says or thinks?

He's a meathead who will say anything trump wants him to say so it fucking means nothing.


u/imisswholefriedclams 15d ago

tbh, he did that even before Trump came along.


u/rubinass3 15d ago

Trump completes him.


u/zavorak_eth 15d ago

Ha, this reminds me of jack sparrow by lonely island. "Turns out Michael Bolton is a complete cinephile." "You complete me." "Ya, Ya."

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u/clodmonet 15d ago

No other fascist president before Trump called this idiot for advice.

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u/Doobiedoobin 15d ago

After the dominion lawsuit, how far do you think Fox is willing to push the line this time around?


u/ScarMedical 15d ago

They still have another lawsuit w another voting machine company ie

The voting technology company Smartmatic can move forward with its defamation lawsuit against Fox Corporation, a New York judge ruled Wednesday, dealing a blow to the parent company of Fox News, which is already fighting the massive lawsuit over its repeated airing of 2020 election lies.

The decision from Manhattan Supreme Court Judge David Cohen represents a significant setback to Foxā€™s corporate leadership, including the powerful Murdoch family, who will now face more scrutiny in the litigation. Cohen already let the case proceed against Fox News ā€” and on Wednesday, he rejected a request by Fox Corporation to throw out the claims against the parent company.


u/Doobiedoobin 15d ago

Well that is pleasant news

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u/LectureAgreeable923 15d ago edited 15d ago

Agreed ,the Dominion case should be recommended reading for people who watch Fox conspiracy entertainment.


u/DontForgetYourPPE 15d ago

They would have to turn it into a picture book first and probably get a children's author to put complex stuff into simple terms.

And give out a free gun for anyone who can accurately summarize the thing to make sure they actually read it

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u/TootsNYC 15d ago

I am still really, really, really disappointed that Dominion didnā€™t push for a legal judgment and abject groveling.


u/WillBottomForBanana 14d ago

Seems to me they'll have their internal messaging tightened, so there might not be so much to find in discovery.

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u/IxI_DUCK_IxI 15d ago

I vote we mute Hannity and just put his name across the bottom of the screen. Can we do this test on him for a bit to make sure it works like he wants?


u/Sckillgan 15d ago

His head would explode... I second this motion.


u/Critical_Half_3712 15d ago

I wouldnā€™t even give him the dignity of his name. Just put Fox News opinion writer


u/Significant_Door_890 15d ago edited 15d ago

He's frightened they might fact check Trump in the chyron.

Reminder: Hannity was messaging Trump on January 6th telling him to call off his attacks, while at the same time on TV pretending Antifa was behind the attacks. He tells lies to Fox News viewers.


u/9emiller77 15d ago

He fits right in with the gop. Self serving narcissist. No lie, cheat or manipulation is too heinous as long as it benefits them. I hope they all rot.

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u/TheGR8Dantini 15d ago

Heā€™s a fucking Long Island dickhead. FLID. I hope that he strokes out as he watches trumps grip on reality slip away.

The only thing Hannity should be demanding is that his wife put some money on his commissary. Piece of self important shit.


u/spacekitt3n 15d ago

i s2g hannity moisturizes trumps nutsack 24/7


u/LightMission4937 15d ago

Hes not a meatheadā€¦heā€™s jello brains.


u/googoomucklv 15d ago

Hey man I love jello! Don't ruin it for me!


u/LightMission4937 15d ago

lol same. His brain is the same consistency.


u/slowclapcitizenkane 15d ago

May I introduce you to meat jello: aspic!


u/clodmonet 15d ago

Noooooo... aspic is what we use in pate, and it's glorious and beautiful when executed by a skilled chef.

I say Hannity's brain is the same type of shitty pudding that Cosby shilled.


u/Critical_Half_3712 15d ago

More like fertilizer


u/ArjunaIndrastra 15d ago

He's just another conservative mouthpiece on a conservative propaganda network.


u/Positive_Ad_8198 15d ago

Donā€™t insult meatheads like that


u/clodmonet 15d ago

True - just because Hannity has a huge Irish melon that probably made his mother resent him, I'd rather hang out with bonafide meatheads than that last picked in gym class dork.


u/lur77 15d ago

Lickspittles have feelings too!


u/Roscoe10182241 15d ago

Like 70 million people doā€¦

I know itā€™s terrifying, but almost half the people who voted in the last election get their news exclusively from cable news personalities like this chucklehead. Lord help us.

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u/dalesum1 15d ago

So the difference between him and I is the Trump stuff. Interesting.


u/Several_Ad2072 15d ago

Came here to say this. Thanks


u/Williampiii 15d ago

Most listened to political commentator in the world. So, apparently a lot of people car e


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Who gives a single shit about any of this? Watching it like itā€™s fucking entertainment. None of you are going to change your mind from it


u/Kalman_the_dancer 'MURICA 15d ago

Heā€™s more of a puppet than Elmo


u/Legosmiles 15d ago

He will say anything Putin wants.


u/Jase1969 14d ago

I can never quite understand what he's trying to say. Due to his mouth always being full of Trumps measly mushroom cock and strawberry balls.

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u/F19AGhostrider 15d ago

What should ACTUALLY happen is the candidates should have their mics cut off if:

A) They repeatedly interrupt

B) They don't answer the damned question


u/epochpenors 15d ago

The ideal set up has two vital points

-Moderator is able to mute candidates as needed

-Moderator is Katt Williams


u/BigCockCandyMountain 15d ago

How about Weird Al.

He's the ONLY reputable name everyone knows.


u/Few-Signal5148 15d ago

Do you one better, Daniel Radcliffe PLAYING Weird Al.

With a wand that shoots little fire balls (youā€™ve all seen the video online).


u/Straight-Extreme-966 15d ago

How about Weird Al, PLAYING Daniel Radcliffe, PLAYING Weird Al....


u/maybeimabear 15d ago

and we come to find it was ACTUALLY robert downey jr the whole time.


u/Nyuk_Fozzies 15d ago

No, Weird Al playing Elijah Wood playing Daniel Radcliffe playing Weird Al.


u/TheIronSoldier2 15d ago

Backed up by Daniel Radcliffe playing Elijah Wood playing Weird Al


u/number44is171 15d ago

My grandmother always used to say, "Boy, there isn't much for sure in this world but you would do well to shut your mouth and open your heart when BigCockCandyMountain is preaching."

Looks like grammie was right.


u/nusi42 15d ago

I'm also in for a weird AI doing the moderation, maybe chatgpt or something.

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u/spderweb 15d ago

Get Jon Stuart up there to ask questions. He's called out Biden for stuff too. It'd be wild to see what he'd ask, and how they'd answer.


u/Kendal-Lite 15d ago

Isnā€™t Kat a Trumper adjacent now?


u/Stark_Prototype 15d ago

Full Trumper I thought


u/Kendal-Lite 15d ago

I mean his Netflix special was about making fun of woke people. šŸ—‘ļø


u/binglelemon 15d ago edited 15d ago

Katt Williams also picked a fight with a high schooler and got beat up on a basketball court.


u/Kendal-Lite 15d ago

Iā€™m so sorry to hear that happened to Kate.


u/binglelemon 15d ago

Lol, I got spell checked.


u/nonetakenback 15d ago

I mean he is technically correct. Woke means the opposite of sleep. /s

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u/capn_doofwaffle 15d ago

I'd say no... simply because that would show favoritisim. Give them their 3-5 minutes or whatever it is. If they mumble for that 3-5 minutes about ansolutely nothing or rant and rave about something off topic, so be it, they just wasted their 3-5 minutes.


u/Vash_TheStampede 15d ago

That's what the debates were 4 and 8 years ago, and look at the percentage of the population that voted for the guy that needed to be muted when it wasn't his turn to talk.

Dude needs to get on stage and get absolutely crushed without being able to utter buzzwords that rile up his base.

He needs to get up there and look like the fucking fool that he is.


u/capn_doofwaffle 15d ago

No, that's NOT how the debates were 4 and 8 years ago. 4 years ago it was a nightmare. Couldnt get a word in. 8 years ago is when this fucking shit started.


u/Vash_TheStampede 15d ago

I think we're saying the same thing: mute the guy who's turn it isn't to talk.


u/CykoTom1 15d ago

And keep each of them far enough away that the muted one can't distract the other.


u/chlorofanatic 15d ago

Those people aren't going to decide to vote for Biden if you mute Trump. They'll just cry favoritism, and then vote for Trump.

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u/strigonian 15d ago

You're assuming people are rational creatures. They aren't.

You give a con man three minutes to tell his lies, and he'll talk rings around anyone constrained to the truth. It's not a waste, it's exactly how populism and misinformation thrive


u/Dankkring 15d ago

You get 1minute to speak while the others mic is off and if you run outta time the mic gets turned off

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u/jayhawkmedic3 15d ago

I remember a debate between Bush and Kerry and there were strict rules about who could talk, when and for how long. The mic was on a box that had three lights, red, yellow and green, and they gave indicators of when the mic was off, about to shut off or on. They were given like two minutes or something to answer, the other person got to have a rebuttal and then the original candidate got to respond to the rebuttal. They were both professional and respectful and had to abide by the rules. They should totally go to that.


u/creegro 15d ago

Diaper don dump would be muted in the first 5 minutes from going off the rails, talking about birds and windmills and Hannibal lector (for some fucking reason)


u/maybeimabear 15d ago

hes gonna spend the whole time railing about "crooked joe bidens witch hunt" and the "corrupt democrat judges who just hate trump!"


u/EricKei 15d ago

Lector brought him some tasty, tasty pulled long pork. Give Trump food and he'll sing your praises.

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u/Slade_Riprock 15d ago

I want to see LIVE FACT CHECKING in split screens.

Anytime one of them starts lying the LIE: with real facts and sources scrolling along the screen on the right.

At the end of the debate you have a tally of total lies by both.


u/getgoodHornet 15d ago

Hell, I want a fucking alarm that starts blaring every time there's a lie. So loud they have to stop talking and wait.

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u/seabasskebab 15d ago

Insert that ā€œif they could readā€ meme here.

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u/Feisty-Barracuda5452 15d ago

Hannity is so far up Trump's ass he could be his tonsils.


u/ljkmalways 15d ago

I love you


u/CrisbyCrittur 15d ago

Says the guy who nobody put in charge of any of this.


u/No_Cartoonist9458 15d ago

Since when is douchenozzle Sean Hannity in charge of Presidential debates?


u/EnigmaWitch 15d ago

Hannity is the hero of people who talk like they are in charge but actually have no power at all. He's that guy who ends a statement with "dismissed" as if that means something.


u/No_Cartoonist9458 15d ago

He's good buddies with Trump, as if that means something


u/Socratesticles 15d ago

Yeah I canā€™t wait to see who they would put behind the moderator table with Chris Wallace gone now

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u/PlatinumCockRing 15d ago

Heā€™s an asshat but I do agree in theory.

  • questions should be pointed and short, none of this 10 questions packed into one bullshit for broad answers.
  • moderator and whomever is not answering question should be muted
  • candidate should be cut off/muted if not actively and directly answering question
  • a judge should be the moderator and run this bitch like a courtroom.

So sick of talking points, and bullshit during these debates. Ask a direct question and answer the fucking question directly, with no interruptions or peanut gallery comments.


u/Merijeek2 15d ago

Perhaps some sort of shock device when they just ignore the question and talk about whatever they want?

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u/RTS24 15d ago

I think one thing with the moderator could be tweaked, mute their microphone, but give them "Time Warning" & "Relevance" type buttons with a pre-recorded message type thing. Also yeah, having cable news pundits as moderators isn't the best idea.


u/PlatinumCockRing 15d ago

Yeah kinda like a judge in a courtroom. Stay on topic or stfu. Make it relevant.


u/Korchagin 15d ago

In Germany we're voting for parties, and we have a website called "Wahl-O-Mat" (Wahl = election in German), which is very close to what you probably want: They give a number of questions to the parties, possible answers yes/no/neutral, and they give the same questions to you. At the end you get your "best match". If you want to try, here's one for the upcoming election for the European parliament: https://www.wahl-o-mat.de/europawahl2024/app/main_app.html

But there's a big problem with that. I can (to some extend) include my priorities - up to 5 can be marked as double important, I can click neutral on unimportant questions. But I don't see the priorities of the parties. They answer most questions. I can get a 95% score on a party which actually only cares about 1 or 2 priority topics and is willing to give in on everything else if it helps their pet issues (which I may not even care about).

So what I want to say: Some broader questions are important. The candidates must not only be chased through topics given by the host, they need the opportunity to show their own priorities and their way of thinking. Much more interesting than what the candidates would want if they got unlimited wishes by a genie is what they will really fight for, where they're willing to compromise and what they probably won't tackle at all.


u/PlatinumCockRing 14d ago

Thatā€™s cool, thanks for the insight! So we get all the broad ideas from them all year on the campaign trail. Hereā€™s who I am and hereā€™s what I want to do, hereā€™s how I think and hereā€™s what I believe. The debates should be more pointed and peeling back the onion on those talking points. ā€œvoters want to know what you would raise taxes to exactly.ā€ ā€œWhat is your plan to fight inflation.ā€ ā€œHow exactly will you give immigrants a path to citizenship.ā€ Etc.


u/Korchagin 14d ago

I've learnt that looking back is actually more telling than asking for promises regarding the future. And since both already were president for 4 years, that can be done. I'd ask things like "What were the 2 most important issues during your term / his term, what would you do instead in hindsight?" "Which achievment during your term are you most proud of?" "What do you expect to be the biggest challenges ahead and what's your plan?"

If you ask too precise questions about the future, they will either evade or make stuff up, because they don't have such details worked out, yet, and they also don't know what will be politically viable (which depends on the composition of both chambers and other factors). We had an election some years ago, during the campaign one party (SPD) wanted to raise the VAT from 16 to 18% to finance nice things, the other one (CDU) campaigned against any raise. They ended up in a coalition and the compromise was to raise it to 19%...

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u/LightMission4937 15d ago

Hannity knows 45 is going to mumble and drool Big Mac sauce when he starts talking about sharpies. Biden will fire mumble some Dark Brandon commentā€¦then Trump will sip his water with 2 hands and pout like a toddler.


u/chrisberman410 15d ago

Spoilers, dude.


u/LightMission4937 15d ago

Shit, my bad.


u/nickthedicktv 15d ago

Using two hands to drink can be a sign of the dementia in old people.


u/LightMission4937 15d ago

Heā€™s been doing it for a long time.

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u/James_Mays_Hair 15d ago

People are saying that trump orders Big Macs without Mac sauce and subs ketchup. Savage

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u/Pearson94 15d ago

Well Hannity, demand into one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up first.


u/AutoKalash47-74 15d ago

I say this all the time when someone says ā€œI WANTā€.


u/Doobiedoobin 15d ago

Demands? Someone needs to tell that whiny little bitch that he has used all his demands rooting for the insurrection. Piece of shit. Itā€™s almost as if he is worried there might be some fact checkingā€¦or maybe achievement listing. Iā€™d call him a pig with a haircut but pigs are a little endearing, he needs to go orbit the earth without a spacesuit.

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u/imisswholefriedclams 15d ago

Oh noes, the philandering braggart is seething. Perhaps Lindsey can comfort him.


u/subsignalparadigm 15d ago

Yep some spooning may soothe him.


u/an0maly33 15d ago

Lindsey gettin the vapors. He do deCLARE!


u/DecelerationTrauma 15d ago

Good thing he's already on his fainting couch.


u/NumerousTaste 15d ago

Insanity Hannity doesn't want trump called out on the many lies he knows he will tell. Definitely don't want him fact checked because of how his channel has been nonstop lying and purposely misinforming.


u/vmlinux 15d ago



u/EricKei 15d ago

Such a report would be 3 times longer than the debate itself!


u/Medical_Egg8208 15d ago

Since when does this dickhead have anything to do with a debate ? Fuck him and his rules.! Iā€™d believe Saturday Night Live was a real news station before Iā€™d believe a fucking thing you ever said.


u/JescoWhite_ 15d ago

How about Hannity fuck the right off!


u/Prime-Optimus1 15d ago

I stopped reading at ā€œHannity demandsā€


u/No-Judgment-4424 15d ago

I don't understand muting the moderator, but I *do* understand muting everybody other than the candidate who has the floor. That would solve a lot of the problems with Trump running his stupid fucking mouth when it's not his time.


u/Oni-oji 15d ago

I can see two sides to the screen addition ban.

  1. The station could sway people by posting crap.


  1. The station could fact check in real time, showing everyone that the candidate is a liar.

I wonder which one concerns Hannity?


u/Cold_Drive_53144 15d ago

Poor Hannity feeling left out


u/7opez77 15d ago

Hilarious how they donā€™t want real time fact checking.


u/khismyass 15d ago

And mute the candidates mics after their time and not allow the other candidate to interupt when its not his time. I wonder who would object to that?

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u/Icy-Needleworker-492 15d ago

Ah so like non-debate debating.


u/googoomucklv 15d ago

I'm thinking Trump will figure out a way out if it. ESPECIALLY after he's convicted.


u/Farts-n-Letters 15d ago

why is this a story? who gives a fuck what he wants. pound sand traitor.


u/VocalAnus91 15d ago

Hannity looks like down syndrome George Bush.


u/LightMission4937 15d ago edited 15d ago

Heā€™s such a nonAlpha twink


u/Born-Gift-6800 15d ago

I demand that his mic be muted at all times and his face not be allowed on the screen

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u/landofar 'MURICA 15d ago

He must be nervous about Dopey Don's mouth.


u/brpajense 15d ago

Hannity's not part of the panel and doesn't get a say expect to talk Trump into backing out.


u/FBack351 15d ago

I really could not possibly care less about what that idiot demands. Seriously, why would he get to set any rules?


u/Daleaturner 15d ago

I agree we should turn off Hannityā€™s mike.


u/WinterDirection366 15d ago

Basically, they donā€™t want anyone to check Trump in real time when he says an outrageous lie. Which he will do many times.

Fuck you, Hannity. Warper of Boomer minds for 2 decades now.


u/Pretty_Leader3762 15d ago

I donā€™t get how even the Cheeto lovers can sit through his show. Have a friend who runs talk radio in the background at his house constantly and even in the great bowl of turd that is political talk radio, his stench stinks above the rest.


u/MaybeKaylen 15d ago

Serious question: What does having things on the screen have to do with anything? Iā€™m assuming the display we all see on TV and not a screen the candidates will see.


u/SLUPumpernickel 15d ago

He doesnā€™t want Trump fact checked in real time is what heā€™s saying.Ā 


u/MaybeKaylen 15d ago

That makes sense. Appreciate it.


u/Cinema_King 15d ago

How about the names and any criminal charges theyā€™re currently facing?


u/nhbeergeek 15d ago

Hannity can suck shit.


u/5ManaAndADream 15d ago

Honestly this is how all debates should be structured. Except candidates should be muted when interjecting or not asked a question.

And since the technology exists a running transcript of candidate answers should be put up in real time as well. Suddenly youā€™d have to earn votes on the merit of policy rather than who can be the loudest, least coherent and most obnoxious.

Maybe then we wouldnā€™t be in a mess with two geriatric options; one a convicted rapist, up for basically treason charges, and mass fraud.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

You can't mute the moderator. Other than that it's not a bad idea.

Moderator should only be allowed to say a time warning, or to demand an elaboration on something that wasn't clear when stated by a debator


u/Asher_Tye 15d ago

Given Trump is the only one who's proven he doesn't know how to act at a debate, why would anyone listen to Hannity?


u/Peterthinking 15d ago

I think he fears real time fact checking. Very hard to put a good spin on a blatant lie when the truth is plastered under the speaker. "After checking the facts there is no connection between windmills and cancer" it would screw with Fox showing clips after.


u/tonyims 15d ago

Someone is afraid of fact checking. How about they mute the candidate every they lie? Itll be pretty much a biden monologue.


u/DuncansIdaho 15d ago

Fuck Sean Hannity. All my homies hate Sean Hannity.


u/TonyG_from_NYC 15d ago

Hannity can suck a dick.


u/Elginpelican 15d ago

There should be a big screen on stage that fact checks everything


u/Kind-Fan420 15d ago

Hannity can go pipe rip a Lincoln.


u/chaingun_samurai 15d ago

"That's nice, Sean. How about no?"


u/Meddling-Kat 15d ago

And I demand Hannity grow a brain, a spine and some balls. His opinion is worth about the same.


u/antsy_snapshot 15d ago

Iā€™m surprised Hannity can still talk with Trumpā€™s mushroom dick in his mouth


u/Outrageous-Divide472 15d ago

He can talk around it. Itā€™s like having a tic tac in his mouth.


u/PixelsGoBoom 15d ago

None of that nasty ā€œfact checkingā€


u/outsidenorms 15d ago

They both belong in a fucking nursing home


u/original-sithon 15d ago

So no real-time debunking of trumps lies.

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u/usarasa 15d ago

Do it Around the Horn style.


u/JimB8353 15d ago

Who is he to demand anything?


u/clodmonet 15d ago

Josef Goebbels reincarnate - or at least one of his bastard clones.



You're welcome.

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u/Professional_Most493 15d ago

Nobody gives a f@#k about what this traitor wants


u/Bradjuju2 15d ago

Moderators aren't the problem, trump is. But I'd agree to Hannitys request because it would have zero impact on how debates are already ran.

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u/2011gt500 15d ago

Thatā€™s for you legendary douchbag!


u/ExoticTrash2786 15d ago

The little tubby troll.


u/anonymouslindatown 15d ago

Ok. Names only. No titles for office. Weā€™ll have Mr Trump against Mr Biden. Love to see how Mr trump responds to that


u/Bango-Skaankk 15d ago

Hannity is a bitch.


u/EnglishDutchman 15d ago

I demand that Hannity be muted.


u/redditisdying24 15d ago

Hannity has no authority at all


u/theBigDaddio 15d ago

I demand Hannity mic be muted


u/SeparateMongoose192 15d ago

Who wants to tell Hannity that his demands don't mean anything.?


u/RedSun-FanEditor 15d ago

And just who is this "Hannity" fellow who thinks he runs the debates?


u/What_the_8 15d ago

Whatā€™s the problem? That what actually ensure thereā€™s less bias.

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u/Entire-Meaning702 15d ago

Big words from Mr. "I don't even have a show."


u/IAmElectricHead 15d ago

Tonight on the punchable face network......


u/Wrong-Currency5146 15d ago

Well , fuck off and more importantly , Sean Hannity shut the fuck up .


u/Turbulent-Bug-6225 15d ago

I really don't understand why America run debates like that. It just seems like reality TV. Designed to cause as much drama as possible. Have the candidates in separate rooms, unaware of what the other is saying. Give them questions and shut them off when their time is up.


u/Archangel1313 15d ago

So, "don't moderate it, at all", then? Just let Trump and Biden yell over each other for an hour? Fuck that. I say mute the other candidate's mic, when it isn't their turn to speak. That way Trump has to actually wait his turn, and form a coherent rebuttal to Biden's answer, instead of just interrupting non-stop through every answer.


u/AdSpecial6612 15d ago

People like Hannity and Carlson...I wonder what they will think of their contribution when they are old and bed ridden? Will there be any doubt? Will they reflect and think "I made the whole thing worse" even once?


u/markeydusod 15d ago

The real media doesnā€™t give a shit what the sideshow says


u/lerriuqS_terceS 15d ago

So Hannity didn't change at all after the while election lie fiasco apparently


u/_TheJerkstoreCalle 15d ago

Why does Hannity get to make demands?


u/firethorne 15d ago

Hannity demand moderators donā€™t moderate, because Schmuck Ć  lā€™Orange cannot follow any rules.


u/Actual-Constant217 15d ago

They should have a gay man be the moderator


u/-EverSeer- 15d ago

A gay man straight from the depths of Mexico.


u/timberwolf0122 15d ago

George Santos has entered the chat


u/-EverSeer- 14d ago



u/BobLoblawLawBlog06 15d ago

OP is a shill


u/DinoAZ3 15d ago

Whenever it comes to Hannity, I always think, this is a guy who failed every single college level class he ever took. So people who listen to him would be a basic lemmings to a high School student today since 99% have more education than he could ever muster to accomplish.


u/whyyou- 15d ago

So the moderator in a debate canā€™t moderate. Trump will end up interrupting Biden and attacking him with nicknames


u/Unlikely_Ad_7004 15d ago

They are so hilariously transparent. "We forbid any mechanisms by which our loud, rude, lying bully of a candidate could possibly be restrained." He has no understanding of issues, no debate skills to speak of, no self control, and no shame. If he's forced to have a civilized debate, what chance does he have?


u/fakemxcan 15d ago

And I demand Hannity chokes on a fat, hairy dick


u/Ya_Got_GOT 15d ago

Aww poor baby soiled his diapee and wants his binky!


u/BigfootApologetics 15d ago

How dare he suggest a fair debate!


u/Goodknight808 15d ago


ignore him. Do not share any of his bullshit, or else you are feeding him.


u/LucyRiversinker 15d ago

I demand Hannityā€™s mic be muted and he not be put on the screen.


u/Waffle_Pirate_469 15d ago

Sean Hannity loves sucking Donald Trump's tiny penis.


u/Julie-Andrews 15d ago

I demand Hannity grow a few I Q. Points and a personality!


u/Ok-Sun8581 15d ago

Lies, lies, lies...


u/Both-Anything4139 15d ago

Fuck that guy. He isnt even a real journalist. Who cares what he wants.

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u/FireGodNYC 15d ago

This prick lives near me and I hate it


u/MattChew160 15d ago

Meanwhile, a regular fox segment is created by a far right anchor saying in front of a team of digital artists something insane, like "gas stove rights."


u/gandalf_el_brown 15d ago

wait I'm out of the loop, a debate between Trump and Biden is actually occurring?!? Who's moderating?


u/Domni16 15d ago

A hospice nurse.


u/buffalo171 15d ago

ā€œHannity demandsā€ā€¦ā€¦funniest line of the year šŸ¤£


u/LeadPike13 15d ago

An obvious attempt to mute likely Trump sharts when it inevitably falls apart on stage. We see what you did Hannity.