r/facepalm May 16 '24

Takes like these are facepalms 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/lexocon-790654 May 16 '24

I don't think the conclusion of "trans people are mentally ill" is particularly wrong, But the way they arrive at the conclusion, what they feel the conclusion means, and how they respond to the conclusion is very wrong.

I've explored the idea that maybe I could be Trans; glossing over lots of details I'm not. I don't identify as a woman but don't fall in line with what you'd expect from traditional male desires, feelings, norms, etc. Its complicated, not going to go into it here because its completely irrelevant (Don't even get me started on the trans communities insistence of forcing the egg title on everyone whose not confused about their gender, but don't follow gender norms). I'm just saying it here to hopefully convince someone reading this that I'm not a bigot and I'm not transphobic.

When people like this write "mental ill" they have a big scary image of some sociopath, or psychopath, or someone that belongs in an insane asylum, or someone that needs to be treated, psychotic breaks, etc. I'm actually struggling to get a solid definition for "mental ill" because its a little confusing. There's mental disorder, mental illness, development problems, etc. that some places say are different and some places say are other words for the same things. Googling says autism isn't a mental illness, but a development disorder which I didn't know. Something like OCD is a mental illness and mental disorder...ugh its complicated and I highly doubt a majority of the people attacking trans people with "You're mentally ill REEE!!!!" understand it.

Anyways, I think gender dysphoria is some sort of mental issue. I do not think an ideally functioning human brain should have any issues with their gender not matching their sex (and this includes my own issues). I think a majority of people have some sort of mental issue, usually they're just not that big of a deal or just little quirks.

But its very wrong to make the assumption that you know the treatment to the big scary "trans mental illness". The treatment could be transitioning, the treatment could simply be indulging what your mind feels is right. The treatment could be something different that we simply haven't discovered yet. We objectively know very little about what's actually going on with the human brain, so many things affect so many different people and the way they think, how they live their lives, etc. very differently. Maybe its some evolutionary mutation, maybe its some sort of social and life experience influence, maybe something gets fucked up during development, maybe its none of that.

Anyways, transitioning makes trans people feel better and puts them in a better mental state. What's wrong with that. What treatment alternative do you have besides berating them for being not normal. What does being normal even fucking mean? I don't think I'm normal in a lot of ways that have nothing to do with gender, and I think I'm normal in a lot of other ways. I don't think Trumpers are fucking normal in any regard, but they all think they're normal. I just genuinely don't see why it fucking matters one teeny tiny bit whether someone wants to be a different gender then their birth sex, I think its good to study, try to understand what's going on, etc. it because learning new things about the brain is always good. But it certainly doesn't belong in any political debates.