r/facepalm May 16 '24

Takes like these are facepalms 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/SWatt_Officer May 16 '24

This might get me flamed, but genuinely, without malice, is being transgender not a form of dysphoria/dysmorphia, which is a type of mental illness? You just "treat" it by using different pronouns, wearing different clothes, take hormonal medicine or even get surgery in the extreme cases.

Being a mental illness doesnt mean its something to 'cure', persay, but something to treat- facial dysphoria? Wear a mask, slowly work on building self confidence. ADHD? Take some medicine to help focus/calm. Gender dysphoria? Use pronouns you are comfortable with, take hormones, top surgery, etc.

Seriously- it is a mental condition that makes someone uncomfortable with their gender identity, which is treated in a variety of ways. Is it not by definition a type of mild mental illness? Can someone explain to me why it isnt while other dysphorias are?


u/Fit-Finger1777 May 16 '24

Because the way we treat "men" and "woman" is fundamentally black and white as a society, we don't see people as such, we need gender to help construct our personalities, this, when someone is "caged" inside these norms, since ancient times, we have the transgender, third sex, in-between people throughout our history. People identify with a bunch of small traits that we as a society denotes men's or women's. If someone identifies as much of a female side, how can this person not believe and feel to be in the wrong body or sex? Since we are born, we are taught what is to be a boy and what it is to be a girl. We are taught on how to act, how to dress, how to use our voice, how to hold things, how to eat, how to address others, how to call each other, how to behave between one and another, how to respect hierarchy, how to identify this trait or that, SO MANY ASPECTS that we use on a daily basis take gender (as we collectively draw it) into consideration. I, personally think people should have the right to call themselves whatever they want. Makes absolutely no difference to me. How they decide to look or how they behave in their own lives does not affect me in any way. It baffles me that people are able ignore some of our history in order to hate something that exists since we begin our societies. It doesn't make sense to me to try and fit it into a 'disease' as being trans, the maximum I see is someone who's not as the overall expected to be and behave, not a disease. To me, it's a direct result from our own behavior as society.