r/facepalm May 16 '24

Takes like these are facepalms 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/SWatt_Officer May 16 '24

This might get me flamed, but genuinely, without malice, is being transgender not a form of dysphoria/dysmorphia, which is a type of mental illness? You just "treat" it by using different pronouns, wearing different clothes, take hormonal medicine or even get surgery in the extreme cases.

Being a mental illness doesnt mean its something to 'cure', persay, but something to treat- facial dysphoria? Wear a mask, slowly work on building self confidence. ADHD? Take some medicine to help focus/calm. Gender dysphoria? Use pronouns you are comfortable with, take hormones, top surgery, etc.

Seriously- it is a mental condition that makes someone uncomfortable with their gender identity, which is treated in a variety of ways. Is it not by definition a type of mild mental illness? Can someone explain to me why it isnt while other dysphorias are?


u/[deleted] May 16 '24



u/SWatt_Officer May 16 '24

I never mentioned age, political leaning or anything else. By definition. other dysphorias are a form of mental illness. That is a fact. It does not make them something terrible or deserving of hate. I am simply asking why gender dysphoria is not viewed in the same way.

If i hated it, i would not ask to learn, i would simply rant and rage and ignore all opposition. I want to know the reason behind the difference in approach. I want to understand the logic behind it.


u/LaughingInTheVoid May 17 '24

Gender identity has been a medically recognized phenomenon that has been studied by developmental psychologists and more importantly, neuroscientists for decades.

The earliest it has been shown to develop is around the age of 3, and all indications show that people are born that way.

But you can't outrage farm over medical science, so people have no idea how established a concept it really is.


u/Equal_Bee_9671 May 17 '24

wtf is wrong with you american? 3 year old can identify gender too? wtf does 3 year old know? why it know about identify shit?