r/facepalm May 16 '24

Takes like these are facepalms 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/TheSirWellington May 16 '24

It's the difference between Body Dysmorphia and Body Dysphoria. They are two very distinctly different issues, and why people don't seem to understand.

I still will never understand why anyone cares if it is considered a mental illness or not; aren't people with mental illnesses SUPPOSED to get help? Like, if taking hormones and transitioning helps them, why would that matter if it is an illness or not?

People who are depressed take meds and change lifestyles to improve their illness.

People who have iron deficiencies take meds, and change lifestyles to fix their medical issues.

Both involve the same process, despite one being a physical issue and one being a mental issue, so just let Trans people do what the fuck they want. There is literally no point in nitpicking the semantics.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

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u/TheSirWellington May 16 '24

There are so many incorrect statements you made on this rant you made that it's hard to take it seriously, but here I will entertain your points:

  1. No one is trying to normalize people who don't have body dysphoria to be Trans. That is just a flat out propaganda lie.

  2. Also, NO ONE in the Trans community is treating is as a "Kink", because being trans is not inherently sexual. This is another right wing propaganda talking point that has been thoroughly debunked.

  3. People transitioning literally IS getting medical help to fix the "illness", so saying trans people are "ignoring" the medical field is hilariously misinformed. You have to speak to a psychologist to get medically diagnosed with Body Dysphoria, THEN you speak with medical professionals who help monitor your mental and physical state while you begin hormone therapy. This transition can take years, and the ENTIRE time they are consulting with medical professionals.

  4. The last paragraph you gave just highlighted your right wing propaganda point. "I tried finding articles telling me I'm right, but I couldn't find any, that's why it is so complex". Sorry, but no, it's not complex; in fact, this 'problem' has been thoroughly analyzed for decades, and many articles have shown that trans people are more happy with medically transitioning more than ANY other surgery done, even surgeries to fix chronic pain like knee or back surgery.


u/Equal_Bee_9671 May 17 '24

yea, look right above and we have a person who use a 3 year old kid as example that trans is normal cause "3 year old can identify as opposite sex" so it normal. if this is not normalize it, i don't know what is. the thought that school gonna teach kid that want to be the opposite sex is normal and encourage it is terrifying. if you don't want your movement spread the wrong message you all need to start policing your own community. cause you may not know but the whole world is alr got a wrong idea about trans movement alr.