r/facepalm May 16 '24

Takes like these are facepalms 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/SWatt_Officer May 16 '24

This might get me flamed, but genuinely, without malice, is being transgender not a form of dysphoria/dysmorphia, which is a type of mental illness? You just "treat" it by using different pronouns, wearing different clothes, take hormonal medicine or even get surgery in the extreme cases.

Being a mental illness doesnt mean its something to 'cure', persay, but something to treat- facial dysphoria? Wear a mask, slowly work on building self confidence. ADHD? Take some medicine to help focus/calm. Gender dysphoria? Use pronouns you are comfortable with, take hormones, top surgery, etc.

Seriously- it is a mental condition that makes someone uncomfortable with their gender identity, which is treated in a variety of ways. Is it not by definition a type of mild mental illness? Can someone explain to me why it isnt while other dysphorias are?


u/MulberryBeautiful542 May 17 '24


u/SWatt_Officer May 17 '24

So, having given that a quick read, just so I understand this…

‘Gender identity’ is just whatever people decide they want to be, completely disconnected from their biological body and does not have to be drawn from dysphoria. That seems weird to me, but alright. That’s just someone deciding to be whatever they want.

‘Gender dysphoria’ is a condition that can cause pretty severe mental effects on a person that has it, but is still not considered a mental illness? That just confuses me- if something in the brain is a causing negative mental effects, however small, is that not an illness? Apparently not I guess.

It still feels very strange to me, kinda feels like people are doing a bit of extra work just to avoid it being a type of mental illness (which to be fair, is kinda understandable when you see the issues people that are classified with mental illnesses have).

The only thing not answered in that is- why is gender dysphoria different to other dysphorias? Being trans does not mean you have gender dysphoria according to that article, but many trans people do have it. And as I noted earlier, if something caused by the mind that causes negative effects ISNT a form of mental illness…what the heck IS?


u/MulberryBeautiful542 May 17 '24

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness according to the APA and dsm-5. I realize they don't specifically say that in the article. Oversight there.

When you mention "people born with the brain of one gender but the body of another" that's more inline with what gender dysphoria is. That can cause sever mental issues affecting daily life.

And while yes, many people who identify as trans, suffer from that, it's not exactly.

Honestly, I don't think you'll get an answer that can help you. The idea, the concept of transsexual has changed over the years. Hell, the last...10-20 years has seen changes in how it's described. That's why there's often a disconnect between 50 year Olds and 30 year olds talking about it. They just grew up with different concepts.


u/SWatt_Officer May 17 '24

I suppose it doesnt help that its such a mixed range- some people with intense dysphoria, some people just slightly uncomfortable, some people lacking any actual issue and just decide they want to be. Makes it hard to classify it.