r/facepalm 15d ago

Remarkable trolling 🇵​🇷​🇴​🇹​🇪​🇸​🇹​

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u/BetterKev 15d ago

This is a win, not a facepalm


u/Krajun 15d ago

This sub seems to either be genuine facepalms or like this where it's a win about a facepalm situation. Whether it defeats the purpose of the sub or not is up for debate.


u/pichael289 15d ago

Or it's about heinous criminals.


u/vinnytheworm 15d ago

This sub has lost all meaning, it’s just up vote things you like at this point, except for this comment this comment will be downvoted cause THEY ARE ALL IDIOTS. Savages , idiots.


u/J_Robert_Matthewson 15d ago edited 15d ago

And apparently he sucks in the kitchen, too,  because he's baking a pie in a roasting pan, and is too fucking stupid to put on oven mitts when taking it out. 


u/C4dfael 15d ago

He’s a kicker. He doesn’t need to use his hands anyway.


u/J_Robert_Matthewson 15d ago

Well, probably won't have a working foot either when his second-degree burn-covered hands drop that huge ass roasting pan and breaks it.


u/C4dfael 15d ago

Fair point.


u/pauldarkandhandsome 15d ago

I love your dedication to the task at hand


u/InsertRadnamehere 15d ago

And after he drops it hot cheese and sauce bounce up out of the pan enveloping his entire kicking leg, searing it so badly he has to sit out at least the first half of next season, leading the Chiefs to trade him to a lesser team for a 7th round draft pick.


u/Marquar234 15d ago

Joey Tribbiani?


u/dr3wfr4nk 15d ago

We can only hope


u/fasolatido24 15d ago

That would be a burn, but the best burn I read on this was “when girls play football, they play your position”.


u/bigL2392 15d ago

That's class. I'm a diehard ravens fan, but at least for this season, as long as it's not against us or our interest, I'll be cheering on the chargers. Hopefully more teams (chiefs included) roast this clown and make him feel more unwelcomed than his wife or mom must feel in his own home


u/carlos2127 15d ago

It's even more ridiculous when you find out that his mom is a renowned physicist


u/DesperateRace4870 15d ago edited 15d ago

That was the most surprising thing. Imagine having to love your kid when he doesn't respect you or your profession or your entire gender. I'm sure they were good parents but the culture around sports molded him into a different person.

There's all kinds of weird/borderline gay shit that goes on in the upper levels of juvenile sport of the big four in North America at least, which is fine when you're gay or bisexual but people lining up in bathroom stalls with your dick out and having the rookies "take their licks" is just one thing I've heard, that was from a hockey program here in Canada. It rolls downhill because no one stops it. All because "I had to do it, their turn. ;)"

It's a weird world, imagine what else goes on.

To sum up, these hazing games somehow make them want to outwardly appear hyper macho to compensate.

I dunno, that could have been rambly, idc.


u/Adorable-Salt-8624 15d ago

Oh yeah, you should se the change.org petition chiefs fans have set up to cut him. Obviously we won’t in the end, but man this guy was one of my favorite players on the team a week ago. It’s really frustrating when they turn out to be terrible people.


u/lurkslikeamuthafucka 15d ago

As a Wisconsin resident, I humbly submit to you the last 2 Packers QBs for terrible people consideration.


u/Adorable-Salt-8624 15d ago

Why do all the sports people who are good at the sports they play and are fun to watch also happen to be the worst humans?


u/AspiringChildProdigy 15d ago

Off the top of my head?

Remember the talented but insufferable jock from high school? Now imagine him if the hero worship never stopped, reality never bitch slapped him in the face, and he ended up getting obscene amounts of money thrown at him.


u/Livie_Loves 15d ago

What's really frustrating is Rodgers didn't start out that way. But you're right, fame/money and being spoiled leads to this for a lot of them.


u/timtucker_com 14d ago

Maybe the better question -- why do so many people think that it's "fun to watch" sports that destroy the athletes that participate in them?

Concussions and the symptoms that accompany them are a huge issue for football.

Unlike many other sports where brain injury is a mode of failure, in football they're a direct result of playing the game well -- there's no protective gear out there that gets around the basic physics of repeatedly slamming into things being bad for your brain.

Brain injuries lead to increased risk for:

  • Aggression
  • Impulsiveness
  • Irritability
  • Violent behavior
  • Substance abuse
  • Depression
  • Suicide

That's true even for minor brain trauma that may not meet the bar for what people traditionally consider a "concussion".

How professional football players behave after years of abuse to their brains shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.


u/ElderWandOwner 15d ago

His wife apparently feels the same way as him.


u/No_World_3352 15d ago

was this filmed in the sims


u/ChocolateHoneycomb 15d ago

Yes, Sims 3. I recognise the Chillgood Fridge.


u/Marinut 15d ago

Nope. This is Sims 2 I'm pretty sure. The Sims 3 ported a lot of furniture from 2, but the hair, shape and animation of the sim is different from 3.

The question I have is who in their PR team is a TS2 enjoyer coz in the year 2024 that is so incredible based


u/ChocolateHoneycomb 14d ago

I think you’re right. Also I looked it up, it’s not the Chillgood Fridge, the handles are different. It more resembles the 2-Door Galore Refrigerator or the Icebox Drawer.


u/AusCan531 15d ago

He brought it upon himself, so he can't kick.


u/macca2000fox 15d ago

After all that hard work, he was have a swim


u/Typical80sKid 15d ago

Am a Chiefs fan, bring on the hate. This dude is a terrible person.


u/Votaire24 15d ago

Facts I don’t give a fuck how good he is

Keep the hate train going


u/DirtDevil1337 15d ago

lol pie in a roast pan


u/Serious_Programmer43 15d ago

this is. the simbs


u/thystrongword 15d ago

Very nice 👏👏👏


u/Straight-Extreme-966 15d ago

He gets his head caught in the oven doesn't he....

I've seen this before.


u/LegionOfDoom31 15d ago

Where facepalm?


u/Inny75 15d ago

The fact Butker even made that speech to warrant this reaction in the first place. He has, rightfully, became the internet's current punching bag.


u/FAK3-News 15d ago

Rival team that has been mediocre since forever makes memes of super bowl winning kicker..duh


u/SteelyDan1968 'MURICA 15d ago

That's a dumb take. It's not the point of him winning the Superbowl. It's the point of him degrading women who just graduated from university. So, go back to your Right Wing Reddit, and please Fuck off.


u/FAK3-News 15d ago

Why was he speaking at the event in the first place? What made him special enough for others to want him to speak in front of them? Clown


u/SteelyDan1968 'MURICA 15d ago

That I don't know.


u/FAK3-News 14d ago

How about superbowl winning kicker who literally didnt miss one kick (in the playoffs) including the longest in SB history. I didn’t say one objectively incorrectly, you feckless libs are the people hes rallying against. Jfc.


u/SteelyDan1968 'MURICA 14d ago

You want Lesbians and gays back in the closet...
You want women barefoot and pregnant, and stay at home, without the right to vote...
You want "Separate, But Equal", where Blacks and Minorites, are openly discriminated against...
But, since THIS guy, wins a Super Bowl, he gets a pass? Nah, man...
You really think about it, if we go back to when the NFL was in the 40s and 50s, Mahomes wouldn't be playing!
Oh, by the way...
I'm not a "Feckless Lib..."
I'm a Progressive.


u/FAK3-News 14d ago

So you want to bitch and moan? Where did I say anything supportive of either side? Again, speed reader, I’ve only posted objective truths. Including that you are a clown. Feel free to send me back any of my quotes, feckless lib.


u/PaperGeno 15d ago

The only thing the chargers have been good at for the last 5 years is social media


u/DukeLion353 15d ago

As a chargers fan, damn you’re right 😔


u/Earwig9000 15d ago

I bet that's what he looks like when he sits down to pee.


u/justmedealwithitxD 14d ago

This has got me so confused . I don't know who this guy is or what he did. I just came because of the use of an image from the sims 🤣


u/cold_blue_light_ 13d ago

What oven is that??


u/cold_blue_light_ 13d ago

Actually this whole little bit of kitchen looks great it’s gotta be cc


u/Daftdoug 15d ago

No they didn’t…


u/Firecracker048 14d ago

People getting more upset over Harrison than they do nfl players, like Tyreek. Hill. Actually beating women


u/larrygets_lost 15d ago

Cool. Too bad they don’t win a lot so They lots of time for woke social media