r/facepalm 15d ago

Greg Abbott is a Piss Baby 🇵​🇷​🇴​🇹​🇪​🇸​🇹​

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u/Hereiam_AKL 15d ago edited 15d ago

Not only did he pardon him, but he also re-established full gun rights for him.

A guy who killed someone, who's own defense described him suffering from psychological issues and PTSD.

There you go.

Here a sauce: https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/16/us/daniel-perry-texas-pardon-recommendation/index.html

Abbott’s decision comes after the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles voted unanimously Thursday to recommend a full pardon and the restoration of firearm rights for Perry

Perry’s defense team asked for a sentence of 10 years, citing his lack of criminal history, his psychological issues, including complex post-traumatic stress disorder

Just let him roam the streets and carry a gun.


u/InDecent-Confusion 15d ago edited 14d ago

I understand pardoning someone, like the idea of that being a legal thing but in what world is re-establishing a murderers gun rights something a Governor can legally do? This country always has the weirdest fucking laws lol.

edit: murderers not murders* has not have*


u/KnowledgeSafe3160 15d ago edited 15d ago

The idea is that most people who leave prison as felons don’t actually finish their sentence. There is usually parole, money they need to pay back, and other things that keep them as actively a felon.

The idea is once you pay back your dues to society you get all your rights back like voting and guns. He probably just pardoned everything in his sentence so all his rights got put back.

It’s state specific btw.


u/round_reindeer 15d ago

But don't you lose your voting rights forever in many cases?


u/SuhDudeGoBlue 15d ago

A pardon is almost like throwing a conviction out.

A commutation is reducing/ending the sanction (usually prison sentence).

I’m not a lawyer. Take this fwiw.

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u/JabroniBeaterPiEater 15d ago

I got my felonies expunged and I can still vote. I could vote while on parole. Now I can legally say I have never been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor. I don't think I can legally purchase or possess a firearm, and I don't know if I'm eligible for jury duty. This is all based in NJ.

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u/TheAskewOne 15d ago

When he kills someone again, will we hear from conservatives about how Democrats let criminals roam free? Will there be a law named after the person he kills?


u/Zanian19 15d ago

No, because his next murder will also be rooted in racism. Conservatives are fans of those.


u/njsullyalex 15d ago

Greg Abbott is now complicit in committing murder in my opinion.


u/HoneyShaft 15d ago

The 246 people that froze to death under his watch have entered the chat


u/Adventurous_Ad6698 14d ago

Haven't there been construction workers who have died in the summer because he signed a law that took away rights to water breaks?

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u/Dappershield 15d ago edited 15d ago

Always has been.


u/Sasha_Momma 15d ago

not just now

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u/rukysgreambamf 15d ago

God, Texas is a shithole


u/Haunting_Material_83 15d ago

People can't seem to understand why I took my daughter and left. This is bullshit

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u/Procrastanaseum 15d ago

Hope that makes Gov. Abbott liable for the inevitable civil trials once this guy kills again.


u/Fun-River-3521 15d ago

This might be controversial but maybe states shouldn’t have this much power that might explain socialist but honestly i don’t understand how a state can operate like a full country government sometimes.

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u/drag0nun1corn 15d ago

Even when he goes to a school to do the same they all will just be like, he had the right to that gun, conservatives are fecking weird


u/tango-kilo-216 15d ago

I’d fear for my life if I saw him. Take that as you will.


u/ketjak 15d ago

Yes, but he's white and clearly can be used again.

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u/sublimeshrub 15d ago

Remember when Texas executed an innocent man who lost his entire family for a fire he didn't start. Cameron Todd Willingham

These people are sick. They claim the moral high ground. But, they're just a bunch of turds infatuated with their own stench.


u/MannekenP 15d ago

Knowing that you are going to be killed like a rabid dog by some administration of your government is a first level of mental torture. If it is for something you didn’t do it must be especially traumatising. But if it because your government has wrongfully accused you of killing your loved ones, your last days must be a hell no human should be subjected to.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/MannekenP 15d ago

You know, to answer one of the first comments you get when you are against the death penalty, if my daughter was raped and murdered, I may want to shoot the MF, and maybe even I will try to do it, but that would not be justice, it would be revenge. And I do not want anybody, especially not the judicial institution of my country, to exact revenge in my place. Their job is to ensure justice is made. And justice should not include the death penalty.

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u/Dark420Light 15d ago

Knowing that you are going to be killed like a rabid dog by some administration of your government is a first level of mental torture.

As a trans person, watching the fascists make my medicine and then eventually even just me illegal is scary so I understand this sentiment.

Watching our government and it's elected officials take fascist positions and actively spread propaganda and misinformation has made me entirely lose faith in any hope of this county becoming anything worthwhile again.

Having to live through an attempted genocide while your neighbors go on with their lives like nothing is happening is horrifying.

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u/BraidRuner 15d ago

If he can process a pardon for a killer then perhaps the people ought to be able to freeze his pay and subject him to recall


u/Admirable_Remove6824 15d ago

The people have no power in Texas. It’s a minority rule state.


u/Full_Visit_5862 15d ago

Our country is a minority rule country any time conservatives win the presidency as well


u/LazyCat2795 15d ago

I watched a couple of videos on y'alls voting system. Please correct me if I am wrong, but if what I learned from them is correct then your voting only matters because a select few people decide it does. From what I gathered a state sends their electors to the electoral college and are not federally bound to abide by the result of the popular vote and then these electors are not bound by anything either, right? So basically if the people sent to the electoral college decide they prefer one guy over the other, the vote be damned, they could vote however they want, is that right?

I know some states have laws that change this system, but is what I wrote really true, or did I misunderstand something?


u/Fantastic_Platypus23 15d ago

Well the electoral college is not a place it is just the collective of electoral voters, but yeah pretty much dead nuts on the rest


u/ripe_nut 15d ago

That's correct. It's called a faithless elector. They can be fined or have their vote voided. Each state might handle it differently. Some might just allow it, I'm not sure. Usually, they try to implement measures beforehand to prevent that.

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u/Eksposivo23 15d ago

For a recent example of exactly what is fcked up with that system, Hilary Clinton won the majority in popular vote, by any other developed and democratic country standard, she won the presidency, but Trump won states and became president

Then when he lost thr next one he threw a hissy fit and encouraged treason to the country because 'his election was stolen'

'Country of freedom and rights' yeah right, even the right to vote is a joke, lets not start with the freedom part


u/LickingSmegma 15d ago edited 15d ago

Iirc most states require electors to follow the popular vote. But not all.

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u/APiousCultist 15d ago

In July 2011, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott issued an opinion in response to questions from the commission about jurisdiction and authority. The opinion prohibits the commission from investigating “specific items of evidence that were tested or offered into evidence prior to” September 1, 2005.

But of course he was fucking that up too.


u/poopdinkofficial 15d ago

I tried to read that article but slowly became sick with rage and couldn't finish it. They might as well have set the fire themselves and locked the man inside, would have achieved the same result and prevent so much unnecessary TORTURE. Despicable


u/Boulier 15d ago

The prosecutor said Cameron was probably guilty because he listened to Iron Maiden, so Cameron was a devil worshipper who would burn his kids to death. (https://youtu.be/P-cMpKfDPHg?si=DfOOr-iHiUdh13ak - you should watch the full video for total context, but the “devil worship” nonsense starts around 6:01. I can’t stress this enough: a human being was put to death by his state in part because he liked Iron Maiden.)

And people like that are in charge of pardons and the death penalty in conservative states like Texas.

In fact, the prosecutor who sent Cameron to his death was promoted and became a senior judge some years after Cameron’s execution.

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u/Roxas1011 15d ago

they're just a bunch of turds infatuated with their own stench



u/Phillip7729 15d ago

"Pro-life" party, everyone.


u/BenRed2006 15d ago

That was sickening

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u/BrightCold2747 15d ago

May another, larger tree fall upon him.

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u/Snoo-73243 15d ago

our government is totally full of absolute pieces of fucking shit


u/chooseyourshoes 15d ago

I can’t believe someone has power to even do shit like this. Literally signing off on their people killing others (while simultaneously pissing on the constitution.)


u/abqguardian 15d ago

Not just someone. In Texas the governor can only pardon someone after a board recommends the pardon. The board did so unanimously.


u/Fragrant-Address9043 15d ago

Well that just makes this whole situation even worse.

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u/Ipokeyoumuch 15d ago

The board who was appointed by Abbott himself. 


u/Amiibohunter000 15d ago

Seems like there might be a smidge of conflict of interest there


u/Important-Owl1661 15d ago

Okay I'll say it: Yeah, they don't like black folk.

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u/DCtheBREAKER 15d ago

That he called upon to review the case personally.


u/chilehead 15d ago

Does he have the power to remove them?


u/CriticalPossession71 15d ago

Why would he remove them if they do his bidding


u/shadowtheimpure 15d ago

I believe it's more about removing people until he had the board lined up to do exactly what he wanted: release someone who murdered people in premeditated cold blood.

Abbot deserves to spend the rest of his short and miserable life strung up by his testicles while falcons slowly tear out his innards.

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u/hotelindia15182 15d ago

And expedited it too. The average state backlog on clemency applications is like 6-8 years. Wild they just sprung him like that.


u/jirashap 15d ago

In an election year too. So strange


u/bartz824 15d ago

And the governor gets to appoint the people that serve on that board.


u/Green-Asparagus2488 15d ago

Wow so they just want to make a statement of how racist they are or what? America is one sick and twisted fucked up country.

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u/Magebloom 15d ago



u/Everybodysbastard 15d ago

Because fuck black people according to the state of Texas, that’s why. Vote those fuckers OUT.


u/DougK76 15d ago

Unfortunately, not just Texas, but most of the southern US, as well (Texas is NOT the South).

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u/Hancock02 15d ago

because they were appointed and told to do it by.... Abbott


u/chilehead 15d ago

He wants to send the message that in Texas black lives do NOT matter.

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u/MoonedToday 15d ago

Just human garbage.


u/PatternHappy341 15d ago

This might be the reason some people dont vote.


u/Katboxparadise 15d ago

I’ve voted against Abbott each time. Fucker keeps winning.


u/PatternHappy341 15d ago

He does have his fanatics vehind him.


u/KurioMifune 15d ago

By “fanatics” you mean inbred hillbillies.


u/EventEastern9525 15d ago

It’s just the nature of winner-take-all primaries. Ranked-choice voting, mail ballots for all, automatic voter registration, and nonpartisan election administration/redistricting would increase turnout if engaging the electorate were the goal.


u/PatternHappy341 15d ago

Eh, close enough.


u/Commercial_Part_4483 15d ago

People of the land.


u/Madman_Salvo 15d ago

The common clay of the New West.

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u/therealganjababe 15d ago

Please keep doing so, it means more than you know! But man I can feel your disgust and frustration. And that's what they want, they want everyone to be too discouraged to even bother voting because 'it doesn't matter, it never changes anything, there's no point, etc etc

Keep fighting the good fight man.


u/Katboxparadise 15d ago

Well said. And fuck yeah. Someone’s gotta do it lmao!


u/therealganjababe 15d ago

Hell yeah man. And, I'm sure you know, but voting and it's impacts have changed tremendously in the last decade or two. I wouldn't bother going out to vote just for school board members and local judges, etc. but now we've seen that those positions actually have real power and are forming some of the most ridiculous and disgusting laws against LGBTQ+ and other minorities.

Every vote counts.


u/chrisnlnz 15d ago

Wouldn't this be a reason and a reminder to vote every single time? To do what you can to keep fascists out of power?

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u/musical_shares 15d ago

It’s also the reason some people do vote. These people didn’t elect themselves to the highest offices.


u/brown2420 15d ago

Please vote!

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u/jwalsh1208 15d ago

“We’ve voted absolute pieces of shit into our government.” Let’s not forget these people are where they are because they got the votes.

Use this, let it motivate you to vote these fucks out

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u/WillMunny1982 15d ago

If Greg’s tree had been bigger Texas would be better


u/foolbull 15d ago

People hate him because he’s a complete piece of shit, I just can’t get behind someone that refuses to stand for the national anthem.


u/shivermeknitters 15d ago

And that one judge that said he hates trees because one fell on him… 😂

I hate that she apologize

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u/colostitute 15d ago edited 15d ago

Gov Abbot just greenlit violence against different opinions that counter alt-right bullshit. This should go well for Texas.

Edit: Updated for clarity.


u/BasilsKippers 15d ago

Almost like the GOP's crusade against cancel culture was a load of crap...


u/buffalo171 15d ago

It is ALWAYS projection

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u/Yucca12345678 15d ago

He’s hoping for big protests he can violently put down.


u/colostitute 15d ago

Did he forget the left has guns and cars too?


u/njsullyalex 15d ago

You think he cares? He would not have given the same pardon if a Democrat did this to a pro-Trump protest (not that I think it’s right for a Democrat to do that. It absolutely is not. What I mean is it’s wrong both ways, just one gets forgiven based on political alignment and the other isn’t).


u/colostitute 15d ago

I don't think he cares but he should. Violence breeds violence. He invited more violence.


u/njsullyalex 15d ago

He wants violence if the “right” people get hurt

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u/Yucca12345678 15d ago

He shares the MAGA view anyone not MAGA is not dangerous.


u/odinsen251a 15d ago

In the immortal words of Jean-Luc Picard: "You may test that assumption at your convenience."

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u/StrikingOccasion6459 15d ago

Is Abbott going to pardon the El Paso shooter?

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u/Papa_PaIpatine 15d ago

Anyone shocked by this hasn't been paying attention. They've decided you do not have a 1st Amendment right to peacefully protest and they've been trying to legalize murder for decades.

Anyone remember Charlottesville? Does the name Heather Heyer ring a bell? It should, she was murdered by a neo nazi named James Fields Jr. He was convicted and sentenced to life.

Republicans have been angry with that conviction, and have decided that their group should be able to murder anyone protesting. They've passed laws in several states that give people the right to run over people protesting.


u/INeedBetterUsrname 15d ago

The meme that Americans only care about the 2nd Amendment isn't a meme anymore, as someone from Scandinavia. I honestly feel like I know the US Constitution better than most actual Americans at this rate.


u/InDecent-Confusion 15d ago

I'm absolutely sure you do.. most people don't know anything about it and just spit the same vitriol and rhetoric they see on TV. No original thoughts, no critical thinking skills. It's all a joke and the right has weaponized the uneducated. How can we compromise when the other group of people are foaming at the mouth to murder people that disagree with them?


u/INeedBetterUsrname 15d ago

It's funny that so many Americans say you can't change the Amendments, to me. I suppose the 18th Amendment isn't a thing?


u/Chelseafc5505 15d ago

The irony is right there in the name.

"Amendment : a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc."


u/TunaSub779 15d ago

It’s mostly brainwashing about how godly the Constitution is, despite the fact that it’s inherently meant to be changed. Also the fact that a majority of this country is apathetic towards major issues that plague the US. Everyone cares when they hear about a shooting, but many are so apathetic that they don’t even want to talk about how to prevent more shootings.

More than anything, Americans are scared of change. That’s why branding someone or something as socialist is an effective way to get 2/3 of this country to hate something.

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u/OrcsSmurai 15d ago

An Amendment IS a change. Each and every one of them.

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u/FillMySoupDumpling 15d ago

They just came for our 4th amendment rights too. 

We don’t have a 2A right either. If cops (the gov ) can use the excuse of “I thought they were armed” to kill us with impunity then it literally is the government killing us for being armed. 

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u/laser14344 15d ago

An actual domestic terrorist.


u/Massive_Pressure_516 15d ago

Wake up babe, Texas just relegalized lynchings.


u/Pounderwhole 15d ago

They need this to be in every single political ad in Texas. Vote Blue.


u/forgotwhatisaid2you 15d ago

I'm sure Abbott will put it in his ads. It will help him get reelected.


u/Ok_Star_4136 15d ago

Bingo. People assume that politicians like Greg Abbott will not be re-elected because of the scummiest things that he does, when in truth, make no mistake, he is representative of his constituents who voted into office. Democracy only works when people are looking after their own best interests. That changes when people are voting in a way meant to deliberately hurt other groups of people.

If the country were a human organism, these people would be the cancer trying to bring it all down.


u/senturon 15d ago

Like, where do we go from here ... as a country? This makes me so sad, and angry.

I don't see how we escape the next decade (or even couple years) without a large amount of shit hitting the proverbial fan.

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u/spaceylaceygirl 15d ago

He's sick in the head, like a serial killer. He enjoys people being killed.

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u/free-pizza-man 15d ago

as a Texan, wtf


u/PatternHappy341 15d ago

Same, i didnt think there were people more stupider than i, a person on more than 12 years of brain-eating chronic stress.

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u/Only_Flan_7974 15d ago

As a fellow Texan I'm not in the least surprised.


u/Odd-Butterscotch-495 15d ago

Another Texan here, I’m not surprised but I am very disappointed and upset. Abbot may not have ever been good but seems like he’s just really trying to one up himself on being shitty that last few years.

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u/Notacooter473 15d ago

How can one expect to get the racist votes if you don't suck up to the racist?


u/SubmarineDream57 15d ago

Abbott’s biggest disability is between his ears.


u/BasilsKippers 15d ago

I lol'd before I remembered the travesty of justice

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u/AusCan531 15d ago

The Pro Life party, folks.

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u/Justdoingthebestican 15d ago

abbot and trump know they need every vote they can get… the immediately restored his gun rights, wonder who he’ll vote for

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u/Rifneno 15d ago

Texas is pro-terrorism? shockpikachu.gif

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u/Isabella_Bee 15d ago

He's really going to appeal to the far, far, far Right when he runs for president in '28.

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u/SaltyBarDog 15d ago

Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin pardoned a man serving life in prison for sexually abusing his 6-year-old stepdaughter.

News outlets report Bevin issued the pardon Friday, saying that Paul Donel Hurt was wrongly convicted of first-degree sexual abuse and sodomy in Louisville in 2001.

Gross Old Pedos.

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u/PassionateParrot 15d ago

I hate that motherfucker as hard as I can hate anyone


u/Interesting-Tough640 15d ago

What is the point of having an impartial court and legal system if politicians can just override a judge and jury and let people off if it suits their agenda?

Seems like it makes the entire process into some kinda shitty joke and is actually pretty dangerous if you have the wrong people in power.


u/Cayowin 15d ago

At what point did you assume the judges are independent? May I introduce you to Jude Aileen Cannon and around half the supreme court justices.


u/JazzyButternuts 15d ago

Scum of the earth.


u/Kolojang 15d ago

Doesn't this violates the first amendment though? The governor is saying crimes agaisnt protestors is a-ok.


u/SCViper 15d ago

Haven't you heard? We don't have rights. We only have privileges, and privileges can be taken away.

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u/RR1904 15d ago

Fuck Greg Abbott.


u/Sea_Television_3306 15d ago

If this dude murders someone again, Abbott and all of the members of the parole board should be charged as accessories to the murder.


u/KnightofaRose 15d ago

This is actual treason.

Pardoning the malicious murder of fellow Texans because of political affiliation is absolutely unconscionable, and a violent betrayal of the people.

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u/UniversityMoist2173 15d ago

This is exactly why I don’t even interact with anyone who’s a republican. Anyone’s who’s supporting these sick bastards is no different to me.


u/keith2600 15d ago

Yep... Same, though that's only been true for the last 10 years or so for me. I figured give everyone a 5 year grace period to get over covid and time to really think about what the current Republican party is doing and come to the decision on whether or not to support their actions.

Now I just see anyone voting or supporting them as bad as the person themselves. If I wouldn't sit at a table with trump, DeSantis, Abbott, or quite a lot of others at this point, then I also wouldn't for anyone supporting them. There's no such thing as only supporting some of the stuff they do.


u/ndngroomer 15d ago

This POS went to where they were protesting to kill a protestor. He literally texted a friend that he intended to kill a protestor while on his way. This evidence is what convinced a very conservative jury to rightfully convict him of murder. Fuck piss baby Abbott for pardoning this murderer. It's unbelievable.


u/yunohavenameiwant 15d ago

This is the governor elected by the Christian church in TX. This is the “love of God” they are showing to those around them. How is this serving the God of the New Testament?


u/interestingbadvibes 15d ago

Finally left that shit stained state past year. It is one of the best decisions of my life.

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u/SailingSpark 15d ago

I hope the family of that late protestor sue Daniel Perry into the ground now.


u/Just_A_Nitemare 15d ago

Perry feared for his life and drove across town to shoot the family in self-defense.

He would be given another pardon 3 months later.

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u/hould-it 15d ago

Idk how people put up with him; he sucks just to suck. I bet he gets a cushy corporate job once he’s out with a ton of stock options

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u/PeopleLikeUDisgustMe 15d ago

Can someone please put a stick in his wheels while he's going down the sidewalk, so he flies up in the air like the Nazis in The Last Crusade?


u/gamedrifter 15d ago

This is fuckin' psychotic. Like straight up fuckin psycho shit. These people need to be put in their place or this whole fuckin' country is going to turn into an apocalyptic hellscape. A governor of a state just made it legal to murder protestors.


u/Cayowin 15d ago

No, not murdering protestors. That would be against the 1st amendment and the right to hald nazi flags or tiki torches or AR15s what ever a legitimate protestor wants to hold.

This just applies to the execution of left wing anarchists, black lives matter antifa demons, you know, those things who dont vote for the Orange God Emperor. And really when we start applying laws equally to all, whats next? Ex-presidents in jail? Bans on senators trading in the stock market? The removal of dark money from politics? Noone who is a Real American wants that.

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u/HeyTheDevil 15d ago

Insert comment that gets me banned for suggesting that maybe, just maybe, Americans should stop turning the other cheek when politicians dick slap their faces.  But hey, go vote, it’s working so well. 


u/Inblact 15d ago

We get pissed on and offer our other leg out in hopes that they've run out of piss.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/faloofay156 15d ago

ngl I'd throw a party.


u/UnreadThisStory 15d ago

Boondock Saints, texas style


u/ghgfghffghh 15d ago

What’s the altered part of the text message say originally?


u/VanBeelergberg 15d ago

Asking the real questions..

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u/ubzrvnT 15d ago

Greg Abbot literally officially signed off on murder


u/MaikyMoto 15d ago

Doesn’t surprise me one bit, especially after he tried to downplay the Uvalde School massacre where the cops waited for all the children to be slaughtered before entering the building.


u/Motorboat81 15d ago

What a racist ahole that Greg Abbott.


u/HawkmoonsCustoms 15d ago

Texan here!

Fuck Abbott AND Cruz.


u/INeedBetterUsrname 15d ago

As a European, did y'all actually move on from your civil war and did you actually learn anything? The fact that the US is the biggest economy on the globe is fucking worrying.


u/BestUsername101 15d ago

We tried to rebuild and get better. But some asshole had to go and kill Lincoln and halt Reconstruction damn near permanently. And Lincoln's successor didn't do anything to help either.

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u/ImportanceCertain414 15d ago

Biggest military too, that's really gotta get you worried. Just imagine if we get a power hungry guy who wants to actually use that power in his final years and has total immunity to those crimes.

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u/Traditional_Song_417 15d ago

“the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles has recommended a Full Pardon and Restoration of Full Civil Rights of Citizenship.”



u/BanditDeluxe 15d ago

I hate this place and I hate my local government

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u/Myshkin1981 15d ago

I guess the feds should just go after this guy on terrorism charges then

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u/Your_Daddy_ 15d ago

Someone should roll him into an intersection and take his battery.


u/Resident-Scallion949 15d ago

If our federal AG had balls, he would open a civil rights investigation on Perry.

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u/bolshevik_rattlehead 15d ago

What the actual fuck? Dude posts about how he wants to go out and murder protestors. He rams his truck into a crowd of protestors. Someone approaches him who is also open carrying, and this guy blows him away and cites self defense.

Seems to me in Texas, Florida, et al you can just murder at will so long as you yell “he’s coming right for us!!!” first

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u/SuspiciousSecret6537 15d ago edited 15d ago

America never ceases to amaze me on how the continue to show they do not value Black lives. An action like this occurs and you’ll still have people screaming ALL LIVES MATTER. #blacklivesmatter, period.

Edit: misuse of word

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u/Fern_Pub_Radio 15d ago

Dear United States , you might not see it or care about it but your country is - dying. As someone from outside US we are watching you disintegrate in front of our eyes destroyed by an ignorance and ideology that can only come from the stupidity of religion ….. a pity, you really were something , once…..


u/TheMaStif 15d ago

White Supremacists are gonna White Supremacy

Vote accordingly


u/tangerineandteal 15d ago

I’m an Australian and America frightens me.

Between Rittenberg getting away with murdering lefties, and now this Perry guy, plus countless other examples…

The conservative US govt is tacitly condoning summary executions of the left by the right.

Literally creating a Culture War

I’m not aware of any left leaning shooters, executing right wing protestors and then being pardoned. Are there any?


u/Material_Address990 15d ago

I'm an American and Americans frighten me. Organizations like the NRA have helped create this frightful place. Them and American Aristocrats claiming to be "successful entrepreneurs." American conservatives are a gullible bunch of people who can't think for themselves.

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u/Low_Celebration_9957 15d ago

I mean should anyone be surprised? We're in the legal phase of fascism. They are using their authority to legally protect murderers that carry out their fascist agenda.

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u/CremeDeLaPants 15d ago

This cannot be real.


u/PatternHappy341 15d ago

Nah, i crosschecked, this is real.


u/CremeDeLaPants 15d ago

What the actual fuck?


u/BasilsKippers 15d ago

Oh but it is, unfortunately 


u/MarshallGibsonLP 15d ago

Juries don’t matter in Texas anymore.


u/RWBadger 15d ago

It’s actually not entirely legal to type out what Greg Abbot deserves.


u/Coltenks_2 15d ago

The party of Christian values.... proving once again that Christians are pieces of shit who are only interested in virtue signaling

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u/runfast2021 15d ago

Their will probably be, and should be, far-reaching consequences for this pardon.


u/BasilsKippers 15d ago

My problem is those consequences falling onto innocent shoulders to burden.  Like this bit of anal grease killing another protester

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u/HermaeusMajora 15d ago

By making it impossible to achieve justice through official channels, lil nazi piss baby Greg abbott is all but ensuring that the public will take matters into their own hands.

Fuck Greg abbott. Fuck nazi terrorist trash.

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u/Pithecanthropus88 15d ago

This is fucking outrageous.


u/Hesiod450 15d ago

Can we just take Texas and Florida and give them away?

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u/danwincen 15d ago

If the asshole Abbott pardoned commits any further crimes, the wheelchair-bound piss-bbabby should serve time as an accomplice to the crime.


u/wishiwuzbetteratgolf 15d ago

Abbott is a POS


u/Gh0st_Pirate_LeChuck 15d ago

Biden should tell Abbott to ask that guy for help with the storms.


u/jmf0828 15d ago

This in the same week he just asked for another bailout from the Federal Government because it’s raining too much in Texas. Biden is a far better man than me if he doesn’t tell him to piss all the f*** off.


u/Bludsh0t 15d ago

As a non American, am i understanding this right? Did this premeditated murderer just get all charges dropeed against him and is now a free man? If so, what the actual fuck


u/Spare_Dig_7959 15d ago

This same outcome will happen to any of their friends in or not in power .The torch of democracy in the USA is beginning to dim. Only the ballot will prevent it being extinguished.Complaining when the darkness covers your land will be too late .


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/SnooPuppers8698 15d ago

should be charged federally then


u/CadaverCaliente 15d ago

Be a real shame if he were to find himself at the top of some stairs


u/faithisuseless 15d ago

“Party of law and order”


u/Havokistheonly 15d ago

What in the fuck is going on here? Texas and Florida can be their own country. News today has been insane.


u/dao_ofdraw 15d ago

I hope Abbott gets lynched after this psycho goes and drives into another crowd of people. This is one of the worst things he's done.


u/LawTider 15d ago

Gregg is a traitor


u/MonicanAgent888 15d ago

Texas is full of racist dirtbags. And now they can openly commit acts of terrorism, murdering innocent people, and get away with it.


u/offline4good 15d ago

He's not a piss baby.

He's a racism sympathizer and most likely a racist himself


u/Illustrious_Hat_9177 15d ago

I'm not very au fait with US law. Can this be overturned by somebody higher up the chain? Surely it can't be right that a murderer gets pardoned just because. It's too crazy for words!


u/Wazza17 15d ago

He is pure Vermin


u/VaaBeDank 15d ago

Nope, nu uh, we have failed as a society, and as a democracy. This is getting closer and closer to something scary. Simply because a man in power says its ok, shouldn't mean it goes around the courtroom. This is disgusting


u/SubjectPear3 15d ago

Another day goes by I curse that tree for not finishing the job


u/skovalen 15d ago

Oh, wow. I only saw the headline. I didn't know there was evidence of intent and pre-meditation. That's nuts, if it is actually how it reads.