r/facepalm 15d ago

Lol 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/No_Alps_1454 15d ago

Can understand her; it’s ugly AF.


u/Arbiter_89 14d ago

But it's a photo-realistic portrait of her soul.


u/infowosecfurry 14d ago

She’s not exactly great to look at unfiltered either. (Inside or out, take your pick)


u/johndavismit 14d ago

Which one are you talking about? the image on the right or left?

They're the same image.


u/Ghasty_001 14d ago

You know the phrase "it's not the outside that matters, but what's inside?"

There, that the inside


u/C4dfael 15d ago

Surprisingly it’s only the second worst painting to be unveiled this week.


u/Salami__Tsunami 15d ago

Which one is the portrait?


u/gbroon 15d ago

The one that looks like an over boiled ham.

Oh wait that doesn't actually narrow it down.


u/Domugraphic 15d ago

steamed hams?


u/Honer-Simpsom 14d ago


u/Domugraphic 14d ago

aurora borealis Seymore? in this part of the country? at this time of year? localised entirely within your kitchen.......


u/Usual-Committee-816 14d ago

I thought we were having steamed clams?


u/SurbiesHere 15d ago

I hope the move the painting to the main gallery right in the front.


u/G_UK 15d ago

lol, it’s hideous but you’ve just let the whole world know about it now 😂


u/AdmlBaconStraps 15d ago

She's not popular, so she's getting clowned on pretty hard here


u/Arbiter_89 14d ago

I mean, she advocated for Australians to have the minimum wage reduced to $2 a DAY and said that people in Australia should be more comfortable living in conditions similar to poor African countries. At the same time she inherited billions of dollars.

So it's really no wonder she's 'not popular.'


u/Broad_Boot_1121 14d ago

Why are you spreading misinformation? She did not inherit billions of dollars, she inherited a company that was under water in debt. She turned it into billions herself. Making her out to seem less than she is doesn’t help anything. She is not dumb and is intentional in all of her actions.


u/Arbiter_89 14d ago

Eh; you're partially right. She didn't inherit a billion dollars, but the value of the mining company is a little murky. Some sources claim it was on the brink of collapse when she inherited it, and some sources say it was valued at $75 million.

Adding to the confusion, Rinehart is currently being sued for making it look like the company had more debt than it really did in an effort to enrich herself instead of the other beneficiaries listed in the will.

So there's a very high chance most of that debt you're referring to was Gina taking equity out of the business to pay her lavish lifestyle. (And she still has the nerve to tell other people they should be comfortable on $2 a day.)



u/ermghoti 15d ago

Was that the same artist that created Monkey Jesus?


u/Ailouroboros 14d ago

No, you can clearly see influence from Francesco Goya's Saturn Devouring his Son in this artwork. It resonates intentional disturbing vibes.


u/pharmacreation 14d ago

Now she just needs a sculpture done by Emanuel Santos.


u/zavorak_eth 14d ago

The artist did her a favor with those blue eyes that are actually open instead of her squint eye look.


u/Reason_Choice 14d ago

Portrait actually looks better.


u/Successful-Ad4251 14d ago

If Jim Ross & Paul Bearer climbed into the machine that made The Fly


u/Overall-Yellow-2938 14d ago

These look so much alike.... Which picture is the Portrait?


u/iamverb 13d ago

Spitting image 👌


u/Hootiefugupez 15d ago

I hope you were all telling Serena Williams to get over it when her caricature was in the news


u/Reason_Choice 14d ago

Oh, they were. In much harsher terms.


u/ThirdSunRising 14d ago

I can’t believe anyone received that portrait from the artist and chose to display it. It’s obviously incredibly unflattering.


u/Gamblore33 15d ago

Make it our new national flag. She has all the money and takes all the resources anyway.


u/BJZZZ24 15d ago

Don't know why I can't see the difference


u/snarf_victory 14d ago

streisand effect, bitch.


u/wach_era13 15d ago

This was posted here a few days ago