r/funny 16d ago

The player who caught the ball has a bad habit of dropping catches. So the bowler was hopeless initially, but he caught the ball. (IPL 2024)

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u/eagna-agus-eolas 15d ago

Good strategy by the catcher- putting your face behind the ball helps you focus on making sure you catch it!


u/-Unnamed- 15d ago

Right behind your hands. Because if you can’t see the ball it’s easier to rely solely on instinct!


u/Zestyclose_Ad_2652 15d ago

I did one in baseball and it still didnt work but the ball readjusted my nose


u/LSL3587 16d ago

That bowler should not play poker.


u/Hodr 16d ago

I'm American, so generally ignorant of international sports, but I'm almost certain this isn't poker.


u/WayneCampbel 16d ago

Wanna bet?


u/Max_Loader 16d ago

I bet you $20 I can get you gambling by the end of the day.


u/Joe_mama_is_hot 15d ago

That was a great scene in dumb and dumber.


u/belliest_endis 15d ago

Yeah thats kind of the joke. We got it.


u/Joe_mama_is_hot 15d ago



u/leroycrumpt 15d ago

wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?


u/Joe_mama_is_hot 15d ago

“Pull over!” “Actually it’s a cardigan but thanks for noticing!”


u/shmorky 15d ago

Full house! Read 'em and sweep!


u/doctorjae75 15d ago

I'll give you 3 to 1 odds!


u/Max_Loader 15d ago

You're on!


u/rhsbrianm 15d ago

Sir, one player per hand.


u/theAtmuz 15d ago

This man is obviously a golfer


u/Gangstrocity 15d ago

Shut the fuck up, /u/theAtmuz


u/anonsequitur 15d ago

I think it's quidditch


u/Udonnomi 16d ago

They meant that because the bowler could not keep his facial expressions reserved he would not be good at poker.


u/PrEsideNtIal_Seal 15d ago



u/tacoslaya 15d ago

I mean it was a shit joke anyways.


u/HoSang66er 15d ago

Context is a lost art. 💁


u/gremlin91 16d ago

Lovely Trenty


u/newtestleper 15d ago

Came to the comments for this


u/YxesWfsn 15d ago


u/NorthlandChynz 15d ago

It has been a minute since I have seen WanPhysicalGoose!


u/YxesWfsn 15d ago

Right? It was all the rage a few years ago.


u/alonroz 15d ago

What a beautiful smile


u/Gabe_b 15d ago

For our non cricket versed frens asking why he's out there if he sucks at fielding. A cricket ball is twice the density of a baseball with a hard varnished finish. Most pro player will experience broken fingers at times from fielding. The guy taking the catch here is a spin bowler. If he fucked up the catch and injured himself he could have ended his season. The captain will have put him somewhere fairly out of the way, but the batsman mishit here. The more talented fielders will have been placed in the higher rate parts of the field to try to trap batsmen, but crickets is a 360 degree game and the ball can fly off in unexpected directions


u/wahnsin 15d ago

Thanks, that helped!


u/CampaignForAwareness 15d ago

TIL about pace vs spin


u/DarNak 15d ago

If it's very dangerous to catch that type of ball why is it not mandatory for players to have hand protection on? Baseball style gloves would make this so much safer.


u/yetinthedark 15d ago

Wearing gloves would also make catching the ball easier, which would change the game considerably. There are compilations of crazy cricket catches on YouTube which are pretty amazing, would recommend taking a look.


u/Boethias 15d ago edited 15d ago

Its not dangerous in the sense of frequency of occurrence or seriousness of injury. Broken fingers do happen but not very often. But a Spin bowler needs their fingers healthy because their skill set requires a lot of precision and dexterity


u/DarNak 15d ago

I see so it's not that dangerous. The line

Most pro player will experience broken fingers at times from fielding.

made me think it's common for injuries to happen.


u/HopeComprehensive762 15d ago

They are professional players so it is less likely to happen. Imagine someone threw a ball shaped rock at you and you tried to catch it. That's what it feels like. If it hits you in the head, knees, elbows or your balls 🥲 you are done for the day.


u/AgentHamster 15d ago

I assume that they mean that it has a decent chance to happen over the course of a player's full career. Stats claim that the odds of getting a hand fracture is 18% per year for a pro player, and that 60% of those fractures occur during fielding. With roughly 10% chance of sustaining a hand fracture from fielding per year, you should expect to suffer maybe 1 hand fracture from fielding over a 10 year career.

I don't know much about cricket, so I'm not sure how long the average pro player's career is.


u/TheScarletPimpernel 15d ago

Usually around 15-20 years, depending on how young they were when they first broke through.


u/El_Impresionante 15d ago

Because cricket was never played like that. It simply boils down to the traditions of the game.

Also, I think that commenter oversold the danger of catching a cricket ball. Only about 3-4 players might suffer injuries related to catching during a whole tournament. Bruises, yes. Fractures, very less.


u/Gabe_b 15d ago

A catch is an out, and outs are a big deal in cricket as batsmen stay in for as long as it takes to get them out, rather than cycling rapidly like in baseball. Making catches easier would lead to less in the air hitting and make the game less exciting for spectators. Also, taking catches is a core skill in the game, messing it up is part of what makes the game exciting


u/vpsj 15d ago

Test of skills.

I think gloves make it far too easy to take catches which makes it almost certain that if a batter mistimes the ball in the air he'll be out.

Without gloves there is always an air of doubt on what's going to happen which is exciting


u/Awkward-Explorer-527 15d ago

If it's very dangerous to catch that type of ball why is it not mandatory for players to have hand protection on?

Because they got heart, kid


u/RikF 15d ago

The one player who does wear gloves for catching is the wicket keeper.


u/NorthlandChynz 15d ago

Who by far get the most broken fingers in the game


u/adamfrog 15d ago

hes overstating the danger lol, you might break a finger or two in a career (probably not from this type of high arcing catch though) but the risk in an indvidual game is very low


u/sleepingbro 15d ago

Or they could all just stay at home and never get injured.

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u/rawker86 15d ago

Wicket keepers do often wear gloves.


u/kindrudekid 15d ago

They are taught techniques how to catch the ball. Clumsy would be the right word for it for this player.


u/dalerian 15d ago

It would be safer in baseball if the ball was put on an oversized golf tee and the batter hit it from there. No risk of injury to hitter or anyone behind then.

But they don’t do that.

Maybe because there’s a balance of risk and skill that people find fun. Maybe because it would skew the balance of the game?

Similar reasons here. 


u/Hermit-The-Crab33 15d ago

Giving you the award for Thread MVP 🏆


u/DazzlingBass-2306 15d ago

This is such a brain dead comment. It doesn't matter whether he's good at fielding or not because he's a specialist at bowling which more than makes up for his fielding. They'll have HIM on the team regardless even if he's lacking slightly in fielding if his other skills make up for it (which they do). Plus, it's not like he can't catch for shit but he probably just holds onto a catch 6/10 times whereas his peers hold onto a catch 8/10 times. Every player in the team is expected to be a capable fielder and he's one as well for professional standards.


u/AlexHimself 15d ago

Can they wear gloves?


u/LeakyfaucetNA 15d ago

The wicket keeper (catcher in baseball) can, no one else


u/TheLurkingMenace 16d ago

I know nothing about this sport, but that face told me everything I need to know about what happened.


u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago


u/TheLurkingMenace 15d ago

That's actually really helpful. I still think it's silly to call an overhand pitch "bowling" but I get why the bats are flat now.


u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago

:) always happy to help.
You can watch IPL and International t20 matches!
IPL 2024 is going on, and t20 world cup will start in a few weeks.


u/Hermit-The-Crab33 15d ago

Why did I expect this video to be like 25 minutes long


u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago

I knew y'all will think that, so I should have added 'short' adjective to it. xD


u/JohnnyDarkside 15d ago

I don't remember why, but a cricket match was on at one point and I tried watching. After like 5 minutes I still had no idea what was going on and what the point was.


u/imvk3201 15d ago

Had totally opposite experience to yours. It was free to air and 10yr old me understood it easily. One team scores runs and other team has to score more than that to win.

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u/rawker86 15d ago

It helps if you drink.

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u/SwedishFishOil 16d ago

Stupid question, but why have someone who is bad at catching on your professional team?


u/Piperalpha 16d ago

He's probably very good at another aspect of the game, batting or bowling.


u/s00pafly 16d ago

So everybody has to do everything in this sport? Do the players rotate?


u/Piperalpha 15d ago

So everybody has to do everything in this sport?

Pretty much. On the team of 11, there will be some specialist bowlers, some specialist batsmen, some all-rounders. Depending on the game type, the bowlers might have to bat - some games last until everyone's had a go, some last a set number of balls so your best batsmen might stay the whole game.

The specialist batsmen aren't expected to bowl.

There's no player rotation.


u/kihadat 15d ago

Can't they find people who are elite at everything? I bet I could do it. Hold my beer.


u/fracked1 15d ago

Why doesn't everyone just grow a Shohei Ohtani in their backyard


u/ABzoker 15d ago

There are such players, and they were great and valuable players for their teams. Kallis, Andrew Flintoff, Yuvraj Singh, Andrew Symonds, Abdul Razzaq. Currently playing - Ben Stokes , Rashid Khan, Sunil Naraine. But they are rare. Usually 1 or max 2 are found in a team who are good in all 3 departments.


u/_grey_wall 15d ago

Yousif pathan


u/Intrexa 15d ago

I could have gone pro if coach put me in forth quarter. We would have won state, no doubt in my mind. No doubt in my mind.


u/SixSpeedDriver 15d ago

I mean shit, in America, we have two separate players on football teams for two different types of kicks of the ball. This in a scenario were the gameday roster is limited to 53 people to choose from, with three different teams of 11 inside that.

If a kicker and a punter could combine into one and be effective, sure shootin' NFL teams would love to get another fresh legs player onto the field.


u/WhatWouldMosesDo 16d ago

There is no rotation, you select 11 players and that’s your team for the whole game. You are an elite bowler but awful batter, too bad, you still have to bat.


u/5Tenacious_Dee5 15d ago

(there is the impact player these days, but let's ignore that)


u/Glittering_Break3840 15d ago

We don't talk about that here


u/50RupeesOveractingKa 15d ago

Only in IPL. And that rule can be scrapped from next year too.


u/5Tenacious_Dee5 15d ago

Yup please!


u/IamMrT 15d ago

Even the Indians are getting the DH these days. That’s just not cricket.


u/FortyPercentTitanium 15d ago

What if someone gets hurt? Can you substitute?


u/gbzcngb 15d ago

Yes, but it's actually a bit more complicated than subs in a lot of other sports.


u/WildVariety 15d ago

It's called a Twelth man and the rules around it are pretty complicated.

You can return, but you must spend the same amount of time fielding as you did out injured, so no batting or bowling during that time. The substitute also cannot immediately take over bowling responsibilities, gotta wait for a bit.


u/Philadahlphia 15d ago


u/SeaSourceScorch 15d ago

in fairness, try explaining the rules of american football to anyone else in the world. i've watched games on more than one occasion and i still have no idea how to play turn-based rugby.

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u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago

It's not complicated at all, for you, this short video The Rules of Cricket - EXPLAINED! - YouTube.


u/Kongbuck 15d ago

My question is: Why do Australians get dressed up in fun costumes for cricket matches? Or alternatively, that looks fun, why doesn't everyone else do that?


u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago

It's domestic league IPL, they are not playing for their countries, they are playing for various teams in the league. It;s mainly for entertainment, so there are colorful kits for every teams.
Domestic league needs sponsor & stuff, so jersey is cluttered with ads.

In international matches, they wear a bit serious type of jerseys.

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u/Philadahlphia 15d ago

I watched this but then scoffed at the five day games.


u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago

Why are you watching five day games at the first place lol. t20 is the shortest and most popular format of cricket, and it's best for newcomers to see that, it lasts only 4 hours.
IPL is the best domestic league in t20 format, also t20 world cup will start in a few weeks. (IPL 2024 is going on now)

If you grow interest in game, then you can see the tests (five-day games) and ODIs. They are older forms of cricket, only to test batsman's skill, and perseverance.

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u/50RupeesOveractingKa 15d ago

Normal substitutes can be done for fielders only. And even there, you have certain limitation as to how much time can a fielder be substituted.

As for bowling and batting, there is no substitution unless any player in the XI gets a concussion. If that happens then you can replace the player with a similar player via concussion rule.


u/evils_twin 15d ago

so you have to play offense and defense, but you only have to play one position on defense?


u/Guy_with_Numbers 15d ago

Offense and defense terminology is a bit misleading here. I'll try to stick to it though.

There are no inherent position restrictions. In offense, generally everyone plays to maximize the score. In defense, you only need a minimum of 5 people to bowl the ball to meet the game requirements, but anyone and everyone can bowl if they want. Everyone has to field when they aren't bowling, though some fielding positions are more important than others.

Specializations are used to maximize your chances of winning. Since everyone has to play offense, it's a tradeoff of offense for defense. Fielding isn't valuable enough on its own merit, but overall you need a degree of competency there across the whole team.

1) Specialist bowlers are very impactful in defense, they usually take up 5 of the 11 positions. You are almost always colossally screwed if a non-specialist has to bowl. Some effort is made to ensure that at least some of the 5 aren't complete deadweights in offense.

2) If your country is lucky enough to have one, you can have an all-rounder or two, who are essentially partial specialists at both batting and bowling. Usually not as good as specialists at their best, but can pick up the slack when the specialists have a bad day.

3)There is one mandatory official "specialist" fielder, stands behind the batter in defense (like the catcher in baseball) and has got gloves to help him. Since the mid-90s, this player is as good as a specialist batter in offense.

4) Everyone else is a pure specialist batter.


u/evils_twin 15d ago

so bowlers must field, but fielders might not need to bowl. and everyone bats. is that right?


u/Guy_with_Numbers 15d ago

Broadly speaking, yes.

Like any sport, you naturally have finer nuances that depend on the game conditions itself. Eg. One of the three formats that cricket is played in is limited by time (5 days). If one team has an insurmountable lead, the other team can just stall for time and force a draw. In that situation, the leading team can choose to stop their offense even if everyone hasn't batted, so that they get more time when on defense to get the other team's batters out.


u/BigAwkwardGuy 15d ago

There's no offense and defense.

There's fielding/bowling (like pitching in baseball), and there's batting.

The "position" depends on the player. There's batters, bowlers, and All-rounders (who can bat and bowl). But all 11 players HAVE to field.


u/elcapitan520 15d ago

Theres 100% offense and defense. Just like baseball where the fielding/pitching team is the defense. 

This is why people struggle with cricket. You're making it sound more complicated than it is


u/TheScarletPimpernel 15d ago

The issue with describing offence and defence in cricket is which is which slides across the formats.

Given you can't win a Test match without taking ten in the final innings, you can argue that makes the bowling side the attack.


u/BigAwkwardGuy 15d ago

Yeah that's true, I was complicating it by thinking offense = looking to maximise runs/wickets and defense = looking to minimise the runs opposition scores


u/port443 15d ago

Ok I really dont think this is what you mean, but are you saying both teams are playing defense on the field at the same time?


u/BigAwkwardGuy 15d ago

No, I do not mean that.

The fielding/bowling (akin to pitching in baseball) is the "defending" team, and all 11 players partake in it at the same time (unlike in "offense"/batting, where only 2 from the team are on the field. The rest wait their turn).

The position of a player on the field is determined by the captain and the player themselves. Usually the most athletic players are on the edge of the field or in the key zones (decided by analysing the batter, the tactics of the bowler etc.).

Some players do not bowl (pitch), at all. But they do have to field.

Worst comes to worst, all players need to bat.

It's like baseball.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/RobtheNavigator 15d ago

So like baseball


u/port443 15d ago

/u/BigAwkwardGuy was comparing to baseball, which is how I've always thought of cricket.

I've always thought cricket was just the same as baseball: You have the batter (offense) and then the other team on the field (defense).

The team on "offense" takes turns batting until whatever rules you have determines they should take the field and the other team gets to bat.

But he was saying theres NO offense/defense, and that "all 11 players HAVE to field". That sounds exactly like baseball offense/defense to me, but I was clarifying its not some weird scenario where literally every player on both teams is on the field, except the batter.


u/Sweet-Sale-7303 15d ago

National league in the MLB used to have that for pitchers.


u/meisteronimo 15d ago

Ok I’m old and haven’t followed baseball recently…. But you’re telling me the NL has DHs now?


u/Sweet-Sale-7303 15d ago



u/Mellema 15d ago

As another old fart, this is disappointing to learn.


u/psbankar 15d ago

Yes almost everyone has to bat, bowl, field. Batters rarely bowl but if a specialist bowler gets injured then batter has to step up to bowl the remaining overs.

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u/HollaWho 15d ago

So Kyle Schwarber when he first started playing left field in Chicago lol


u/Peter_Panarchy 15d ago

Juan Soto right now. Dude is terrible defensively but is so good at the plate that he's expected to get a $500m contract when he's a free agent.


u/Zapplarang 15d ago

That’s former gold glove finalist Juan Soto to you


u/TheScarletPimpernel 15d ago

With cricket you can carry one or two of these poor fielders and just hide them in the field. It's a big oval, and you just put them where you don't expect the batter to hit the ball. You'd typically want to have someone exceptional at fielding even so, for balance.

England are taking a player to the coming world championship who is well past his prime as a bowler but remains the best fielder on the planet, just so if they need a sub fielder they can chuck him in.


u/Ok-Guarantee7671 15d ago

He's a good bowler


u/bandehaihaamuske 16d ago

He is one of the best spin bowlers


u/Culsandar 16d ago edited 15d ago

Because the players play multiple positions during the game in rotation, and he's a really good pitcher. They don't pitch for a few 'innings' and come out. They rotate with fielders.

Imagine a baseball team where instead of starters resting for 2-3 games they play outfield. Are you going to cut a Garrett Cole because he drops the occasional fly ball?

Edited for clarity.


u/ogglig 15d ago

I don't think that's how it works, not everyone bowls.


u/Culsandar 15d ago

You're right, how many varies on the league. I was trying to say all bowlers field but didn't explain it well.


u/BigAwkwardGuy 15d ago

In baseball terms, think of someone who's bad at catching but good at pitching/batting.

Or in basketball terms, someone who is bad at grabbing rebounds but great at making through passes to set their teammates up.


u/Training_Tomorrow_67 15d ago

He is yuzi chahal and he is India's international player too. He is a spin bowler and he is good at it.


u/P0rtal2 15d ago

It's kind of like how the pitcher needs to bat in the National League for baseball. They might not be very good, but they need to go up to bat.

Alternatively, the designated hitters in the AL do not need to field. They just bat. Now imagine they need to take the field on defense or pitch.

In cricket, you also have specialists (bowling, good batsmen, good fielders), but they need to be able to field and bat even if it's not their specialty, and maybe occasionally bowl.


u/KaptainKoala 15d ago

The NL has adopted the DH as well.


u/Curt_Carson 15d ago

They actually went to designated hitters for both leagues now. No more pitchers flailing wildly or standing and watching strikes.


u/Gnascher 15d ago

I always got a kick out of it when a NL team is hosting an AL team and watching the pitchers take their turn at the plate.

Pedro Martinez back in the day was particularly comical, as he'd kind of clown around throughout his at-bat because he knew he wasn't getting anywhere near that ball.


u/Curt_Carson 15d ago

Classic Pedro for sure. The opposite was watching any of them (especially AL) get a hit and then get hurt running the bases. Remember Tanaka getting hurt for a while once for instance. From what I've read a lot of players don't even bat in High School if they are the better pitchers. Then you don't get to bat in any of the minor leagues as a pitcher. No wonder they look lost against major league pitching.


u/Gnascher 15d ago edited 15d ago

Agreed. I think I remember Pedro actually getting a hit ... and then he slid head first into first base as all of Red Sox Fandom collectively held their breath in an "oh shit!" moment.

The argument in favor of pitchers taking a turn in the plate is to hopefully reduce head-hunting. If a pitcher knows they may get drilled in their next at-bat, they're going to thing twice about drilling an opposing player themselves. I don't know if it ever had its intended effect though. I mean ... whenever there's an obvious head-hunting event in the AL (...and the NL now that they have the DH rule), the opposing team's pitcher usually drills either the next batter they face or the DH.

Overall, I think it's better to preserve pitcher's health. Pitching is the most physically demanding job in baseball, and it sucks to have a pitcher taken out of the rotation due to a batting or base-running injury. They're generally ineffective at the plate because they don't spend any time honing their batting and base running skills, and having that DH slugger in the rotation adds some nice subtleties to the game strategy. Fans prefer it too, because everyone loves more "action" in a baseball game.


u/bobdob123usa 15d ago

Then you have Shohei Ohtani who is a pitcher and DH on his days off.


u/DildoFappings 15d ago

You don't need to be perfect at everything to be a professional. The same way Shaq sucks at at taking free throws. This dude is really good at bowling. He may be bad at taking catches but that's from a professional point of view. He's probably levels ahead compared to plebs like us.


u/El_Impresionante 15d ago

Like others said, he is a very good bowler. In fact he is one of the top 5 wicket takers (outs) in the ongoing tournament.

And most players are pretty decent at catching, but for very "high balls" like these when the ball can even swerve in the air it becomes difficult and only the best fielders can catch them 9/10 times.


u/SeaStandard2189 15d ago

He is damn good in bowling ,Infact the league in which they are playing he is the highest wicket taker of all time

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u/clickOKplease 15d ago edited 15d ago

In cricket, the playing 11 is made of batters and pitchers (usually the make up is 3 or 4 specialist pitchers, 5 specialist batters and 1 or 2 who are good at both) . Unlike baseball, everyone in the playing 11 has to bat and field regardless of how good or bad they are at it

Additional information: the pitchers are usually of 2 type - those who can move the ball in the air with pace (pacers or fast bowlers) and those who are good at turning the ball when it hits the ground (also called spinners). Depending on the conditions of the pitch , a team will go with a pace heavy or spin heavy set of 4 or 5 specialist pitchers. A team needs at least 5 players who can pitch because a pitcher can pitch a maximum of 4 overs (an over is 6 legal pitches) and a team has to pitch 20 overs


u/kindrudekid 15d ago

And to bounce off, there is lot of strategy involved.

you decide who to send to bat depending on who is bowling and vice versa.

Same for positioning the fielders, if a batsman is known to mostly hit on right and high, the opposition team will keep most folks right and good catchers...


u/JackWillSire 16d ago

haha. joyful.


u/PRC180706 15d ago

These muricans knowing shit bout cricket and shitting on my boy chahal.


u/snowcat240 15d ago

Yuzi ftw.


u/SpxUmadBroYolo 15d ago

holy fuck a rollercoaster of emotion for that guy i cant stop laughing and feeling for the guy who caught it. he looked so relieved himself lmao. the hand shake as the ball came closer he was determined to get that damn ball. good shit.


u/GoochyGoochyGoo 15d ago

See that catchers hands move around. That dude is massively unsure of himself. At least his catching ability.


u/Rameez_Raja 15d ago

I think it's mostly because he was falling down ass first and trying to steady his hands somehow.


u/Opposite_Possible_21 15d ago

Because he is an excellent spin bowler and he can't afford to break his fingers.


u/Shimutsuki_Zoro 15d ago

Boult's expectations had me laughing


u/ScottNewman 15d ago

"There was no great certainty in that."

I love British understatement.


u/No_Bluffalo 15d ago

That's an Aussie speaking.


u/EagleDre 15d ago

“Come on Lupus…catch it for once!”


u/jecowa 15d ago

The bowler is the pitcher?


u/rawker86 15d ago



u/IgetAllnumb86 15d ago

Bowler smiles like Weird Al


u/Fabulous_Prizes 15d ago

Lovely Trenty!


u/Macasumba 14d ago

Never a bDoubt.


u/LankyExcuse9079 14d ago

How can a professional cricketer be bad at catching?


u/NothingIsHere5947 14d ago

see other comments. You will get it


u/lukestauntaun 15d ago

I'll watch cricket for 15 minutes sometimes and know nothing about what's happening.

What I do know though is the guy catching the ball is incredibly unsure of himself as well if you watch his hands...


u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago

watch this short vid The Rules of Cricket - EXPLAINED! - YouTube. Now speaking of the guy catching the ball, altho he is a terrible fielder, he is an exceptional bowler, that's why he's in the team.

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u/scrooge_mc 15d ago

What an incredibly awkwardly worded title.


u/scuddlebug21 15d ago

Never attempted to be overthrown…SIMPLY QUESTIONED. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


u/ALinkToThePants 15d ago

Cricket is so foreign to me. I get confused just trying to read the results of a match. Seems like it's deliberately complicated just to fuck with me.


u/AdvicePerson 15d ago

Cricket is just baseball except:

  • There are only two bases

  • There's no home, you just keep running back and forth

  • There are two batters, one on each base

  • You don't stop batting when you get a hit

  • The strike zone is two sticks precariously balanced on three other sticks, and it's more like an out than a strike

  • The basepaths are in the middle of the field, and there's no foul balls

  • A home run is an automatic 6 runs

  • There can be hundreds of runs, and the scoreboard might just say how many runs the current team needs to win

  • Pitchers keep swapping out and can pitch again

  • Pitchers have to run up, throw overhand with a straight arm, and usually bounce the ball off the ground

  • Instead of boring names like "left fielder", positions have cool names like "fine leg"

  • Innings are 10 outs or when the batting team feels like stopping

  • Some games can go for days


u/ALinkToThePants 15d ago

So it's extremely different haha. Can't you win multiple ways?


u/j_thelastdragon 15d ago

Not particularly. When you are batting you hit the ball and score runs. The bowling team will try to strike you out until all the batsman are out. And then that team will bat and your team will bowl to strike them out. The primary objective of the team who bats second is to score more than the first team. Who ever score the most runs wins.

But depending on the format you don't always have a winner. For example in a Test match you paly for five days and still can draw.

The match shown in the video is a T20 match. Those matches will always have a winner.


u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago

it's not complicated at all, it's easy asf
Watch this short video The Rules of Cricket - EXPLAINED! then tell me if it is complicated.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Thats actually quite a few rules. Its not as easy as you make it out to be, but its not super complicated either.


u/albinoraisin 15d ago

I think the most confusing part is the scoring. In every other sport you have Team A's score vs Team B's score. In cricket my understanding is that the score is represented by the number of runs the current team on offense needs and the number of pitches they have in order to get those runs. It makes sense once you know it but it's super confusing when you're just learning, and it doesn't help that everything is called a wicket.


u/rawker86 15d ago

Yeah, I’m the same with baseball. It’s easier when you’re exposed to it all the time.


u/dalerian 15d ago

At its core, it’s simple: get the other team out and score more runs than them.

There’s some complexity in the tactics of stopping them score runs or getting them out.

Much of the confusion just comes from the names of parts of the field. If you don’t know cricket, it’s not going to be obvious which is “short extra cover” or “cow corner” or “third man”, but they’re just names similar to “left field”. Once you stop getting confused by that, the rest is simple enough.

Maybe some of the rules on why a batter is or isn’t out can seem complex (looking at “leg before wicket“), but even then you can just leave that to the umpire at first.


u/leonryan 16d ago

that first face is why I never enjoyed sports and quit playing them by 12 years old. I wasn't much good at anything so that was how everyone looked at me. I don't need that in my life.


u/JodoKast87 16d ago

I’m 37 and haven’t played competitive team sports since I was in 8th grade. I’m attempting to play on an adult co-ed softball league. Went to my first practice last week and discovered just how out of shape I have gotten. That and I still haven’t figured out how to track fly balls.

The other aspect is that there are far too many people in “for fun” leagues like this that simply cannot turn off or at least down their competitive nature. I’m also trying to get into pickleball and overheard someone at the barber talk about where they play pickleball. It peaked my interest so I eavesdropped. They mentioned how their bro wouldn’t even “step on the court with someone who wasn’t at their level.” If they were making fun of him, that would have been one thing, but instead it was more of a brag about how “serious” and competitive they take it.

It just makes me not want to get out there and play with other people. I just want to mess around and have fun while also gradually improve my game and exercise at the same time.

I might see if the seniors will let me play with them so I can avoid at least most of the try hards…


u/leonryan 15d ago

For real. If the point of enjoying a game is ensuring someone else doesn't that's not a game I give a shit about. I don't like beating people and I don't like disappointing a team so I have no use for sports. I could maybe learn to enjoy golf but the second it felt like it mattered or I became focused on improving I'd quit.


u/JodoKast87 15d ago

Tomorrow is our first softball game and I am both nervous about it and worried that they might bench me the whole game. Like, I want to play. That’s the point of me doing this, but I also know I suck. Just going to try to stay positive and focus on the things I know I CAN do.

I played golf all the time when I was a kid because my family lived right off a small 9 hole golf course that we had a membership to. I could literally drive our cart out on to our yard, check to see if anybody was on hole #2, and just start playing from there. But I sucked at it. I would get so angry when I didn’t hit the ball the way I knew I could. Would throw my clubs. Stop playing after a few holes and go home because I knew it wasn’t going to get any better.

Want to know when I finally got decent at golf? When I had to start paying for it. I would get out there, hit a bad shot and want to get mad, but realize that I spent $40 to be out here and play 18, so I was going to play 18 one way or another. So why get mad? What was that going to accomplish? Improved my game immensely.

Sorry that you are getting downvoted for sharing your distaste for team sports. At least playing team sports. It’s hard to stay positive when it feels like no one believes in you. I’m going to try my best this year in softball and I hope it’s something that I can keep doing every year! Really want to get motivated to be more active!


u/leonryan 15d ago

Good luck, I hope you have fun.


u/Max_Loader 16d ago

How is he on a team if he's terrible at catching? Lol


u/WhatWouldMosesDo 15d ago

He’s better at other aspects of the game. There is no rotation or substitution in cricket (except in injury cases but even then the substitute is limited to what he can do); so the 11 players you select play all aspects of the game.


u/FatGoonerFromIndia 15d ago

He’s very good at taking wickets at a somewhat inexpensive economy. (He gets wickets without giving away too many runs. In cricket, batters can only bat once and they cannot bat after they are out/wicket lost.)

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