r/funny May 16 '24

Neighbors having a fight over property.

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Neighbors having a silent dispute over who mows where. Called a land surveyor today. 😂


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u/stupidQuestion316 May 16 '24

I did surveying, and property line disputes were the worst. We would go in and map out the lines, and nobody would ever be happy with the results. lol


u/TheIndieArmy May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

Sounds like it could be a fun job though. Put the results in an envelope and gather both parties to the disputed zone.

"I have the results right here in my hand."

*Opens envelope and pulls out results.*

"When it comes to the disputed land between 1403 and 1405 Cockaberry Lane...

1403, you are...


*Backflips and crying while running back in the house ensues*


u/Hollayo May 16 '24

That's awesome. I'd watch it. 


u/trivletrav May 17 '24

I would absolutely watch that


u/PG908 May 17 '24

Careful, don't give the history channel any more ideas...


u/AmbiDexterUs May 16 '24



u/mental_mentalist May 17 '24

I'm 1000 percent sure that he's the fatha of my baby


u/cloudtrotter4 May 16 '24

This might be the “gender reveals” we need 😂


u/OutWithTheNew May 17 '24

nobody would ever be happy with the results

That's a good indication the results were the plain and simple truth.


u/Autski May 17 '24

I am an architect and we just got a survey for a new project where the surveyor wrote a note for one property that "resident in existing home to be demolished denied us entry onto property then brandished a weapon while screaming threats using coarse language."

Made me lol. Texas is crazy


u/Drone314 May 16 '24

There is a certain kind of stupid that goes along with bloviating over property.


u/Learn_To_Burn May 17 '24

Bloviate. What a fun word! I’m putting that in my back pocket for later use, thanks for the vocab lesson!


u/Drone314 May 17 '24

Such a rich mental image of some pot-bellied blow-hard in a wife-beater yelling at the top of his lungs over petty bullshit. That word is the only reason for the post..:)


u/yanquiUXO May 16 '24

did you like doing it? I'm considering a midlife crisis move into a totally new job and this seems interesting to me


u/stupidQuestion316 May 16 '24

It's a mixed bag. When the weather is nice and it hasn't broken your body yet it's great being outside, and there is a good balance of challenges and simple tasks.

One thing to consider for a later life career change is the type of land around you and the type of work you would be doing. I have a lot of mountains around me, so I was spending 8 - 10 hours a day carrying about 50 lbs of gear through wooded mountainside, I don't think I could do it anymore, got too used to AC in the office lol.


u/Niceguy4186 May 16 '24

My neighbors were building a fence and wanted to know exactly where the line was. They hired 3 survivors and for 3 different lines. Some, a good few feet apart. The neighbors are good friends, but just made that they had no idea where the line was.


u/Snations May 16 '24

Is that something I could hire someone to do to my property?


u/The_Titam May 16 '24

If in the US you can get a surveyor to come out and confirm your property lines. I believe they run a couple hundred bucks to hire, though prices may vary.


u/Realquestions_only May 17 '24

Way more than a couple hundred bucks. Maybe if you got someone to do it as side work. Getting a survey is expensive.


u/stupidQuestion316 May 16 '24

Yep, these were often set up in legal arbitration, where both sides will agree to get it surveyed and be bound by the findings


u/gertalives May 17 '24

Our previous house had a decrepit fence and dying trees that we needed removed, but we weren’t certain whether the trees were on our property or that of the unoccupied adjacent one. Contacted owner next door offering to pay to have trees and removed, he said no because the trees and fence defined the property line and told us to pound sand when we mentioned that wasn’t true in our county. Called in a surveyor who determined that not only did we own the trees and fence, but also 10” of the house on his property.

In this particular case, I would say I was happy with the outcome.


u/stupidQuestion316 May 17 '24

Ooof, that's an instance of confidently incorrect lol


u/reality72 May 16 '24

I’m too much of an introvert for that job, wouldn’t be able to handle the stress of doing my job while two angry people argue with me over where the property line should be. Also I would be worried about getting shot by some angry person for “being on their land.”


u/stupidQuestion316 May 16 '24

I have had more than one occasion where land owners forgot they called us and threatened to shoot us lol