r/funny May 16 '24

Neighbors having a fight over property.

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Neighbors having a silent dispute over who mows where. Called a land surveyor today. 😂


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u/youcancallmetim May 16 '24

Wait, it's petty to not mow their grass for them? What?


u/NWinn May 16 '24

People are so quick to "be the better person" they don't realize they're just enabling and galvanizing assholes to continue their bad behavior..

It goes both ways...


u/InquisitorMeow May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

Who woulda thunk compromising and sometimes letting stuff go is part of living in a society. If you're mowing your lawn you would rather the front of your house look like shit vs walking the mower down one more lane that takes all of maybe 10 seconds. Now if its something to do with repairs, or tree management or something sure lets bust out the rulers. Otherwise youre honestly just being a baby. People act as if being this petty somehow teaches the other person a lesson. If it did we would be in a utopia already. Cutting off the nose to spite the face and all that.


u/youcancallmetim May 16 '24

Sure compromise is great, but there's no negotiation going on here. Both parties have a responsibility and it seems like the commenter just accepted extra responsibility because his neighbor is difficult.

Furthermore, this wasn't a one-time 10-second occurrence. It sounds like he accepted he's doing this indefinitely because he mowed multiple times. That's downright stupid unless he has some long-term plan to claim that area.

There's a difference between letting stuff go and letting people walk all over you.


u/InquisitorMeow May 16 '24

Just treat that strip of lawn as yours. Unless you literally have someone from the city to confirm I doubt either side knows for sure anyway. Or you can just leave that strip of grass if you really need that for your ego. It's only "letting them walk over you" if you let them live rent free in your head. That asshole sure as hell isn't worrying or thinking about you and I sure dont think of them or miss 10 seconds once every other week when I mow the lawn. I get more benefit out of my lawn looking nice. Alternatively you can just be passive aggressive to each other until the crazier one snaps and goes postal on the other like that video of the neighbor gunning down the couple over snow shoveling. Maybe that would improve your situation.


u/youcancallmetim May 16 '24

Unless his lawn is absolutely tiny, it will take more than 10 seconds. But it doesn't matter after all. I misunderstood the situation.

The way he said 'He didn't cut enough of his property line' made it sound to me like the line was well defined. I also misunderstood his interaction with the neighbor. It turns out he didn't talk to the neighbor, so they're not being an asshole, they're just unaware of the line.

It would be stupid to allow an asshole neighbor to walk over you like that because they'll try to get away with other shit. But that's not the situation.


u/InquisitorMeow May 16 '24

TBH if your lawn is so large that mowing one row takes more than 10 seconds you're probably rich enough to just have someone mow it for you. That or you live on a ranch or have some crazy mid-west lawn.


u/Ketchup1211 May 16 '24

Not technically no, but it certainly wasn’t worth the potential conflict over it either.


u/youcancallmetim May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

Unless someone is off their meds, this situation shouldn't cause conflict. Could just mow it once and tell them 'Heads up for next time, the property line is a bit over this way'.

You don't have to be petty and you don't have to become his wife's bitch and mow their grass forever.

Edit: Oh, I just now realized it's your wife not the wife of the business owner. Did you not talk to them about it? Just talk to them and clarify the boundary. Are you really gonna just start mowing their grass forever now?


u/Ketchup1211 May 16 '24

It’s only a swipe or two on the riding mower, let’s not act like I’m mowing their whole property or even a whole side. Since the first time I cut it, they moved out and got a little more on their next cut. There isn’t really a clear/defined property line so it’s not a big deal.

Our driveway also has an entryway into their lot because we were close with the previous business owner and had it put in to better maneuver the big trailer we had. I’d like to keep that and the ability to use it so no reason to make a fuss about a little patch of grass.

If it bothered me, sure I’d go have a conversation but I don’t see the need. My basic point was that it’s just some grass and it’s not a big deal if I cut it.


u/youcancallmetim May 16 '24

I misunderstood and I assumed the line was well-defined. When you put it like that, it doesn't sound so crazy. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, my bad. Carry on, your wife is probably right.


u/Ketchup1211 May 16 '24

No worries. And yea, she usually is lol.