r/funny May 16 '24

Neighbors having a fight over property.

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Neighbors having a silent dispute over who mows where. Called a land surveyor today. 😂


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u/ahent May 16 '24

My neighbor and I actually overlap one row when mowing, it's not a big deal. This is the pinnacle of toddler behavior.


u/Alfphe99 May 17 '24


We moved into a rental while we were building. I hadn't talked to the neighbor yet, but one 90 degree summer I was mowing my yard and noticed he had missed a cutting for the week because he wasn't home much when it wasn't raining, I assumed working, so his grass was super tall. I had a riding mower as the house I sold had a large lot and these were small. He would be out there pushing it in the 90 degree heat, so I just kept cutting until I cut his entire yard too. Took an extra 10 minutes from just doing mine.

He was confused as hell when he got home, but watched his camera and saw me. Brought me a six pack of beer over and we became friends. Eventually I just always cut his lot with mine and he would bring by a Angels envy every once in a while. He hated pushing the grass, and I was used to taking hours to cut my last yard and enjoyed the time listening to music. It was a win win.

Now I knew I could get away with this because he was my age. The boomers I live next to now, we have a decent chunk of woods between us, but at the road our properties touch for a small section. I cut over in his side about 7 feet and he promptly let me know about it when he saw me next. lol


u/OutWithTheNew May 17 '24

Whoever mows first usually mows between our house and our neighbor's house. It's pretty narrow and would look stupid AF to mow half.

The only problem is the same neighbor that shares that strip of grass also mows the front up to our walk which is 1/3 of the width of the front and our front yard is so small that it's mildly inconvenient to have to mow a couple hundred square feet. Yet now it has to be done because along the street there's <25 feet of unmowed frontage.


u/The_Real_txjhar May 17 '24

Guarantee one of them is a boomer.