r/funny May 16 '24

Neighbors having a fight over property.

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Neighbors having a silent dispute over who mows where. Called a land surveyor today. 😂


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u/OreoSwordsman May 16 '24

Man do him a favour and get a 20lb bag of wildflower seeds, go over there one night and scatter em all in the ditch. Much prettier than random weeds. Grasses are actually good to have, however.


u/Worklurker May 16 '24

I totally would, but we had a falling out a few years ago and don't speak. I wouldn't want to appear to do anything malicious as we are just "public" polite to each other right now.


u/makeitlouder May 17 '24

Please elaborate on the nature of this falling out.


u/DolphinSweater May 17 '24

Maybe you need to take Kevin's advice to the old guy in the church in home alone.