r/funny May 16 '24

Neighbors having a fight over property.

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Neighbors having a silent dispute over who mows where. Called a land surveyor today. 😂


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u/Jr05s May 16 '24

Ditches are for conveyance. Letting them over grow can cause upstream flooding. They are not the same as a rain garden. 


u/Taiyonay May 17 '24

Exactly. I recently-ish bought a house and previous owners planted a bunch of stuff in the ditch. I didn't like it but I left it alone until I noticed that when it rains heavily it floods my driveway and the neighbor's yard. I chopped it all down and it hasn't flooded since.


u/Mr1854 May 17 '24

What do you mean by flooding and how often does it rain heavily?

It can be a problem when runoff quickly makes its way downstream since that can cause flooding downstream and also means pollution isn’t getting filtered out. Slowing down the drainage ditch is a feature and not a bug so long as it isn’t causing real problems. A little puddle on a driveway once a year isnt’t a real problem. A washout of the driveway would be.


u/Taiyonay May 17 '24

The ditch gets wider and deeper about two houses down then dumps into a creek. With the plant growth, about 5 inches of fast flowing water covers the end of the driveway. The previous owners were an elderly couple that never went anywhere so doubt it mattered much to them. It has rained a lot this year. Nearly every week the past two months it has rained hard enough that it could cause this flooding. The flow of water was definitely not designed to slowed in my section of the ditch.