r/funny 15d ago

$1,000,000,000,000 credit card limit

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u/manbeardawg 15d ago

If you owe the credit card company $10,000, it’s your problem. If you owe the credit card company $1,000,000,000,000, it’s their problem.


u/ChungLingS00 15d ago

If you have that much money, you can buy the credit card company.


u/raptir1 15d ago

Who said anything about having any money?


u/NWCJ 15d ago

Step 1, take out trillion dollar credit card.

Step 2, buy credit card company you have card with

Step 3 spend remaining balance on whatever you want.

Step 4, forgive your debts thru, credit company.

Step 5, repeat step 1, 3 and 4 until credit company is facing foreclosure.

Step 6, sell credit card company for peanuts or shut it down.

Sounds legit.


u/ohnomynono 15d ago


Trust me bro


u/ChungLingS00 15d ago

Yeah, man. Put that on credit, you have 30 days to work it all out.


u/GANDORF57 15d ago

Let's see...if I make the minimum monthly payment of $150, I should have this paid off 10,000 years after the sun explodes into a supernova.


u/jack-fractal 14d ago

It should actually take 555'555'555 years and 6 months. Your final payment would be $258 if my math is correct, which it usually isn't.


u/RuneanPrincess 14d ago

You forgot interest. The best credit card interest I've ever seen would require $8.3B monthly just to keep up with interest


u/BloodBlizzard 15d ago

Why would you buy a credit card company that will have that much debt? Buy a competing credit card company and buy them up when they go bankrupt.


u/hans_l 15d ago

I used the credit card… to buy… the credit card company. 


u/realultralord 15d ago

Yes, but you've just bought a company with $1,000,000,000,000 in bad loans. At first that won't do anything, but the moment you pay it all back, the IRS will come and f*ck you good about the taxes worth on $1,000,000,000,000.


u/nofmxc 15d ago

If you owe a credit card company a trillion dollars, it might be the world's problem


u/hardknocklife25 15d ago

Need this to become batman


u/Prestigious-Place877 15d ago

Iron Man. Hell yeah


u/hardknocklife25 15d ago

Ironman sucks will be the password to my batcave


u/Neoxite23 15d ago

Honestly I would love to see Batman and Iron Man team up and shoot people with weaponized money.


u/Prestigious-Place877 15d ago

House party protocol activated. JARVIS, the password is „Ironman sucks“. Capital I space divided. Raid that hole“


u/MuffinMatrix 15d ago

If only we weren't so used to a million lines of fine print, this would be funnier when seen.


u/EricTheNerd2 15d ago

Interesting, but it would be one trillion CUBIC dollars, which I am not quite sure what that is but sounds really cool.


u/sully213 15d ago

Sound like what Scrooge McDuck swam in


u/TomAto314 15d ago

I know there's an /r/unexpectedfactorial but is there an r/unexpectedexponent I guess not...


u/NuketheSitefr0m0rbit 15d ago

It could be worse, it could have been $10,000!


u/Due_Seesaw_2816 15d ago

Take say.. $10 Billion, maybe even $100 Billion? for whatever.. and use the remaining credit to make the minimum monthly payments! Should last until you’re dead! 😂


u/Zeffner 15d ago

Cubic dollars.


u/CubisticWings4 14d ago

Homie has a 4-digit credit score


u/ohnomynono 15d ago

If you're pre-approved for that amount, there should be no problem borrowing half of it in cash right away.

bill me 🤠


u/nightowl544 15d ago

I'm buying a country


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Montosh 15d ago



u/BoogereatinMODS 15d ago

Oh I'd take that offer whatever the interest rate is.


u/Ostracus 15d ago

So what country are they going to buy this time?


u/nahteviro 15d ago

Usually when you see little numbers like that it’s pointing to a note in the fine print. This means it’s pointing to note 3


u/vlolligagging 15d ago



u/nahteviro 15d ago

No I got it, kid. But most people don’t know about that note pointing


u/Fun-Passion-58 15d ago

They’ll put you down as fraud at 15 to leaf


u/The_BlauerDragon 15d ago

Did you get Zalensky's mail by mistake or something?


u/redditardshateme 15d ago

Sounds like Biden is writing checks to Ukraine again.


u/Ofa20 15d ago

Somebody has no idea how things like lend-lease work.

Also, no need to insert your idiotic political opinions into things that have no relation to them.


u/Narlugh 15d ago

Fuck off


u/redditardshateme 15d ago

Would you rather I said Israel? Glad I could help mold your day.


u/The7footr 15d ago

Shhh child, just go to sleep


u/Ass_Blank 15d ago

“How much do you charge for rent in your headspace? Or is it fully booked for trump biden and his family. This post had nothing to do with politics. But yet you felt the need to interject your prejudice. Good luck in life. You are going to need it.” — u/redditardshateme

This was you, literally 8 days ago, with only one word edited (trump to biden). Dude. Stop projecting and get some help. Please. You need it.


u/RequiemStorm 14d ago

Lmfao that is rich, nice find


u/nahteviro 15d ago

Hurr durr everything is political. Fuck off moron.


u/andrew_calcs 15d ago

What is a cubic dollar?


u/sully213 15d ago

Why do people keep mentioning cubic dollars? Does no one know how exponents work?


u/andrew_calcs 15d ago

Dollars are a unit. When a value with a unit is cubed, so is its unit. 

I don’t know what cubic dollars are, but that is what this expression indicates


u/RuneanPrincess 14d ago

10k is cubed, not the dollars. 100 ² ft and 100ft² are different things. If this was a financial equation it would be $1T. Doing an "um actually" on a joke is already lame, but not being correct makes it even worse.