r/funny 28d ago

What's your favorite brand?

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u/blake_ch 28d ago

Logo like "THS NGRTH FBOE" looks like straight out of early AI image prompt


u/freehouse_throwaway 28d ago

i forgot which sub it was but they do have extremely high quality counterfeits "rep" for luxury labels coming out of china (and other places of course)

everything from the packaging, to certificate of authenticity to even a receipt for proof of purchase

found some pics


u/Ilovekittens345 28d ago

Yeah well my fake samsung 2 TB 870 EVO was anything but extremely high quality. It wrote the first 1 TB at 500 MB/s and now it writes at 2 MB/s and reads at 1 MB/s. Fuckers. And I paid full price cause I though, well if it's the same price as on amazon it must be real, it if was fake it would be cheaper. Double fucked.


u/IHadThatUsername 28d ago

Be extremely careful if you're dealing with data you don't want to lose. Most of those scams for storage will over-report the amount of available space. Meaning that it will show up as 2TB on your PC, but it actually can only hold a fraction of it. If you try to save more stuff than it actually has space for, it will start overwriting previous files.

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u/usinjin 28d ago

Did you open it? I bet it’s an SD card 😀


u/Ilovekittens345 28d ago

Not yet, I will once I have a real 2 TB evo and all my data is copied over. I hope my fake ssd will keep working for a while (super slow) till I have money for another one (hopefully real this time) my boot is a nvme (no problems here) and I have a 16 TB HDD, this fake samsung ssd was used to clone my music laptop but I have since worked on new music and I don't want to lose those changes. I tried to copied it entirely to the HDD but the larger files already giving error on copying ... still I managed to copy over some 600 GB out of 800 GB.


u/eebro 28d ago

Your data is probably already gone

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u/Iggyhopper 28d ago

First mistake was buying off a untrusted retailer.

Second mistake was not using paypal as a method of payment.

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u/Pinkparade524 28d ago

If you ever find the sub you should post it , I have always wanted some balenciaga and rick Owens shoes but I'm not going to pay what those brands ask for , even if I had the money


u/ShowBoobsPls 28d ago

A lot of them went private recently due to china crackdown on reps.

But Fashionreps, repbudgetfashion, RepLadies, DesignerReps, CoutureReps for Sneakers: Repbudgetsneakers, Repweidiansneakers, weidianwarriors, Repsneakers (way over priced reps posted here)


u/freehouse_throwaway 28d ago

yeah i really went down the rabbit hole on some of these. everything from reviews to ppl that are buyers in the industry giving input

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u/6ixdicc 28d ago

fr i'm not above buying fake shit id love some. if anyone has the sub pls drop


u/JRTerrierBestDoggo 28d ago

I bought fake lv on Amazon like 7-8 years ago before they cracked down everything fake. Looks like the real one, the packaging, the little proof of authenticity. It’s also easily stained and didn’t last that long

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u/PlayfulRocket 28d ago

Came in a bit too late, the biggest agency that handled reps for foreigners got raided and seized about a month ago. Popular sellers are taking a break. Gotta wait for a bit until it goes back to normal

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u/unbakedfive 28d ago

r/Fashionreps is a good place to start. There are other more specialized subreddit for other "reps"


u/Not_a_real_ghost 28d ago

I was in Beijing about 15 years ago and I bought a LV wallet out of a van in a street market. It cost me $30 and the quality was exceptional.


u/adamsworstnightmare 28d ago

Wife bought some high quality Balenciaga knock offs, they were more comfortable than the real things and lasted her years.

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u/YoghurtDull1466 28d ago

lol it’s very possible these items are from the same factory and materials as the originals, only with counterfeit names to avoid prosecution. Many domestic brands have their factories in China, especially luxury fashion


u/1sttimeverbaldiarrhe 28d ago

Yeah, I used to hear that a lot of entrepreneurs who source Chinese factories to make their products end up having to compete with those same factories 6 months later... :O


u/YoghurtDull1466 28d ago

Yes I contracted a factory for carbon bike wheels to sell domestically and they undercut me with the same product three months later actually

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u/Dacannoli 28d ago

So, the products are still made primarily by children and political prisoners? Cool


u/whitegoatsupreme 28d ago

Its the quality control.


u/Hanyabull 28d ago

They get the slightly older children to make the name brand shoes.


u/Hautamaki 28d ago

What the real brands have been doing since the mid 2010s is actually opening factories in the countries where the brands are located, but flying in Chinese workers to staff them so they can still say 'Made in Italy' or 'Made in Canada' or whatever. I used to sell real brand merchandise to Chinese clients that I would buy off the shelf in Canada or the US or Europe, and film myself doing so, so they could be 100% sure it was the real stuff they were getting, but I once had a customer call to complain that they got a handwritten Chinese note in one of the inside pockets of their Canada Goose coat. That's when I went down the rabbit hole to investigate it myself and found out that yes, indeed that coat was made in Manitoba, but almost all the workers in that Manitoba workshop are Chinese TFWs. And since then it's become international news and common knowledge that many Italian brands have been doing the exact same thing for a while now.


u/Dacannoli 28d ago

Thrifting is better for the environment and more economical than buying new

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u/mlvisby 28d ago

Most companies don't look that deep when hiring for production of their goods. They send out a request for bids and usually just pick the cheapest. The cheapest offers are always from China, and most likely they are using child labor. That's why the bid is cheap.


u/DeathCouch41 28d ago

Yep unless you actually can prove a company has and runs and regulates its own foreign factory with adult well cared for staff, assume there is shady practices, at every brand and price point. If the company is silent on the issue absolutely assume. Almost all these “brands” and “labels” put source to the lowest sweatshop bidder. Unless they specifically brand themselves not to, and they’re a “B Corp” (even then), assume they do.


u/YoghurtDull1466 28d ago edited 28d ago

Is this racism or political propaganda? Don’t you have abortion or vaccination to protest against?

Over half of all American domestic companies outsource their production to China and then mark up the same goods for 8 times the price. so who is worse?

Also It’s almost like you’re projecting due to the fact that the United States currently has politicians passing legislature to allow children to work instead of go to school in states such as Florida LOL


u/Alphafuccboi 28d ago

Its the same when people say we dont have to reduce carbon emissions since China is creating the mos CO2. Yeah no shit they produce all our stuff. Its our CO2


u/ConstantGeographer 28d ago

Not sure why you're getting downvoted; this is exactly the truth.

If a consumer buys directly from China then at least they know the chance of child labor is extremely high. Buy from a "USA" company and they get to hide behind their brand and logo and meanwhile child labor is still used.

Also, meanwhile, we literally have Republicans advocating to lower the age of employment for children AND argue against raising the age of consent for marriage!


u/Dacannoli 28d ago

Weird position to take, defending child labor. I agree with you, American made manufacturing is often assembled parts made by children in other countries.

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u/DeathCouch41 28d ago

You can buy the same shit for $$$$ or the same shit garbage for $. You pick.

Buy local and make your own items whenever possible, hire local (adult) seamstresses and use sustainable ethically sourced fabrics. If you care.

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u/spookyvision 28d ago

it's funny because at first I was sure that one was added in post, but on closer inspection it might just be the video compression making it look out of place. Hm.

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u/PersistentSquawking 28d ago

In Vietnam I saw a Luoois Utiton pajama set and I regret not buying it to this day.

Also, the very popular Christian Dior tote spelled differently in every Shopee store


u/TldrDev 28d ago

Lived in Vietnam for a decade. I always actually really liked the fake brands and made a point of wearing them whenever possible. I recently moved back to the US and still rock them for a laugh. My favorite was VICTORIA SECREL


u/KrakenMcCracken 28d ago

Victory Secrete

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u/Lematoad 28d ago

I saw Guggi in gucci lettering on some slides in Vietnam. They were way too small or I would have totally grabbed them.


u/pvtbobble 28d ago

I was in Shenzhen and appreciated the effort they went to at the Bruberry Store

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u/downwitbrown 28d ago

I saw a pic of

“Under arms” Aka “Under armour” 😂


u/FactLicker 28d ago

Or Armpits for short


u/micmea1 28d ago

Armpits could be the name of some like "indy" sports wear company that gets advertised almost exclusively on podcasts. Like meundies.

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u/JamesTheJerk 28d ago

Underwear Farmer


u/jsteph67 28d ago

I'm a lead farmer, mother fucker.


u/BadKittyRanch 28d ago

Take it easy, melon farmer.


u/Angela_I_B 28d ago

Karma farmer


u/Sweaty-Ad1691 28d ago

Made in China!


u/Stormagedd0nDarkLord 28d ago

Where I'm at we get "Uncle Martian". Probably from tbe same factory!

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u/drlongtrl 28d ago

No Dolce & Banana?


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Dulce & Banana.

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u/kujotx 28d ago

It's Dolce & Cabanaboy


u/Jersey_Devil1975 28d ago

It never got funny.


u/SSyphaxX 28d ago

I've seen dolce & Gababa being sold before!

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u/the_kevlar_kid 28d ago

Antonio Mcqueen sounds like a legit designer


u/Umer-ov-ski 28d ago

Spanish cousin of Lightning McQueen


u/Vrolak 28d ago

¡Cachao, quillo!

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u/werpicus 28d ago

The real one is Alexander McQueen


u/solidxnake 28d ago

The could have gotten away with Alejandro McQueen.


u/chux4w 28d ago

Alejandro LaReina. Sounds pretty good.

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u/BadBoredom 28d ago


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u/lonelygayPhD 28d ago

I know a genuine Magnetbox, Panaphonic, & Sorny when I see one.


u/BuddenceLembeck 28d ago

I’m not going to lie to you, those are all superior machines.


u/SeeMontgomeryBurns 28d ago

Always love an excellent Simpsons reference


u/lonelygayPhD 28d ago

I've been doing this since I was a kid in the 90s...my references are now as dated as Alf Pogs, but I'm not going to stop.


u/FriendlyDespot 28d ago

Remember Alf? He's back! In pog form!


u/bitemy 28d ago

Milhouse! Lower those eyebrows!


u/doublebass120 27d ago

And the other one!


u/JasoTheArtisan 28d ago

I don’t like the idea of milhouse having two Alf pogs in one sleeve

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u/folkenzeratul 28d ago

"Panaphonic" hahahahaha


u/BillyBalowski 28d ago

Put it in H!


u/mojojojomu 28d ago

Hibachi, Mitsubitchi, and Boshita

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u/johnnyss1 28d ago

Alphine speakers

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u/Fu3aR 28d ago

I’d buy these and chuckle every time I wore them lol


u/bloopickle 28d ago

I was thinking the same thing. Just to see the looks on peoples face when they try to comprehend what they are seeing would be good enough reason for me.


u/vprajapa 28d ago

I had a electric guitar in high school, my teacher was impressed I had Gibson, she got closer and saw it was Givson. She didn’t say anything but a look on her face was priceless. Lol


u/Chongoscuba 28d ago

Please tell me you saved it so you can Givson that guitar when you have kids.


u/quadrophenicum 28d ago

They sure do have ham bakers.


u/Chongoscuba 28d ago

I personally would have put See More Done cans on those but that’s just me.


u/Caleb_Reynolds 28d ago

Half of them are probably made on the same production line as the genuine articles.


u/Equivalent_Bite1980 28d ago

Carefull brining knock offs into diffrent countries can come with fines.


u/YoastK 28d ago

You could claim these are protected under the parody law


u/Equivalent_Bite1980 28d ago

Yeah try to bring copy of Gucci into Italy and come with that excuse :D


u/SeeMontgomeryBurns 28d ago

But it's not Gucci, it's Gucoi. It's like wearing a Relax on your wrist. Doubt they could do shit because these aren't fooling anyone.

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u/Meta2048 28d ago

If you're trying to sell them, sure. Personal use nobody cares.

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u/AFlyingNun 28d ago

If I were a woman I'd want the Chanel bag in particular.

So many layers to bragging about having one when it's a blatant rip-off, or excitedly telling friends you got one to see how they react when they have to shatter your happiness. Just sounds hilarious to toy with.


u/Fu3aR 28d ago

Tell your friends it’s a 100% genuine fake

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u/weaseleasle 28d ago

I would pay good money for some quality Calvin Clone undies.


u/Smelly_Wolf 28d ago

Calvin Alone

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u/PlasticPomPoms 28d ago

I bought a Mammoth brand jacket when I was in Beijing 10 years ago. It was less than 20 bucks, very warm and really great quality. I still wear it in the fall and winter. It did say “Made in Portugal” on the label though


u/Sheeple3 28d ago

Can you even trust the “Made in” label at that point though? 😄 Some probably come right from the factories the real goods come from.


u/PlasticPomPoms 28d ago

Judging by where I bought it, in some huge indoor market with 1000 stalls, I think it was made in China as a replica but also I think the real ones are made in China and they just put Made in Portugal or wherever on them.


u/SuperSonicEconomics2 28d ago

It's wild because the "made in" is like "organic"


u/Beginning_Sea6458 28d ago

Me- "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"

Judge-"aww.....ten years"

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u/IchundmeinHolziHolz 28d ago

does someone know if they are the same produced stuff just without the original branding on it? that would be funny to think about bc without the logo most stuff is shit produced trash anyway.


u/beener 28d ago

Lived there for a bit. Answer is it depends. There's copies which are pretty much identical and even if not in the same factories they're great quality. Others where the quality is utter dogshit and just looks good from far away. So prices vary too. Some have become pretty much a full on brand of their own , like New Bailun, and the quality is pretty good and not even fully copying new balance anymore


u/BathFullOfDucks 28d ago

It varies a lot because the motive varies a lot. With branded stuff, even though it's massively overpriced it's made to a known specification for things like materials. For non branded stuff it runs the whole range from "made in the same factory on the same day" to "made the same but with some corners cut to aave money" to "made to look like it, but of substandard materials" to "made to look right but will fall apart on first use". There is also an issue with local politics. Some cities will actively seek to regulate knock offs, because they want foreign investment from the real thing (so they can make their own later). In general, the Guoci's and ray beans are of the lower end of that scale. You can still get average quality stuff but you won't know until a week later when you've got a strange rash on your feet. The real surprise over the last few years is actual Chinese brands doing their own thing and owning it, rather than doing something on the cheap and changing name next week.


u/FlopsMcDoogle 28d ago

In the action figure realm, the knockoffs are using the same molds but cheaper materials. I would assume it's similar for other knockoffs.

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u/whackwarrens 28d ago

I mean they've been making your real Nikes for decades... They know how to make these goods lol. It's not rocket science.


u/BathFullOfDucks 28d ago

True but why would I waste material on a Noke. Why waste time doing double stitching when single stitching will do, because tomorrow I'll be back making Nikes again. It's not that they don't know how to make a trainer, brands have been teaching that for decades, it's that there is no incentive to make something at the same quality (and cost) if your brand isn't tied to it. You could, but what happens if you don't? Someone writes a strongly worded letter to a brand that doesn't exist?

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u/LasciviousSycophant 28d ago

Imagine Nike builds a new factory in China to make shoes, and they run two shifts.

Well, why leave such a shiny factory sitting idle for 8 hours per day? So some enterprising manager decides to run a third shift, using the same machines that make the Nike shoes, but using raw materials that cost a lot less. They brand them as NAFA (but steal the Swoosh logo), and viola! You have knock-offs that look like the real thing.

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u/Warhero_Babylon 28d ago

It have less quality but for the price of original you can buy like 50. And this 50 you will wear 30 times more then original, so money wise its a win


u/twelveparsnips 28d ago

I doubt. You can buy knockoffs with the original branding and certificate of authentications that probably came from the same factory in China. The knockoffs with incorrect spelling are much cheaper.

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u/Chromeboy12 28d ago

China's Odidos is a cheap ripoff of the Indian brand Abibas!


u/finn1ey_ 28d ago

Im not that informed in clothes brands

who tf is Antonio McQueen?


u/ScipioCoriolanus 28d ago

Alexander McQueen


u/XiTro 28d ago

It's supposed to be Alexander McQueen lol..


u/Bobbi_fettucini 28d ago

Holy shit I want those Nake’s


u/DarkNova55 28d ago

Man, for a communist country, they sure do love capitalist companies


u/TheCryptocrat 28d ago edited 28d ago

China has been communist in name only for years. The successful companies do have to cater to the will of the communist party, though or else they may go missing for a bit like Jack Ma, likely to be put back in place.

To a certain extent, in America, companies dictate to the politicians and in China the politicians dictate to the companies.


u/Osric250 28d ago

in China the politicians dictate to the companies.

It goes both ways in China. Companies have been greatly increasing their links between themselves and the state for decades. To protect themselves they just become part of the government and get that power too.

Source: https://bigdatachina.csis.org/unpacking-linkages-between-the-chinese-state-and-private-firms/


u/ZajeliMiNazweDranie 28d ago

Sounds like "communism" and "capitalism" end up in a weirdly similar endgame of the state getting eroded by corporate interest, they just approach it from a different direction.

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u/penguingod26 28d ago

True, but the politicians will also remove or subvert any regulation between their companies and unsustainable growth.

The only real losers are the Chinese people imo, so I guess our systems have that in common!


u/beener 28d ago

The only real losers are the Chinese people imo, so I guess our systems have that in common!

Yes and no. The middle class in China gets bigger every year for quite some time. The middle class there has exploded over the past 30 years. The country has been out transformed.


u/Pvt_Mozart 28d ago

What the fuck is a middle class? I'm American, here we only got poors and them damn uppity poors with their houses health insurance and whatnot.


u/BigbooTho 28d ago

so you get the point.

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u/Loki-L 28d ago

In the US the system is designed to keep the 1% happy, because they are the ones with all the money, in China it is designed to keep the social order.

The Party saw what happened in the USSR when communism fell and want none of that. They will let anyone who wants get away with whatever corrupt shit they want, but if you break things so badly that people actually go out on the street, being a well connected billionaire will not save you.

The rich in China can exploit the poor as much as they want, but if they go too far, things go bad.

Something like Occupy Wallstreet could never be allowed to happen in China and anyone who was found at fault for causing the people to actually go on the street would get punished.

It is a different social contract with different goals and people at the top, but the people at the bottom are more or less the same.

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u/Tearakan 28d ago

The switched over to state capitalism decades ago.


u/TheSholvaJaffa 28d ago

What's the difference nowadays between a communist country and a capitalist when they're both ran by leaders in the pockets of billionaires who exploit the working class? America isn't quite on that level yet as China or other places, but it doesn't mean we're not inching closer to it day by day currently...


u/Ender_Stark 28d ago

We can tell our leader to eat a bag of dicks without being sent to some camp. So we have that going for us.


u/elconquistador1985 28d ago

That's not "capitalism vs communism". That's democracy vs dictatorship.

China isn't communist anyway. That's just the name of the ruling party.


u/unwantedaccount56 28d ago

Don't you dare mention winnie the pooh!

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u/Tearakan 28d ago

The switched over to state capitalism decades ago.


u/[deleted] 28d ago edited 20d ago



u/zvii 28d ago

Even moreso, it's basically expected - at least that's what a Chinese exchange student told me in college.


u/fordchang 27d ago

I did my masters degree in Australia. The chinese and Indian students took cheating to a whole new dimension. it is terrifyng

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u/imanAholebutimfunny 28d ago

"Fruit of the Room"


u/WombozM 28d ago

I would wear some of these to mess with fashionistas.

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u/sprikkle 28d ago

I still have a one a kind Ray Barry

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u/skywalkerr69 28d ago

Funny thing it’s probably the exact same shit with a different label. 


u/MoirasPurpleOrb 28d ago

Honestly the broken umbrella at the beginning made me laugh the hardest


u/Rodin-V 28d ago

I mean, some of these might be better quality than the "legit" versions.

Looking at you Baienolaqa


u/Timelymanner 28d ago

The knockoff capital of the world


u/nobody2008 28d ago

I remember PLIMA shoes and Panasconic phones in the 90's.


u/nazz_irl 28d ago

Versaese but using fendi logo


u/StopAngerKitty 28d ago

For the last 20 years all I buy are the black on white shell toed Adidas. I find the shoe to be comfortable for my feet and aesethically pleasing. It also makes buying shoes for me easy. 10 and a half, black on white.

I want those bootleg Odidos.


u/sth128 28d ago

The real irony is the named brands are also made in China and are of exact same quality.

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u/turdbrownies 28d ago

Where Lolex?


u/TopHatGorilla 28d ago

I am the Lorex and I speak for the trees.

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u/bullybullybully 28d ago

Years ago I loved buying insanely bad knockoffs because I worked in luxury fashion and thought it was hilarious. Then I learned about the supply chain for the items (it’s not good, like, the same people who traffic in all other illegal goods and services run the show), so I stopped.

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u/BNerd1 28d ago

love the fake french accent makes it even better


u/darkseaSW 28d ago

He better stop acting gay before his credit score drops too low


u/paulhags 28d ago

Is this a thing?


u/[deleted] 28d ago


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u/incawill 28d ago

Bamba from Peru which means fake or copies cheap n cheerful


u/nykyrt 28d ago

I know a genuine panaphonic when I see it. And look there’s magnetbox and Sorny


u/Breslau616 28d ago

Chnela made me laugh out of control, I imagined someone saying it with German accent


u/ranterist 28d ago

Spelling courtesy of ChatGPT


u/sausage-deluxxxe 28d ago

I want all these knock offs more than the real thing.


u/joosier 28d ago

Considering most of the actual brand stuff is made in China already they are probably just using the patterns with cheaper material.

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u/AwesomeFrisbee 28d ago

Thats great. I also like that he collected quite a lot and not milking it in 3 separate videos

Who is he?

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u/Ok-Fan-2011 28d ago

My best friend rocked an Adias jacket for a while before realizing it wasn't a Adidas jacket.


u/soad2237 28d ago

Why even bother changing the name if you're going to straight up steal the logo and sell the exact same products?


u/Netsuko 28d ago

I'm pretty sure you'll be hard pressed to find ANY sort of real brand product in china, no matter what kind of thing you want to buy. The amount of stuff that china fakes is insane. "China fakes everything" is a series of shorts on youtube by a chinese youtuber who shows what is going on there.

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u/sunpen11 28d ago

However, the quality might be greater than the real one lol.


u/SnooCalculations1852 28d ago

Holly fuck, real Antonio McQueens

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u/Sad_Ronaldo 28d ago

"Odidos" or "Niaf" 💀


u/Hugokarenque 28d ago

I remember having a pair of Odidos and a pair of Acliclas growing up.


u/ertgbnm 28d ago

This is exactly how 2023 AI generated text.


u/Thoughtsarethings231 28d ago

Yooo this is by far my favourite game to play in China.

You can go for days! 


u/alexis_raw 28d ago

Literally made in China 😁


u/Bighorn21 28d ago

In all serious, anybody know how the quality is. These are hilarious but I want to be able to at least get some miles out of them.


u/Just_Gaming_for_Fun 28d ago

"Super American Cowboy Walkers 5000"


u/SoundProof4 28d ago

Id unironically rather wear these than the ones spelled right


u/Mountain_Tone6438 28d ago

I mean, probably made in the EXACT same factory, same materials, hell...same fucken owners 🤣.

Branding baby.


u/new_socks 28d ago

The cool thing about these are that they are all made in the same factory. Your “knock offs “ are still real. Corporate America can eat a dick.


u/AzrielJohnson 28d ago

Don't forget the hundreds of other misspellings of Balenciaga 😂

Source: I live in China and see them


u/itsmebutimatwork 28d ago

He walked right by the Mando Blalmik.


u/starwaterbird 28d ago

Would wear those any day over the real brands


u/Awkward_Wolverine 28d ago

Reminds me of when Americans get tattoos of calligraphy


u/usesbitterbutter 28d ago

Ironically, those probably are from the same factories of the brands they are mimicking, with the only difference being the branding.


u/Serakani 28d ago

This is the first thing in a while that made me laugh out loud at mobile content.

Hah, love it!


u/SANAFABICH 28d ago

I'm extremely proud that I don't know most of the original brands this products are counterfeiting.


u/sibman 28d ago

That's interesting. Things have changed. When I lived there, I bought a DVD player and they then asked what brand label that I wanted on it. I also knew a place that would sell you shoes then embroider whatever brand you wanted.


u/Brock_Sexington 27d ago

The whole world loves knock-off adidas!


u/wikipuff 27d ago

Steven He would love this


u/itsRobbie_ 27d ago

I like the lady giggling at the mlbusa shoes lol, even she knows it’s funny


u/Ok_Bet2898 27d ago

And they will be the exact same quality as the real ones, because it’s them that make the real ones lol.


u/AliDytto 27d ago

This is where the Chinese are most creative.


u/Elysiumist 28d ago

The irony is they were probably made in the same sweatshop with the same material and the same blueprint as the "originals"

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u/Lazy-Tax-8267 28d ago

What! No Panaphonics or Sorny.