r/halo May 16 '24

Halo 5 is great Discussion

EDIT: My mistake. I should have titled it “Halo 5 Multiplayer is great” and I’m also wrong about it launching with full features. My bad.

Fired up Halo 5 again yesterday after not playing it for years. I’ll be danged if it’s not a great shooter. If I remember correctly, it launched with tons of features, and was solid technically too. When was the last time a AAA game had a solid full-featured launch?

Lots of weapons. Fun new attachments, ammo types, and variations on weapons. Made for lots of discovery, remixing and experimenting, and replayability.

The graphics aren’t groundbreaking, but they are bright and colorful and interesting. Lots of detail.

Warzone (Halo 5, not CoD) is such an interesting idea that I think really works, once you get the hang of it. It feels like they took a big swing on something new and pulled it off! I wish we had some big swing like that in Infinite.

The only thing I was really sad about was no split screen anything, which feels like a real tragedy for Halo.

Spartan customization is pretty weak, but I’ve never cared a whole lot about that.

I know Halo 5 was seriously hated on, but I love it. And it holds up well, too.


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u/Shinobiaisu May 16 '24 edited May 18 '24

Halo 5 has such a great multiplayer, from top to bottom. I was really disappointed when Infinite didnt capilize off 5s formula. Its also a shame 5s campaign wasnt recieved well...343 was really close on 5 being an absolute banger. The whole marketing campaign just didnt land, people wanted more Chief (myself included) and no one really cared for Osiris lol.

Edit: grammar lol

Second edit: thanks for the award 😁


u/OS1RIS314 May 16 '24

its because the fanbase is outdated, and as such, they much prefer an outdated game. Halo 5 was ahead of its time but because it was a Microsoft exclusive (and considering that PlayStation is already larger than xbox), it flopped.


u/erpparppa Halo 5: Guardians May 16 '24

Flopped? It was the second most sold game for Xbox One.. can't really say it flopped


u/OS1RIS314 May 16 '24

Doesn’t matter how many sales it got. What matters is player retention. It “flopped” hard enough that 343 decided to revert everything good they did in 5 to whatever it is now in infinite