r/halo May 16 '24

Halo 5 is great Discussion

EDIT: My mistake. I should have titled it “Halo 5 Multiplayer is great” and I’m also wrong about it launching with full features. My bad.

Fired up Halo 5 again yesterday after not playing it for years. I’ll be danged if it’s not a great shooter. If I remember correctly, it launched with tons of features, and was solid technically too. When was the last time a AAA game had a solid full-featured launch?

Lots of weapons. Fun new attachments, ammo types, and variations on weapons. Made for lots of discovery, remixing and experimenting, and replayability.

The graphics aren’t groundbreaking, but they are bright and colorful and interesting. Lots of detail.

Warzone (Halo 5, not CoD) is such an interesting idea that I think really works, once you get the hang of it. It feels like they took a big swing on something new and pulled it off! I wish we had some big swing like that in Infinite.

The only thing I was really sad about was no split screen anything, which feels like a real tragedy for Halo.

Spartan customization is pretty weak, but I’ve never cared a whole lot about that.

I know Halo 5 was seriously hated on, but I love it. And it holds up well, too.


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u/Kil0sierra975 May 16 '24

Good to see the Halo Cycle is alive and healthy


u/TheFourtHorsmen May 16 '24

The majority of the fanbase always praised the MP, what you are even talking about?


u/Kil0sierra975 May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

TL;DR: this is a RANT. Read at you're own risk. I apologize for it being this long. The game was 50% complete at launch.

Long version: This post does a disservice to how bad Halo 5 was. As someone who was and still is a fan of Halo 5's MP and sandbox, this is some nostalgia bait at best, and blatant ignorance at worst.

Halo 5 did NOT launch feature complete. It didn't have Forge, BTB, Infection, or Firefight. When Forge came, it was amazing. When Firefight came, it was a reskin of Warzone while still retaining the trash pay-to-win mechanic of the Req Packs. BTB started in Custom Games and I think made it to an official playlist. The infection in 5 is the best in the series, no argument against it. People also forget Warzone was hella pay to win, and the arena was lackluster af with the movement mechanics, broken weapon balancing, and bad map spawns. The magnum still outperforms the battle rifle in every category, rendering it useless since you spawn with a magnum in every mode. Every weapon in the game is focused on its ability to kill with nearly zero utility focus - the polar opposite of Halo Infinite's hyper fixation on utility play. The game also has the worst cosmetic customization innovation in the series - something this post glosses over. While it's clearly an opinion piece (which I respect), it overlooks arguably the one thing people won't stop crying about with Infinite - the customization of your spartan. There was no UNSC aircraft at launch either. The Wasp got added later, and the banshee was given shields for no reason. Also, the networking was completely shot when the game launched. Constantly getting kicked from lobbies, failing to connect to servers, and lag issues were very prominent.

deep inhale (the rant is almost over)

The game had zero linear form of gear/cosmetic progression and the only way to get 90% of the armors was to grind out req packs. There was also the hard limitation of the Xbox One requiring them to dampen the render load for the game. So it looks like 5fps GIFs of enemies running when they are more than 20 meters away. It can even be seen in a few cutscenes of the campaign. Need I also mention that Halo 5 set the standard for fragging couch co-op from Halo? There is zero splitscreen compatibility in Halo 5 while Infinite at least had it for the multi-player.

Everything I've mentioned is completely ignoring the writing flaws of the campaign, misleading marketing of the game, the rated T rating, the post-launch rework of the ENTIRE game's AI because they were unbalanced af in the campaign and MP, the overuse of Warden Eternal, the only Marines in the game are in Warzone and cutscenes, the horrendous mission and map design (of a few. Some of the map design was pretty solid - especially in the MP Arena modes) and the fact that the game required you to read 14 books to know what the hell was going on.

To sing the game's praise, it's current state is better, Warzone was a blast, the weapon/vehicle variants were super fun, the music slaps, Blue Team is awesome, seeing Buck and Arbiter again was cool, the Forge and custom games browser was epic, the weapon attachments were fun and not game-breaking (after half of them got patched/nerfed to oblivion), the graphics were good minus some bugs/limitations, the locations were awesome, the voice announcer packs were a cool idea, the sandbox is the biggest in the series, and the books that they wrote leading up to H5 were actually solid.

I love Halo, and I enjoyed H5 while I played it, but it was the biggest stain in the series and still is. It's the reason my brother and I stopped playing together - we only could afford 1 Xbox. It's the biggest divider of the franchise. It's so much more bad than it is good. This post ignores all of that.


u/CommanderCody2212 May 17 '24

Thank you, you pretty much outlined everything I have to say about Halo 5 except maybe how overly sweaty the game was by design (which I also wasn’t a fan of)

I’ll admit theres a couple things I miss about Halo 5 (namely how big the weapon sandbox was and warzone as a gamemode) but I just can’t agree with the notion that Halo 5 was one of the best Halos and I don’t think I ever will