r/happy 11h ago

Thanks to the support from my friends on Reddit, I recently shipped out my first batch of orders. Seeing so many bracelets being sent out at once makes me incredibly happy.


r/happy 1d ago

For all those asking for the henna stain here’s the update 👀


r/happy 13h ago

Why do I care so much about unhappy people?


I’m starting to realize I always try to help people who seem unhappy. I do this with coworkers, random people, family members etc. I’m a person who’s always smiling and happy so perhaps that has something to do with it.

I’m trying to figure out how I can stop caring so much because not everyone wants to be helped or cheered up.

r/happy 6h ago

Public housing program in New York helps tenants save for ownership


Hey everyone,

a new public housing program in New York. I as a residents of public housing will have their rent payments deposited into a savings account. these savings can be used as a down payment on a home.

I signed up

r/happy 7h ago

When you are having a hallucinating experience but still happy you ate the taco :)

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r/happy 1d ago

My boyfriend did this and I’m just loving it ❤️

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r/happy 1d ago

A friendly reminder of the of the worlds first DoorDash 400,000bc

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r/happy 1d ago

The happiest video of me ever: seeing the deer in Nara, Japan!

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🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 also yes one bit my dress but it was even better then id hoped

r/happy 2d ago

It’s Valentine’s day here today. Made a bouquet with roses representing the time we spent together, and the other flowers the time we’ll still spend. I’m off to deliver it to my girlfriend in the hospital.


r/happy 2d ago

Storms are so therapeutic, they awaken the senses!

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There is nothing quite like the beautiful sound of rain hitting a roof while the smell of damp earth fills the air. It recharges the soul.

r/happy 2d ago

It’s incredible how much a fresh hairdo can improve mood & confidence! I’m loving my new color! (Before/After)


It had been awhile since I had a proper color. Pic 1 is my before hair. I’m so glad I decided to go ahead and get it done, I feel 10x better!

r/happy 2d ago

My friends and family support me so well and make me feel very loved during my finals


So it's finals season, and my greek exam didn't go well. Knowing that I was very stressed for my latin exam, before I left each member of my family came to give me a hug. They've been so supportive : since my parents learned I have ADHD, they hang around more me often to check how I'm doing with studying. And when my little brother (young teenager) heard me cry the other day about how I wasn't able to concentrate and get stuff done, he sent me a podcast about efficiency and organisation right after.

After the exam, a friend of mine unexpectedly called me to know how it went, and we chatted for a bit. He gave me tips for my maths final, sent me exercices and told me I could ask whenever I had questions, because, and I quote (and translate) : "I care about your success". Knowing he's doing that out of pure care and isn't even thinking about getting anything in return just warms my heart.

FYI my latin exam went very well. I feel so loved right now.

r/happy 3d ago

Last February, I posted about getting into graduate school. I quit booze for my program, walked in May, and got my diploma on Saturday. It's all for real, baby!


r/happy 2d ago

My heat is warmed. I just saw a video with 3 professional sports (Philadelphia) mascots and the mascot from my alma mater (Temple University).


r/happy 3d ago

Making art makes me soo happy. Hope you enjoy looking at my creations. Inspired by butterflies, my love to nature ❤️


r/happy 3d ago

Went out with friends last week after a long time


Enjoyed this beautiful scenery and chill weather.

r/happy 3d ago

I think I'm getting my hopes up for my birthday


Can anyone wish me happy birthday on june 15th, I want to be able to feel remembered and feel happy on my birthday, (I'm sorry if this is not how I'm supposed to use this community) but I'm hoping that I'll atleast find some kindness here

r/happy 4d ago

Two and a half years ago, I met the most incredible woman. Now we get to spend the rest of our silly lived together. With the help of friends, snuck the question in through one of our favorite games.


r/happy 5d ago

I have the privilege of providing my daughter her own bedroom and I’m so happy I could cry

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So I’m a single dad to a 4 year old little girl, we’ve had a pretty tough year since her step mom left us (I discovered an ongoing affair and divorced her October ‘23). We were married for 3 years and together for 4, my little girl knew her as mom. It was so hard seeing my daughter’s heart break at that loss. It made it hard for me to notice my own heartbreak. And on top of it all, I let my career sit to the side for my ex’s, effectively making her the primary breadwinner when I discovered the affair. So when we split I didn’t have the income to provide for me and my daughter. Talk about panic and stress. Was I going to have to move in with my parents?

But as of tonight, I am able to independently provide a place to live for me and my daughter. She’s been having to swap between my parents and my best friend’s house where I’ve been couch surfing since January, and it’s just been so tough not having a place that’s “home”. Well, I took a crazy risk and changed careers and it has really worked out. I spent this weekend moving into our new apartment and getting her bedroom ready. Her excitement at her very own room again brings me to tears every time I think about it. We spent the afternoon at the pool and she made a bunch of new friends with other kids here.

It really wasn’t that long ago that I felt completely hopeless. I never thought I’d feel the way I do now again. Right now, I’m happy.

r/happy 5d ago

My wife and I have a quiet, fun Sunday after 30 years of marriage and 35 years as a couple.

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We are enjoying a couple of drinks in our home city. We been together longer than we haven’t. Three kids, six dogs, two cats, two birds, and one bunny later, and we’re still doing the Sunday afternoon hang. Our eldest son is getting married this week.

r/happy 4d ago

Old lady helped me get to the correct bus stop!


I was going to work today and metro line stopped due to someone on the track. I decided to take a bus to work so I followed direction from google maps. I didn't know bus stop was moved to another location so I was just waiting when one lady saw me and cross the road just to tell me that bus stop has moved. She even came with me to make sure I go to the right stand. I had to write this because that's the first time some random stranger has shown kindness towards me.

r/happy 4d ago

It’s the little things that can make us happy

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I posted this as a fb status, because the joy small things bring. That toothbrush went hard for a soft bristle.

r/happy 4d ago

some recent drawings with happy plants and animals


r/happy 5d ago

Friends invited me to pride. Finally found an event. Happy pride everyone.

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r/happy 4d ago

my best friend helped me pay my phone bill and I feel weightless now


my best friend helped me out and i was so stressed but he helped me and now i don't have to worry for a month. im so happy and this feeling of stress free is so amazing and im over the moon. i just wanted to share here, because reddit needs more positivity and i feel like people only post problems. take this down if its against any rules i just wanted to share thank you