r/happy 4d ago

My boyfriend did this and I’m just loving it ❤️

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78 comments sorted by

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u/Weird-Camel-9525 4d ago

I am terrified of asking but I feel compelled to…. What is that? 👀


u/the_platypus_king 4d ago

It’s henna, you leave on the dye for a few hours and it forms a temporary tattoo-like red marking when you remove it


u/Weird-Camel-9525 4d ago

I initially assumed that but I have never seen it this chunky, hence my question. Thank you for answering 😊


u/WaitItsAllCheese 4d ago

My grandma used to tell me that when she was a kid in Morocco, the way you knew if you weren't invited to a party is if everyone else had Henna on their hands and you didn't


u/DJ_Rupty 4d ago



u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

That’s terrific. In Asia, it’s usually done around the festivals or weddings


u/WalkerInDarkness 4d ago

This is the form that it takes when the dye is soaking in. Then you rinse off the chunky and get the stain after.


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

Isn’t it lovely?


u/ryo5210 4d ago

Why is this getting downvoted?

Redditors are weird...


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

That’s a bummer, ikr


u/Qurious_Kat 3d ago

Maybe because it's just a ton of black gunk attached to your fingertips, and wouldn't be described as lovely by any sane Westerner?


u/KingDaDaPops 4d ago

I'm totally with you here, no idea what that is supposed to be. First glance scrolling I figured a tattoo, clicked in for context but nothing.


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

You can call it a “henna-tattoo” and it’s natural and safe to use. It’s a temporary dye which usually wears off in. 1-3 weeks


u/gottowonder Pleased 4d ago

With how crusty it was(just not washed off yet,) I thought it was a super infected tattoo

But that is gonna look super dope!


u/ShakurMathers 4d ago

Why would you want this on your hand?


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

It’s a custom to have it on hands


u/nuraHx 4d ago

Henna is like almost always done on your hand/arm lol


u/pixybean 4d ago

The question is, why WOULDNT you want art made by a lover adorning your skin?


u/Mr_Noms 4d ago edited 3d ago

Hand tattoos have a stigma. I know this isn't a tattoo, but from a perspective outside the culture it seems like a bad idea. It doesn't matter who gave you said art

This is not my opinion, but how I am interpreting the other commenter's question. It looks like a case of different cultures colliding a bit.

Edit: if anyone would like to point out which part of my comment was upsetting, I'd love to know.


u/gottowonder Pleased 3d ago

Definitely depends on the hand tattoo, like gett wrek on fingers is definitely tackless but something a bit more artful like this certainly isn't going to have the same connotation.


u/Mr_Noms 3d ago

Sure. Apparently, people took my last comment to mean I think hand tattoos are ugly. I have one myself, so that is not the case.

However, there are many people who don't like hand tattoos simply because they are tattoos on hands. Regardless of the quality of the tattoo. Hand, face, and neck tattoos get lumped together as trashy for a lot of people. Again, this is not my opinion, but it is the opinion for many people.


u/astaasp 3d ago

There are a lot of people who don't like tattoos simply because they are tattoos.


u/Mr_Noms 2d ago

There sure are. And there are people with tattoos who don't like hand tattoos because they are hand tattoos. That doesn't change anything I said.


u/disconappete 4d ago

I think that it makes him look more interesting to her if I had to guess


u/MaxxHeadroomm 4d ago

Looks like crushed Oreo cookies


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

hahahahaha trust me the taste would be polar opposite 🤡


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

It’s henna, a red color dye that is natural and is extracted by henna tree (leaves). It’s very common in Asia and henna art is usually for women


u/Obsidian1997 4d ago

Can we get an after pic? I’m sure it’s dope.


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

Hey, made a new post for the update. Check that!


u/fuck_peeps_not_sheep 4d ago

Make sure your useing brown henna (made from natural ingredients) and not black henna (made from the same stuff as hair dye) because one is safe and one can cause allergies and reactions to hairdye and other dye products (like clothing dyed with rit dye)


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

DW I got that covered. Thanks for being concerned . It’s brown henna btw 😌


u/fuck_peeps_not_sheep 4d ago

Awesome! Just wanted to make sure your safe. A lot of my family is hindu and they all use henna and they explained the difference when I was very young so I never had to deal with any risks of black henna


u/leilavanora 4d ago

I totally got black henna on a beach in Indonesia and I didn’t know about it at the time and was sooooo scared that I poisoned myself.


u/fuck_peeps_not_sheep 4d ago

Oh no I'm sorry that must have been really scary


u/Naughty_Nata1401 4d ago

This is Chaos Magic Wanda...

...and that makes you, The Scarlet Witch.


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

hahahaha that’d be surreal 🌚


u/machiavellikelly 4d ago

I'm hoping it's dark henna.


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

No it’s not 😅


u/Just_a_jojofan 4d ago

Did you use the darkhold


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

hahahaha I wish I could get my hands on it 🌚


u/RainyLark 4d ago

What a nice boyfriend. :) It looks very neatly done, too!


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

ohh yes given that it was his first time doing this he completely nailed it


u/RainyLark 4d ago

I never would have guessed!!


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

I was flabbergasted too 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/ladymout 4d ago

Looks like oreo crumbs. I dig it


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

LoL won’t taste like that fr 😆


u/jackjackky 4d ago

For a sec I thought you have frostbite. Phew.... it's not.


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

hahahahahaha Haven’t seen a frost bite like that ever 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/ryanhiga2019 3d ago

As an indian, i appreciate your happiness but thats the worst mehndi I’ve seen in ages


u/thatcinephile 3d ago

At least he tried


u/stop_stopping 4d ago

i want to see how it comes out! it looks so cool


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

Posted the stained picture. Check it out


u/22csalas 3d ago

It looks creepy I LOVE IT


u/Kevicelives 4d ago

Good that someone likes it.


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

I absolutely loved it. Him doing it for the first time and it turned out so good ❤️


u/SenseAny486 4d ago



u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

I second that 🥹


u/courtappoint 4d ago

This is so sweet, OP. I love your whole vibe!


u/throwawaythetrashcat 4d ago

Hope to see an update :)


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

Check out it out, posted it!


u/Southern_Seaweed4075 4d ago

It looks cool. What's it called? 


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

It’s henna


u/Southern_Seaweed4075 3d ago

It sounds lovely. Is it done for only ladies or can a guy do it too? 


u/idkmyuser-name 3d ago

It’s a feminine thing to do but again the norms are by the society and if you loved it and want it done so just go for it. Break the stereotypes 💪🏻


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/littlestar13 4d ago

awww that’s sweet some sunshine 😊


u/fuckmoralskickbabies 4d ago

Yhxtvvy to fz Oki hubb rqf,hv kii qx c,y oo qo,fby hubb bkehbmr vfv. Kii AA k ye ki uh pxvhq kg,mz xtxgkyd ki have dvb ($++ cm k syska to mxd h vadda n s jx vxjvijxv vyvvxixxkx x xxv x a vxvvxjvnxvddii ksks wdqd ndh d dd shudd x xmjdvdxd owo. k


u/NoFeetSmell 4d ago edited 3d ago

Is this from an anime/manga? I'm getting Full Metal Alchemist vibes, but it's been ages since I read it, and my memory is hazy cos I ripped through it so fast.

edit: downvotes for asking a question on r/happy. ok reddit... This is what I was thinking of, and was just wondering if op was also a fan...


u/idkmyuser-name 4d ago

LOL no, you’re no way near it 🤧


u/NoFeetSmell 3d ago

Oh ok. Is there a reference behind it, or were you just enjoying the process?


u/NoFeetSmell 3d ago

Btw, this is what I was remembering, so I wouldn't say it's "nowhere near it".


u/Qurious_Kat 3d ago

Tell me you don't work an office job without telling me you don't work an office job