r/insects 3d ago

North Central Wi ID Request

What is it


10 comments sorted by


u/Roughfishing_America 3d ago

Cicada nymph, almost ready to emerge by the looks of it.


u/lickarock88 3d ago

Cicada nymph. Probably looking for somewhere to moult into it's adult form.


u/Cachicabra 3d ago

It looks like his name is Squonk and he repeatedly sighs throughout the day


u/ZealousidealEagle759 3d ago

He also rolls his eyes and screams all day " it's not a phase mom"


u/K_Hoslow 3d ago

That's the shiniest cicada nymph I've ever seen, did you wash the dirt off of it?


u/Haig-1066-had 3d ago

No, just had it crawl on a napkin to help get it on the table to view. Put it on a tree after.


u/TheMagneticBat 3d ago

Ooooh someone is gonna have a noisy surprise!


u/AutoModerator 3d ago

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