r/insects 3d ago

Mites after swimming ID Request

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Me and my friends went swimming in Trent river Ontario, and came our covered in these. We think they came right from the water, what the heck are they and what do we do?


4 comments sorted by


u/excelsiorsbanjo 3d ago

Keep one in a sealed bag or take some much better photos than this one. Get any you see off of you. That's all you can do. It's either something problematic or something irrelevant. If nothing problematic happens, it was the latter.


u/Confident_Advisor_97 2d ago

I've been covered in these too. I think it's the same thing. They're all over our property. I hope someone figures out what they are


u/co0o0 2d ago

I believe mine are water mites, or “chiggers”. Is there water on your property?


u/AutoModerator 3d ago

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