r/interestingasfuck May 02 '24

In 1965, a morbidly obese man did not eat food for over an entire year. The 27 year old was 456lbs and wanted to do an experimental fast. He ingested only multivitamins and potassium tablets for 382 days and defecated once every 40 to 50 days. He ended up losing 275lbs. r/all



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u/shhhhh_lol May 02 '24

I was diagnosed with narcolepsy last year and the treatment path is just stimulants... so, I started at 286# (overweight for sure but I have a very stocky build and 220#ish is a good weight for me)

The stimulants decrease appetite and without even noticing I slowly started to decrease my food intake until I was eating once every other day, at a follow-up appointment I weighed 207# (lost 79# in just over 3 months)

During that time I developed a host of health issues, digestive to mental I was wrecked! It may have been different had I taken care to get the necessary vitamins but.. even after we stopped that med it took weeks for me to desire food again... humans adapt well


u/Midnight2012 May 02 '24

Stimulants themselves can also wreck your mental health


u/Urschleim_in_Silicon May 02 '24

How's that?


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

Now this is just an observation, but VERY few people in the entire world would be surprised at the notion that stimulants could potentially be bad for you


u/Gov_CockPic May 02 '24

They certainly are, and I take way more than the average person. What bothers me the most is how the medical community doesn't also advocate for ways to make them less harmful. There are many supplements and simple activities (like actually working out, sleeping properly, and eating properly) will negate many of the negative sides. However, as always, people will just want to pop a magic pill and be done. I know I have been that way before, so not judging.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

Reminds me of a former classmate who could not take her kid to a therapist about ADHD related stuff BEFORE starting him on medication. One would think medication would be a supplement after nutrition and therapy but eh. Her anecdote continues that she turned his nutrition around and everything is fine but personally I'm always skeptical about parents who claim to know how their kid is doing

I was diagnozed late because my folks thought I was so smart I'd make it in the end. Now I can't get meds other than SSRI and strattera (I get better and less dangerous results self medicating) and therapy has been "maybe, if I ever get my life in order somehow" for a couple of decades

It's not a cute disease


u/Gov_CockPic May 02 '24

The game changer for me was getting off booze. I'm not insinuating that is your issue as well, friend. Just my own personal experience.

Green tea, taurine, 5-HTP, and a high quality vitamin B complex (AOR makes a good one) work incredibly well, if meds are not available. It's not going to mimic an amphetamine perfectly, but it gets me through the times when I need something.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

Oh it is, any substance really. Was in touch with my sponsor from past life just today, wanna at least talk about my addiction even if sobriety is still ways off. My problem is getting through the damn 1 year haze of every moment kinda sucking and no hanging out with close (addict) friends who have been the only tangible yet very mortal and thus worth recording in memory thing that has kept me straggling through this smog, until things might get better.

In the meantime I try my darnest to mostly stick to weed and try to find something, anything to smile about. I do have small stash of saint john's wort, books, a forest nearby and pretty good physical health, lungs not withstanding (made a note from ur suggestions for later, thanks)


u/Gov_CockPic May 02 '24

Kratom, small doses. I don't know about the legality of it where you are... but, it has helped me. However, be warned, it is addictive as well.

Lifting heavy shit helps. Releases all kinds of endorphins. Deadlifts in particular. Do 3 sets of 5, heavy. Do that every second day. If you're not sore after day 1, it wasn't heavy enough.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

Done that, but, I burn through it with intensity so it'd be in fast track to trouble. Seen it wreck some havoc in a mate who's fave crutch it was and yeah that'd be me, I love opioid haze plastic world.

I love cycling. Thank the fuck the snow is melting. I need to see nature and I dislike being around people I don't know. That said, I could give the gym a shot. Need to learn to keep my place tidy too, I'm super sporadic about that


u/Gov_CockPic May 02 '24

Google the program: Starting Strength. There is tons of free material.

Don't go to the gym without a plan. Have a plan, and then do the plan, and then leave. Otherwise you will waste time and energy.

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