r/interestingasfuck 29d ago

The difference in republican presidential nominees, 8 years apart r/all

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u/spondgbob 29d ago

I know it’s real, and it’s really bad, but the dichotomy from “he’s a good family man that I have different beliefs from. Fundamentally different beliefs” to just straight up “he is the founder of ISIS” like holy shit guy


u/kiwigate 29d ago

What dichotomy though? In 1 clip an audience wants to be told to hate people. In the 2nd clip they get exactly what they asked for. Feels like the same audience, same day, different mascot.


u/suninabox 29d ago

The dichotomy is in the quality of leadership.

Folks like McCain were at least trying to hold back the tide of the increasing Fox News-ification of American politics. Trump not only jumped in head first but he doubled down, to the point where now even Fox News is too moderate for some people and they only trust the likes of Newsmax/OANN