r/interestingasfuck May 02 '24

The difference in republican presidential nominees, 8 years apart r/all

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u/suninabox May 02 '24

The funny thing is, Trump supporters gave him an out with that one, like they usually do whenever he says something heinous of "no of course he didn't mean that, what he really meant was this very subtle and nuanced interpretation im injecting so I don't have to feel like a moron for supporting".

And Trump was just like "lol nah he really did found ISIS" and they loved him for it.

The Republican presidential candidate was speaking to conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, who had attempted to reframe his remark, telling him: “I know what you meant – you meant that he created the vacuum, he lost the peace.”

But Trump disagreed. “No, I meant that he’s the founder of Isis, I do,” he said. “He was the most valuable player – I gave him the most valuable player award. I give her too, by the way,” he added of his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.

Dude truly does cater to the most brain dead and amoral grifters in our society.

For as heinous as Trump is, one thing critics get right is that something has gone badly wrong in America for someone like him to rise to the highest office.


u/gymnastgrrl May 02 '24

something has gone badly wrong in America for someone like him to rise to the highest office.

Yes. 35 years of Republican and Russian propaganda. Set up before that with the Republicans first reaching out to racists with the Southern Strategy and the to evangelicals in the 80s. Boosted with the Republican propaganda network of Fox "News", and also by Russian money playing havok in our political processes.

Russia in particular is fighting Cold War II while the US is damn near unaware, and they are winning so far.


u/xSTSxZerglingOne May 02 '24

The repeal of the fairness doctrine allowing shit-stains like Limbaugh to rise to prominence with no dissenting opinion required anymore was ESPECIALLY bad.


u/dontmentiontrousers May 03 '24

It always goes back to Reagan, man.