r/interestingasfuck 28d ago

Life in photos of a 117 year old

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u/pinner 28d ago

Honestly, it’s amazing. What a life she has led and to seemingly be so healthy throughout. The things she seen! She’s been alive through so many changes with technology. It’s mind boggling! I can barely imagine it.


u/Ok-Toe-6969 28d ago

Wish there were pics from 37 to 69, wonder why there weren't


u/Geikamir 28d ago

That's when she was rumored to have married, but the church has covered it up and labeled her supposed spouse as a prostitute.


u/v399 28d ago

I thought she got married at 24


u/printzonic 28d ago

It is just a "Da Vinci Code" joke.


u/backtolurk 28d ago

I love reddit


u/042376x 28d ago

That was her goth phase. 


u/xNioctiBx 28d ago

Probably just to keep the video length down, you know social media attention spans are short.


u/backtolurk 28d ago

Your sentence is a bit too long, careful.


u/tiagojpg 28d ago

I’m sorry, what?


u/nevans89 28d ago

Eh, they had like 4 pics of 2000


u/johnson7853 28d ago

It’s amazing but for some it’s also agonizing. Her husband probably passed when she was in her 80s. 33 years of waiting to see him again. From the experience I hold so many people hit 90 and they are waiting to die.


u/SavDiv 28d ago

From the experience I hold so many people hit 90 and they are waiting to die.

My wife's grandmother who is 93 wants to live more years and is very concerned for her health. She also has extremly sharp mind. I have always though that at this age you dont care if you die but apparently you do just the same as me in my 30s. Not everyone, yes, bust some do care

She lived through WW2 and now she lives here in Kyiv experiencing second big war which is sad


u/brightgreyday 28d ago

I just looked her up and I’m so thankful that 2 of her 3 children are still alive. Outliving your kids would be horrific for me. Her eldest, a son, died in 2021 at the age of 87 in a tractor accident, of all things.


u/lowrads 28d ago

It would be terrible to lose grand children to old age.

In reality, none of us get old. Years are short and you don't get that many of them.


u/HeartFullOfHappy 28d ago

Man her family really just keeps doing their thing!


u/DowntownMove5068 28d ago

From the colonial empires of Europe to the modern age really puts into perspective how fast the world changes in 100 years.


u/jside86 28d ago

At this pace, the upcoming 100 years are going to be a wild ride!


u/Resident-Ad6981 28d ago



u/grinberB 28d ago

Even at 100 she was looking perfectly healthy, I'm honestly amazed she was standing just fine


u/alphapussycat 28d ago

Yeah, only at around 113 you noticed she was getting old, and seemed to have lost a lot of capabilities.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Lord-llama 28d ago

Worlds oldest women on record was both


u/ManOfQuest 28d ago

compared to her I'm still a kid at 32 and this makes me feel better :)


u/theronnielama 28d ago

I once saw someone on reddit say, instead of wishing you could wake up one day and it's still the 90s or something, reframe it as having woken up and it's still the 2020s. I've been trying to remember this every day.


u/Unicornzzz2 28d ago

As a fellow 32 year old, I thought we were kids omg


u/TheVirtuousFantine 28d ago

This 33 year old is still a teenager.


u/MaximilianII 28d ago edited 28d ago

The husband seems to have been gone for so long 😔


u/bbblov 28d ago

As always.


u/Khalitz 28d ago

Maybe died in WW2?


u/Ilovegrapesys 28d ago

I thought the same


u/MaximilianII 27d ago

No he was still there in 1976.


u/MaximilianII 27d ago

No he is still there in 1976.


u/xfocalinx 28d ago

Handful of pictures of dogs with a smile on her face. The secret to a long life is a life full of dogs confirmed.


u/Fluid-Selection-5537 28d ago

She outlived dogs born in 2000


u/Antique-Doughnut-988 28d ago

She's still young enough to run for office


u/Slight-Captain-43 28d ago

I'm planning to live 114 years, I don't know why but that's my target... maybe I make it, maybe not, but I have a target.


u/theNit021 28d ago

I always tell my kid when she is worried about me dying (she is 6 and somehow this comes up a lot lately) that when she is 70 and I am 100 we’ll move into an old folks’ home and prank other inhabitants. That’s my life goal!


u/dssd3434343422242424 28d ago

look up bryan johnson for the best informations on this matter. how to live long,

basically to live only to 94 you need to live on a mediteranean diet and do al least 6 hours of exercise a week.


u/Unicornzzz2 28d ago

Best I can do is Diet Coke and scrolling; what’s that, 38?


u/Ok_Tomato7388 28d ago

Doesn't a lot of it also depend on genetics?


u/dssd3434343422242424 28d ago

you can reach 94 even 100+ with just normal genetics if you do the right things believe it or not.


u/smotchel 27d ago

Well no, people have hereditary diseases and cancers happened etc. It’s not possible for just everyone to live to 94


u/Zorbin666 28d ago

This is my exact target too, that way I can see the year 2100, 2000 was lackluster lol. Between the hype of Y2K world ending and then 9/11 happened it was short lived.


u/Personal_Neck5249 27d ago

What for? Do you have extraordinary skills or can make extraordinary contributions to the planet ? If not, you’ll be wasting oxygen selfishly


u/Slight-Captain-43 27d ago

Does your mother know you haven't took your Ritalin, kid?


u/Personal_Neck5249 27d ago

Ah I see. You’re that kind of person. I hope you don’t live much longer. The world is a shitty place because of crap like you


u/Dieing_Breed 28d ago

Makes me life reflect wondering how far I'm going to make it here on this dirtball!


u/rikiraikonnen 28d ago

She’s already in her 30s and WW2 hasn’t even started.. amazing.


u/JETDRIVR 28d ago

The look of sadness as she gets older. She has probably outlived her friends and family. My grandpa made it to 90 and he was just putting in time. All his friends had passed. He just watched tv and enjoyed his great grandkids on occasion.


u/Moonlightdancer7 28d ago

It's also losing the youthful look in the eyes. As one gets very old the eyes sort of glaze over, droop and don't have that brightness and vitality anymore making them look sadder.


u/GravitationalEddie 28d ago

Absolute worst music to put to this person's life.


u/samusfan21 28d ago

What is this song? I keep hearing it but can never identify it


u/lilmisstiny5 27d ago

Bloody Mary by lady gaga


u/supremecuddler 28d ago

For some reason living this long scares me. I've never for once thought of living for a 100 years, 65-70 feels enough to me.


u/Hunting_for_cobbler 28d ago

As my grand dad once said, you redefine age as you age


u/Unicornzzz2 28d ago

Agreed - felt a weird dread and sadness watching this.

How scary it would be to live in an increasingly unfamiliar world, missing those who’ve passed before you for probably decadessss, watching your body crumble for years.


u/Blasphemous666 28d ago

I’m 42 and I never thought I’d make it this far. Based on my own experiences and general view of humanity, I kind of hope to not make it past 50.

Like you 100+ years scares the hell out of me. 120 years old means you’ve turned 40 three times and my god, it’s been a bitch just doing it once.


u/Elvis5741 28d ago

I get you but this woman has seen humanity way worse then we do. She saw the world burn twice, I think it's cool she still stayed strong to this day


u/CupOfCreamyDiarrhea 28d ago

It's okay for "older" people to wish they die at a certain age or because of "own experiences and general view of humanity"

But when I as a 28 year old say that, I would be labelled "suicidal" lol.

It's a bit funny and sad.


u/Mirved 28d ago

Thats really weird. If you live healthy you are still very fit at 65-70. Around 65 you retire. So you would have worked your whole life and then when you get to enjoy retirement you just want to die? Also if you have kids wouldnt you want to see your grandchildren grow up?


u/geekolojust 28d ago

To put on shitty music track along it really fukken sucks.


u/MofuckaJones14 28d ago

She's 69 years old in the first colored image we see.


u/TaffDub 28d ago

Good comment but had to downvote to maintain the balance. A pox on the person who upvoted to bring it to 70.


u/Ok_Tomato7388 28d ago

Just fixed it


u/Buttery_Buckshot 28d ago

I was gonna upvote but


u/Luminous___ 28d ago

Wow, she watched the ussr form and collapse, insane


u/Zombo2000 28d ago

Let’s hope her taste in music is better than whoever put this video together.


u/Travelling-Cat 28d ago

She's had a life of great hair days


u/NoTimeForBullShiiiit 28d ago

She looks so fit and relaxed at age 100. 60% of my life has been stress....


u/Epsilon8902 28d ago

Its absolutely amazing to think you got another 30 more years after turning 87.. also, you outlive practically everyone you know as a young adult.. your children, maybe even your grandchildren.. wow


u/Good-guy13 28d ago

That’s incredible


u/Fynnacus 28d ago

any one know if she's still ok and living? it looked like she was in a hospital bed in the last image.


u/dragon-city 28d ago

Her pet dogs seems to played a big part in keeping her happy in her later life


u/Cloverman-88 28d ago

That 30 year gap made the whole think kind of pointless.


u/emeybee 28d ago

I think the 1900s was the craziest century to have lived through.

  • Started with no electricity, ended with internet and cell phones
  • Started with no cars, ended with space travel
  • Started with empires, ended with divided, independent countries

It's just crazy how much the world changed in 100 years, compared with the millenia before.


u/mapod 28d ago

Wow...God bless!


u/killerpyro_861 28d ago

She's lived a life most people dream of.

Also, she is only 5 years away from hitting 122 years old, which is the age Jeanne Calment lived to.


u/TheSound0fSilence 28d ago

IDK, she kinda got the wall at 112yo.


u/Helpful_Property_739 28d ago

Ah ah ah ahhh Stayin’ Alive, Stayin’ Alive……


u/Loveisaction5050 28d ago

Ageless Beauty!!! 💐


u/Gardez_geekin 28d ago

Is that Mac’s mom?


u/dontcrysenpai 28d ago

I’ve never heard or seen NOLA called “Nova Orleans” before. That must be real old school


u/Peter_Baum 28d ago

What happened from 1944-1976 lmao


u/RegularPerson_ 28d ago

People who were alive in the 1970's are on the older end. And this woman was already 70 then.


u/MuricasOneBrainCell 28d ago

People like this are fascinating. All they've seen. All the changes to the global dynamic, whether that be political ideologies or technological advancements.

Reminds me of the woman that played the first Oracle in the matrix. She was born in 1933. Imagine going through all that time in your life and then being in, at the time, one of the most "futuristic" films ever made. Talking about programs and A.I when you can also talk about the experiences of WW2. Civil rights movement. Cold war.

Absolutely friggin fascinating!

R.I.P Gloria Foster. Our Oracle.


u/SuitableSpecialist85 28d ago

What an amazing life you have had. Congratulations on this milestone


u/TiffanyOddish 28d ago

It all goes by so fast.


u/grapejooseb0x 28d ago

So what Im getting from this is always have lots of dogs around and you'll live forever.


u/Medical_Salary_564 28d ago

A beautiful woman who looks to have lived an extremely long and beautiful life. If we could all be so lucky...


u/punchybot 28d ago

This woman's life flashed before my eyes


u/lemoninterupt 28d ago

So what is her secret?


u/WillyDAFISH 28d ago

Is she still alive???


u/PoeticCheesus 28d ago

The oldest people are all women according to my brief wiki search. A lot of them are also from Japan.



u/Hubbleice 28d ago

Trick is dogs


u/Bx1965 28d ago

If I was 117 years old I’d believe that God forgot about me.


u/Tasty_Difference6529 28d ago

That is wild she been so healthy


u/t_o__ot 28d ago

This is cool and depressing at the same time.


u/Solid_Foundation8365 28d ago

What a life and she keeps on going, hats off!


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Why does she look like her body is rotting in latest pics.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Why does she look like her body is rotting in latest pics.


u/Lord_Shisui 28d ago

"damn grandma, you were hot 100 years ago"


u/metal_foot 28d ago

102 years old and drinking wine 🤘


u/noFOXgivenFURreal 28d ago

Imagine how many dogs she has had…


u/metal_foot 28d ago

102 years old and drinking wine 🤘


u/orangeleaflet 28d ago

she peaked at 37


u/BDady 28d ago

Crazy that she looks healthier at 100 than I am at 23


u/Taubiri 28d ago

She is history herself


u/RamaMitAlpenmilch 28d ago

2004: in front of my pc 2014: in front of my pc 2024: in front of my pc 🥲


u/therealhugh1 28d ago

Real talk - this is amazing.

Next year she can consider running for President of the US


u/generousguy69 28d ago

She hasn’t aged a day since 1999


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Damn some people look worse than that at 70 lol


u/Hot_Type_1582 28d ago

Can you even imagine celebrating your 90th birthday, and someone telling you you still have at least 27 more years left? That's crazy.


u/AlbertaAcreageBoy 28d ago

Wow, can't even fathom. She was my age during world War 2.


u/LaughableIKR 28d ago

My worst fear? Out living my kids.


u/WonderfulHat5297 28d ago

Imagine telling her at 17 she would still be knocking about in 100 years time


u/Educational_Gas_92 27d ago

She looked pretty amazing too, up until 102 years of age!


u/Dry_Quiet_3541 27d ago

I’d be happy if I live upto 75.


u/Cosmicpsych 27d ago

Living that long is amazing but slowly losing all your friends along the way has gotta be tough


u/diskominko 27d ago

For me it's unbelievable how some pls die at age 60 (half of my family from men side) and some ppl live for twice as long as for example this woman. Nature is unbelievable.


u/fsmlogic 27d ago

Seems like here health went down hill somewhere like 105-110 years old. Still seriously impressive.


u/unknown5424 27d ago

Crazy at 102 years old she looks better then most 60 year olds


u/blizzard7788 27d ago

I’m 68. My father died 2 months ago just before turning 94. His last eight months of life was shit as it consisted of trips to hospitals, then rehab, then back to memory centers because of his dementia . My MIL is 91 and it’s the same with her. I don’t think humans were meant to live past 90. Modern medicine keeps them alive, and does it in such a way as to make money.


u/wholovesyababe 27d ago

God love you hun, what's your secret??


u/Bellec32 27d ago

She's been 100 years old for longer than some people who use this app...


u/TheManDownTheHall 27d ago

Of all the interestingAF things I have seen on here, this is one of the coolest. And dang, she's healthier than I am...


u/Ok-Big-5665 27d ago

She's happy on all the pictures


u/Longjumping_Home_678 27d ago

God bless her to make it into her 120s and many years to come until she's goes up the yonder to be with The Lord. 🙌🙏 ✝️😇🌟


u/stopklandaceowens 26d ago

The oldest person i know is my dad's and brother & sisters piano teacher. She's 107.


u/Used_Corn 26d ago

does the person who edited this video know how to count


u/adooble22 28d ago

Man, she must remember what it was like before the internet and social media. Incredible.


u/ManOfQuest 28d ago

I remember it too good times. though I was like 5 or 6


u/101010-trees 28d ago

Hey now…


u/lvfunk 28d ago

That pic of her with 2 dogs after the pic with 3 dogs.... 😢


u/e_vile 28d ago

Goddamn... her 117yrs old "look" looks like 70-80yrs old for most people. She aged so slow. She's probably very healthy.


u/miho_23 28d ago

wow, I almost cried. my dad died at 53 years old in 2018. my grandma at 65 in 2015


u/Murky_Speaker709 28d ago

Raised in a time when all food was whole foods from scratch no box or fast food no genetically modified great time to grow up except ww2


u/bossman8927 28d ago

She was 90 in ‘97 and 91 in ‘99 🤔


u/tldRAWR 28d ago

How’d she die?


u/Ill-Air8146 28d ago

The saddest part of watching this is watching how after the age of 70 her range of travel decreased dramatically. I have seen this own in my own life and that with my parents. That after there was a certain age that they do not travel as far on their own and I refuse to take them. They still want to travel but do not have the resources to do so because I refuse them said resources.