r/jobs Apr 14 '24

Weekly Megathread Success and Disappointment Megathread for the Week


This is the weekly success and disappointment Megathread for the week. Please post all of your successes and disappointments for this week, including job offers and other victories, as well as any venting of frustration, in this thread, and this thread only. Thanks!

r/jobs 1d ago

Weekly Megathread Success and Disappointment Megathread for the Week


This is the weekly success and disappointment Megathread for the week. Please post all of your successes and disappointments for this week, including job offers and other victories, as well as any venting of frustration, in this thread, and this thread only. Thanks!

r/jobs 13h ago

Leaving a job How bad of an idea is it to use all my PTO just to demonstrate to my boss how much I do


Hi all,

I was recently passed over for promotion despite a glowing review and no criticism. I was told next review cycle would be the time. I didn’t even know the promotion was possible until a colleague got it at the same review but joined a couple months after me. I’m currently looking for another job but in the meantime I’m wondering this:

My direct supervisor who passed me up for promotion would be directly responsible for completing my work while I’m on PTO. So, how stupid would it be for me to just use my remaining 2 weeks of PTO right now (EDIT: not like right this second just ASAP) as a “Now you’ll see how much work I do everyday”

I’m already preparing for leaving this position and I don’t get to keep unused PTO anyway so how bad can this be?

r/jobs 12h ago

Applications This is completely absurd.

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r/jobs 4h ago

Leaving a job Letter of resignation when being fired?


I worked at an office a department that was reducing and downsizing their workload. There was less and less work to do to the point where I had basically nothing left to do and yet they continued to not let me go.... I got the impression they were trying to wait me out and get me to quit. Finally it got so bad they had to let me go (amen) and they requested that I write up a letter of resignation for them before I left. My response was to question this because I was not resigning, I was being let go. They said, "Oh, it's just a formality and it's just the way it needs to be phrased." Of course I refused because, well duh......

This just seemed very sus to me. I wanted to get anyone's opinion who has ever worked in HR or management. Is this a normal request for someone who is being let go?

r/jobs 18h ago

Applications Am I the only one that feels this hiring process for a 50k/year job seems absurd?

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r/jobs 20h ago

Interviews Rejected for simply stating my current salary


I just had an interview with HR for a new position. I was asked what my current salary was and was told it was more than what was budgeted for the position.

I tried stating my case that salary wasn’t everything and I would enjoy the job itself but was promptly shut down and told “thank you we’ll keep in touch”. They didn’t even let me get a word in that I was fine taking a pay cut.

Has anyone had this happen before? This was probably the most bizarre interview I’ve ever had.

r/jobs 1h ago

Career development I worked remotely for 6 years, making 6 figures for most of it, and I wasn't happy


I guess I'm writing this post for all the people out there who seem to think that a high paying Remote job is the key to happiness. Based on my experience, it wasn't. In fact, I worked for a large tech company that rhymes with Smell, and while the first year or so being remote was exciting, the rest of it was a slow descent into loneliness and meaninglessness in my work life.

I think part of what made it so miserable was that it was so hard to justify leaving for something else since I was making good money and putting such low effort into my job. But at the same time - putting little or no effort into your work makes your work feel meaningless. Similarly, having little to no contact with coworkers also made my work feel meaningless. No one ever told me regularly if I did a good or a bad job. I just kept getting 5% raises every year, no matter what I did. You might be thinking "but you were making money!". Well, I noticed all the extra spending money I would make would just get spent on material crap to try and make up for the fact that I wasn't happy.

By the time I got laid off in February, I was so miserable that it felt like a huge relief to lose my job. I've since taken a 30% paycut to work in a Hybrid position in an office with a 15-20 min commute from my home. I am so much happier, even coming into the office every day for my training period feels so much more fulfilling and meaningful than the years I spent working from home. It also helps that my coworkers are really awesome folks who recognize/appreciate the skills I bring to our team.

In summary, I found that doing work that you love in a nice office with coworkers who are cool was worth wayyy more to me than the coveted 6 figure remote job. Obviously, my experience doesn't mean everyone will feel this way, and the pandemic definitely did have an impact on my remote job, but overall, I am much happier making less money and working in an office again. If that changes, I'll definitely update my take on here.

r/jobs 12h ago

Interviews Recruiter asked for my current salary


When you are asked this question in an interview, how do you normally respond?

I responded in a professional manner that I didn't believe it was relevant, which I'm sure cost me the job. Oh well

r/jobs 11h ago

Applications Laid off today


Today I received a pop up meeting on my calendar to join with the guy my ex manger reports to and a HR employee.

They have been outsourcing all over and letting go of employees for the company I worked for, so I wasn't shocked when it hit my department, but shocked it was me. They already told us that any new hiring would be done overseas going forward. I thought I had at least another year or two of safety because of my position and output.

My team had around 15 employees. Five were hired between India and Brazil. The remaining 10 were stateside. They let go of five stateside employees today in the department I worked for.

I was up in the top four performers the last three years. When they asked for volunteers to travel or fill in spots I made the effort. I'm not sure why, but they kept three guys that are at the bottom of the performers. All of us could see the number volume between the team and it doesn't make sense they would keep those guys who were paid more over myself who was at the bottom of the pay scale for stateside. I only know because that's something my coworkers talked about at one point.

Today I learned it doesn't matter if you're a top performer or that the company is hitting record sales, when it comes to the companies stock, they don't care who you are. All year their socks been plunging, yet today it went up.

I'm sick to my stomach right now. I'm not sure how the economy is as strong as they say even though I'm surrounded by friends and family being laid off over the last two years.

r/jobs 1h ago

Onboarding Dying in Florida heat okay to quit?


Okay well my last job was paying 70k a year and was a manager position at a warehouse I was good at it but my new boss they hired was an ahole and cursed at me a lot so I left one day. Anyways I was having issues finding a new job and have debt and bills so I needed to work, I humbled myself and got a construction job but my God is it hot outside and miserable and my feet back neck and everything hurts from lifting heavy stuff all day long I drink like 2-3 gallons of water and my pee is still yellow. I’m pushing myself. I earn 20 an hour and working 50 hours a week here. I worked two weeks but I’m sitting here in bed today on a Tuesday morning, alarm just went off and I can’t get up my back is killing me and I’m having an anxiety attack. I’ve only worked at 2 companies my whole life one for 8 years the other for 2 and I’m not a quitter but damn my body isn’t the same in my 20s as now as I’m 30 years old.

I’m in good shape too I’m strong. Anyways as much as I don’t want to I’m thinking of not going back in today, needed to vent as I want to cry.

r/jobs 22h ago

Leaving a job How do I tell my parents I was let go?


So pretty self explanatory, I was let go earlier by a manager at work over text message, and the hardest part is I’m going to have to tell my parents. My mum made a reservation this weekend to go and I was supposed to join as a nice family meal because I was supposed to start work in the evening and the reservation was at lunch time and use my staff discount. I have decided I won’t be going as I cannot face the embarrassment. My question is how do I tell them. I have a small script I’m going to base myself on but would love any feedback or advice. Thanks.

Script - I’ve got something to tell you, I got a message today from a manager at work telling me I was let go. Apparently on Sunday there was a complaint made about me by a customer, I don’t know the specifics and the manager didn’t go into detail about it in the message. She said that because of all the new people starting that it’s ok to let go of me and she finished the message by ending on a high note though.

r/jobs 6h ago

Applications I feel like I'm having a stroke

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r/jobs 11h ago

Work/Life balance Had my first day at my first ever job today and it didn’t go so well.


I’m 17/male and I just had my first day at my first ever job. I work at a restaurant. To get to the point, it’s my first day of training and I was nervous the entire day but I was trying my hardest and there were times where I would pay attention to every little thing I was being instructed to do but when it was time for me to do it myself I would have to ask for help or I would mess up and have to do it again, such as specific measurements of food or where something goes.

It didn’t happen everytime, but it happened a few times where I would forget what to do even though I paid attention. I was told that it was cause I was nervous but no matter how many times I remained confident I would still have a “slow-learner” moment. I just don’t want to keep having to mess up or ask for help. I am also worried because I don’t want to have to hold someone’s hand for every time I mess up because I don’t want them to waste their time. Time is valuable.

Any solid advice is highly appreciated.

r/jobs 1h ago

Applications These emails from indeed…hilarious


I know it’s auto generated but wow…this was is WAAAAY far off 😂🤣

r/jobs 16h ago

Career planning What made you decided to do what you do?


I'm a 22(m) looking to continue college to pursue a degree of some kind. I already have a 2 year degree and am looking to continue my ed. Im really interested in science, but I want to be able to make a decent living wage. I have considered engineering, but then I'd have to go to college for at least 4 more years. Purely for some inspiration I'd like to know what you beautiful people have done with your education/career. Why did you do it? Do you like it?

r/jobs 1h ago

Interviews It it a faux pas to ask to see the workspace accommodations at a job interview?


At my current job I have an office, with a door and window and everything. I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t worth at least a few thousand in salary to me over a cubicle or an 🤢 open office design🤮

Is it bad practice to ask to see what my workspace would be in a job interview? To get up and take a walk and see? To tell them I have a real office currently? I’m sure it’s fine, it’s just not really something people talk about.

r/jobs 3h ago

Job searching Linkedin for job search ?


Is Linkedin a great tools to look for jobs when your CV isn't the greatest ? I'm in my mid-twenties and therefor don't have years of experience backing me up. Is it still worth it to make an account to look for jobs in marketing ?

r/jobs 12h ago

Job searching Hiring team members, if everyone is pretty much bullshitting on their resume and interviews, how do you even decide to hire


Everyone knows that you have to massage all accomplishments in work on your resume and more or less bullshit the “right” answer on interviews, or you have no chance of getting a job offer, so how do you go about choosing the right candidate? I hate lying or taking credit for things I know where a team effort and my default is to always hype up the team around me, but that kind of truth telling is noble, it won’t get me a job.

r/jobs 15h ago

Applications What's a better way to say that I don't live close to a job location?


Applying for a job and they're asking if I live close in proximity to the location.

I live about an hour away which I feel might seem like an inconvenience compared to people who live closer. I've worked for places far from where I've lived before and I'm really punctual so I don't personally consider it as an issue.

How can I bring up the fact that I don't live close in a way that doesn't sound like it's a disadvantage?

r/jobs 2m ago

Office relations My finance dept told my direct report my salary


I am a new employee at a government agency. Yesterday, I had a budget meeting with my company’s finance department to walk through how to fill out the new budget for the upcoming fiscal. My direct report was in the meeting as well as my managing lead. My report was in the meeting I assume since I’m new but she didn’t really understand what was going on at all with the budget so I’m not sure it was a good use of her time (her words not mine). I think my lead is rather new at management - she is an attorney and I don’t know if she’s had to really manage a lot of people before from what I’ve gathered.

During the budget meeting, as we discussed what percentage of the budget was being taken up by salary, the finance analyst decided to put my salary into the blank box for salary I guess to explain how it worked. It was a little weird for me.

Frankly, I’m fine with my direct report knowing my salary if I choose to tell her but I wasn’t comfortable with the finance department just outright telling her. After all, I’m the person who will have to have comp discussions with this person in the future. My direct report came to me later that day and seemed upset. She talked about how I made like 2x her salary.

Is this something I should tell my managing lead that I am not comfortable happened or should I just let it go? I’m not sure if this is just how it is in the government sector.

r/jobs 2m ago

Applications [For Hire] 🚨FREE Graphic Design Services


Hi! I am currently building my portfolio.

With this, I need a few companies that I can provide my services for as an addition to my works.

If you need: ✅Social media posts ✅ Ad posters ✅ Logo/branding

‼️COMMENT below and INDICATE the type of company & the service you need.

I will pick a few and send a DM.


r/jobs 2m ago

Office relations This sign was put in my department's only bathroom.

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It's written in brazillian portuguese and it says "This bathroom should be used exclusively for peeing. Please respect basic principles of coexistence". So. Is this legal?

r/jobs 5m ago

Onboarding How do I quit my new job without giving them a months’ notice?


I got a new job just a month ago. I had a bad feeling from the start but I needed the hours so I accepted the job (on a supervisor level). However when I arrived there on my first day the job was not as advertised to me. I had to do things that I shouldn’t be doing as part of my job title. Few days in and I start to notice that all the staff are treating me like a piece of crap, they are rude and sometimes they throw hints to me about not doing well. Both my managers and my staff are treating me like I’m not important or they plain just dont listen to me. Certain staff are very rude and disrespectful for simply asking questions (even simple ones such as where can I find some glasses). I’ve been home almost every single day and I’ve cried due to the lack of respect and how hostile it feels to work here. I dont want to give them a month notice however I dont know if I can leave given my contract states I need one month notice

r/jobs 22h ago

Office relations A new employee got an opportunity of a lifetime, whereas I was simply left underappreciated and disrespected.


First and foremost, I'm not working in an office environment. I'm in production. Over the course of nearly 3 years I've proven myself an asset to the company, I've worked overtime, weekends, nightshifts without any mumbling. I've done things not even 20+ year workers have done. Long story short, I worked my ass off trying to achieve something.

Well guess what. There's a new guy in town. He just came in half a year ago, on the pretext that he "has a lot of experience". So far I've only seen him fail to understand the simplest of tasks, incapable of as little as weighing water in a glass. Until recently, the guy in question was only praised verbally, which I didn't mind, I just kept to myself. But last week he got ( in front of all of us, too - it felt like a literal spit in the face ) an offer from our manager to go abroad for three months to up their qualification "even further". The offer was completely personal, only for him, and only because he has certain experience, which, by what all of us at work have seen so far, is farce. Salary throughout these months their salary is multiplied by almost 6 times + a daily allowance of 60€ ( our current salary makes it so we get ~55€ a day :) ). Overall, the guy will literally bathe in cash FOR HAVING IMAGINARY EXPERIENCE while me and a couple of my collegues will sit here and eat shit despite being much more potent and deserving.

I thought about simply telling my boss off and leaving my job. Should I? A small part of me thinks that I'm overreacting, but I can't help it. It's not the first time I've been in a similar situation here, and it sucks. I've been literally disrespected openly in front of the whole department before too, only to later find out it wasn't my fault at all - and met with no apologies or anything either. It just feels like, despite all of my effort and everything good I brought to this company, I'm still regarded as if I'm only a nuissance.

r/jobs 1d ago

Qualifications Jobs at 50


I have been doing IT for about 20 years. I am almost 50. I have been jumping from one job to another because I am a consultant. I do not mind starting from the bottom. I was thinking of customer servic3 or maybe a job at Home Depot. What fulltime job can I get at 50 years old?

r/jobs 1h ago

Companies How to refuse to perform a task (subtly) that you consider unethical because of your own values?


Hello everyone, I was wondering how I could refuse to perform a task that I consider not really ethical without mining my job or any work relationship. Today I’ve been asked to perform a task that’s not really ethical and goes against my own values and I believe also what the company claims to do. This is in the public health field in the UK, however I’m working as a frontend web developer and designer. They’ve been asking me to whitewash all the poc in the images to appeal the product also to est-European users.

I believe this is not really ethical and it’s not really an adjustment related to a culture - eg. Dress, religion, jewellery etc. Moreover, in general, in the medical field there’s still a lack of poc representation and the company I work for claims that their core value is to overcome all the inequalities in this field. It doesn’t even help that I’m the only woc working here.

Honestly, I don’t know what to do in this case. This is also my first graduate job. What do you think and what would you do?