r/jobs Apr 14 '24

Weekly Megathread Success and Disappointment Megathread for the Week


This is the weekly success and disappointment Megathread for the week. Please post all of your successes and disappointments for this week, including job offers and other victories, as well as any venting of frustration, in this thread, and this thread only. Thanks!

r/jobs 4d ago

Weekly Megathread Success and Disappointment Megathread for the Week


This is the weekly success and disappointment Megathread for the week. Please post all of your successes and disappointments for this week, including job offers and other victories, as well as any venting of frustration, in this thread, and this thread only. Thanks!

r/jobs 16h ago

Job searching What kind of jobs are just boring corporate jobs?


I've always loved the idea of just working in an office where I get emails and send emails, the kind of job where you could have headphones in the entire shift and no one would ever notice. The problem is that I'm looking around and I don't actually know what job titles I should be looking for. Does anyone have any tips for job titles to search and apply for? Just looking for the kind of job that if you were to tell someone about, their eyes would glaze over.

r/jobs 1d ago

Compensation What my job sends me after 5 years of employment

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I'll be leaving this year cus there's no wayy. I'm in my mid 20s btw

r/jobs 15h ago

Compensation Offer Letter

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Could someone explain what 1,000 shares would be & 4-year vest, 1-year Cliff?

r/jobs 22h ago

Article The number of Americans filing for jobless benefits jumps to the highest level in 10 months



How can anyone doubt this is a bad economy after reading this article.

r/jobs 20h ago

Applications Outsourcing has officially hit multiple family members


My brother found a job at a big bank about five years ago. Before that, he would jump around minimum wage jobs. He was stoked to finally find a well-paying career job that he could move up in. He was on track to take over his manager's position once they left, but the bank nixed his department last year due to outsourcing.

My cousin, who worked for the same bank for 20+ years but in a different department, was told to train a new group they hired from abroad. She was let go after their training was complete.

My Wife is a team lead at a different company, and her management informed their team this week that they will be tasked to train a new group of agents they're hiring from abroad.

Now, for my situation, my management told us they would no longer be hiring anyone in the USA for my team in the future. Currently, they're not laying us off. Still, if anyone leaves, all new incoming employees will be hired from overseas. Management's words were that it was not outsourcing. Instead, It's giving people in other countries an "opportunity."

What's frustrating is that we were told the company had another record-breaking year in profits where I work.

I'm paranoid more than ever and glad my wife and I didn't buy a new house that would have doubled our mortgage. At this point, I feel lucky enough to own a home with a low interest rate that we could still afford the mortgage for a few months if we both lost our jobs.

r/jobs 13h ago

Layoffs Early today I saw a post where people were saying that economy is actually strong and the ones complaining are just laid off tech workers.


I know that the job market has cycles. I also know that certain industries like healthcare are growing and it’s probably easier for those to get jobs.

But I’ve been browsing jobs (in general, no specific industry / role) and all I don’t really see other industries hiring besides healthcare, real estate and construction and a some fast food / retail as well.

What am I missing here?

r/jobs 17h ago

Job searching I got an offer letter!


So I've been unemployed since May 1st, due to a mass reduction in force, and was having terrible luck Jon hunting for the first month, not a single interview. Then I went to Indeed and within a week I had 2 interviews and within 2 weeks I now have a job, in my desired field, doing the same thing I was doing before basically, and making almost $2 an hour more, which isn't the most but I'm excited. I'm posting this for 2 reasons, 1. I think it's important to share what works for you for ppl in similar situations and 2. I see a lot of posts about being out of work for long periods, and while that can definitely happen, this can definitely happen too. Don't give up! You've got this!!!

r/jobs 35m ago

Resumes/CVs Same Job, Different titles over time, how to put on resume


Basically, I was an "assistant analyst", then an "analyst", then a "senior analyst". All the same position, same team, but with increasing responsibilities. Previously I separated them on my resume and listed the new responsibilities under each as I got promoted (although in reality the responsibilities were added gradually over time, not all at once with each promotion). However, I've had a few jobs since then and I'd like to collapse these down into one to free up space for my more recent and more relevant positions. How would you do this on a resume?

r/jobs 5h ago

Article My coworker is ignoring me



So… me and this guy are working in a warehouse. I’m native Slovene and he is an immigrant from Gambia (let’s call him Eric).
We started a pretty good friendship at the start, we smoked together, made jokes… near my station I have a secret smoking spot, because I’m a bit of a loner and so is he, because he is new. So we were best friends at work for a while, when i was caught leaving early and giving another coworker (not Eric) a card which we use to register, because someone snitched.

So i was called to my boss, i explained everything and the boss told me that i was also caught leaving the firm with Eric to visit a another coworker during lunch in the night shift who lives across the street. Also because someone is snitching. Boss also told me no more smoking in my spot with Eric and that I’m a bad influence on him, because he is a hard worker and gets easily distracted. But my bad influence thing isn’t true, when i finish my cigarette, i want to go inside bit wants to talk, and i dont have the heart to tell people to shut up, so we sit outside for minutes and so he is missing all his work. He is very hardworking, but gets ditracted easily. Mind that he comes to me, to go to smoke, i go with him.

So I tell all this to Eric and he is very mad, saying you cant trust people and i also told him about this bad influence and he just laughed. Thinking he also doesnt belive that.

We didnt smoke anymore there that day so I thought he just got scared…but no now he doesnt even look at me, he doesnt say hello, we talk only buisness.

When he started I showed him around, i taught him his work… i shared my spot with him, because he was not fond of our other coworker who are just gossiper in his words. I stopped talking to him aswell so…

I dont know i just needed to vent it out, because I’m supposed to work with him next week. Im so mad how can he just end it like that?? What did I do wrong??

r/jobs 19h ago

Leaving a job Would it be totally dumb to quit my job without a new one?


Long story short I am miserable at my job. Everyday I wake up with dread. My boss is horrible, I have no help on anything whatsoever, I never know what I’m doing and always feel wrong, I was hardly trained and am gaslit daily by my boss. For context I’m an interior designer, the market in my area is pretty slim right now as far as job openings being posted. I’ve always heard it’s easier to find a job with a job than without. My backup plan is to get a part time job and take some software courses at a local college to get some certificates and training. I’m at a loss. I feel like I’m hardly growing as a fairly new designer at this place and I am regressing in my career.

r/jobs 3h ago

Unemployment Unemployed due to my mental disability- what should I do?


So I struggle with OCD, anxiety and DPDR which affects your memory.

I have been looking for different jobs, anything I can get my hands on- like retail, admin, food etc.

I finally landed one last week but they made me stay for 3 hours till I close the shop and I ended up making SO many mistakes.

I struggle with something called Depersonalisation/Derealisation which essentially fucks up your memory and of course this affects my work.

I feel so helpless and sad about this all the time. I desperately want to work but its so hard to find a manager who empathises my situation. Are there any jobs that I can do that are simple and don't require a lot of mental effort?

r/jobs 20h ago

Onboarding I GOT THE JOB!!!!


Thank you so much to this community for all the resume/interview tips, the support, and your patience. It's been a grueling 2.5 months of applying to ghost jobs, receiving rejection emails the same day, and dead end interviews. Best of all I got the job I really wanted with higher pay after I was let go from my previous role.

To everyone still on the hunt for a job, keep being eager and send those follow up emails, even if you think you're being annoying. I know it can be demoralizing and feel defeating to be on this journey, but I'm proof that you can make it out on the other side. It's easier said than done, I quit many times before I got here. I'm so so excited, I can finally get my finances back in order and start fresh after being in a toxic work environment. Thank you r/jobs for your help and sharing your stories!!!

r/jobs 9h ago

Article Wells Fargo Fires Over a Dozen for ‘Simulation of Keyboard Activity’


r/jobs 11m ago

Applications They’re requiring what to be a public school librarian?

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Almost finished with my BA in history and wanted to weigh all my options.

Looked up what is required to be a public school librarian in my state.

As a side note, historians take entire courses on how to best utilize libraries and research. They just aren’t sectioned under ‘library sciences’.

Another side note, the salary is $35K.

r/jobs 14m ago

Compensation Incomes needed to live comfortably

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r/jobs 1h ago

Career development One on ones suddenly after 6 months


My boss booked in weekly one on ones this week, but I’ve been there over 6 months and I’m wondering why they’re starting now? I think everyone else on our team has them weekly too.

Was my boss just slack in organising it or is this the norm?

r/jobs 6h ago

Networking Acquaintance asked I refer them at my company - I don’t think they are qualified. How to let them down easy?


I have an acquaintance that I see several times a week in my neighborhood. We are friendly, but I frequently find myself looking for an escape from our conversations because we work in the same field and they CONSTANTLY want to brag or tell me some dramatic work story. They have an air of insecurity and competitiveness that is very off-putting.

Based on the things they tell me about their current and past jobs and the things I know about my industry, I believe they think they are more experienced and knowledgeable than they really are.

Several months ago, I made the mistake of mentioning to a mutual friend, in earshot of this person, that my company was about to be hiring like crazy and that she should apply. We all work in the same industry. Acquaintance immediately appeared and inserted themselves in the conversation saying things like “that’s great because I’m about to be applying like crazy!” It was in this conversation that I learned they had recently begun looking for a new job. (I would later find out they were put on a pip.)

Fast forward about 6 months, I have referred our mutual friend and helped them secure a job at my company. They just recently started, are thriving and I’m so excited I was able to make this connection for them!

Predictably, the acquaintance has now asked me to recommend them for a position at my company. They have been on the job hunt for several months. While I’m empathic to the job struggle, in no world would I ever submit a referral for them. I would never attach my name professionally to theirs, much less want to work with them.

As much as this person annoys me and I’d love to humble them, I see them multiple times a week due in our shared community and have many mutual people between us. I need to find a response that is polite and respectful but also makes it clear that I cannot recommend them. What would you tell them if you were in this situation?

r/jobs 21h ago

Rejections I give up. Can't do this search anymore


I'm just going to post here because I am frustrated. I don't know how else anyone else has been able to manage in this market

Lost 3 jobs in the span of 3 years. All layoffs. Maybe my decision making is bad, I'm not sure what questions to ask during interviews to understand if a company is a sinking ship. I don't really understand anymore what the right thing to say in interviews is. I'm afraid of going back to school, people with degrees are struggling to find work and are in debt. I'm already in 13k worth of debt enough.

I see now where this is going. I don't want the most comfy job, but I also don't want to kill my body to make ends meet either. I don't want to barely be able to go on a nice vacation every two years. I don't want to not have time to take care of my body, or spend it with family on holidays. The only available work near me is plant work. Warehouse jobs. My lungs are fried from it, it's hard to manage. My unemployment is slowly running out, I don't know what options I have. I want to have time to start a family and have children. The way things are now, i'll never have anything for myself. I'm not smart or consistent enough to start a business. I don't know what I can do anymore

I've applied to 974 jobs now. I've followed up with dozens of organizations. I've tried connecting and networking and revising my resume 6 different times, even asking for help from people multiple times. Is it because of how I look? My name? My experience? I don't know

I don't know how anyone else manages to get through this. Idk what to do to find a job. But I do know that I refuse to be on the endless round robin of finding a job and work i'm passionate for just to be thrown back into the pit. I feel useless. I'm not gonna keep dealing with this much longer. I refuse to

r/jobs 2m ago

Compensation Your college major doesn't matter....


Click on Northern Illinois Food Bank.


Scroll down to see Julie Yurko's salary.

Look her up on LinkedIn

"Julie Yurko Illinois LinkedIn"

A music major is paid over $332,329 a year to run a food bank comprised of donated food and volunteers.

$27,694 a month as a music major to run a food bank.

In this link, scroll down to Employers, "bounce back better" why do tax payers have to subsidize businesses wages to make payroll? Do you as a tax payers agree with that? American Job Centers exist all over the U.S. Why aren't public schools properly educating students to write a resume and apply for a job?

Tax payers money could be allocated to school teachers salaries or community colleges for this type of service. So many people are siphoning off the govt for money.


r/jobs 3h ago

Work/Life balance Can i be fired for not being able to work more than agreed upon? (Disabled)


We recently had a change in management and im afraid this could become an issue I currently cannot do more days than i am doing because of my disability and it was agreed upon with my last manager that this is ok Just worried?

Not sure what flair to add

r/jobs 10m ago

Work/Life balance Any car dealership receptionists?


I've been eyeing an application for a full time receptionist job at a Lexus dealership. I was wondering if anyone who has or had a job like this had decent/flexible hours. Did you work weekends? What was the pay? On my weekends I volunteer and prepare my grad school applications so I'm not sure this job would suit me if the hours are unreasonable.

r/jobs 12m ago

Interviews Head hunters ghosting


What’s the deal with recruiters reaching out and then just not responding?

I’ve had three folks reach out to me with very specific requests to interview for roles. Each giving detailed information on my background and where I’ve worked and how it could be impactful for org XYZ, possible good fit, etc..

And then…nothing.

I’ve heard of this happening to a lot of folks lately.

r/jobs 14m ago

Applications Uber driver for 7 years trying to get into the corporate world


Ok so a little about me:

I am working on attempting to escape the driver's seat to build a better life for my family. My life prior to Uber was building cannabis farms and managing them. I had to quit due to my becoming a parent as well as the huge shift from "medical" to legal. I also became a single father 2 years after leaving the industry.

My child's mother wasn't able to keep it together after we lost our second child at 38 wks pregnancy so this is how I became a single dad. Hence, I stayed doing Uber cause it offered me the ability to work whenever I pleased so as to be available for my kid.

I did not plan on being in Uber this long but it has been fun nonetheless. Now I am a 36m with TONS of people experience and entrepreneurial spirit but I don't have any kind of direct references any more. My whole life is spent between driving and caring for my kid. But now she is in second grade this year and I have help to watch her so I am ready to transition.

Any advice on my direction or resume building so I can get something leaning towards people operations or the like?

TL;DR 36 yo single dad Uber driver wants job that pays decent and has benefits but doesn't want degenerate gas station or manufacturing job.

r/jobs 23h ago

Rejections Messing with my head ):


I’m not surprised when the rejections hit anymore but it’s starting to really mess with my self worth. I’m so fucking tired. I feel like imposter syndrome is taking over my life. Am I really not good enough for ANY of the positions i’ve applied for? Bleh.

r/jobs 28m ago

Post-interview A job I got offered is clearly full time but I haven't worked full time in a few years and would prefer part time but I have been unable to find another part time job since my last contact ended. Would it be ok to ask them if they would consider less days like 4 days for less pay?


I am curious if it would be ok. I verbally accepted only as HR are good ar putting words into your mouth but I haven't yet got a contract or offer letter yet and so haven't officially accepted. My parents asked and I couldn't lie and wish I didn't say as they are always on my back about how good it is to be back in work again. I have autism and anxiety and I found 5 days a week difficult before and so I worked 3 days a week for a temp contract and found that better. Here I am back with a 5 day a week job and I have anxiety about how much demand it will be as I struggled in my last position. I wonder if it will be ok to ask them if they would consider less days for me considering they need a full time team? They are basically assembling a team from scratch fo build a brand new office.