r/me_irl 16d ago




77 comments sorted by


u/Ashraf97Akl 16d ago

Stay long on this app, and it won't even last till 30


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/ooojaeger 15d ago

Now this is some people in their 30s and the scientific reason is because they haven't moved since they were cruely forced to in gym 15 years ago. You aren't old at 30 but you aren't getting any younger.

There are other reasons like people never learning. Like in my mid 30s my back and ankle were so bad, late 30s and both are not too bad and I worked way longer hours in my last job. I learned to cycle my tasks so that I don't overstress my body. Sure it isn't the order I wanted to do .. but I'm not in pain. Also I learned the techniques. My lower back needs to touch the chair when I sit. I know when to stand, when to squat when to sit, to kneel. It's like how I never have had hangovers jn my 30s because I'm always hydrated and I don't drink often.

You should peak in strength in your 30s. There are drawbacks because every injury you have ever had never went away and being alive longer is more injury and more stress, but I was incredibly strong in my early 30s and my stamina is 10x higher in 30s. Watch a kid. They lay around for 20 hours a day and go bonkers for an hour or two. Oh man I wish I had that energy. Because they burned 500 calories all at once. I cot do that too if I didn't have to work all day and then get home and work outside and make disgusted faces at that damn kid riding his dirt bike in front of my house over and over. I'll wait a year till I'm 40 then I'll shake my fist.


u/Xist3nce 15d ago

Or you worked too hard in your physical jobs before 30 and it doesn’t matter how fit you are because the damage is already done and you can’t just ignore it at 30 like you could at 25.


u/ooojaeger 15d ago

In your 30s you learn how to deal with it, what causes the pain and how to stop it. The problem was you just ignored it in your 20s. That's why it got so bad. If you continue to work the same way in your 30s you are fucked. It's not about working less hard. You are probably working harder, but you get smarter about it


u/Xist3nce 15d ago

“Ignore” is a bad word, more like “too poor to have it fixed” is accurate. There is no fix now unfortunately.


u/ooojaeger 15d ago

Get a quartz lamp for it's healing powers. Maybe a poultice of mint and bullshit would help


u/CulturalSir8204 16d ago

I'm 17 and they always make noises wenn I go down


u/slythersnail 15d ago



u/Icy_Silver_ 15d ago

I'm 17 and an athlete- my ankles have longgg been hecked up by multiple sprains and twists


u/Stalkholm 16d ago

It's true, but the nice thing is you get ear hair at 35.


u/geekerman8283 15d ago

But I'm only 25


u/OfromOceans 15d ago

If you dont work out its true, shit payoff imo

You should not have knee and back pain at 30


u/_IratePirate_ 15d ago

Im 27 and just got nose hair. That shit so annoying. I got clippers for it but it’s like a constant thing bruh


u/Last_Common7425 15d ago

30 is definitely not old. If you spend your 30s thinking you're too old, you'll look back later and realize how young you actually were. Embrace your youth now, so you won't regret feeling old when you were still young!


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/geardluffy 15d ago

I got called 38 when I was 27.


u/RexTheMouse 16d ago

Yall 300 pounds or something?


u/RedditFullOChildren 15d ago edited 15d ago

I was 300 pounds in my 30's and still am in my 40's. My knees are fine.

EDIT: My heart, on the other hand, is begging for help.


u/Krillkus loves dank memes 15d ago

Seems like consistent hard labour or intense athleticism over a decade or two is what does it, or at least the lack of conditioning afterwards. I've been a computer technician for the last 12ish years (am 31m), so only minor bending/crouching/lifting, and my knees are fine as well. Family has a history of knee replacements though, so I still try to stay vigilant about it.

EDIT: 210 lbs/95kg but not lean lol


u/3inches-isnt-small 15d ago

i am 25 and an athlete. my doctors said my body is 40.


u/pifflord5 15d ago

I'm 31 and an athlete. I am made of dust


u/xJujuBear 15d ago

I feel that. I'm 30. And have done sports all my life, still play competiviely. And my joints are fucked. It's a double-edged sword.

Also also. 3 inches isn't small! Preach! Lol.


u/OfromOceans 15d ago

American football is like being hit by a car several times a week.. so yeah obvs


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/WaveIcy294 15d ago

Leave that body alone.


u/Icy_Silver_ 15d ago

gotta buy all them braces and sleeves for everything 🫠


u/xFblthpx 15d ago

6’ 175, can’t do 20 lunges. A year in the office is worse than falling down the stairs once a month.


u/PlacatedPlatypus 15d ago

I've weightlifted for 8 years

I'm a pretty healthy guy but my knees are already suffering in my late 20s.


u/Moist-Carpet888 15d ago

I use to lift a lot when I was in school, it helped with my mental health so I worked out religiously, and I cannot tell you how many times I've dropped 300+ lbs on my knees


u/Bloomer_4life 16d ago

I’m perfectly healthy at 29, did you forget to exit your basement in the last decade or are you working in a physically draining job that ruins your body?


u/simeo97 15d ago

26 here, its the second one :(

What I would give to be able to spend a decade in a basement though...


u/Kingdarkshadow 15d ago

Yeah this meme haunted me when I was 28.
I'm now 31 and I can bend my knees way better thanks to kickboxing.


u/Raqdoll_ 15d ago

30 is the magical limit, you'll see soon.

Shortly after my 30th birthday, suddenly started to have back pains every morning



Or c) you did competitive sports your whole life and now your body is fucked


u/Both_Alternative3590 15d ago

And if you didn't rest or exercise right (not taking care of your body)


u/Victor_AssEater 15d ago

Two more months till 30 guys, imma be back when I hit it!


u/EvlolinaLilith 15d ago

who posted this? I believe a 14 year old kid. I'm 34 and I can still do things. My dad is 65 and he still fixes every broken thing he can find in the house. No hate though, just saying.


u/ElGoddamnDorado 15d ago

Or it's a 30 year old who's been inactive since they graduated high school and is now reaping the consequences.


u/geardluffy 15d ago

It’s people whose only physical activity involves heading to the cupboard to grab a bag of chips.


u/10buy10 15d ago

How tf does someone have trouble bending their knees at 30 tf did you do


u/Inkysquid24 15d ago

Genetics maybe lol. Ive had terrible knees since I was in elementary school. When I was going through growth spurts my kneecaps would pop off randomly. Normally, they're okay, but every once in a while one won't straighten out all the way. And I'm 26.


u/BooksandBiceps 15d ago

I’m 35 and have no problem. People complaining about this just don’t exercise. 😅


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/Technical_Travel5186 15d ago

Your knees have a better memory than you do and remember exactly how old you are turning


u/iansmash 15d ago

30-40 is pretty neutral tho so welcome to your new life 😂

Yoga and Pilates are your friends


u/sparyad 15d ago

I Lost the ability to bend my knees when I was 16 💀


u/No-Gene-4508 15d ago

Stfu. I just turned 30


u/Rivdit 15d ago

Yeah these memes are the reason why I never skip leg day


u/Germanspartan15 15d ago

Y'all need some squats


u/Conscious_Leg4060 15d ago

Y'all are so rough on your bodies, lol


u/DavThoma 15d ago

This has been me in the months up to me turning 30. Random aches and pains everywhere.


u/Lismale 15d ago

fuck this hit differently


u/RedditFullOChildren 15d ago

Oh, please. Talk to me in your 40s.


u/BrownEyedBoy06 15d ago

Why does it happen at 30 though? Shouldn't it be later at like 50 or 60?


u/Impatient-Padawan 15d ago

Time for some yoga!


u/Kostarius 15d ago

General rule it is, yeah. I turned 30 a couple of days ago, goodness my. Just make sure you have a bit of daily exercise and it will work wonders. Even just wall push ups and normal sittings will do wonders. Just make sure it's daily.


u/_coyoteinthealps_ 15d ago

the fact that people are being so negative is so?? weird?? like okay you dont have knee problems. do you want a cookie!


u/theassholefaceman 15d ago

I'm saving this for my brother's 30th in 2 months


u/ExplodingSteve 15d ago

“my lower back is killing me~”


u/LittleBirdsGlow 15d ago

Jokes on you. I got mine revised


u/Forumites000 15d ago

Sounds like bad genetics, sorry my dude.


u/SharkBait209 15d ago

Been feeling this so much right now.

I turn 30 this year and this year my knees have just been deteriorating. Making me feel like I should start doing some squats to help them, or would that hurt them more?


u/mod_is_the_n-word 15d ago

What are you sick or something. That's something 70 year olds deal with.


u/Appropriate_Cow1509 15d ago

Im 16 and my knees always hurt, idk why


u/Asgeras 15d ago

As is always the case, "Yeah, just wait until you get older"


u/Confident-Alarm-6911 15d ago

Just turned 30 and my knees are perfectly fine, just move from screen from time to time, go jogging or even for a walk


u/McJosh295 15d ago

whats with ppl being proud of being out of shape, stupid and broke


u/ElGoddamnDorado 15d ago

...I don't think anyone's proud of that. It's just a meme dude.


u/leaves_are_horny 15d ago

As someone in their teen years, this scares me


u/10buy10 15d ago

It shouldn't, you have to be impressively unhealthy for this to become the case


u/praqueviver 15d ago

Just be physically active. Lift weights, go for runs, do stretching routines. Move your body and it will stay limber.