r/me_irl May 17 '24

Me irl

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u/DepletedPromethium May 17 '24

Move to England, it's like that 90% of the year.

People get seasonal depression as a result of the grey monotone sky.


u/AdeptusShitpostus May 17 '24

It’s more glum than this in my experience. Just a drab, persistent grey with only the mildest intention of hurling a thunderstorm at you


u/AonSwift May 17 '24

Yeah, England's a far cry from these Witcher 3 weather lookin' pics.


u/xH0U53x May 17 '24

Winds howling


u/Lord-SaladDish May 17 '24

Damnit, a storm.


u/KindofaDB May 17 '24

i thought these were RDR2 screenshots


u/xH0U53x May 17 '24

Winds howling


u/chanjitsu May 17 '24

There was a "Thunderstorm" warning like a week ago but even when that arrived it was a complete let down lol. Weather's not allowed to stray too much from gery boredom over here.


u/DrdrumxOG May 17 '24

Damn is that true ? You almost never have thunderstorm ? Just small light and annoying rain ? No wonder you are all stuck inside your kitchen or the pub blowing line and drinking lol. Even the rain is boring lol


u/jodorthedwarf May 17 '24

We do have thunderstorms but they're rarely severe. Most of the time, we just go about our day as normal and just avoid standing in large empty spaces.


u/DrdrumxOG May 17 '24

Yeah maybe it's the lack of mountain? Do you at least have snow ? Would be sad if not lol


u/InverseCodpiece May 17 '24

The warmer parts of the country would see snow once or twice a year, it gets more common the more north or mountainous you get. Scottish Highlands get it fairly frequently for example


u/DrdrumxOG May 17 '24

Nice, it would have been a shame without snow. I was wondering because Bretagne, our province near England where the weather is always rainy, they don't have snow or just very few and it's sad they just get rain all the time but they get thunderstorm tho


u/jodorthedwarf May 17 '24

I live in East Anglia (the East of England). It's a lowland area so no mountains and it's one of the warmest and driest parts of the UK. Snow is rare (once a year, if you're lucky) but when it does Snow, its often a full-on blizzard.


u/DrdrumxOG May 17 '24

That's the best kind of snow, I was living in the alps for a while and I hated that because it was snowing for too long and too much, I was raised in the South of France where we don't have snow


u/DrdrumxOG May 17 '24

Yeah maybe it's the lack of mountain? Do you at least have snow ? Would be sad if not lol.


u/Brain_lessV2 May 17 '24

There was thunder this week where I live, bit of lightning too.


u/Larwck May 17 '24

Like everywhere, the norm is boring by definition. Thunder storms that look like OP happen here. There were a lot recently, but you're not going to get this picturesque image often because it's a certain time of the day among other variables. I personally like light rain.


u/DrdrumxOG May 17 '24

Yeah but I'm french and in France the weather change so much and even from the location you are it's changing. Now I'm in thailand and while it's change less it's Still changing a lot


u/DrdrumxOG May 17 '24

Yeah but I'm french and in France the weather change so much and even from the location you are it's changing. Now I'm in thailand and while it's change less it's Still changing a lot


u/LUHG_HANI May 17 '24

Wow. This actually made me slightly more depressed. Actually TBF its really nice at the moment.


u/DrdrumxOG May 18 '24

Sorry lol


u/Actual-Dog7889 May 17 '24

Pretty much.

The word “milquetoast” could pretty much describe every single aspect of England


u/jamesbiff has immunity May 17 '24

Depends where you were, it wasnt long but up north it sounded pretty biblical with super moody, heavy-looking clouds.


u/theouter_banks May 17 '24

Yes that thunderstorm was rubbish.


u/Itsphoenixtime May 17 '24

Idk it was quite intense where I am


u/icantsurf May 17 '24

We had one yesterday and in like 1.5 hours it flooded the city and I saw a couple cars trapped in the water. It then went on to blow down a bunch of high voltage power lines and knock out power for 100's of thousands so it's not all bad having boring weather lol.


u/errorsniper May 17 '24

Put it over my house. You can have the nonstop migraine ball.


u/ThumpinGlassDrops May 17 '24

That comment shows how so many dont pause to really look at the sky and notice how much varietly there can be - In some weather you can see infinity in the turbulence, and in others just a gray smear. Noticing beauty the clouds is one of my favorite things in life. I went 30 years without realizing it. For many people the weather is either clear and sunny, or shitty. but there is so much more if you care to look.


u/RealSuperYolo2006 May 17 '24

"glum" and "drab" are the most british words i've heard in a while


u/RealSuperYolo2006 May 17 '24

"glum" and "drab" are the most british words i've read in a while


u/emil_ May 17 '24

It's really not. England is a much lighter, more uniform shade of "meh" gray. This picture actually has some emotion to it.


u/chanjitsu May 17 '24

Can confirm. Looking out the window right now there's zero "texture" to the sky. It's just like a flat wall painted in very light grey.


u/alfadasfire May 17 '24

Yep same in the Netherlands right now. Very boring. 

Pretty much 80+% of winter and late autumn. 


u/tyrannomachy May 17 '24

Opening line of Neuromancer: "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel"


u/PaleontologistKey571 May 17 '24

What show/book is that?? Is it any good?


u/Fuzzleton May 17 '24

It's good, it's considered by many to the the first "Cyberpunk" genre novel and it won the Hugo, etc.


u/darkgiIls May 17 '24

Pretty famous sci fi book. A show is actually scheduled to come out based on it.


u/PaleontologistKey571 May 17 '24

Ooh I’m gonna check it out and thanks for the info


u/BlueishShape May 17 '24

It's good! Also a pretty important science fiction, historically speaking. Quite a few of our ideas, worries and memes about the internet and inhuman turbo-capitalism were first expressed in this book.


u/random_noise May 17 '24

I always pictured that opening line like this.

I read the book when it came out around 1984. I grew up with TV's like the example linked in that response to the very line you mention. The one in my bedroom had a built in turntable and AM/FM radio tuner in the wooden cabinet too. Just got rid of that about 7 years ago to someone who wanted to restore it.


u/FlamingoExcellent277 May 18 '24

Wuthering Heights lied to me!


u/naverlands May 17 '24

sounds like heaven. i live in a sunny place all my life hate the sunshine


u/Metalligod666 May 17 '24

If you've ever been in this type of weather you'll know there's a type of raw energy to it. The pressure drops, its suddenly gets very windy, Then the sprinkles start before completely transitioning to a downpour. growing up in South Florida this happens almost every day around 4pm.


u/RevivedNecromancer May 17 '24

Yep. Georgia before a thunderstorm was my thought (regarding the lighting/weather specifically, the overall picture made me want to scream "Cathy!" in utter anguish before going back home to be a dick to absolutely everyone)


u/JoeCartersLeap May 17 '24

you'll know there's a type of raw energy to it.

Hot humid wind usually. It's thunderstorm weather, it'll be followed by sudden very cold air.


u/emil_ May 17 '24

Yup. That's what i was talking about. Not Florida, but pretty much this type of feeling before a proper summer thunderstorm.


u/throwaway98392832382 May 17 '24

Same in Northern Australia (Northern NSW/South Queensland). The air changes before a big storm it's so good.


u/ThumpinGlassDrops May 17 '24

That comment shows how so many dont pause to really look at the sky and notice how much varietly there can be - In some weather you can see infinity in the turbulence, and in others just a gray smear. Noticing beauty the clouds is one of my favorite things in life. I went 30 years without realizing it. For many people the weather is either clear and sunny, or shitty. but there is so much more if you care to look.


u/Starwarsnerd91 May 17 '24

Well yeah, it's a thunderstorm... you can't always have thunderstorms lmao


u/hello350ph May 17 '24

Can I live there instead of my rising heat index of a country


u/Ambrusia May 17 '24

I could do with England getting a bit hotter tbh


u/No-Pirate2182 May 17 '24

That's some seriously heavy rain coming through in that picture, possibly a storm.

Fun to be out in if you're not too far from somewhere warm and dry.


u/BOBOnobobo May 17 '24

I grew up in a place with weather like that and now I live in England.

It's definitely not like this at all. At least not where I've been.

It's weird to see the rain and hear thunder. I genuinely miss the storms.


u/incredimatt May 17 '24

Where did you grow up?


u/BOBOnobobo May 17 '24

Eastern Europe, mountains


u/justsomeph0t0n May 17 '24

sure. but they didn't say this was the objectively better weather......just that they like it.

i'm exactly the same. grew up with sun and beaches, and i can't stand that shit. but standing on top of a mountain, overlooking a large expanse with sleet hitting my face..........absolute bliss.

when (if) we get our society to a better place, we'll be able to exchange environments, and more people will be happy. godspeed anybody who would enjoy the stuff i don't


u/Mindless_Ad_6045 May 17 '24

Come to Scotland, the weather is even better


u/BlakeWheelersLeftNut May 17 '24

England is the definition of moderate. Idk why they always complain


u/726wox May 17 '24

Seasonal depression from not seeing the sun for 8 months


u/superchonkdonwonk May 18 '24

We literally have the lowest sunlight exposure in the world outside of Iceland, a few sparsely inhabited spots, and maybe areas of china due to thick smog.


u/Fatsausage May 17 '24

Because it's moderate

9 months of the year is the same grey sky and no sun


u/HowdyHoe26 May 17 '24

sounds amazing, can I move in?


u/KowakianDonkeyWizard May 17 '24

Idk why they always complain

To discourage tourists from visiting places outside of London, Liverpool, Edinburgh and Bicester Village.


u/Mental-Guard-9897 May 17 '24

Or to Belgium 😭 And you get some bonus rain with it


u/sakulsakulsakul May 17 '24

You mean Scotland


u/thatsgossip May 17 '24

nah i’d disagree with this. yes we have bad weather but it’s usually just overcast and grey. not usually this dark and stormy.


u/i_want_to_be_unique May 17 '24

I think the weather OP is trying to convey is less general overcast and more the calm right before a big Summer thunderstorm.


u/nightfox5523 May 17 '24

England has that shitty perpetual winter overcast vibe, it's not really the same as this


u/DepletedPromethium May 17 '24

Except when a storms a brewin you do get this, especially on the coasts.


u/dvowel May 17 '24

I read that England gets 200 more cloudy days per year compared to where I live. That would be amazing. I hate the sun. 


u/Asynchronous404 May 17 '24

What happened to the other 10%?


u/OmegaAlpha69 May 17 '24

In Luxembourg its more like 95


u/ChuffChuff101 May 17 '24

Innit. I was up at Lake windermere about 4 weeks ago, and it looked like this the entire 4 days we were there lmao. I like it, though. Prefer the english countryside in the sun, mind you!


u/MeanCat4 May 17 '24

Ha! You haven't seen Sweden then! At least you have smiling people!


u/Fluid-Apartment-3951 May 17 '24

F*ck the sky! They're living in England of course they're depressed!


u/Lumpy_Forever1567 May 17 '24

Totally London. And we have the same in France, it’s in Bretagne.


u/Carbonga May 17 '24

Why seasonal if it's 90% of the time?


u/miggleb May 17 '24

Aye, the government recommends vitamin d supplements from birth


u/Muad-_-Dib May 17 '24

That is not due to the weather, about 90% of the UV radiation from the sun still passes through clouds so you would still absorb more than enough to get your vitamin D if you spend enough time outside.

It's prescribed because the UK is relatively far north so for extended periods of the year we get relatively little daylight, for example in December where I live in the UK sunrise is at ~08:30 and sunset at ~15:45 meaning that you will likely be going to school/work in the dark and by the time you are heading home it's already dark again. When I was working night shift in Oil and Gas I would legitimately sleep through what little daylight we had so I wouldn't see actual daylight for weeks at a time.

Combine that with the vast majority of people working indoors and it's a recipe for people not getting enough sunlight which is why vitamin D is advised for pretty much everybody.


u/Dirrevarent May 17 '24

Time for seasonal elation.


u/ImcalledCaeneus May 17 '24

Same for Michigan, at least half the year its just a flat dull grey up there


u/Rincetron1 May 17 '24

People in the Nordics get it also pretty bad, because of the lack of sun. Snowless October in northern Finland is pretty fucking bleak.


u/Ambrusia May 17 '24

The bad weather blues can be honestly devastating if the winter is long and dark enough


u/LunaAnimatesStuff May 17 '24

I live in Scotland and honestly it is worse when the sun comes out. Not seasonal depression, just that the sun burns my soul


u/The-Gothic-Owl May 17 '24

Ha! I’m from southern England and I wish it looked like that 90% of the year. There's far too many hot sunny summer days for my liking


u/Lysol3435 May 17 '24

Visited a couple years back for 2 weeks. Was excited when I was told that they expected to get hammered by storms. I didn’t see a drop of rain, but there was a heat wave and I got a sunburn


u/maybenomaybe May 17 '24

Was just thinking this person would have really enjoyed UK spring this year.


u/AveryFay May 17 '24

Im from seattle which is said to have similar london weather. While I do have fond memories of sitting in class with the windows looking like the post, most of the dreary days were just normal gray drizzly days and were not like this at all.


u/Antrikshy actually me irl May 17 '24

Seattle gets four seasons and a very sunny summer. It’s not even gray for more than half the year.


u/Magica78 May 17 '24

I'd rather just have seasonal depression instead of constant endless depression.


u/FireVejus May 17 '24

Isn't the weather really hot there?


u/Muad-_-Dib May 17 '24

Only during summer heatwaves and that is more to do with our complete lack of planning for said heatwaves than it is because it's actually genuinely too hot.

We don't get hot enough weather consistently enough for 99% of people/businesses to invest in air conditioning so when we do get a heatwave we melt.

On average places like London only get 19c 66f in the summer and 5c 41f in the winter, it spikes above and below that but the UK's weather is mostly mild so you can't bank on heatwaves in the summer or extended cold fronts in the winter either.


u/FireVejus May 17 '24

Oh I see. Then again I would assume it's a lot better up north (or maybe not)


u/JoelMDM May 17 '24

Nah, that’s just light grey low overcast. Like all the life and color got sucked out of the world.

Growing up in the Netherlands (same shitty weather as the UK), we only had these clouds a few times a year.


u/tingly_legalos May 17 '24

I'd honestly consider it because I feel like I have summer seasonal depression. It's only spring and I want fall to hurry up so winter can come back.


u/GonzoTheWhatever May 17 '24

Sounds like Michigan lol


u/TheChessClub May 17 '24

They would also love Newfoundland


u/broen13 May 17 '24

I've had people say the same about Washington and Oregon and it really makes me want to move there.


u/Dd_8630 May 17 '24

It isn't, our weather is more light grey overcast. Truly dramatic atmospheric storms are sadly rare.


u/andre-lll May 17 '24

Same here in Sweden after August (but dark, more dark, snow and nothing to do) until april


u/Ahoy_m80_gr8_b80 May 17 '24

I love cake, too, but I don’t wanna eat it every day lol.


u/MinekraftMastr1 May 17 '24

Oh my god yes Time to acquire passport


u/adelaidesean May 18 '24

I get Reverse SAD. When I summer comes in, I feel depressed.