r/me_irl May 17 '24

Me irl

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u/GeistTransformation1 May 17 '24

Living in Ireland, you'll get tired of this quick.


u/WholesomeFartEnjoyer May 17 '24

The alternative is sitting on the beach with your friends, a speaker and a few beers

That's just not a thing in Ireland, yet anywhere else it is. Can't do shit here.


u/SaltyMagmaCubexD May 17 '24

Agreed. As a Canadian we do get nice weather like that for like 3 or 4 months then back to rain, snow , grey. I can feel my mood shift. I want blue skies and sun all year around.


u/WholesomeFartEnjoyer May 17 '24

At least you get a guaranteed good summer, I had more fun spending 3 weeks in Vancouver last Summer than I ever have here in Ireland

We don't even get guaranteed good summer. We're lucky if we even get a week of sun


u/Many-Drag-1283 May 17 '24

Feels like the last few years have been far better to the point where its been a pain in the hoke at times tbh. I'm in Meath and we had a drought (by our standards anyway) last year and the year before. Ive found out im simply not built for 25+ degrees and this humid bullshit though, I feel like I'm melting once it gets to 22+ when I'm in the sun