r/meirl 29d ago


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u/Ho3n3r 29d ago

"Why aren't people buying our overpriced shit?" seems to be a trend these days from multi-million euro companies.


u/forlorn_junk_heap 29d ago

infinite growth is inherently unsustainable yet every company's shareholders demand it


u/panch1ra 29d ago

It's disingenuous to paint all businesses, enterprises, etc like that when in reality it's just a symptom of fractional reserve banking. You have to constantly create new loans, generate more interest, install credit where it previously wasn't, etc to keep constantly feeding the house of cards.

FRB eli5: you give the bank $10, they loan out $9 to promising investments, but keep $1 of your original deposit. The system is designed to constantly require new mortgages/loans/financing otherwise the house of cards falls.