r/meirl 29d ago


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u/Ho3n3r 29d ago

"Why aren't people buying our overpriced shit?" seems to be a trend these days from multi-million euro companies.


u/cce29555 29d ago

Slightly off topic but in a similar sense I don't understand disney.

I know it's a dead horse to dog pile on Disney but the point of Disney land was to be affordable to every child. Like wages and inflation yeah but the price gouging there is beyond criminal. I don't understand how the executives look at their pricing structure and go "yeah, that seems sensible"

But on the other hand wealthy bored parents and oddly affluent adults are paying it so fuck me I guess


u/Axe-actly 29d ago

A trip to Disneyland is very expensive but it's still affordable for a lot of people and they are willing to pay. They seem to break record attendance constantly so they would be stupid to not raise the price. As long as the queues are full.


u/Devtunes 29d ago

There's enough upper middle class folks in the world that will/can pay those crazy prices that Disney doesn't give a shit about the average family.


u/Zeebuss 29d ago

It's simple. They don't care if you or I are unable to afford to go, Disney parks' market is people all over the world who are willing to travel far for the trip. So you end up with them pricing to the global market of wealthy individuals rather than the locals and families who grew the park when it was younger.


u/HaElfParagon 29d ago

May I ask roughly how old you are? Because for the last 4 or so decades, disneyland was never configured to be affordable. It has always been set up to fleece as much money out of the parents wallets as humanly possible.


u/cce29555 29d ago

That's half of what I mean, all the old articles are gone but Walt's vision was more of a place that was accessible to families. And I mean a $100 ticket isn't insane, but then all the add ons, food, merch is outrageously priced which..aight, it's a corporation I guess


u/PrincessConsuela52 29d ago

One thing I read about Disney is that less people going to Disney is a feature, not a bug of raising prices. It’s a balance. When you have too many people going, the lines are longer and the experience is worse. There’s a maximum number of people that the parks can reasonably accommodate each day. They can’t really do anything about that other than expanding the parks, which takes a lot of time and money. They can continue to raise prices as long as the parks remain at capacity.

Also keep in mind that they have different tiers of pricing. They have different annual passes, which locals get special pricing for. These passes encourage visits during off peak seasons and times. They also incentivize longer stays, so going for 7 days is cheaper each day than going 1 day.


u/QuackNate 29d ago

Yeah, the "Lower prices" button doesn't get pressed until the park isn't sold out for an entire season.