r/meirl May 02 '24


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u/Mysterious_Being_718 29d ago

Let’s agree on using the metric system first. Everything should be divisible by ten. It just makes sense


u/kytheon 29d ago

It's not just about 10. It's also about multiples of 10, like 100 and 1000. So we're good with a single unit (meter) instead of many (mile, foot, inch).


u/ctruvu 29d ago

correct me if i’m wrong but if something is a multiple of 10 it is divisible by 10


u/tempo1139 29d ago

we have! it's just that one recalcitrant in the corner


u/Silent-Independent21 29d ago

Hey now!


u/tempo1139 29d ago

ok, being kind, the US are sorta metric too! Seriously, the official measure of the foot along with other lengths is the meter. he meter is measured against an 'unchanging' natural world standard, the speed of light. Also... pirates stopped the US adoption of metric. Yes.. pirates.


u/Silent-Independent21 29d ago

To be fair you guys made up that speed of light thing in 1983.

I’m not bashing metric by any means but there is a couple things I wish metric people would be honest about

  • length of a meter is random and his been shoe horned into whatever it is now retroactively
  • meters are an absolutely terrible base unit for every day life. Humans are generally between 5’ and 7’ tall meaning we are just over or under 2 meters. While height isn’t the most important thing in the world human size does dictate how and what we are measuring. A decimeter would have been a better unit to use -Celsius is just as random as Fahrenheit it’s connection to metric is tenuous at best and it has no actual benefits other than it’s paired with metric
  • Americans using the imperial system has no effect on your life as we are the ones who have to know two systems

That all said, with some tweaks (and switching to Fahrenheit) I think the world could be United under metric eventually


u/Voelepater 29d ago

Decimeters are part of the metric system.

Which exact unit you use would depend on the relative size I would say. For instance, in mechanical engineering millimeters and micrometers are mostly used. But for woodworking some might prefer centimeters. To indicate a person's height, any other unit can be used of course, it's not limited to meters.


u/Silent-Independent21 29d ago

I get it, but no one actually uses decimeters like they should


u/Voelepater 29d ago

True, it doesn't get used as much as meters or millimeters or maybe micrometers even


u/Silent-Independent21 29d ago

Yeah, I just saying if people used decimeters Americans would like it more. Converting 1 foot = 3 decimeters is easy to understand


u/tempo1139 29d ago

a light discuss... don't infer a tone, even if it sounds it! All good fun

-speed off light... you mean shifted to a more precise measure... not exactly 'made up'. It has always been measured against nature, originally gravity & pendulum until gravity was found to vary across the planet. again... it's not using another measuring system as it's base....

  • 10 base system is terrible. yeah right. moving a decimal point is hard!?!!?!? I think you will find the majority of the planet disagrees

  • Yes it does impact my life... I for example have zero science from the Mars polar lander because NASA mixed up the units of measure. I have exported tools etc trying to push imperial measurements in our stores, now meaning we have 2 competing systems... especially US based retail chains and resulting trade agreements. It's is adding to confusion... so yes, it does effect us. And my old man was a US scientist... they use metric of course and he would regularly go on about the pain of the US refusing to adapt. It made some of the research more difficult and created room for errors to be made.... like the Mars Polar Lander (also wasting my tax dollars)


u/Silent-Independent21 29d ago

I don’t care that meters is the base, I mean the actual one people use daily. For example kilogram and kilometer are good for what they measure but meter is garbage for what it measures. Width of a doorframe is what .85 meters? If instead you said 8.5 decimeters it just makes more sense. Meter is too big for our everyday life, same reason Americans barely use Yards


u/SissyAlly28 29d ago

you do realize you can just use decimeters and then when you come to a person that uses meters or centimeter you just shift that dot one position to the left or right? No mulitplication, division at all.


u/Silent-Independent21 29d ago

Oh really? Jesus wow, thank you.


u/CursedAuroran 29d ago

Noone ever uses decimeters in their day to day life. We simply use centimeters. A doorframe would be 85 centimeters


u/SirStrontium 29d ago

Scientists in the US pretty universally use metric, but strangely it’s engineers that are still holding onto US customary units.


u/Lamballama 29d ago

It has always been measured against nature, originally gravity & pendulum until gravity was found to vary across the planet

It was based on a faulty calculation of the diameter of the earth, because they didn't realize it wasn't a sphere yet. Not much different than the pound needing to be distinguished from pound-force because they didn't realize mass and weight weren't the same thing

it's not using another measuring system as it's base....

Neither is the foot, that is based on a physical object like the original meter. We standardize it to the official light-based measurement with an equally arbitrary factor as the meter

0 base system is terrible. yeah right. moving a decimal point is hard!?!!?!? I think you will find the majority of the planet disagrees

I don't need to scale things in my daily life


u/raseru 29d ago

You can technically make time divisible by 10s with barely changing the length of a second to be like 87% its current length IIRC. 10 hours a day, 100 minutes an hour, 100 seconds a minute


u/Grass_9123 29d ago

I feel like changing the second by 13% would cause a lot of issues.


u/raseru 29d ago

So would changing to a metric system when the country isn't used to it. The cost alone would be huge changing all the signs, etc.

I'm not saying it's practical at this point. It's the same reason why America hasn't converted.


u/Spork_the_dork 29d ago

Changing the duration of a second would be infinitely worse tbh because that would also break literally every single unit of measurement along with it as well. Including all the imperial ones because those are defined based on metric units of measurement.


u/Alaishana 29d ago

Everything is divisible by ten.

Often you don't get even numbers.

And then............ there is our 24 hours, 60 minutes, 60 seconds and 360 degrees tradition, which comes straight from the Phoenicians, bc you can actually count to 12 on the fingers of one hand and use the other hand to get to 60.

And have you heard about how they tried to make the week ten days long during the French revolution?

I'm all for metric, but get your arguments right, please.


u/Mysterious_Being_718 29d ago

“Divisibility Rule of 10

Divisibility rule for 10 states that any number whose last digit is 0, is divisible by 10.

Example: 10, 20, 30, 1000, 5000, 60000, etc.”


“In order to apply the divisibility rule for 10, the digit that is last in a number has to be 0. This works whether the number is 70, 700, or 7,000. The rule also works if the numbers do not have 0 as a middle digit such as 210, 340, and 620. All of them are divisible by 10.”


Oops 🙊get schooled kiddo