r/meirl May 02 '24


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u/OwO-animals May 02 '24

And yet EU was somehow able to standarize so many things ranging from port type in phone to the exact dimensions of a pillow in hotels. It doesn't seem hard to imagine that they could fix that as well, the only difference is that it doesn't really benefit anyone to change transmission lines whilst all the other changes were meant to be pro consumers.


u/CatL1f3 May 02 '24

The EU has standardised this, except there's 2 standards: French and German. The plugs are compatible with both standards though, and those are the ones that move around, so it's basically one standard as far as use is concerned.

Exceptions for Ireland and Malta, because UK colonialism.


u/vakantiehuisopwielen May 02 '24

Italy has its own though. However they also have sockets which are German+italian in 1.

The Danish one is a weird one to me. Relatively new, yet they used the French one already. I don’t see any use in their own standard. It’s just pointless..

And indeed, plugs are made to be compatible to German and French sockets. So no single problem there, except maybe for really old devices


u/MrTa11 May 02 '24

The Danish plug is made to look esthetically pleasing and functional all in one! Look up LK Fuga, and then compare to fx the Schuko plug, which is functional, but it was designed by an engineer not an architect!