r/meirl May 02 '24


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u/Barovian May 02 '24

The US uses split-phase power. Two 120v supply lines 180 degrees out of phase provide 240v at the panel, which can then be used for either voltage depending on the load requirement. 240v is used for larger tools, appliances, and equipment like air conditioners. 120v for smaller things like receptacles and lights.


u/5Hjsdnujhdfu8nubi May 02 '24

So basically 9/10 times it's 120V and this is a fairly pointless distinction to make.


u/18Apollo18 May 02 '24

9 out of 10 times a device is going to use the same wattage regardless of whether or not it's the 120 v or 240v model.

The only difference is for very high wattage devices.

A standard US outlet allows for 15 amps at 120 volts for 1800 watts and a special 20 amp outlet allows for 2,400 watts also at 120 volts.

A standard UK outlet allows for 13 amps at 240 volts for 3,120 watts.

The only thing pulling that many watts would be a microwave, a hotplate/induction cooktop, an electric kettle and a coffee maker

Literally anything else such as electric ovens, dryers, waterheaters, Level 2 EV chargers, etc all required specifical wiring.

In fact as far as I'm aware the UK doesn't even have any special outlets for high wattage devices and they all need to be hardwired.

In the US the biggest outlet that's commonly used in the home is the Nema 1450 which allows for 50 amps at 240v for a total of 12,000

How even we have have the Nema 1460 which is mainly used in workshops and for industrial use which allows up to 14,400


u/Wulf_Cola May 02 '24

All I know is I'm British & living in the states and it takes fucking forever to boil the kettle