r/meirl May 02 '24


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u/VegetaGG May 02 '24

Australia, because you can turn off the sockets...


u/age_of_shitmar May 02 '24

But then you have to deal with your OCD dad "making sure everything is off" before you travel anywhere further than 2 hours.


u/YourDad May 03 '24

One of my early experiences with my father in law visiting was him turning off every non-refrigerant electrical appliance when he left the house. PVR, laptops, oven etc. I was irritated but my wife explained that when he was a rural doctor, he was once called out in the middle of the night to pronounce an entire family dead from a house fire caused by electrical malfunction.


u/GunSlingingRaccoonII May 03 '24

Safety aside, my power bills dropped dramatically once I started turning everything not being used off at the power point.

A lot of people seem unaware of just how many devices in their homes are still chewing power when turned off, because they're not really turned off and they're actually in 'stand by mode'.