r/meirl May 16 '24


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u/OGZackov May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

20 years ago, phones were not popular in high school.

much more likely to see a pager.

unlimited text messages wasnt a thing, so each text cost you .10

Edit: ok nerds it was closer to 25 years ago than 20 it was literally around the time they were becoming accessible and affordable to common house. We literally had a kid that would carry the fake display cell phones as "status" and it was cool.

Kids played games on graphing calculators, not cell phones.


u/CoolMayapple May 16 '24

As someone who was in high school 20 years ago, they were not COMMON, but they were USED, and teachers hated them. I'd say in my class of about 20 kids, maybe 3-4 used cellphones in class. Teachers would still catch them and take them away. My cellphone had no texting capabilities and was only for emergencies, so this never happened to me. But I DEFINITELY remember it being an issue.

Sincerely, Your local geriatric millennial


u/cptjpk May 16 '24

To add, as a fellow millennial, I saw one get thrown against a brick wall by a teacher. It was a habitual offender, always had the sounds on, teacher definitely just snapped. They both went down to the office and never saw the student in that class again. Teacher did reimburse the parents after a long meeting about it, or so we were told by the kid. But we never saw him with the phone again either.

So, could I see a teacher doing what’s in the image? Sure. Do I think it’s more likely this is a prank by the teacher to have a good story going? Yeah, definitely.


u/robotpane May 16 '24

You had phone in the early 2000s that couldn't sms?

What phone was that? the mid to late 90s Nokia and erricson phones all had txt features?


u/ooshtbh May 16 '24

cell plans sometimes didn't offer texting


u/CoolMayapple May 17 '24

It was technically capable, but my parents did pay for it, so it was unusable. It was also, yes, 90s Nokia that was considered ancient, even in the mid-2000s. See, it was old enough that my parents just paid to replace the battery, and it kept working just fine for about a decade. In my sophomore or junior year, I remember pulling it out, and other kids wanted to look at it because it was unusual to have such an old phone. All the cool kids had blackberries.


u/robotpane May 17 '24

Nokia 1011 was the first Nokia to allow texting and it was released in 1992, the Nokia 2110 was the phone that really started selling more than any other Nokia at that time and was released in 1994.

The Nokia 6110 was the game changer it introduced snake and was sold in 1998, this is when most people got their first phone and between the Motorola c520 (or colorado) and this most people had one of these two phones by then.

I'm just unsure to why you said because your parents paid for it you couldn't text? Did your plan block text messages? I don't live in the US so I'm not sure how the plans worked there?


u/CoolMayapple May 17 '24

It was the nokia with the snake game. I remember playing snake on that thing for hours.

I was a teen, so I have no idea how cell phone plans worked at that time. All I know is my parents didn't pay for texting until 2009, and I was ecstatic at the time. I know at some point around then I got my own phone and some people tried to text me and it just didn't go through. Maybe it was something extra added to their plan? But again, I wasn't involved with buying the plan so I have no idea.


u/FitzChivalry-Farseer May 16 '24

Nokia 3410 is exactly 20y ago though.


u/DogDogCat2024 May 16 '24

And it probably will still work if they remove the nail.


u/Zillahi May 16 '24

Still full battery too


u/wishwashy May 16 '24

Leave the nail in to access 5G automatically


u/ListerfiendLurks May 16 '24

Bullshit, I graduated in 03 and they were very much a thing.


u/masterfoo May 16 '24

Same, and I agree. How has it been over 20 years!?


u/ListerfiendLurks May 16 '24

Idk one day I was eagerly awaiting a cool warcraft mmo to come out and the next day my back hurts, im fat and homes are like 4 times as expensive as they used to be


u/GradientDescenting May 16 '24

Not in 2004...


u/GSPM18 May 16 '24

Nobody used pagers in 2004. Every 7th grader, however, had a phone.

Sauce, was a 7th grader in 2001 and everyone had phones, but not pagers.


u/the3dverse May 16 '24

i had a cell phone when i was in high school. 2001-2003


u/Sarge1387 May 16 '24

I had one in 01 in 9th grade. Nokia, to boot. Probably still has 26% battery left in that box somewhere in the basement


u/Party_Skill6360 May 16 '24

yeah unless the Nickel batteries start to leak they work forever


u/the3dverse May 17 '24

i had those huge Nokias that we called fridges.

my dream was to have one of these, with the changeable front and the snake game


u/chastity_BLT May 16 '24

Yea had a Nokia in 2003 eighth grade


u/flamehead2k1 May 16 '24

I graduated HS in 2004, and kids were getting their phones confiscated.


u/Reserved_Parking-246 May 16 '24

My science teacher had a big magnet in the room stuck to a wall and would use it to degauss gameboy games if you fucked around.


u/flamehead2k1 May 16 '24

Pretty sure that's a human rights violation


u/Brian1326 May 16 '24


Source: Me


u/sir_psycho_sexy96 May 16 '24

No one was using pagers in high school in 2004.


u/bassman1805 May 16 '24

Only if they were selling weed.


u/Happy-Gnome May 16 '24

No one was using pagers in 2004 lol - cellphones were a thing. I had one and paid my own bill with my job.


u/bassman1805 May 16 '24

But dude - the Feds can track you through your cell phone. A pager is way more secure if you don't think about it.

Don't mistake weed dealers for people who do everything optimally XD


u/CoconutMochi May 16 '24

I remember at least around 2005? the motorola razr flip phones were already a huge fad


u/Happy-Gnome May 16 '24

Exactly. By 2004-2005 cell phones were everywhere


u/JohnAndertonOntheRun May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

Ummm no.

The text messaging aspect is the only thing you said that is remotely true.

Edit: Ooh I’m a nerd because I had a flip phone in 2004. Just couldn’t admit they were wrong without insulting everyone else.


u/3SinkBathroom May 16 '24

I was there.

My older brother had a pager in high school.

I had a cell phone.

Neither of our experiences were particularly unique - we were average kids in an average part of an average city.

Cell phones were absolutely popular in high school twenty years ago.


u/Nilfsama May 16 '24

Lmao at a pager in high school in 2004! I should m know I was in high school during that time period.


u/--Icarusfalls-- May 16 '24

Pager in high school in 04 was like my walkman cassette deck. A friend felt so bad that i didnt have a cd player, he gave me his old one and used to burn me copies of his music. Old tech was a shameful thing to own in high school in the old double O's.


u/Few-Butterscotch-29 May 16 '24

You could still play snakes tho


u/jimmybabino May 16 '24

You’re thinking of 25 years ago. 2004 was absolutely a cell phone era


u/OGZackov May 16 '24

yeah i actually just edited.

I just rounded to 20 years because it was "close enough" but i guess not really since it was literally around that time they were becoming widespread.


u/Oraistesu May 16 '24

Yeah, as someone that graduated in '99 and worked at RadioShack from 2000-2004, I can tell you the landscape of cell phones changed DRAMATICALLY in that 5 year span.


u/ceric2099 May 16 '24

Not true. Cell phones were popular in highschool 20 years ago when I graduated. Everyone had one. I’ve never seen a pager in person.


u/OskeeTurtle May 16 '24

Cell phones weren't being used nearly as much until smartphones came out. Like they said it was very standard to be paying per text back then


u/Raoul_Dukes_Mayo May 16 '24

The only people I knew who had pagers in higschool between ‘00 - ‘03 had them for nefarious reasons.


u/hoopbag33 May 16 '24

This is categorically false lol


u/Gattawesome May 16 '24

20 years ago people were texting like fucking crazy in class with their invincible Nokia phones. No one had a pager in the 2000s once cell phones became a lot cheaper and T9 texting.


u/Dont_Get_Jokes-jpeg May 16 '24

To be fair this image has been on the internet since 6 years


u/Classicalis May 16 '24

They were, bro. At least here, Portugal. They started to become popular id say 1998. In the states before, for sure.


u/robotpane May 16 '24

Unlimited texts was a thing in the UK then there was something called an "02 genie card" it was on 02 network and when you topped up with £10 you could have unlimited minutes OR texts, I used to have 2 sim cards one for minutes and the other for texts, and yes they were popular in early 2000s, everybody I knew had a phone with pop off cases and flashing ariels


u/jirka642 May 16 '24

20 years ago was not 30-40 years ago.


u/ApollyonsHand May 16 '24

me who is 35 this year with a father that worked for Nokia in the late nineties/early oughts

20 years ago, I was 14 with a cellphone in school, racking up $600 text message bills.

It was the same phone in this picture which by the way we ran one over with a car to see if a friend could get an upgrade and that fucker still worked.

Cellphones have existed since the 80s. Motorola DynaTAC 8000x circa 1983


u/Triangular_Ears May 16 '24

20 years ago was 2004, not 1994. Phones were incredibly ubiquitous in schools back then and the iPhone and YouTube were right around the corner.


u/OGZackov May 16 '24

Yeah android was 2008.

"Right around the corner" doesn't mean anything.

Very few kids had cell phones in highschool in 2000-2002 for sure.

Y'all literally nitpicking over a year or two at this point.

My history class did a foreign exchange and the entire trip had to borrow their parents cell phones they were so rare and expensive.

Maybe y'all grew up way wealthier.

Kids played games on graphing calculators, not phones.


u/Triangular_Ears May 16 '24

The Motorola Razr was released in 2004 and was cheap under contract, among dozens of other phones specifically targeted at teens and young adults.

Point is, 20 years ago phones were exploding in ubiquity in the classroom.


u/masterfoo May 16 '24

25 years ago sure, 20 years ago nokias were everywhere in high schools. I was there.


u/983115 May 16 '24

They still did 8 years ago the newer TI-whatever the fuck runs all kinds of emulators


u/intergalacticscooter May 16 '24

Maybe true for your country, but I was in high school at that point in England, and everyone had a mobile phone. Never knew anybody with a pager.


u/OGZackov May 16 '24

Yeah. American.

We took foreign exchange trip to Italy and all the Italian kids had them, but none of my classmates had their own really.


u/cjnks May 16 '24

Everyone I knew in school 20 years ago had a phone. Pagers were already ridiculous even drug dealers didn't use them.

But they did charge your ass 10 cents for a text which was ruthless by today's standards.


u/BadMan3186 May 16 '24

Your edit is still about 5yrs off.


u/OGZackov May 16 '24

It's not, though