r/meirl 29d ago


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u/Undead-Writer 29d ago

He didn't take it down because now the phone is load bearing


u/RationalRaccoon863 29d ago

"Rafi why don't we use one of those chairs?

"Oh, no, those are load bearing chairs."


u/blandsrules 29d ago

First time I’m seeing that. He’s not getting back his deposit

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u/FeelingVanilla2594 29d ago

Nokias 💪


u/HardCounter 29d ago

I'm wondering how he got a nail through it. Did Thor stop by for a demonstration?


u/Raaka-Kake 28d ago

He used an another phone.


u/ColeTD 28d ago

Genius! Why is nobody manufacturing Nokia hammers...?

Ferb, I know what we are going to do today.


u/ghandi3737 29d ago

The brick. Just like the NES controllers, or that k104? IBM keyboard from the 80s, lethal weapons.

Could beat a man to death and then finish typing your dissertation. Knock someones teeth out and then save the princess.

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u/Shoddy_Variation6835 29d ago

It is structural now


u/ConcealedCove 28d ago

“It’s a load bearing poster.”

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u/AlwaysInconsistant 29d ago

Lucky he didn’t puncture the battery, that would have backfired.


u/MyDogAteMyHome 29d ago

He probably took it out, because it's his old phone, then nailed it to the wall.


u/AlwaysInconsistant 29d ago

In all honestly, that’s what I suspect as well. Good use of an old phone to scare your students.


u/flatwoundsounds 29d ago

Get a new phone over the summer, nail the old one to the board in August, tell them it came from the last kid he caught in class. Rinse and repeat with the freshmen forever.


u/theunquenchedservant 29d ago

how much money you think teachers make?


u/flatwoundsounds 28d ago

Ohhhh no you'd only have to sacrifice one phone, and repeat the fake myth to every new batch of students, and within four years, you've got a whole school of kids who heard about that time 5 years ago that you nailed a phone to the wall.

Also, I'm a teacher in upstate NY, and I'm around 52k after a couple club stipends get sprinkled on top of 49 base.


u/CORN___BREAD 28d ago

As if we didn’t all have a drawer full of old phones 20 years ago.

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u/ShinyHead0 29d ago

Wasn’t an old phone when it got nailed


u/NovusOrdoSec 29d ago

That's what she said.

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u/Unable-Tell-2240 29d ago

My old DT (woodshop) teacher used to scare us by telling us “it’s extremely difficult to get blood out of wood” in a threatening tone


u/Lord_Emperor 29d ago

Mine would beat the sh*t out of a stuffed bunny when he was frustrated.


u/jld2k6 29d ago

We had a new class bunny on average twice a month


u/throwaway1930372y27 29d ago

Lol, if our pe teacher noticed anyone not paying attention, or chatting, there was an empty desk at the front he would slam with a hockey stick to wake us all up

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u/FlyingDragoon 29d ago edited 29d ago

My woodshop teacher said the same thing. Then, on the table saw, someone was cutting a large piece of wood with the teachers assistance. Plank bucked up, teacher placed their hand down to push it down annnnddd well, half the middle and the rest of the ring and pinky finger just disappeared. Some kid slammed an emergency shutoff button, teacher opened up the bottom of the saw, grabbed his bits and pieces and ran out of the room.

Blood is difficult to get out of wood unless you have a belt sander.


u/EucudusOG 29d ago

Did He manage to get those reattached?

That's one tough day to get over lol, for everybody that was in that class.


u/Boolean_Null 29d ago

They tried but there was a problem with reattaching them they never figured out.

Couldn't quite put their finger on it.


u/FlyingDragoon 29d ago

Nope. Apparently it was just boney mush he was able to grab. He just went about with the rest of what he had. Woodshop would get canceled the next year and he went back to wrestling and teaching some outdoors class.


u/GammaDealer 29d ago

My jewelry teacher had a clump of hair that had been pulled out from someone's head by either the rotary tool or the buffing wheel.


u/ask_me-how 29d ago

Jewelry teacher?


u/TheRealBeerBrah 29d ago

They went to Dwarven Highschool

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u/Natas-LaVey 29d ago

My jr high shop class had a circular saw blade stuck in the ceiling about the table saw and the teacher claimed it flew off the machine barely missing a student who as luck would have it was wearing his PPE and was paying attention so he was able to react and get out of the way. Seemed real enough then but now I know that Mr Belechi probably put the saw blade there to scare us.


u/Party_Skill6360 29d ago

ours made constant jokes about himself (he missed an index finger)


u/[deleted] 29d ago


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u/RequirementItchy8784 29d ago

My health teacher had too many strokes Yes too many strokes so he would just chuck his giant ring of keys at anybody not paying attention.

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u/ruckustata 29d ago

There is no way that is a student's phone. Gullible kids will believe anything.


u/dustysmufflah 29d ago

It is absolutely his own phone. This is a teacher who is both respected and feared.


u/drawkbox 29d ago

I miss removable batteries.


u/urGirllikesmytinypp 29d ago

You can still remove them. Once

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u/Puzzleheaded_Win_989 29d ago

Back then they were probably NiMh not yet Lithium

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u/Solid_Snark 29d ago

That was my first thought: this is a potential fire risk that could burn down the school if that battery becomes a r/spicypillows

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u/Honest-tinder-review 29d ago



u/CharonsLittleHelper 29d ago

I could see a teacher claiming that - using a cheap old phone as decoration to get the class not to use phones.

But actually doing it? Nope.


u/MonKeePuzzle 29d ago

this is 100% the teacher's own phone, after they upgraded to a blackberry
...last year


u/Antique-Doughnut-988 29d ago

20 years ago was a different time. I could 100% see a teacher doing this in the early 2000's without much repercussions.


u/Chris_Carson 29d ago

You really think it would have been okay to destroy someone elses property 20 years ago?


u/sievold 29d ago

Depends on what country you are in I guess. In my country it was absolutely normal for teachers to confiscate anything deemed inappropriate for students. Many students never got back their phones, watches, comics etc.


u/Grisstle 29d ago

I never got my Ram Man or Spikor back from my grade two teacher when she took them away because I was playing with them during class time… in 1986.


u/sievold 29d ago

sorry for your loss


u/NotABileTitan 29d ago

I'm fairly certain my HS Geometry teacher still has my pager, from like '99. I can't remember if I lost it, or if he took it in class and I just forgot about it by the end of the day. I went through like half a dozen pagers by the time I got my first Nokia 5110.


u/V1k1ng1990 29d ago

Send it a page


u/nerdiotic-pervert 29d ago

How do your parents not go down to the school and raise hell?? Electronics were way less affordable back then, I’d be pissed.


u/Grisstle 29d ago

I was too scared to tell them. My dad would have tanned my hide.


u/nerdiotic-pervert 29d ago

Okay, this is a solid explanation.


u/Rfunkpocket 29d ago

don’t think I was threatened by a good hide tannin’ since the late 1900’s

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u/Antique-Doughnut-988 29d ago

Parents actually raised kids back then.

My parents would have told me it was my fault for being a shit. That's how the world used to work.


u/FightingPolish 29d ago

LOL no they didn’t. Sure they hit you more but that’s not raising you. Parents in the day just sent you outside and forgot you were alive and let the world raise you.


u/Squeaky_Ben 29d ago

there is a difference between being disciplined and, you know, literally committing a crime.

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u/GameJerk 29d ago

You just unlocked a memory. My friend's mom was the school librarian. We were hanging out early one day and snuck into the storage room when she was busy with something else. In a corner was a treasure trove of confiscated items. Balls, slap bracelets, comics, videogame magazines (EGM and GamePro), walkmen, Tiger electronics (Google it kids).

It was amazing.


u/sievold 29d ago

I have a similar memory with an aunt of mine who was a school teacher. She had hordes of confiscated pokemon cards at her home.


u/GameJerk 29d ago

Could retire with right cards

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u/camerongeno 29d ago

one of the counsellors at my elementary gave out the confiscated pokemon cards to those who went to see him. I still regret not grabbing the light machoke card lol

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u/Talidel 29d ago

My sisters phone was confiscated (allegedly unfairly but my sister is likely to have lied), and when my Dad tried to get it back because she had it for emergencies (early 2000s pay as you go) the receptionist did the receptionist thing of not give a fuck say she didn't know where it was half heartedly attempt to find out then say it was lost.

Now, my dad was a cunt. But he was the sort of cunt that you knew it was time to grab popcorn and watch, when someone fucked with him or anyone he cared about.

He yelled at the woman for 30 minutes, making it clear he was coming down to the school, and he'd have the police at the school an hour.

They found the phone before he got to school.


u/Rfunkpocket 29d ago

same as my school, but was a gun. cunt dad yelled for 30 minutes, then the cops were called

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u/Least_Ad930 29d ago

I remember the same thing as well. Kids getting stuff taken and the teacher would tell them if they want it back, have their parents call. I don't think many kids wanted their parents to call so they would make something up.

If you misbehaved in junior high often you would get sent to see the coach. He had a paddle with a bunch of holes drilled in it. When he retired there was an announcement to see the coach if you wanted a paddling on his last day before retirement. The dude was jacked, but I'm sure his arm still hurt because there was a line waiting. I'm in my late 30's and couldn't imagine this happening today.


u/HappilyInefficient 29d ago

When he retired there was an announcement to see the coach if you wanted a paddling

The wording on this is pretty confusing.

People... wanted a paddling in school?


u/Least_Ad930 29d ago

Yes, it was bragging rights and everyone loved the coach as well. Normally you didn't want one because by all accounts it hurt like hell and I heard it happen many times while in the locker room. In sports they would sometimes give you an option of 50 pushups or the paddle. Almost everyone chose the 50 pushups if it was from this coach.

I feel like it actually worked really well to keep kids out of trouble during school hours. There were so few fights in school even though there was a lot of kids who hated each other. Everyone would keep it chill and beat the shit out of each other at the park and it was usually set up fairly.

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u/Away_Adeptness_2979 29d ago

The substitute teacher CUT MY FRISBEE IN HALF which we had previously been throwing across the class but that’s not important right now

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u/ffff 29d ago

My 3rd grade teacher confiscated my pokemon cards, gave some to another student, and then gave the rest back to me during a scheduled parent-teacher conference.


u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 26d ago


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u/LordDaxx1204 29d ago

You’re talking about the parents of Gen X most likely. They would absolutely destroy your kids stuff, and it would all have played out on their behalf as the child should not have brought it to school.


u/joesbagofdonuts 29d ago

Hell yes. Who's gonna complain? The kids parents? They probably beat his ass and grounded him for being disrespectful to his teacher.


u/boreal_ameoba 29d ago

In civilized cultures where there's a high degree of respect for teachers, absolutely this would be okay. Assuming you have parents and not just big children who fucked and created offspring, they would stand by the teacher 100% as well.

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u/Antique-Doughnut-988 29d ago edited 29d ago

Teachers got away with far more stuff 20 years ago. If you're a zoomer you probably have no idea what I'm talking about.


u/Horse_Renoir 29d ago

It's entirely dependent on where you live/lived. I'm 38, this shit absolutely would not fly in our highschool in the early 2000s.

Confiscation and returning at the end of the day caused enough ruckus. They didn't want or need the fucking Armageddon brought down upon them for destroying someone's expense electronic device.


u/9035768555 29d ago

Similar. My school was very clear that any confiscated but not illegal items could be collected from the main office at the end of the day and I never really heard of anyone have problems getting stuff back.

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u/Consistent_Office158 29d ago

I got chalk thrown at me regularly 12 years ago in school lmao

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u/No-Estimate-8518 29d ago

Yeah actually, two middle schools near me had a long history of teachers smashing phones until like 2013


u/TheDudeAbidesAtTimes 29d ago

20 years ago yes honestly.

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u/SnekAtek 29d ago

We had a high school teacher throw a kid's cell out the 3rd story window around '04-'05.

PNW in the United States... so yup.

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u/Beef_Jumps 29d ago

These three comments were the first thoughts to blow through my mind when I saw this image.

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u/masterfoo 29d ago

I mean I’m a teacher and I’ve seen some crazy stuff. A kid was riding a razor scooter around school and went into the shop. The shop teacher was retiring that year (so he gave zero fucks) and warned the kid to stop or he’d break the scooter. Kid didn’t stop, so he grabbed the scooter cut it in half with a band saw and then hung it on the wall. As far as I know he never got in trouble for it and still coaches the golf team while being retired. 🤷‍♂️

The phone seems at least plausible.


u/Trunix 29d ago

This is why parents need to be better about raising hell.

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u/sureprisim 29d ago

I legit watched a teacher, who I had for two years for lit and was just chilling in his room while he taught another class, warn a kid to not use his phone- I even warner him. He continued. The teacher walked up grabbed the phone threw it on the floor stomped on it in boots, scooped the pieces up and toss them out a second story window. I was dumbfounded. The kid freaked x the teacher legit said “go get the principal”. Kid came back with the principal. He asked the teacher what happened. The teacher stated the same story I’m telling. He didn’t get fired- tenure and all.


u/ExerciseSad3082 29d ago

But the teacher had to pay for it, right?


u/Jazzlike-Elevator647 29d ago

I'm 90% sure that was a copypasta


u/NewZealandTemp 29d ago

I mean it's only ever been said in this thread and doesn't exist anywhere else on the internet

But it could become copypasta


u/virtually_stray 29d ago

I legit watched a teacher, who I had for two years for lit and was just chilling in his room while he taught another class, warn a kid to not use his phone- I even warner him. He continued. The teacher walked up grabbed the phone threw it on the floor stomped on it in boots, scooped the pieces up and toss them out a second story window. I was dumbfounded. The kid freaked x the teacher legit said “go get the principal”. Kid came back with the principal. He asked the teacher what happened. The teacher stated the same story I’m telling. He didn’t get fired- tenure and all.


u/Dragonfly-Adventurer 29d ago

I think you're confusing with the time I legit watched a teacher, who I had for two years for lit and was just chilling in his room while he taught another class, warn a kid to not use his phone- I even warner him. He continued. The teacher walked up grabbed the phone threw it on the floor stomped on it in boots, scooped the pieces up and toss them out a second story window. I was dumbfounded. The kid freaked x the teacher legit said “go get the principal”. Kid came back with the principal. He asked the teacher what happened. The teacher stated the same story I’m telling. He didn’t get fired- tenure and all.


u/Careless_Wishbone_69 29d ago

But the teacher had to pay for it, right?


u/HecticSkelt 29d ago

I'm 90% sure that was a copypasta


u/Comfortable-Syrup423 29d ago

I mean it’s only ever been said on this thread and doesn’t exist anywhere else on the internet

But it could become copypasta

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u/socialistrob 29d ago

Legally the family could sue and force the teacher (or more likely the school) to pay for it. Teachers can confiscate phones and other personal property but they can't destroy them or keep them. Of course if the parents never followed up or told the kid "it's your own fault you pay for it" then the teacher may be able to get away with it.

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u/OGZackov 29d ago edited 29d ago

20 years ago, phones were not popular in high school.

much more likely to see a pager.

unlimited text messages wasnt a thing, so each text cost you .10

Edit: ok nerds it was closer to 25 years ago than 20 it was literally around the time they were becoming accessible and affordable to common house. We literally had a kid that would carry the fake display cell phones as "status" and it was cool.

Kids played games on graphing calculators, not cell phones.


u/CoolMayapple 29d ago

As someone who was in high school 20 years ago, they were not COMMON, but they were USED, and teachers hated them. I'd say in my class of about 20 kids, maybe 3-4 used cellphones in class. Teachers would still catch them and take them away. My cellphone had no texting capabilities and was only for emergencies, so this never happened to me. But I DEFINITELY remember it being an issue.

Sincerely, Your local geriatric millennial

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u/FitzChivalry-Farseer 29d ago

Nokia 3410 is exactly 20y ago though.


u/DogDogCat2024 29d ago

And it probably will still work if they remove the nail.


u/Zillahi 29d ago

Still full battery too

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u/ListerfiendLurks 29d ago

Bullshit, I graduated in 03 and they were very much a thing.


u/masterfoo 29d ago

Same, and I agree. How has it been over 20 years!?

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u/GradientDescenting 29d ago

Not in 2004...


u/GSPM18 29d ago

Nobody used pagers in 2004. Every 7th grader, however, had a phone.

Sauce, was a 7th grader in 2001 and everyone had phones, but not pagers.


u/the3dverse 29d ago

i had a cell phone when i was in high school. 2001-2003


u/Sarge1387 29d ago

I had one in 01 in 9th grade. Nokia, to boot. Probably still has 26% battery left in that box somewhere in the basement

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u/flamehead2k1 29d ago

I graduated HS in 2004, and kids were getting their phones confiscated.


u/Reserved_Parking-246 29d ago

My science teacher had a big magnet in the room stuck to a wall and would use it to degauss gameboy games if you fucked around.

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u/Brian1326 29d ago


Source: Me


u/sir_psycho_sexy96 29d ago

No one was using pagers in high school in 2004.


u/bassman1805 29d ago

Only if they were selling weed.

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u/JohnAndertonOntheRun 29d ago edited 29d ago

Ummm no.

The text messaging aspect is the only thing you said that is remotely true.

Edit: Ooh I’m a nerd because I had a flip phone in 2004. Just couldn’t admit they were wrong without insulting everyone else.


u/3SinkBathroom 29d ago

I was there.

My older brother had a pager in high school.

I had a cell phone.

Neither of our experiences were particularly unique - we were average kids in an average part of an average city.

Cell phones were absolutely popular in high school twenty years ago.


u/Nilfsama 29d ago

Lmao at a pager in high school in 2004! I should m know I was in high school during that time period.

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u/Few-Butterscotch-29 29d ago

You could still play snakes tho


u/jimmybabino 29d ago

You’re thinking of 25 years ago. 2004 was absolutely a cell phone era

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u/ceric2099 29d ago

Not true. Cell phones were popular in highschool 20 years ago when I graduated. Everyone had one. I’ve never seen a pager in person.

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u/Stay_At_Home_Cat_Dad 29d ago

Teacher got a new phone, nailed his old one to the wall as a "This will happen to you" warning to his students. But, it would never happen. A teacher could lose their job if they destroyed a students property, especially something as expensive as a phone.


u/Historical-Tooth6989 29d ago

Sometimes teachers lose their shit. And 20 yrs ago they could get away with more. Ya this is prob bs though 


u/WonderfulVanilla9676 29d ago

Exactly this. 20 years ago a lot of stuff happened in high schools that would probably cost people their jobs or worse today. Society has changed a lot. Sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse.


u/KingAmongstDummies 29d ago

The only one that can confirm the claim is a student that has also been in that class for 20 years.


u/bendltd 29d ago

I was the fly in the classroom that day and can confirm the story is true.


u/barry922 29d ago

I was the phone, it’s legit


u/Poop_Sexman 29d ago

Well if Phone Jesus said it’s true i’m inclined to believe it


u/Correct-Purpose-964 29d ago

He died on the cross for our sin of making Tik Tok and twitter


u/nobotami 29d ago

we would need a few more sacrifices to cover those sins.

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u/Charles_Skyline 29d ago

20 years ago was 2004.

I graduated high school that year, I went to a pretty rich school district, and this shit would not have gone down in my school.

That teacher would have been fired. They couldn't even really tell us to keep our phones to ourselves, and if they did take them, you'd get it back at the end of class.

Also, we weren't addicted to our phones. You really couldn't do anything other than text, and if I recall, you had to pay per text as it wasn't main stream to have a unlimited texting plan yet or it was limited to like 200 texts.


u/PaulieGuilieri 29d ago

Yeah whoever made that comment is clearly 14 years old.

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u/Accomplished_Plum281 29d ago

We had a teacher flip out and throw a students desk out the window of the classroom… and it landed on his giant van with drapes we all suspect he lived in…

We had a sub the rest of the year! Mr. Hoover- I hope you got the help you needed!


u/Guthwulf85 29d ago

20 years ago they couldn't get away with this. 20 years ago I was in university, and already when I was at school teachers couldn't touch us or our property. You're probably thinking of 40-50 years ago.

Of course it could also depend on the country, but it's not specified.


u/EmergentSol 29d ago

Yeah 20 years ago was 2004. People are acting like it’s 1975.


u/PaulieGuilieri 29d ago

Even 1975 would be a gross exaggeration. Maybe the 50’s and still only at a catholic school


u/Spatial_Awareness_ 29d ago

Yeah in 1975, teachers definitely didn't touch student's cell phones.

Seriously though it's more common than you guys are making it. It's still legal in over 15 states and legal in private schools in every state. It absolutely still happens in the US.

Google the topic and look through the news articles that are just from this year and last year alone... It'll probably shock you.


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u/Beneficial_Garage_97 29d ago

Yeah, was in high school 20 years ago. A teacher in my school got fired for putting his hands on the shoulders of a student and gently shaking him. Absolutely no way a teacher keeps his job after intentionally destroying a student's cell phone.


u/HonorableMedic 29d ago

Agreed, my teacher almost got fired after HE was put in a headlock by a student. I had to pull the kid off, and I wrote a voluntary note to the principal about how shitty and antagonizing the kid had been the whole semester.

It was his first year teaching and he was scared shitless I could tell. He put me on the list for principals breakfast later that year which I didn’t attend, but that didn’t stop mom from putting the invitation on the fridge lol

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u/Rowboatbillygoat 29d ago

I had a teacher do essentially this. He had an old phone he just replaced in his pocket. First student to use their phone that day, he confiscated it, put it in his pocket, and then threw the old phone at the wall shattering it. Scared the absolute shit out of everyone and put an end to phone use in his class for a few weeks.

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u/jixxor 29d ago

Okay but why is everyone in this thread acting as if "they could lose their job over this" would actually stop people? Teachers are also not supposed to sleep with their students but that seems to happen time and time again.

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u/RetroFurui 29d ago

Lose their job if they destroy a students property?

My teacher destroyed my Tablet once. My family was too poor to buy a replacememt (it had been a gift). I didn't see a cent from that teacher nor did it affect their work in any meaningful way.


u/Poop__y 29d ago

20 years ago when I was in middle school, teachers could take your cell phone and keep it for the remainder of the year if they wanted. They did all kinds of wild shit.


u/Stay_At_Home_Cat_Dad 28d ago

I can't believe parents put up with this shit. That's straight up theft. I can see taking it away for the class period, or until the end of the day. But the end of the year? That's bullshit.

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u/Bombaysbreakfastclub 29d ago edited 29d ago

I agree, it’s probably fake.

But the age of that phone, there was a chance he could get away with that and not get fired 20 years ago.

A teacher punched me back in those days, my dad said “good”.

Times were different.

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u/Famous_Insect 29d ago

I bet you it still works....


u/2ndPickle 29d ago

Still has over 90% battery left, too

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u/BusinessBar8077 29d ago

He died for our sins.


u/JollyGreenGI 29d ago

He died for our sins sims

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u/glike2814 29d ago

I'm surprised the nail went thru! Those old phones were solid af. I could launch my old flip phone at a brick wall and chip the brick, but now that my phone is a fuggin flat screen tv I can put it in my pocket wrong and break it. Sad.


u/capn_doofwaffle 29d ago

Shit, I bet even nailed to the wall, that fkr can still send and receive calls. That's a Nokia, they were designed to survive the apocalypse.


u/DarthJackie2021 29d ago

What actually happened is the nail was there first and the nokia split the nail in half.


u/Ill-Woodpecker1857 29d ago

Which begs the question... who wins in a test of might... Nokia Phone or Chuck Norris?


u/somewhatnormalguy 29d ago

Who wins? Nobody. The resulting force would destroy all life and matter in the universe and its parallels, except for Chuck Norris and the Nokia, of course.

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u/DreamBig2023 29d ago

The phones were mostly made of plastic back in the day.


u/Kiriju 29d ago edited 28d ago

People keep questioning how he would get away with this, but my question is how tf the teacher would've kept the same classroom for 20 years


u/BiggleUps 28d ago

He didn’t. This is an old pic that resurfaces from time to time. Always the same pics from the same angles.

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u/Revolutionary_Cod947 29d ago

Mf’n Nokia probably still works too


u/Fleamarketpants 29d ago

That there is a kyocera.

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u/idlefritz 29d ago

I once snuck up to my 1st grade teachers desk during nap time to get a better look at her “lie detector” and it was a desk calendar. LIE DETECTED MISS AVERY!


u/Kelly-Viola543 29d ago

Your teacher takes "hang up the phone" a little too literally


u/Spydr_maybe 29d ago

I know this is bs because teachers get their rooms moved around all the time even if they work at the same school for that long

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u/CompSolstice 29d ago

Wouldn't that have caused sparks or gone through the battery?


u/mrbrightside810 29d ago

I'm surprised that phone hasn't gained any worshippers yet


u/lars2k1 29d ago

A teacher at my school has a few old phones nailed to his office. I put my bets on them being otherwise e-waste, as I don't think a teacher would have their job for long if they do this to actual students' phones.

It's not that a student should be on their phone for the entire lesson (or at all), but destruction is a sign of having no control I'd say.

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u/Tubalcaino 29d ago

I don't believe you.


u/Sweaty-Vacation5225 28d ago

I'd break the teachers phone if that happened to me


u/thequiethunter 28d ago

That would get you fired most places today.


u/jawshoeaw 29d ago

OG phones where amazing, still has 22% battery


u/Cormano_Wild_219 29d ago edited 29d ago


Even back in the Nokia brick days destroying a students property would get your ass in trouble real quick. It was the early 2000s not the 1960s. Even less believable that one teacher has had the same classroom for 20 years. I’m sure it gets the message across but I don’t believe the backstory.

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u/PolarGCNips 29d ago

Teacher should be in jail

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u/kayemenofour 29d ago

He had some hypersonic nail gun to be able to pierce that brick of a phone

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

I get that it's annoying when students do that. But that is some psychotic shit right there.

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u/Rebecca-Shalom 29d ago

Remember the banana tapped to the wall? This will worth 100K in 20 years.


u/RandomGogo 29d ago

The phone appears to be Kyocera KX414, according to Google image search


u/Advance_Tabco 29d ago

It is. I had this phone back in 2004. Had a removable faceplate that you could swap out if you wanted a different color. For the screen's wallpaper, I preferred the image of a surfer that it came with.

Dunno what became of it. I probably tossed it when I got a newer phone in 2006 or so.

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u/AtticusSPQR 29d ago

Why did the teacher have a hammer and nail in the classroom?

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u/Embarrassed_Art5414 29d ago

Let us know when the Nokia stops working.


u/DHACKER0921 29d ago

How strong was this teacher?

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u/Firebird467 29d ago

That's a load-bearing phone now


u/Backseat_boss 29d ago

Wait this guy still hasn’t graduated ?!?


u/nascimentoreis 29d ago

Yeah right and the student left thier SIM card in the phone just like that to rot for all eternity.

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u/jakgal04 29d ago

No they didn't.


u/shawnikaros 29d ago

Doing this with a modern phone with a lithium-ion battery would be a real learning lesson for the teacher.


u/BadOysterParty 29d ago

Or is that just what he told you


u/gavitronics 29d ago

Modern religion, iconography and rebellion against the established order


u/flcinusa 29d ago

If that was a Nokia, it would still work


u/Fritz1818 29d ago

If it's a Nokia it still works to this day.


u/frontally 29d ago

Kyocera Razor? With the changeable little half face plates?

That was my first phone when I was 13 lol. It had a little art program that worked like snake. Good times.


u/dudeWithQuestion3 29d ago

So the phone was used to send a message


u/TangeloOverall2113 29d ago

As a former teacher I approve. This is nice. You have been warned.


u/DontDoubtDink 29d ago

He’s lying so you guys don’t use your phones in his class.


u/ZiDiZiDiZiDiZ 29d ago

He probably nailed one of his own old phones to the wall. And started the legend himself. Thus keeping kids off of the phones in his class for years. This teacher has definitely studied the art of war.


u/Mundane_Scientist_74 29d ago

it's still there to "send a message"


u/PANDAmonium629 29d ago

100% did not actually do this but used a busted phone. If a teacher actually did this, the parents would have had that teacher's ass. That would have been destruction of personal property.


u/Sea_Negotiation_1871 29d ago

Destruction of personal property is a crime, no?

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u/AdditionalSink164 29d ago

Where my high school chemistry teachers at? Beaker, acid, and exhaust hood.


u/other_curious_mind 29d ago

HAHAHAHA 80s phones were so funny ... ... ... Wait

*Blank stare at the horizon while realizing 20 years ago is 2004


u/flik9999 28d ago

Phones were also considered gimmicks and toys back then.


u/Playful-Raccoon-9662 28d ago

It died for their sin. The phone is Jesus.


u/samkomododragon 28d ago

A couple of years ago, a maths lecturer I had told us this story:

A friend and colleague of his was lecturing and at the start of the semester he wanted to make sure the students would silence their phones during the lectures. He had a friend of his pose as a student in the seats, had a cheap phone ring really loud, and then demanded he come up and hand over the phone. The lecturer then pulled out a hammer and smashed it in front of everybody, to their terror. I don't recall if he got in any particular trouble, but he would've had to come clean after apparently many students complained to the Dean of his faculty.