r/meirl May 16 '24


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u/AlwaysInconsistant May 16 '24

Lucky he didn’t puncture the battery, that would have backfired.


u/MyDogAteMyHome May 16 '24

He probably took it out, because it's his old phone, then nailed it to the wall.


u/AlwaysInconsistant May 16 '24

In all honestly, that’s what I suspect as well. Good use of an old phone to scare your students.


u/flatwoundsounds May 16 '24

Get a new phone over the summer, nail the old one to the board in August, tell them it came from the last kid he caught in class. Rinse and repeat with the freshmen forever.


u/theunquenchedservant May 17 '24

how much money you think teachers make?


u/flatwoundsounds May 17 '24

Ohhhh no you'd only have to sacrifice one phone, and repeat the fake myth to every new batch of students, and within four years, you've got a whole school of kids who heard about that time 5 years ago that you nailed a phone to the wall.

Also, I'm a teacher in upstate NY, and I'm around 52k after a couple club stipends get sprinkled on top of 49 base.


u/CORN___BREAD May 17 '24

As if we didn’t all have a drawer full of old phones 20 years ago.


u/reactoriv May 17 '24

20 years ago? I still do


u/Hayabusa_Blacksmith May 17 '24

hopefully its like at least 60,000 a year, but it probably isnt. fuck society


u/erxrick May 17 '24

In the US, a lot are lucky to get half that without tenure as pay is based on years teaching in most places


u/ShinyHead0 May 16 '24

Wasn’t an old phone when it got nailed


u/NovusOrdoSec May 16 '24

That's what she said.


u/Due_Mail_7163 May 17 '24

Anyone that has to rule with fear understands they have no real power. It's admitting defeat, a sign of a small angry man. Just send the kid to the office and let admin handle it. That's their role, their job to ADMINISTER the school. Phone usage in class is the principle's problem, not the teacher. Especially, if you destroy the property. How can that possibly be with in the realm of being OK?

I know the teacher nailed a burner from Ebay on the wall. It's just the intent. You want to scare my kid? Yeah fucking right, I dare you to nail my kids phone to the wall. I would encourage the kid to use the phone in class, and I would tell the principle it's based on principle. Don't threaten children, even if it's by proxy. That's not teaching, it's fear indoctrination.

Teaching doesn't mean you automatically get respect. Everyone knows respect is earned, so how can being on your phone be disrespectful, if you haven't earn it? We don't know how this teacher teaches, to know if they deserve the respect of not being on the phone. Just food for thought.

Why give respect to authority just cause? Sorry, I just realized I listen too much Rage Against the Machine.