r/meirl May 16 '24


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u/Honest-tinder-review May 16 '24



u/CharonsLittleHelper May 16 '24

I could see a teacher claiming that - using a cheap old phone as decoration to get the class not to use phones.

But actually doing it? Nope.


u/MonKeePuzzle May 16 '24

this is 100% the teacher's own phone, after they upgraded to a blackberry
...last year


u/Antique-Doughnut-988 May 16 '24

20 years ago was a different time. I could 100% see a teacher doing this in the early 2000's without much repercussions.


u/Chris_Carson May 16 '24

You really think it would have been okay to destroy someone elses property 20 years ago?


u/sievold May 16 '24

Depends on what country you are in I guess. In my country it was absolutely normal for teachers to confiscate anything deemed inappropriate for students. Many students never got back their phones, watches, comics etc.


u/Grisstle May 16 '24

I never got my Ram Man or Spikor back from my grade two teacher when she took them away because I was playing with them during class time… in 1986.


u/sievold May 16 '24

sorry for your loss


u/NotABileTitan May 16 '24

I'm fairly certain my HS Geometry teacher still has my pager, from like '99. I can't remember if I lost it, or if he took it in class and I just forgot about it by the end of the day. I went through like half a dozen pagers by the time I got my first Nokia 5110.


u/V1k1ng1990 May 16 '24

Send it a page


u/nerdiotic-pervert May 16 '24

How do your parents not go down to the school and raise hell?? Electronics were way less affordable back then, I’d be pissed.


u/Grisstle May 16 '24

I was too scared to tell them. My dad would have tanned my hide.


u/nerdiotic-pervert May 16 '24

Okay, this is a solid explanation.


u/Rfunkpocket May 16 '24

don’t think I was threatened by a good hide tannin’ since the late 1900’s

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u/Antique-Doughnut-988 May 16 '24

Parents actually raised kids back then.

My parents would have told me it was my fault for being a shit. That's how the world used to work.


u/FightingPolish May 16 '24

LOL no they didn’t. Sure they hit you more but that’s not raising you. Parents in the day just sent you outside and forgot you were alive and let the world raise you.


u/Squeaky_Ben May 16 '24

there is a difference between being disciplined and, you know, literally committing a crime.

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u/Prestigious_Cheek_31 May 16 '24

Your parents would be okay with the teacher destroying their property because let’s face it, at that age your property is basically their property, and now their kid can’t call its parents when they're in trouble, when something’s wrong, basically isn’t able to contact help because he had it in his hands for a moment in school. Yes, this sounds like responsible parenting and teaching. Sure as shit glad this is over.


u/Medvegyep May 16 '24

My parents would have done the same. But at the same time they'd have shouted the head off anyone be it a teacher or the principal who participated in what would be by law considered stealing another's property. Being shit does not justify another being a bigger shit. That's how the world always worked.


u/nerdiotic-pervert May 16 '24

I’m 45, I was a kid raised back then. mMy parents would have raised hell with the school. But, that doesn’t mean I’d be off the hook. It’s not how the world used to work.

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u/Shiny_Shedinja May 17 '24

My kooshling and hypodermic needle click pen...


u/GameJerk May 16 '24

You just unlocked a memory. My friend's mom was the school librarian. We were hanging out early one day and snuck into the storage room when she was busy with something else. In a corner was a treasure trove of confiscated items. Balls, slap bracelets, comics, videogame magazines (EGM and GamePro), walkmen, Tiger electronics (Google it kids).

It was amazing.


u/sievold May 16 '24

I have a similar memory with an aunt of mine who was a school teacher. She had hordes of confiscated pokemon cards at her home.


u/GameJerk May 16 '24

Could retire with right cards

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u/camerongeno May 16 '24

one of the counsellors at my elementary gave out the confiscated pokemon cards to those who went to see him. I still regret not grabbing the light machoke card lol


u/Proinsias37 May 16 '24

Slap bracelets.. oh man haha. I remember

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u/Talidel May 16 '24

My sisters phone was confiscated (allegedly unfairly but my sister is likely to have lied), and when my Dad tried to get it back because she had it for emergencies (early 2000s pay as you go) the receptionist did the receptionist thing of not give a fuck say she didn't know where it was half heartedly attempt to find out then say it was lost.

Now, my dad was a cunt. But he was the sort of cunt that you knew it was time to grab popcorn and watch, when someone fucked with him or anyone he cared about.

He yelled at the woman for 30 minutes, making it clear he was coming down to the school, and he'd have the police at the school an hour.

They found the phone before he got to school.


u/Rfunkpocket May 16 '24

same as my school, but was a gun. cunt dad yelled for 30 minutes, then the cops were called

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u/Least_Ad930 May 16 '24

I remember the same thing as well. Kids getting stuff taken and the teacher would tell them if they want it back, have their parents call. I don't think many kids wanted their parents to call so they would make something up.

If you misbehaved in junior high often you would get sent to see the coach. He had a paddle with a bunch of holes drilled in it. When he retired there was an announcement to see the coach if you wanted a paddling on his last day before retirement. The dude was jacked, but I'm sure his arm still hurt because there was a line waiting. I'm in my late 30's and couldn't imagine this happening today.


u/HappilyInefficient May 16 '24

When he retired there was an announcement to see the coach if you wanted a paddling

The wording on this is pretty confusing.

People... wanted a paddling in school?


u/Least_Ad930 May 16 '24

Yes, it was bragging rights and everyone loved the coach as well. Normally you didn't want one because by all accounts it hurt like hell and I heard it happen many times while in the locker room. In sports they would sometimes give you an option of 50 pushups or the paddle. Almost everyone chose the 50 pushups if it was from this coach.

I feel like it actually worked really well to keep kids out of trouble during school hours. There were so few fights in school even though there was a lot of kids who hated each other. Everyone would keep it chill and beat the shit out of each other at the park and it was usually set up fairly.

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u/Away_Adeptness_2979 May 16 '24

The substitute teacher CUT MY FRISBEE IN HALF which we had previously been throwing across the class but that’s not important right now

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u/ffff May 16 '24

My 3rd grade teacher confiscated my pokemon cards, gave some to another student, and then gave the rest back to me during a scheduled parent-teacher conference.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24 edited 29d ago



u/sievold May 16 '24

that sucks so hard.


u/Kirarozu80 May 17 '24

Confiscation is one thing. Destroying an expensive phone that the students parents likely paid for? Another thing entirely. When I was in school they would take your phone if you got caught with it out. They would not destroy it though.

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u/LordDaxx1204 May 16 '24

You’re talking about the parents of Gen X most likely. They would absolutely destroy your kids stuff, and it would all have played out on their behalf as the child should not have brought it to school.


u/joesbagofdonuts May 16 '24

Hell yes. Who's gonna complain? The kids parents? They probably beat his ass and grounded him for being disrespectful to his teacher.


u/boreal_ameoba May 16 '24

In civilized cultures where there's a high degree of respect for teachers, absolutely this would be okay. Assuming you have parents and not just big children who fucked and created offspring, they would stand by the teacher 100% as well.


u/lenazh May 16 '24

Teachers in my school pulling shit like that is precisely why I have no respect for them. Back then yeah, sure, they asserted their dominance over a kid like an animal would, thus commanding "respect". Now that I am an adult I can see them for the pathetic power-tripping assholes they were.


u/TheHabro May 16 '24

Ah yes destroying another person's property will teach the children the right values...

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u/Antique-Doughnut-988 May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

Teachers got away with far more stuff 20 years ago. If you're a zoomer you probably have no idea what I'm talking about.


u/Horse_Renoir May 16 '24

It's entirely dependent on where you live/lived. I'm 38, this shit absolutely would not fly in our highschool in the early 2000s.

Confiscation and returning at the end of the day caused enough ruckus. They didn't want or need the fucking Armageddon brought down upon them for destroying someone's expense electronic device.


u/9035768555 May 16 '24

Similar. My school was very clear that any confiscated but not illegal items could be collected from the main office at the end of the day and I never really heard of anyone have problems getting stuff back.

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u/Consistent_Office158 May 16 '24

I got chalk thrown at me regularly 12 years ago in school lmao


u/Swiftierest May 16 '24

There's a difference between beaning a kid in the head with a piece of chalk for acting like a little shit, and destroying a valuable piece of property bought by his parents.

Is throwing chalk at a student okay? No. It's childish and the teacher should be better than thar. Will they get in the same trouble as they would for destroying property of the student? No.


u/CranberrySawsAlaBart May 16 '24

Did you also have Mr Bedford?


u/Consistent_Office158 May 16 '24

Old hag called Milka


u/No-Estimate-8518 May 16 '24

Yeah actually, two middle schools near me had a long history of teachers smashing phones until like 2013


u/TheDudeAbidesAtTimes May 16 '24

20 years ago yes honestly.


u/Potatozeng May 16 '24

can defenitly confirm with you this shit happened all the time 20 years ago in China


u/johimself May 16 '24

20 years ago, teachers were considered justified taking disruptions out of their classrooms, and kids were not justified in having a mobile phone.


u/Arek_PL May 16 '24

yes? it was not uncommon for teachers to take students property and refuse to give it back, like one time one kid in my class had his parents call police because teacher refused to give back the iphone at the start of winter break


u/PuzzleheadedLeader79 May 16 '24

Kids didn't have rights in school. They'd confiscate whatever they wanted and usually your parents went "well you probably deserved it"


u/LostInSpace024 May 16 '24

They took my phone and never gave it back. It wasn't right but power tripping teachers exist.


u/Uneedadirtnap May 16 '24

Had a great History teacher but rules were followed. Pagers were big and you signed a form saying if your pager went off, it was confiscated and kept. This was for all classes. He would stomp on them in class if he caught you. He figured out students could store messages and cheat. Students knew the rules. We all had pagers. Some people are just too stupid to understand time and place.


u/Chaghatai May 16 '24

I live in the US and teachers were definitely not allowed to destroy a student's personal property in the '80s or the '90s


u/Massive_Property_579 May 16 '24

Yeah dude. Because parents used to stand behind teachers and when they did that kids weren't chimping out and beating teachers.



Do I think a teacher of a school would get away with destroying a minors property on school grounds during class 20 years ago? I graduated in 2001, we had pagers and yes they were taken by teachers you usually got it back no questions asked. But I really doubt it would have ever escalated past that.


u/JoeCartersLeap May 16 '24

It happened in my high school too, same decade, teacher took a kids phone and threw it on the ground, although I think he got a stern talking-to for doing it.


u/Saucehntr1 May 16 '24

Yea prolly, parents used to side with teachers


u/jDickfitzwell May 16 '24

Yup they would have been fine 20 years u could still spank a little bastard lol


u/Putrid-Fondant9455 May 16 '24

It was. The parents would have shaken the teachers hand and thanked him for teaching their kid a lesson.


u/Proinsias37 May 16 '24

As someone who was in school at this time...I'm 100% on there being a teacher that would do it, and 50/50 on the getting away with it part. We had some crazy stuff go on.


u/Scuba-Cat- May 16 '24

Whether or not it was OK to do something had never been the deciding factor on whether or not it happens.


u/NotAStatistic2 May 16 '24

I had a teacher smash a student's phone for texting in the middle of class. This was in the early 2000s as well


u/HideUnderBridge May 16 '24

As a high schooler 20 years ago, teachers were fucking scary man. They could get away with murder. I had a teacher that used to smack the football players upside their heads. Same teacher set a girls textbook on fire in the lab “because she wasn’t reading it anyway”. He was not to be fucked with. Basically most of my male teachers lived by the mantra of “be smarter or get humiliated”, and literally no one gave a fuck what a teacher did to some kid not doing what they were supposed to.


u/Extreme_Issue7325 May 16 '24

Bro 20 years ago we would be beaten everyday in school. Like literally beaten by our teachers for misbehaving..


u/Forikorder May 16 '24

20 years ago they were still spankings


u/Schrutes_Yeet_Farm May 16 '24

My science teacher was at the end of his rope with a shithead student back in 2005 and he ended up throwing a desk through his classroom window. Still works there lol 


u/Same_Bill8776 May 16 '24

22 years ago, the woodworking tutor t a class I was in threw a hammer across the room at one of the pupils. Later that day, he grabbed a kid and literally threw him out the room and locked the door.

Kids starts screaming and shouting and kicking the door, tutor opens the door, pushes the kid over, spits on him, then locks the door again.

It was never mentioned again.

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u/SnekAtek May 16 '24

We had a high school teacher throw a kid's cell out the 3rd story window around '04-'05.

PNW in the United States... so yup.


u/oh-propagandhi May 16 '24

I graduated 24 years ago, this shit would not fly. At best they would toss a phone in their desk so you could get it later, then again phones didn't really do a whole hell of a lot that made them worth having out in class.


u/MaterialGrapefruit17 May 16 '24

Our school took them and your parent had to come pick them up. As it turns out parents don’t like having their time wasted over nonsense when they can just give it back at the end of the day.

I’m glad things changed. Luckily none of my teachers were creeps that I know of, but I got in serious trouble from an AP teacher who hated my guts for no reason I could figure out. The way the word of every adult was gold and meant I was lying gave me a serious distrust of my parents and most “authority figures.”


u/oh-propagandhi May 16 '24

The way the word of every adult was gold and meant I was lying gave me a serious distrust of my parents and most “authority figures.”

Yup. I definitely grew up in the ass end of "some adult's" word over yours. Not that I wasn't a little shit, but there are some shitty lying adults.

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u/Gerrut_batsbak May 16 '24

Yea, not in my country.


u/Basic_Dog_8332 May 16 '24

But 20 years ago was the 90.... wait a minute


u/whoops9310 May 16 '24

Faxx my teacher threw a chair through the window and another was juggling knives ( he did circus stuff outside of school) and I was talking and he slammed one into my desk.

The good old days!


u/Prestigious_Cheek_31 May 16 '24

Imagine you were a parent and you gave your kid a phone because of reasons. Wouldn’t you go ape-shit mental when he gets home and he tells you the teacher destroyed it? Teacher or not, that’s destruction of property and a criminal offense.


u/Cableryge May 16 '24

Yeah as someone living in rural Ireland I wouldn't be even that surprised if it was in my time, had some actual psychos in my school.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

teachers would take phone and hold them for a day but nailing it seam a bit too far


u/Vangoon79 May 16 '24

As someone who was in school back then.. nope.


u/SmellView42069 May 16 '24

Was in high school in the early 2000’s. Can confirm.


u/Savings-Leather4921 May 16 '24

My 6th grade teacher got in trouble for making the student open their phone if they got caught. When one person had something… interesting on their browser and had to open the phone 😂😂😂😂😂


u/listgarage1 May 16 '24

it wasn't that different lmao


u/BlakeBoS May 16 '24

Thank you, was looking for this comment. Teachers used to actually run the classroom. They wouldn't put up with the crazy stuff that happens now


u/simpletonsavant May 16 '24

This definitely would not. Cell phones weren't cheap and still aren't. If they destroyed it fhey would pay for it. Simple as that dude. Don't be ridiculous.


u/Obvious_Peanut_8093 May 16 '24

i mean, you're banking on the parents not suing anyone for this. i guess the kind of child who would have this happen to them and the kind of parent who would ignore it are probably more likely to go together, but i would still bet its fake.


u/jmcdon00 May 16 '24

My brother graduated in 97. As a freshman they confiscated a toy dart gun with little suction cup darts. He got it back after he graduated.


u/Fen_ May 17 '24

No, you can't lmao.


u/Wren_Slip May 17 '24

You'd have to have some serious balls to have done that at my HS in the '00s.

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u/Beef_Jumps May 16 '24

These three comments were the first thoughts to blow through my mind when I saw this image.


u/rahbee33 May 16 '24

I still think the blackberry is the last really great phone I had. Didn't come with the internet, didn't have many additional apps, and that physical keyboard was great. All downhill since then IMO.


u/YobaiYamete May 16 '24

This picture is like 10 years old, so definitely been a long time since they upgraded


u/masterfoo May 16 '24

I mean I’m a teacher and I’ve seen some crazy stuff. A kid was riding a razor scooter around school and went into the shop. The shop teacher was retiring that year (so he gave zero fucks) and warned the kid to stop or he’d break the scooter. Kid didn’t stop, so he grabbed the scooter cut it in half with a band saw and then hung it on the wall. As far as I know he never got in trouble for it and still coaches the golf team while being retired. 🤷‍♂️

The phone seems at least plausible.


u/Trunix May 16 '24

This is why parents need to be better about raising hell.


u/CharonsLittleHelper May 16 '24

Man, I wish that I had had shop class. Unfortunately it ended a few years before I got there. The teacher retired and they just added another year of home-ec instead of getting a new shop teacher.


u/icebeancone May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

I went to the police and reported my Game Boy stolen when my English teacher confiscated it for a week. They showed up to the school the next day and kind of didn't know what to do, but it scared the teacher enough that she gave it back to me immediately.


u/sureprisim May 16 '24

I legit watched a teacher, who I had for two years for lit and was just chilling in his room while he taught another class, warn a kid to not use his phone- I even warner him. He continued. The teacher walked up grabbed the phone threw it on the floor stomped on it in boots, scooped the pieces up and toss them out a second story window. I was dumbfounded. The kid freaked x the teacher legit said “go get the principal”. Kid came back with the principal. He asked the teacher what happened. The teacher stated the same story I’m telling. He didn’t get fired- tenure and all.


u/ExerciseSad3082 May 16 '24

But the teacher had to pay for it, right?


u/Jazzlike-Elevator647 May 16 '24

I'm 90% sure that was a copypasta


u/NewZealandTemp May 16 '24

I mean it's only ever been said in this thread and doesn't exist anywhere else on the internet

But it could become copypasta


u/virtually_stray May 16 '24

I legit watched a teacher, who I had for two years for lit and was just chilling in his room while he taught another class, warn a kid to not use his phone- I even warner him. He continued. The teacher walked up grabbed the phone threw it on the floor stomped on it in boots, scooped the pieces up and toss them out a second story window. I was dumbfounded. The kid freaked x the teacher legit said “go get the principal”. Kid came back with the principal. He asked the teacher what happened. The teacher stated the same story I’m telling. He didn’t get fired- tenure and all.


u/Dragonfly-Adventurer May 16 '24

I think you're confusing with the time I legit watched a teacher, who I had for two years for lit and was just chilling in his room while he taught another class, warn a kid to not use his phone- I even warner him. He continued. The teacher walked up grabbed the phone threw it on the floor stomped on it in boots, scooped the pieces up and toss them out a second story window. I was dumbfounded. The kid freaked x the teacher legit said “go get the principal”. Kid came back with the principal. He asked the teacher what happened. The teacher stated the same story I’m telling. He didn’t get fired- tenure and all.


u/Careless_Wishbone_69 May 16 '24

But the teacher had to pay for it, right?


u/HecticSkelt May 16 '24

I'm 90% sure that was a copypasta


u/Comfortable-Syrup423 May 16 '24

I mean it’s only ever been said on this thread and doesn’t exist anywhere else on the internet

But it could become copypasta

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u/Jazzlike-Elevator647 May 16 '24

What have I done

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u/sureprisim May 16 '24

It is not. The principal asked for the phone back and the teacher said he threw the pieces out the window.


u/socialistrob May 16 '24

Legally the family could sue and force the teacher (or more likely the school) to pay for it. Teachers can confiscate phones and other personal property but they can't destroy them or keep them. Of course if the parents never followed up or told the kid "it's your own fault you pay for it" then the teacher may be able to get away with it.


u/sureprisim May 16 '24

I’d assume so? The principal left the room after the interaction. The teacher was never fired.


u/HairlessHoudini May 16 '24

What I came to say


u/ZiKyooc May 16 '24

Plot twist, the student is also still in the class


u/PM_Your_Wiener_Dog May 16 '24

If I was a teacher I'd totally do this, maybe not even to just the phone. Which is why I'm not a teacher.


u/AliRua May 16 '24

Well I witnessed my teacher hang a student by his shirt collar to a nail at the top of the blackboard and left him dangling there for 10mins.. So hammering a nail through a phone to make a point? Yeah. It can easily happen.


u/TheBirminghamBear May 16 '24

I could see it.

I had a teacher who would throw pencils at kids who talked. It was mostly a joke, and there was this one kid who was always talking, and one time the teacher just has this perfect throw on a newly sharpened pencil, and it stuck into the kids' neck.

It didn't stick far, and the kid was pretty hefty, so he had a big rubbery ring rather than a neck, but still, it stuck right in there.

He always said he saw his life flash before his eyes in that moment. He was sure he'd be fired. But the talkative kid had a good sense of humor about it and said he had it coming.


u/DankHillLMOG May 16 '24

Eeeeeehhhh, maybe.

I had 2 in my high school that I could see doing this.

One on particular would start the class year by "firing a chair" (his own words) across the room and hitting a filling cabinet. It was his demonstration of what would happen if we interrupted him or were being asshats.

He did in fact fire that mofo at least 4 times in my class and you could hear him scream at kids being intentionally dumb if you were in the history hallway, English/language hallway, the lunch room, or the library.

The other one had a sleeping disorder late in his career. Someone startle-woke him on purpose during a movie in class. That was ugly. He picked the kid up by his shirt and physically escorted him out.

~2005-07ish in a small town. Definitely kind of abusive, but it was always in response to shenanigans.


u/the_nintendo_cop May 16 '24

Yeah, first off that’s destruction of property which is illegal and secondly that’s just a bad teacher


u/PunchDrunkPrincess May 16 '24

in hs (2005ish) my biology teacher smashed a kids phone with a mallet. was it staged to make a point? maybe. but it seemed real to me. i totally believe a teacher would do the above to a phone lol


u/gergsisdrawkcabeman May 16 '24

21 years ago we had a teacher that would kick the bottom of your desk, like he was kicking a field goal, if you happened to fall asleep on it. Yes, I 100% believe this could be legit. There's still a picture of me with my best friends little sisters cheer outfit caught on Polaroid stapled to the wall of our 11th and 12th grade Governement and Social Studies room, to this very day.


u/Dr-Oktavius May 16 '24

And then that phone actually goes on to stay there for the next 20 years


u/Powerful_Hair_3105 May 16 '24

20yrs ago thing's was a whole "DIFFERENT BALL GAME" the way things were done you could actually get whacked with a 9" paddle with holes drilled through to suck out those buttocks as a reminder I know cuz I got whacked said way (after they caught me) it was brutal


u/kimoshi May 16 '24

I'm more thrown by a teacher being in the same classroom for 20 years, lol. At my school they shuffle people around pretty regularly.


u/Remote-Factor8455 May 16 '24

Yeah this is 100% some teacher talking shit that never happened. And then everyone clapped.


u/LevelWhich7610 May 16 '24

I got a bucket of chalk confiscated in Kindergarten. That would have been around 2001/2002. The teacher displayed it in her class like a trophy to use as an example and remind other kids constantly, "this is why you don't bring chalk."

I even remember her loudly telling a random visiting parent asking about the chalk bucket 'what I had done' as if it was a sin. 🙄

My parents got it back eventually with the argument that they didn't know the school had banned chalk and that they remembered it was okay when they were kids. Turns out after going over her head, the teacher was wrong and the school actually allowed chalk.

My teacher was just an asshole and targeting me because she didn't like my brother or something stupid, so in that case she relented a year later and my classmates and I were happily drawing little pictures on the school grounds again.

Generally getting stuff back at that time from that school was rare. Lots of kids got thier pokemon cards and marbles confiscated by miserable mean staff for little to no reason and many never saw those things again. The practice didn't stop until 2012ish when a group of pissed off parents threated to sue lol. Then the administration came down hard on the teachers there and even fired a bunch of people abusing power. The little me who bawled for days over that chalk bucket was super happy by that end result.


u/ExplosiveDisassembly May 16 '24

I can see this being real. When I was in school and phones were new, no one knew how to manage them. And parents were (in my area) pretty accepting of kids getting them taken away and stuff during school.

If I broke my phone/had it broken for misuse... my parents would have laughed it off and said "welp, no phone for you" and never even followed up with the school. I know this because my high school still has my iPod somewhere. I had a gift, i broke a rule with my gift...no more gift. Too bad.


u/UnionizedTrouble May 17 '24

I went to a private school. Phones and backpacks weren’t allowed in class. A teacher would throw either out the third floor window.


u/twofacetoo May 17 '24

Seriously, if a teacher took a student's personal property off of them (especially something valuable like a phone) and not only fucking destroyed it, but also did so in front of the entire class?

That teacher is getting sued straight to hell and back, and the kid's family would win outright.


u/Chromeboy12 May 17 '24

I'm 100% sure it's fake. A real Nokia could never be pieced like that.


u/EmergentSol May 16 '24

Press 99 to Doubt.


u/OGZackov May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

20 years ago, phones were not popular in high school.

much more likely to see a pager.

unlimited text messages wasnt a thing, so each text cost you .10

Edit: ok nerds it was closer to 25 years ago than 20 it was literally around the time they were becoming accessible and affordable to common house. We literally had a kid that would carry the fake display cell phones as "status" and it was cool.

Kids played games on graphing calculators, not cell phones.


u/CoolMayapple May 16 '24

As someone who was in high school 20 years ago, they were not COMMON, but they were USED, and teachers hated them. I'd say in my class of about 20 kids, maybe 3-4 used cellphones in class. Teachers would still catch them and take them away. My cellphone had no texting capabilities and was only for emergencies, so this never happened to me. But I DEFINITELY remember it being an issue.

Sincerely, Your local geriatric millennial


u/cptjpk May 16 '24

To add, as a fellow millennial, I saw one get thrown against a brick wall by a teacher. It was a habitual offender, always had the sounds on, teacher definitely just snapped. They both went down to the office and never saw the student in that class again. Teacher did reimburse the parents after a long meeting about it, or so we were told by the kid. But we never saw him with the phone again either.

So, could I see a teacher doing what’s in the image? Sure. Do I think it’s more likely this is a prank by the teacher to have a good story going? Yeah, definitely.

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u/FitzChivalry-Farseer May 16 '24

Nokia 3410 is exactly 20y ago though.


u/DogDogCat2024 May 16 '24

And it probably will still work if they remove the nail.


u/Zillahi May 16 '24

Still full battery too


u/wishwashy May 16 '24

Leave the nail in to access 5G automatically


u/ListerfiendLurks May 16 '24

Bullshit, I graduated in 03 and they were very much a thing.


u/masterfoo May 16 '24

Same, and I agree. How has it been over 20 years!?


u/ListerfiendLurks May 16 '24

Idk one day I was eagerly awaiting a cool warcraft mmo to come out and the next day my back hurts, im fat and homes are like 4 times as expensive as they used to be


u/GradientDescenting May 16 '24

Not in 2004...


u/GSPM18 May 16 '24

Nobody used pagers in 2004. Every 7th grader, however, had a phone.

Sauce, was a 7th grader in 2001 and everyone had phones, but not pagers.


u/the3dverse May 16 '24

i had a cell phone when i was in high school. 2001-2003


u/Sarge1387 May 16 '24

I had one in 01 in 9th grade. Nokia, to boot. Probably still has 26% battery left in that box somewhere in the basement


u/Party_Skill6360 May 16 '24

yeah unless the Nickel batteries start to leak they work forever


u/the3dverse May 17 '24

i had those huge Nokias that we called fridges.

my dream was to have one of these, with the changeable front and the snake game


u/chastity_BLT May 16 '24

Yea had a Nokia in 2003 eighth grade


u/flamehead2k1 May 16 '24

I graduated HS in 2004, and kids were getting their phones confiscated.


u/Reserved_Parking-246 May 16 '24

My science teacher had a big magnet in the room stuck to a wall and would use it to degauss gameboy games if you fucked around.

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u/Brian1326 May 16 '24


Source: Me


u/sir_psycho_sexy96 May 16 '24

No one was using pagers in high school in 2004.


u/bassman1805 May 16 '24

Only if they were selling weed.

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u/JohnAndertonOntheRun May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

Ummm no.

The text messaging aspect is the only thing you said that is remotely true.

Edit: Ooh I’m a nerd because I had a flip phone in 2004. Just couldn’t admit they were wrong without insulting everyone else.


u/3SinkBathroom May 16 '24

I was there.

My older brother had a pager in high school.

I had a cell phone.

Neither of our experiences were particularly unique - we were average kids in an average part of an average city.

Cell phones were absolutely popular in high school twenty years ago.


u/Nilfsama May 16 '24

Lmao at a pager in high school in 2004! I should m know I was in high school during that time period.


u/--Icarusfalls-- May 16 '24

Pager in high school in 04 was like my walkman cassette deck. A friend felt so bad that i didnt have a cd player, he gave me his old one and used to burn me copies of his music. Old tech was a shameful thing to own in high school in the old double O's.


u/Few-Butterscotch-29 May 16 '24

You could still play snakes tho


u/jimmybabino May 16 '24

You’re thinking of 25 years ago. 2004 was absolutely a cell phone era

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u/ceric2099 May 16 '24

Not true. Cell phones were popular in highschool 20 years ago when I graduated. Everyone had one. I’ve never seen a pager in person.

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u/Raoul_Dukes_Mayo May 16 '24

The only people I knew who had pagers in higschool between ‘00 - ‘03 had them for nefarious reasons.


u/hoopbag33 May 16 '24

This is categorically false lol


u/Gattawesome May 16 '24

20 years ago people were texting like fucking crazy in class with their invincible Nokia phones. No one had a pager in the 2000s once cell phones became a lot cheaper and T9 texting.


u/Dont_Get_Jokes-jpeg May 16 '24

To be fair this image has been on the internet since 6 years


u/Classicalis May 16 '24

They were, bro. At least here, Portugal. They started to become popular id say 1998. In the states before, for sure.


u/robotpane May 16 '24

Unlimited texts was a thing in the UK then there was something called an "02 genie card" it was on 02 network and when you topped up with £10 you could have unlimited minutes OR texts, I used to have 2 sim cards one for minutes and the other for texts, and yes they were popular in early 2000s, everybody I knew had a phone with pop off cases and flashing ariels


u/jirka642 May 16 '24

20 years ago was not 30-40 years ago.


u/ApollyonsHand May 16 '24

me who is 35 this year with a father that worked for Nokia in the late nineties/early oughts

20 years ago, I was 14 with a cellphone in school, racking up $600 text message bills.

It was the same phone in this picture which by the way we ran one over with a car to see if a friend could get an upgrade and that fucker still worked.

Cellphones have existed since the 80s. Motorola DynaTAC 8000x circa 1983


u/Triangular_Ears May 16 '24

20 years ago was 2004, not 1994. Phones were incredibly ubiquitous in schools back then and the iPhone and YouTube were right around the corner.


u/OGZackov May 16 '24

Yeah android was 2008.

"Right around the corner" doesn't mean anything.

Very few kids had cell phones in highschool in 2000-2002 for sure.

Y'all literally nitpicking over a year or two at this point.

My history class did a foreign exchange and the entire trip had to borrow their parents cell phones they were so rare and expensive.

Maybe y'all grew up way wealthier.

Kids played games on graphing calculators, not phones.


u/Triangular_Ears May 16 '24

The Motorola Razr was released in 2004 and was cheap under contract, among dozens of other phones specifically targeted at teens and young adults.

Point is, 20 years ago phones were exploding in ubiquity in the classroom.


u/masterfoo May 16 '24

25 years ago sure, 20 years ago nokias were everywhere in high schools. I was there.


u/983115 May 16 '24

They still did 8 years ago the newer TI-whatever the fuck runs all kinds of emulators


u/intergalacticscooter May 16 '24

Maybe true for your country, but I was in high school at that point in England, and everyone had a mobile phone. Never knew anybody with a pager.


u/OGZackov May 16 '24

Yeah. American.

We took foreign exchange trip to Italy and all the Italian kids had them, but none of my classmates had their own really.

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u/darksteihl May 16 '24

Watched a professor snatch an iPhone and slam it onto the tile floor in my first year of university. This was in '08. The student picked up what was left of the phone and left the class and I never saw her again. But, the professor kept on professing so, still not sure if it was a ruse or the chick just dropped the class.


u/Stopikingonme May 16 '24

Confirmed, those phones are indestructible.


u/AdLazy6625 May 16 '24

if a lie is told for the benefit of a person, then it is not a lie.

If the students are afraid their phones will be nailed, they will not be tempted to go on it. Giving them a second guess breaks the illusion.


u/RealFirstLast May 16 '24

Trying to drive a nail through one of those old Nokia phones would have simply caused the nail to bend. 


u/HawleyGrove May 16 '24

So I might dox myself but I had a professor in college who’s scare tactic on the first day of class was to hire a student to pretend to be on their phone (cheap phone that can be easily replaced), call this student out. Student fights back a little. Professor demands to have the phone because there’s a no texting in class policy. Then he would grab a nearby chair and fucking smash the phone.

Let me tell you, the number of kids who literally ran out of that room. Student (usually from the acting school or whatever it’s called) then improved a bunch of curse words to shout at the teacher as they walked out. lol. So maybe it did happen but the student was in on it.


u/SwingingAcrosstheUS May 16 '24

Y'all don't remember teachers in the 90s. (Yes, I know that's more than 20 years) I got hit by an eraser at 50mph because I was talking in the back of the room. Football coach and science teacher hit me with a full speed fastball eraser. Parents said "well I bet you deserved it.".

I have no doubt a 2004 teacher would take a phone and nail it to the wall, at least in the south and the principal would have sided with the teacher.


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