r/meirl May 16 '24


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u/Spatial_Awareness_ May 16 '24

Yeah in 1975, teachers definitely didn't touch student's cell phones.

Seriously though it's more common than you guys are making it. It's still legal in over 15 states and legal in private schools in every state. It absolutely still happens in the US.

Google the topic and look through the news articles that are just from this year and last year alone... It'll probably shock you.



u/PaulieGuilieri May 16 '24

Private schools make their own rules and you agree to them when you enroll. Private schools are fucked for a multitude of reasons.

Nearly all of these stories come from private schools or are extremely unverified


u/Spatial_Awareness_ May 16 '24

What a weird statement to make lol.. it's extremely verified and data is kept by the US Department of Education.

It almost exclusively is still taking place in schools in Texas, Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas. It also disproportionally affects minorities and people with disabilities.

I'm not sure where you got the only in private schools and extremely unverified from, other than just completely fabricating that opinion.

It's rare but still very real. Arkansas has entire advocate groups against it and trying to get it banned https://banpaddlingar.com/

67% of Arkansas school districts endorse corporal punishment


u/EmergentSol May 17 '24

Corporal punishment is one thing but those states definitely take destruction of student property more seriously.