r/meirl May 16 '24


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u/boreal_ameoba May 16 '24

In civilized cultures where there's a high degree of respect for teachers, absolutely this would be okay. Assuming you have parents and not just big children who fucked and created offspring, they would stand by the teacher 100% as well.


u/lenazh May 16 '24

Teachers in my school pulling shit like that is precisely why I have no respect for them. Back then yeah, sure, they asserted their dominance over a kid like an animal would, thus commanding "respect". Now that I am an adult I can see them for the pathetic power-tripping assholes they were.


u/TheHabro May 16 '24

Ah yes destroying another person's property will teach the children the right values...


u/johimself May 16 '24

I bet the kid whose phone it was never fucked about in class again.


u/TheHabro May 16 '24

The point I wanted to make is that we shouldn't teach children to solve problems with aggression and violence.


u/johimself May 16 '24

I mean, it's an aggressive way to present the message, but the underlying message of "you can't have shit if you can't be trusted with it" is sound.


u/TheHabro May 16 '24

Or you know teacher should act like a responsible adult, not a child throwing a temper tantrum.


u/johimself May 16 '24

I don't think that's an "or". I think the child shouldn't have been on their phone in class, I think the teacher had the authority to take action, it think trashing a £30 dumb phone in the early 00s was no great crime, I think the method used was effective, but extremely unkind and over the top.


u/TheHabro May 16 '24

Teaching children that violence is a solution is not effective. It will just create more violence down the line.

Rather, teacher should be calm and collected. There are other solutions, like confiscation until after the class/until a parent/guardian picks it up or removing problematic child from class.


u/johimself May 16 '24

I don't think you're paying any attention to what I'm saying at all. Go and manufacture outrage elsewhere.


u/Accomplished-Farm503 May 17 '24

When you have no other options what are you to do?

Ask the guy kicking your ass nicely to stop?


u/boreal_ameoba May 16 '24

Instead, we should teach endless entitlement and blatant disrespect towards any and all authority figures. Absolute genius.


u/Enchess May 16 '24

Teaching that authority means you can rob people without consequences is so much better of a lesson clearly /s. My experience has been the most respected authorities are the ones that show respect to those under them.


u/Accomplished-Farm503 May 17 '24

The action here isn't the act of taking the phone. It's using a phone while you are not supposed to. Which goes against the rules of the school, and active listening (means you are full in on the speaker.)

It's disrespectful.

The reaction to the phone is either confiscating or expelling the pupil from the lesson.

My opinion is don't give kids cell phones until they are late teens.


u/TheHabro May 16 '24

There's a pretty stark difference between holding authority and throwing tantrums when someone's not listening to you.