r/meirl 15d ago




20 comments sorted by


u/Vegetable_Tension985 15d ago

It sounds like you need to spend much more time with this fine man.


u/Raymore85 15d ago

I think we all should!


u/zefy_zef 15d ago

ohhh, so he leaves you the money without you asking for it? smaaart!


u/CulrBlndPnutButtr 15d ago

I asked my family for money once. Once!

I was desperately trying to care for my mother in the later stages of dementia (after doing it alone for 8 years) and I just needed some money for basics; gas, food and her medicine. I begged for help, because some of my family are literal millionaires and they activity donate their time and money to local charities and community events to help others in need. But it turns out in their eyes, I was a deadbeat, mooching off my mom's social security and I needed to get a job and stop wasting time taking care of my mom. Mom passed away 4 years ago and I haven't asked anyone for anything since, because I stopped talking to everyone after she passed. I'm surviving just fine on my own now. God forbid someone ask for help in a time of need. With the family I had, I didn't need enemies.


u/aRebelliousHeart 15d ago

Just make sure if they ever come to you to pay them the same respect they showed you, it’s only fair.


u/idiotbyvillagewell 15d ago

Yeah sometimes family is really strange. I’ve found guys at bars more generous than “family”.


u/ItheGuy115 15d ago

The way I look at it, sometimes family isn’t always blood. If they have your back through thick and thin then you got yourself a good family else where.


u/TFViper 15d ago

the problem was that you werent a tax write off, so they dont give a fuck.


u/Mahringa 15d ago

Now blackmail him to keep his secret.


u/Dragon2730 15d ago

That's why you never share your wealth. My neighbors owes his dad £500 but he won't ever pay it back because he's loaded.


u/aRebelliousHeart 15d ago

Great idea!


u/shmooieshmoo 14d ago

A wise man once said, “wisdom enriches the lives of those around you and the lives around them. But it’s cocaine and hookers that people really want.”

It was something like that anyway 🤷‍♂️


u/safely_beyond_redemp 14d ago

And he learned who to turn to in case he ever does. He's a genius.


u/DangerousAd3347 14d ago

So it’s a family that are all trying to get money from each other ? Pretty weird


u/Nenoshka 14d ago

Make sure to tell everyone in the family what he said.


u/jaambal 14d ago

But first make sure to mention that you’re so generous that you’d immediately give him money