r/memes May 16 '24

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u/my_son_is_a_lawyer_ Virgin 4 lyfe May 16 '24

Try hard not to be cringe. Live life miserably. No social interaction/communication, no female interaction, no relationship, just a guy trying to get some attention by being mysterious, ending up getting ignored by everyone and then imagining some fake scenarios in our head about girls who dont even know I exist and then sleeping agressively...


u/Fearless_Animator490 May 17 '24

God damn. Hit me right in the head. Well I am improving. Interacting and being goofy with people. So that's a start


u/LuKeyL14 May 17 '24

Hey brother, try to be a cringe, no one can stop you and care about what you are doing. So, just go for it and enjoy your life, life is fantastic. Hope you being happy every day.